Ranking the Top 10 High-Paying Tech Jobs in San Diego in 2024

By Samantha Anderson

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

Illustrative image listing down top10 tech jobs

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San Diego's tech industry is booming, set to reach $10.6 billion by 2024. Top high-paying tech jobs include Software Engineers, Machine Learning Engineers, Data Scientists, Cloud Architects, and IT Managers. Job growth at 10%, with IT Managers earning $130,000 and Software Engineers around $109,408. Tech roles are lucrative and in-demand.

San Diego's tech scene is blowing up! Experts say there's gonna be a ton of high-paying tech jobs by 2024. Realtor.com's data shows cities like San Diego with a lot of techies are seeing home prices go up, which means more wealthy people are moving in.

They're also expecting the smart eyewear market to hit $10.6 billion by 2024, and San Diego's tech companies are leading the way.

Cybersecurity, biotech, and software development are all booming here, creating way more jobs than other industries.

  • Economic Impact: Tech is pumping over $33 billion into San Diego's economy.
  • Job Growth: They're predicting a 10% jump in tech jobs by 2024.
  • High Demand Roles: Software Engineers and Cloud Architects are in high demand, thanks to San Diego's focus on cloud computing and software.

San Diego's tech world is on fire, with over $2 billion in investments last year alone.

The city's top universities are churning out talented grads to fuel this growth. With all these exciting developments, we've put together a list of some of the highest-paying tech jobs in San Diego, so you can ride this tech wave to success.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology
  • Software Engineers
  • Machine Learning Engineers
  • Data Scientists
  • Cloud Architects
  • IT Managers
  • DevOps Engineers
  • Cybersecurity Analysts
  • Full-Stack Developers
  • UX Designers
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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We've got the scoop on the hottest tech jobs in San Diego that'll have you rolling in dough by 2024. To make this list, we did some serious digging – crunching numbers, checking job sites, and consulting the experts.

Here's how we broke it down:

  • Median annual salary: The middle-ground yearly paycheck – a solid way to gauge your earning potential.
  • Employment growth projections: How many of these gigs are expected to pop up? More demand = more $$$ opportunities.
  • Job posting frequency: We checked the major job boards to see which roles are in high demand right now.
  • Skills and experience requirements: What kind of skills and know-how do employers want? The more technical, the higher the pay.

With all this data, we ranked each job using a points system.

Higher salaries and growth potential scored more points, giving us a balanced list of the highest-paying tech roles with lasting career prospects. As one industry pro put it,

"It's not just about the money – you want a career with room to grow and learn new skills."

Our ranking combines solid paychecks with strong job outlooks, giving you the inside scoop on San Diego's tech scene.

We even consulted reports from CompTIA and Skillcrush to back up our findings.

With the tech industry booming in sunny SD, now's the time to cash in on these high-paying gigs.

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Software Engineers


Let me break it down for you about these Software Engineers in SD. This is fire! According to this guide, the average salary for a seasoned software developer is $109,408.

That's some serious cash! And if you're a boss at companies like Qualcomm, you could be raking in $155,709 as a senior software engineer.

Straight up ballin' if you know your Python, Java, SQL, and JavaScript game.

But hold up, the California Labor Code has some rules too.

From 2024, if you're a computer software worker, you won't be getting overtime pay unless you're making at least $115,763.35 per year. That's how they keep up with the cost of living in this state.

Companies like Qualcomm, Intuit, and Teradata are always on the hunt for fresh talent.

With the 25% growth expected for software developer jobs by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, San Diego is the place to be.

This city is becoming like a mini Silicon Valley, attracting all the tech hotshots and high-paying gigs.

If you want to stay on top of your game, you gotta keep grinding and staying ahead of the curve with the latest tech.

It's a constant hustle, but that's what keeps you ballin' in this market. Keep pushing, keep learning, and keep innovating, and San Diego's tech scene will be your oyster!

Machine Learning Engineers


San Diego's tech scene in 2024 is straight fire, especially for all you Machine Learning Engineers (MLEs). These guys are the real OGs, coding computers to do tasks without being told how, and driving the whole data integration and prediction game.

It's like they're the conductors of this innovation train, ya dig? And let me tell you, they're raking in some serious dough. We're talking an average entry-level salary of $109,599 in Cali for these MLE ballers.

They're the ones making predictive analytics happen with their mad skills in handling massive datasets, which is crucial for industries from biotech to finance.

These MLEs are the cornerstones of San Diego's diverse tech ecosystem, no cap.

The demand for MLEs is skyrocketing, with experts predicting a 36% increase in the next decade for the AI field, according to the University of San Diego AI & Machine Learning Bootcamp.

These MLE pros are raking in the big bucks because they've got the skills to pay the bills, like coding in Python, handling massive datasets, and creating algorithms for automated decision-making.

It's like they're the maestros of the machine learning symphony.

Real talk, MLEs' paychecks reflect not just their mad skills but also the market's thirst for their expertise.

Local job trends, fueled by programs like the Deep Learning Engineer course, show a steady stream of qualified MLEs ready to join the workforce.

Industries like healthcare analytics, defense and aerospace, and e-commerce platforms are all vying for these tech wizards. One recruitment specialist put it like this:

"MLEs are crucial for companies that prioritize data-driven decision-making, innovation, and staying ahead of the tech game."

That's how you know they're the real MVPs, earning that top-tier tech money.

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Data Scientists


The tech scene in San Diego is all about those Data Scientists right now. These whiz kids turn raw data into straight-up business gold, like some kinda data wizards.

In 2024, Data Scientists in SD are like the hottest commodities on the job market. Their skills range from mining complex data to building predictive models and implementing machine learning techniques to help companies make smart moves.

Now, let's talk cash money.

The average salary for Data Scientists in this city can vary from $103K to $143K base pay, with potential extras of up to $36K per year. They're commanding top dollar for their high-impact roles.

Companies like Minerva Analytics at Amazon are even hiring Jr. Data Scientists, and places like UC San Diego's Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute are all about that data life.

San Diego is thirsty for data pros, no doubt.

The industries going ham for Data Scientists in 2024 include Biotech, where analytics drive mad innovation, and Defense, where data is the backbone of cutting-edge tech.

These sectors offer fat paychecks and dope benefits packages, 'cause data-driven decisions are a big deal in those fields.

Here's the real kicker - San Diego's tech industry is projected to grow by a whopping 22% up to 2024.

This city is a startup and big biz hub that lives and breathes data analytics to stay on top. Data Scientists bring mad skills to the table, like coding in Python, statistical analysis, machine learning, and data viz tools.

That kinda expertise is rare and in crazy demand.

Glassdoor's salary research shows that there aren't enough Data Scientists to go around in SD, so companies are bidding up the salaries like crazy.

As one big shot put it, "The right data is the looking glass into any biz's future." That's how valuable data expertise is. With the high demand, fat paychecks, and major influence on company success, Data Scientists are straight-up ballers in San Diego's tech job game in 2024.

Cloud Architects


So you know how everyone's been going crazy about cloud computing lately? Well, turns out the people who design and build those cloud setups are raking in some serious cash in San Diego.

We're talking an average of $140,000 per year in 2024.

These Cloud Architects are like the masterminds behind the whole cloud infrastructure thing that companies need to be agile and efficient.

And with the pandemic forcing everyone to go digital, their skills are in high demand. San Diego is expected to see a ton of job openings for roles like this, with a surge in cloud computing gigs that require robust cloud solutions and seamless migrations.

  • Designing scalable, secure cloud environments: They're the ones who build the foundation for companies to be flexible and adapt quickly.
  • Ensuring business needs are met: It's their job to make sure the cloud solutions they create align with what the company actually needs.
  • Orchestrating and optimizing cloud migrations: Moving a company's operations to the cloud is no joke, and these guys are the ones who make it happen smoothly.
  • Facilitating collaboration: They also help different teams within the tech ecosystem work together seamlessly.

So why do they get paid so much? Well, for starters, they have to master some serious technical complexity.

But more importantly, they add a ton of value to a company's operations. With San Diego being a hub for tech startups and big players, there's fierce competition for skilled Cloud Architects, which drives up their salaries.

And certifications like AWS Solutions Architecture are becoming more common, giving these pros even more leverage to demand higher pay.

The local tech leaders in San Diego can't stress enough how crucial these Cloud Architects are.

They're the ones who not only master the technology but also make sure it aligns with the company's goals. They're like the modern-day strategic masterminds, and their salary packages reflect that.

In this booming job market, their skills aren't just about operational excellence – they're also about agility and future-proofing the company's digital strategy.

They're at the top of the food chain when it comes to tech salaries in San Diego.

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IT Managers


In the booming tech world of San Diego, IT Managers are like the ultimate bosses, raking in an insane average salary of around $130,000 in 2024.

These tech whizzes are the ones calling the shots, overseeing all the crucial tech operations within companies. They're the masterminds behind the company's tech strategy, and their moves can seriously affect the bottom line and efficiency.

  • Strategic planning for the company's tech future, making sure it aligns with the big-picture goals
  • Supervising and directing all the tech projects, keeping things on track
  • Managing a team of tech professionals, ensuring the department runs smoothly
  • Security lockdown on data, network access, and backup systems
  • Communication with the bigwigs and stakeholders, keeping everyone in the loop

With all these responsibilities, IT Managers are among the top earners in San Diego's tech scene.

And with the minimum wage in San Diego set to hit $16.85 per hour in 2024, the value of these high-skilled IT Manager positions is even more apparent. The wage growth shows that San Diego is serious about keeping the job market competitive and valuing skilled labor.

According to the 2024 Salary Guide by Robert Half, companies need to stay on top of their game to attract talent, as they might struggle to offer salaries that match the rising cost of living and market demands.

This means that IT leadership skills will continue to be in high demand and fetch top-dollar in the tech community.

The top-paying tech careers in San Diego in 2024 reflect the region's focus on cutting-edge technology and the growing need for effective IT leadership.

With California's economic shifts, including the minimum wage hike to $16 per hour, IT Managers' roles become even more crucial in navigating complex financial landscapes and keeping companies ahead of the game.

Their pay reflects the complex challenges they face, like cybersecurity threats, data management, and integrating new technologies. As companies continue to invest in robust tech infrastructures, the value of IT Managers will likely stay sky-high or even soar higher, cementing their spot among the highest-paid tech professionals in San Diego.

DevOps Engineers


According to this Reddit thread, these tech wizards are earning some serious dough, with average salaries ranging from $120,000 to $276,000 across the U.S. Even entry-level gigs in San Diego are paying around $90,000, as per University of San Diego.

Talk about a sweet deal, right?

  • Companies need these DevOps ninjas to bridge the gap between dev and ops teams, crucial for smooth workflows.
  • Their code deployment skills automate processes, leading to major efficiency gains.
  • And let's not forget their system monitoring prowess, critical for keeping things running smoothly.

According to Lightcast, DevOps skills are expected to grow by a whopping 38% in the next decade.

These DevOps legends are the

beating heart that keeps software development agile, secure, and continuously improving

, managing infrastructure, automating pipelines, and keeping CI/CD practices on point.

Companies with solid DevOps strategies see faster deployments, shorter lead times, and fewer failed changes – all thanks to these tech rockstars.

They're raking in the big bucks in San Diego's tech scene, cementing their status as top earners in 2024.

Cybersecurity Analysts


Cybersecurity Analysts in San Diego are like the rockstars of the tech world, raking in some serious cash. These badass professionals are the ones keeping our digital lives safe from all those pesky cyber threats, and they're not playing around.

With their elite skills in network monitoring and intrusion detection, they're constantly on the grind, keeping a watchful eye over our systems.

Entry-level positions in San Diego were earning around $95,961 per year or $46.14 an hour as of December 2023.

That's some serious bank! And if you're a seasoned vet, you could be looking at over $111,590 annually. San Diego's bustling tech scene, with its biotech, defense, and startup hotspots, are all clamoring for these cyber-warriors to fortify their defenses.

But why are these Cybersecurity Analysts getting paid like royalty?

  • Cybersecurity market growth: San Diego's cybersecurity market is booming, with analyst jobs expected to grow by a whopping 33% through 2031. The world's getting riskier, and these pros are in high demand.
  • Defense sector: San Diego's a hub for military and defense contractors, and they need top-notch cybersecurity to protect their assets. That means big bucks for the analysts keeping them safe.
  • Healthcare and biotech: These industries rely heavily on digital tech, so they need serious cyber protection for all that sensitive data. That's where our analysts come in and cash out.

Industry experts like Robert Half are emphasizing the importance of staying ahead of the curve when it comes to hiring and compensation trends.

These Cybersecurity Analysts are the real MVPs, securing and analyzing systems like it's nobody's business. With their skills and the rising demand, they're sitting pretty at the top of the tech earnings game in San Diego.

If you're looking for a lucrative career that's absolutely crucial, this is the path to take. Just be prepared to hustle and earn that serious dough!

Full-Stack Developers


Full-stack Developers are straight up ballers in the San Diego tech scene for '24, constantly leveling up their skills in building dope apps from front to back.

With average salaries hitting $143,011 per year, their gigs – covering everything from slick user interfaces to heavy-duty databases – make them top earners in the tech game.

This wide skill set makes them a must-have for tech companies and justifies the fat paychecks that leave other roles in the dust.

Their versatility and ability to lead projects without needing a ton of outside help is crucial as businesses want that flexibility.

In San Diego, the job market for Full-stack Devs is expected to blow up, fueled by startups and established firms trying to innovate. Job listings in San Diego reflect this growth, with openings like Entry Level Full Stack Developer, and salaries adjusted for the high cost of living.

"Full-stack Devs are the MVPs driving the tech revolution in San Diego," says a leading local tech recruiter, recognizing their rising importance as integrated tech solutions become the new norm.

Their mastery of front-end and back-end skills cements their status as top tech pros, ensuring that as we cruise through '24, they'll stay in high demand in this ever-changing game.

UX Designers


The UX scene in San Diego is off the charts. These designers ain't just playing around with pretty pictures - they're shaping the future of how we interact with tech.

It's more than just design, it's merging creativity with strategy to create dope user experiences. And with the demand for skilled UX designers skyrocketing, the paychecks are reflecting their impact on product development and customer engagement.

As of 2024, UX Designers in San Diego can expect an average salary between $85,000 to $120,000, with some interns raking in $30 to $44 per hour.

That's some serious cheddar, proving this field is no joke.

  • Innovative Experience Creation: It's all about crafting mind-blowing, immersive user experiences.
  • Product Success Driver: UX is the driving force behind the success of products.
  • Talent Recruitment Competition: Companies are in a fierce battle to snag the top UX talent.

Big dogs like PlayStation, known for their killer interactive and digital entertainment products, are hiring UX designers left and right.

Even companies like Nissan and Tesla are offering dope internships with fat paychecks. San Diego's startup scene is thriving alongside tech giants, making it a prime spot that values user-centric design.

This booming market in San Diego isn't just sustaining lucrative opportunities for UX pros in 2024, it's anticipating an increase.

These designers are essential to the evolution of the tech sector, from slick automotive interfaces to cutting-edge entertainment systems. They're securing their spot as top earners by expertly navigating complex user interfaces towards seamless, user-friendly products.

It's a profession where empathy meets technology for a rewarding and profitable outcome.



San Diego's tech scene is blowing up like crazy, and 2024 is gonna be lit af. With the potential for a 13.1% growth spurt in SoCal, there's a ton of dope jobs waiting to be snatched up.

Here's how you can get in on the action:

First off, you gotta embrace the grind of constantly leveling up your skills. As this one San Diego tech CEO put it, "Staying flexible and committed to learning is what makes a tech career take off." The data backs it up - folks who keep sharpening their skills can expect a fat raise.

To score those prime gigs, try these moves:

  • Industry-relevant education: Stay on top of programs like Nucamp Coding Bootcamp that match what employers want.
  • Mentorship: Tap into the expertise of industry vets to navigate career paths.
  • Networking events: Spots like Cleantech San Diego can be clutch for making moves in your tech journey.

Speaking of coding bootcamps and tech education hubs, they're key to not just leveling up your skills but also plugging you into a community loaded with job opps.

Nucamp Coding Bootcamp in particular has an insane success rate, with most grads landing tech jobs soon after finishing. The hottest learning paths to match San Diego's job market include skills like:

  1. Full-Stack Development: A track that covers multiple layers of software development.
  2. Cloud Computing: A super in-demand skillset for managing data and infrastructure.
  3. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Cutting-edge tech that's shaping the future of innovation.

Bottom line, San Diego's tech industry is teeming with fire careers and crazy growth potential.

But the real key to unlocking these opps is an unshakable commitment to skill development and never stopping the grind—the secret sauce to thriving in the ever-changing tech world.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are some of the high-paying tech jobs in San Diego in 2024?

Some of the top high-paying tech jobs in San Diego in 2024 include Software Engineers, Machine Learning Engineers, Data Scientists, Cloud Architects, and IT Managers.

What is the projected job growth rate for the tech sector in San Diego by 2024?

Employment within the tech sector in San Diego is anticipated to ascend by 10% by 2024, reaffirming its role as a pivotal employment catalyst.

What is the average salary range for IT Managers in San Diego in 2024?

IT Managers in San Diego can command an impressive average salary of approximately $130,000 in 2024, showcasing the value placed on skilled IT leadership.

What factors contribute to the demand for Cloud Architects in the San Diego tech market?

Cloud Architects are in high demand in San Diego due to their expertise in designing scalable and secure cloud environments, ensuring business needs are met, orchestrating and optimizing cloud migrations, and facilitating collaboration between various tech teams.

Why are Data Scientists considered crucial in the tech industry in San Diego in 2024?

Data Scientists play a pivotal role in turning raw data into strategic insights driving business innovation and efficiency. Their high demand is fueled by the city's booming tech sector, where analytics are driving rapid innovation in industries like Biotechnology and Defense.

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Samantha Anderson

Marketing Manager

Part Illustrator, part Graphic Designer, and part Digital Marketer—with a sprinkle of sales savvy and a dash of empathy. I'm all about using my creativity to craft captivating stories through both illustration and writing. When I'm not at my computer, you'll find me drawing nature inspired patterns and portraits on my other favorite screen: my iPad. To keep myself inspired (and to get away from my slight tech addiction) I garden, golf, and go on nature walks with my dog and cat leading the way.