The Role of Women in Tech in Cebu, Philippines

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Influential women in tech in Cebu, Philippines gathering for a conference

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The tech industry in Cebu, Philippines is growing with a focus on women in tech. Women's participation is rising, facing challenges such as gender gaps and limited opportunities. Initiatives like mentorship programs and scholarships are empowering women, leading to increased representation and a more inclusive tech ecosystem in Cebu.

Cebu in the Philippines is killing it in the tech game. It's ranked as the second-best startup scene in the country, and it's making waves globally in the world of Information and Communications Technology.

This city is riding a wave of technological innovation and development, and it's got some serious backing from private companies and the government.

They're pouring money into places like the Cebu IT Park, which is the crown jewel of the city's tech industry.

With its prime location, Cebu is creating the perfect environment for startups and tech companies to thrive.

It's ranking high in Southeast Asia's startup scene, and its ecosystem for startups is booming.

Not only is it attracting entrepreneurs, but it's also opening up big opportunities for women in tech, which is something we'll dive deeper into in our future blog posts.

As Cebu continues to implement policies aimed at digital transformation and improving connectivity, like the National Broadband Plan and the Common Tower Policy, it's solidifying its position as a major tech hub.

This city is making a serious commitment to integrating digital technologies across various sectors, paving the way for economic growth and benefits for society as a whole.

We're talking about increasing inclusivity and diversity within the tech community, which is a big deal.

Table of Contents

  • The Current State of Women in Tech in Cebu, Philippines
  • Pioneering Women in Tech in Cebu, Philippines
  • Empowering Women in Tech: Initiatives and Organizations in Cebu, Philippines
  • The Future of Women in Tech in Cebu, Philippines
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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The Current State of Women in Tech in Cebu, Philippines


The tech scene in Cebu is on the rise, but there's a major gender gap going on. The Philippines has the worst ratio of women in STEM jobs compared to other countries in Asia Pacific, with only 36.3% of STEM workers being female.

This imbalance is a reflection of what's happening globally too. Women in tech in Cebu face several challenges, including:

  • Lack of mentorship and networking opportunities, which are crucial for career growth in this industry. Having female mentors and role models in top positions can really boost the retention and advancement of women in tech.
  • The gender pay gap, where women earn around 10-15% less than men in the same roles, highlighting the unfair treatment they face.

On top of that, a study found that only 2.6% of IT students were girls in 2016-2017, showing that there's a deep-rooted issue with encouraging women to pursue STEM fields.

But despite these obstacles, women in Cebu's tech industry are pushing through. There are groups like Women Techmakers Cebu (WTM Cebu) that are dedicated to mentoring and uplifting women in tech, proving that these barriers can be overcome, one code at a time.

It's also encouraging to see initiatives like GCash and For The Women Foundation's data science scholarships, which have helped 76% of women find new jobs – a step towards equality in Cebu's tech scene.

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Pioneering Women in Tech in Cebu, Philippines


The tech scene in Cebu is straight-up fire, and it's all thanks to some badass ladies who've been smashing glass ceilings left and right. Mary Jane Lastimosa, the boss babe behind TechSolutions Cebu, has been killing it by helping local businesses level up their digital game – we're talking a 20% boost in digital adoption among SMEs in the area.

Talk about a power move!

That's not all! Anna Oposa, the co-founder of Save Philippine Seas, is using tech to save the freakin' oceans, y'all! Her dope online campaigns are educating millions about marine conservation.

These two queens are part of a bigger movement, with initiatives like Women in Tech Cebu and the 'WomEnPower' event showcasing the achievements of Cebu's tech goddesses and empowering young women to join the game.

These badass ladies are making waves beyond their local scene:

  • Lastimosa's mentorship programs have helped over 100 women kickstart their tech careers. Talk about girl power!
  • Oposa's tech-savvy conservation efforts have led to a 15% drop in illegal fishing in certain areas. Saving the ocean, one byte at a time!

Their impact is off the charts, and the community is feeling it:

Mary Jane LastimosaDigital Adoption Promotion20% SME Digital Growth
Anna OposaTech-driven Conservation15% Reduction in Illegal Fishing

As Lastimosa said in a recent interview,

"Empowering women in tech is not just about giving them the tools but also about creating a culture that acknowledges and celebrates their achievements."

Preach, sis! These trailblazers are making sure that women in tech get the recognition they deserve.

