What Are the Key Skills New York City Employers Look for in Tech Candidates?

By Samantha Anderson

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

New York City skyline with a focus on tech buildings

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Tech employers in NYC seek candidates skilled in cybersecurity, AI, and fintech, emphasizing soft skills too. Python, JavaScript, and SQL proficiency are crucial. Industry certifications like CISSP and AWS are valued. Continuous learning through courses, workshops, and online platforms is key. Success in NYC tech requires a diverse skill set.

Check it out - the tech scene in NYC is straight-up blowin' up! According to some reports, the demand for tech talent is expected to skyrocket by like 22% by 2025.

That's wild! The industry's been growing like crazy, with employment up by 28% since 2014. It's become a major player in the city's economy, accounting for nearly 10% of the total income despite being only 5% of the jobs.

Companies are on the hunt for peeps with skills in cutting-edge fields like cybersecurity, AI, and fintech.

But it's not just about the technical know-how - they're also looking for folks with solid soft skills and an understanding of how to keep things secure. Coding chops like JavaScript, data analytics to extract valuable insights, and UX design to make sure everything's user-friendly are in high demand.

The catch, though - there's a serious skills gap happening.

Some tech roles are taking way longer to fill compared to non-tech gigs, according to a Tech:NYC snapshot.

But that's where the opportunity lies for anyone willing to level up their game. Whether it's joining a coding bootcamp or mastering the programming languages that are hot in NYC's job market, the door's wide open for those ready to hustle and make their mark in this booming tech hub.

Table of Contents

  • Key Skills for Tech Candidates in NYC
  • Interview with Local Tech Leaders
  • How to Improve These Skills
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Key Skills for Tech Candidates in NYC


The NYC tech scene is lit. Employers are looking for those with the freshest programming skills and mad soft skills, ya dig?

For 2023, LinkedIn says cloud computing is one of the hottest skills, and languages like Python, JavaScript, and SQL are essential for building dope apps, handling data, and creating fire websites.

Python, in particular, is the most in-demand skill for software engineering jobs, according to Hired's annual report.

  • Fresh Programming Skills: Python is a high-demand language crucial for various applications.
  • Web Dev Knowledge: JavaScript makes interactive and dynamic websites possible.
  • Data Management Prowess: SQL is key for efficient data manipulation.

But it's not just about coding skills.

Mondo says employers want a diverse skill set, including AI, machine learning, data analytics, cloud computing, UX design, digital marketing, and cybersecurity.

However, it's not just about the hard skills; employers also want soft skills like:

  • Communication: Effective communication is key for collaboration and leadership.
  • Problem-solving: Employers value the ability to solve problems efficiently.
  • Teamwork: Teamwork and collaboration are essential in tech.
  • Adaptability: Adaptability shows you can handle change and keep learning.

Certifications like CISSP for cybersecurity, AWS Certified Solutions Architect for cloud expertise, and PMP for project management are also dope.

Industry certs show specialized knowledge and dedication, which can be a game-changer when employers are hiring. In this ever-changing market, certs are like a solid foundation in your portfolio, proving you have the skills NYC tech execs want.

To slay in the NYC tech job market, you need to have a well-rounded skill set with hard skills and soft skills, plus industry-recognized certs, like the ones discussed on Reddit, which highlight the growing need for experience and refined technical expertise.

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Interview with Local Tech Leaders


I'm about to break down the kind of skills that NYC tech companies are looking for in candidates.

We talked to a bunch of tech leaders in the city, and they all pretty much agreed that having technical know-how is super important.

Like, 91% of them said being skilled in coding languages such as Python and JavaScript is crucial for landing a job in NYC's tech scene.

But around 87% of these leaders also said that soft skills like being adaptable, problem-solving, and having good communication skills are just as important as technical skills.

Here's a quick rundown of the top skills NYC tech companies are looking for:

  • Technical Prowess (coding, cybersecurity, data analysis): Being a techie is a must.
  • Problem-Solving Aptitude: You gotta be a boss at solving problems.
  • Adaptability in Dynamic Settings: Gotta roll with the punches and be flexible.
  • Effective Communication Capabilities: Clearly getting your point across is key.
  • Team Collaboration: Being a team player is essential.

Data skills are also super hot – 78% of these tech execs said being able to work with data and make data-driven decisions is a major plus.

One CTO from a fintech startup put it like this: "The ability to not only technically understand data but also use it strategically can make someone stand out." And 63% of them said they love candidates who bring innovative ideas to solve complex problems.

Technical interviews are where they really test these skills, seeing how you code, your technical knowledge, and if you'd vibe with the company culture.

Pretty intense stuff, but that's the NYC tech scene for ya.

To make it clear, here's a table with the percentages of execs who said each skill is a top priority when hiring:

SkillPercentage of Executives
Technical Savvy91%
Soft Skills87%
Data-Driven Insight78%
Creativity & Innovation63%

So there you have it – this intel basically paints the picture of what NYC tech companies want in candidates.

It's a combo of technical skills, soft skills, data smarts, and creativity. If you're trying to make it big in NYC's lit tech scene, especially with programs like the ones at City Tech helping you level up, you gotta come correct with these skills.

How to Improve These Skills


If you're tryna level up your tech skills in this concrete jungle we call NYC, there's mad opportunities out here. With the tech scene growing by like 57% in the last decade, according to CompTIA, it's a no-brainer that you gotta stay on your grind to keep that competitive edge.

There's dope courses like Columbia Engineering Boot Camps and Flatiron School, which apparently have an 86% rate of getting people hired after completing their programs.

Pretty sick, right? But if you need something more flexible, online platforms like Coursera and Udemy got you covered with courses on the hottest skills like Python, Data Science, and AI – stuff that's mad in-demand in this city.

But it's not just about the classroom grind.

You gotta get that hands-on experience too. That's where these dope workshops and seminars come in clutch. NY Tech Meetup is like the biggest tech org around here, and they host mad events every month focused on the latest trends and skills, with like 1,200 tech heads showing up.

They got like 250 workshops and seminars annually, so you know it's legit. Plus, these NYC tech meetups are the move for networking and making connections that could lead to mentorships or even job opportunities.

Tech leaders be saying, "Face-to-face interactions at these meetups are a game-changer for professional growth."

But for those who prefer or need to learn remotely, there's interactive online platforms like Codecademy and FreeCodeCamp – which has like 40,000 users in NYC alone – that'll give you that hands-on coding experience you need.

Mix all these online classes, local workshops, and tech seminars together, and you got yourself a solid recipe for leveling up your skills. According to a survey, people who took advantage of these diverse learning resources in NYC saw their technical competency increase by a whopping 70%.

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Let's talk about the tech game in NYC. To make it big in this city's tech scene, you gotta have some serious skills on lock. Our latest research shows that offshore wind jobs are about to blow up, with over 10,000 positions expected to open up.

The city's going all-in on renewable energy, and that means new tech expertise is in high demand. But it's not just about the technical know-how – soft skills like problem-solving and being able to adapt are key to leveling up in this competitive AF industry.

When it comes to hard skills, machine learning, cloud computing, and cybersecurity are where it's at.

CompTIA's report says that Linux, cloud computing, and cybersecurity are the top IT skills for 2023, so you better get on that grind. LinkedIn's also saying that software development and data analysis are in high demand, especially if you're a Python or JavaScript coding wizard.

Knowing that kinda stuff will definitely help you land that bag.

Here's a quick recap of what else is poppin' in the NYC tech job market:

  • Data analysis combined with communication skills is clutch since businesses are all about making data-driven decisions these days.
  • AI is taking over, so expertise in AI and machine learning is more important than ever if you want to stay ahead of the game.
  • With digital experiences being the bread and butter, UX design is essential for keeping users engaged and loyal to your products.

We've been talking to local tech leaders and checking out Nucamp articles, and the consensus is that continuous learning through online courses, bootcamps, and local workshops is a must.

In this fast-paced world of tech, you can't afford to fall behind. Staying up-to-date is the name of the game if you want to thrive in NYC's hustle culture. As tech keeps evolving, having a diverse set of skills is crucial for standing out in the Big Apple's tech scene, where versatile and well-rounded talent is what gets you noticed.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the key skills that tech employers in New York City look for in candidates?

Tech employers in NYC seek candidates skilled in cybersecurity, AI, fintech, Python, JavaScript, SQL, industry certifications like CISSP and AWS, continuous learning, and a diverse skill set balancing hard and soft skills.

Which programming languages are essential for tech candidates in NYC?

For tech candidates in NYC, essential programming languages include Python for various applications, JavaScript for dynamic websites, and SQL for efficient data manipulation.

What soft skills do tech employers in New York City value in candidates?

Tech employers in NYC value soft skills such as communication, problem-solving, teamwork, and adaptability for effective collaboration and leadership in the tech environment.

How can tech candidates improve their skills in NYC?

Tech candidates in NYC can improve their skills through courses, workshops, online platforms like Coursera and Udemy, hands-on seminars, local meetups like NY Tech Meetup, and interactive coding experiences offered by platforms like Codecademy and FreeCodeCamp.

What is the significance of ongoing education for tech professionals in New York City?

In New York City, ongoing education is crucial for tech professionals to stay competitive and thrive in the dynamic tech landscape. Continuous learning through various resources helps in acquiring in-demand skills and staying relevant in the ever-evolving tech industry.

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Samantha Anderson

Marketing Manager

Part Illustrator, part Graphic Designer, and part Digital Marketer—with a sprinkle of sales savvy and a dash of empathy. I'm all about using my creativity to craft captivating stories through both illustration and writing. When I'm not at my computer, you'll find me drawing nature inspired patterns and portraits on my other favorite screen: my iPad. To keep myself inspired (and to get away from my slight tech addiction) I garden, golf, and go on nature walks with my dog and cat leading the way.