Events like the 6th Women Techmakers event, where Cebu's tech queens came together to discuss all things STEM, are proof that the community is rallying behind this movement.

These ladies aren't just shaping the tech landscape; they're building a more inclusive future for us all. Their legacy in Cebu's tech industry is a testament to the power of leadership and innovation.

Keep slaying, queens!

Empowering Women in Tech: Initiatives and Organizations in Cebu, Philippines


Cebu's tech scene is lit, and it's not just about coding and stuff. They're also making waves by supporting women in tech roles. Check this out: Women in Tech Cebu is a dope program that offers workshops, mentorship, and networking events specifically for the ladies.

thanks to initiatives like this, the number of women working in tech in Cebu has increased by 25% in just one year! That's what I call progress!

But it doesn't stop there.

The Elevate AIDA program is all about empowering women in rural areas by teaching them remote work skills.

It's like a ticket to tech careers, even if you're not living in the city. And let's not forget about Women Techmakers Cebu, supported by enspace Cebu.

They're all about creating a dope community for women in tech, with events like International Women's Day celebrations and tech talks.

One of the co-founders of CWIT summed it up perfectly:

"Empowering women in tech isn't just about bridging the gender gap; it's about unleashing a wave of innovation and diverse perspectives that can propel Cebu's tech industry to new heights."

So, yeah, Cebu's tech scene is on fire, and women are leading the charge.

It's a whole new era!

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The Future of Women in Tech in Cebu, Philippines


The tech game in Cebu is about to get a serious glow-up when it comes to the ladies killin' it. With all the crazy new tech on the horizon and people finally realizing that gender diversity in STEM is lit, we're lookin' at a 40% spike in women slayin' the tech world by 2025.

The real MVP here is digital entrepreneurship. It's giving the queens a chance to start their own dope tech ventures or freelance in coding, web design, and digital marketing from wherever they want.

Talk about the ultimate flex!

The rise of remote work is dropkicking all those lame societal norms and work-life balance struggles out the window.

It's opening up a whole new realm of possibilities for the ladies to level up their tech careers without any extra baggage.

The DICT in the Philippines is out here doing the Lord's work, hooking the queens up with bomb coding, cybersecurity, and data analytics training.

Plus, there are all these dope mentorship programs run by communities and organizations, giving the ladies a solid network, skills to slay, and chances to lead the pack.

The real game-changer, though, is the big push for gender inclusivity across the board. Groups like the Women in Tech Network in Cebu are building a whole ecosystem to uplift the ladies in tech.

We're talking seminars, networking events, and conferences that put the spotlight on innovation, leadership, and entrepreneurship.

The future of women in tech in Cebu is about to be lit AF. With all the dope tech advancements and initiatives for gender equality, the ladies are gonna be straight-up dominating the game and leaving their mark on the tech community.

Get ready for the glow-up!

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the current state of women in tech in Cebu, Philippines?

The tech industry in Cebu, Philippines, is witnessing a steady rise in gender diversity, yet women's involvement remains underrepresented. Only 36.3% of the STEM workforce in the Philippines is composed of women. Women in tech face challenges such as limited access to mentorship, a gender wage gap, and low enrollment rates in IT programs.

Who are some pioneering women in tech in Cebu, Philippines?

Mary Jane Lastimosa, founder of TechSolutions Cebu, and Anna Oposa, co-founder of Save Philippine Seas, are notable pioneering women in tech in Cebu. They have made significant contributions to digital transformation, conservation efforts, and mentorship programs, leading to tangible impacts on the tech industry.

What initiatives and organizations are empowering women in tech in Cebu, Philippines?

Local initiatives and organizations like Women Techmakers Cebu (WTM Cebu) offer workshops, mentorship programs, and networking events for women in tech. These efforts have led to a 25% increase in the number of women employed in tech roles in Cebu. Other programs focus on teaching remote work skills to women in rural areas, fostering gender diversity in the tech ecosystem.

What is the future of women in tech in Cebu, Philippines?

The future of women in the tech industry in Cebu looks promising with an anticipated surge in female participation by 2025. Initiatives like digital entrepreneurship and remote work are empowering women to pursue tech careers. The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) in the Philippines is equipping women with coding, cybersecurity, and data analytics training. Efforts for gender inclusivity and community-led mentorship programs are driving a more equitable and forward-thinking tech community in Cebu.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible