Is It Possible to Juggle a Full-Time Job and a Coding Bootcamp in New York City?

By Samantha Anderson

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

New Yorkers studying in a coding bootcamp while managing their full-time jobs

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Successfully juggle a full-time job with a coding bootcamp in NYC by leveraging flexible schedules. Nucamp offers programs designed for working professionals, boasting a 78% completion rate for full-time workers. With strategic time management and employer communication, achieving career growth and tech proficiency is feasible.

You know how NYC's tech scene is lit, right? Lots of folks out there are wondering if they can juggle their 9-to-5 grind with a coding bootcamp. While some have quit their jobs to go all-in, others are keeping it balanced with flexible schedules.

Nucamp's Web Dev and Full Stack programs are designed to work around your busy life, ranging from 4 to 22 weeks.

  • Completion Rate on Fleek: 78% of Nucamp's crew managed to finish their bootcamp while still working full-time.
  • Flexible Learning: Part-time options with evening and weekend classes got your back.
  • Online Options, No Prob: 85% of working students crushed it with online and self-paced programs.

This setup lets you level up your career without hitting pause on that paycheck.

Companies like Spotify's Tech Fellowship are all about mentoring bootcamp grads and early-career devs. Nucamp alumni keep it real, saying structured schedules and discipline are key to winning at work and study.

It's a grind, but the payoff is major personal growth.

Table of Contents

  • Juggling Full-Time Job and Coding Bootcamp: A General Perspective
  • Coding Bootcamps in New York City: An Overview
  • Stories from New Yorkers: Success at Coding Bootcamp While Working
  • Challenges in Juggling Both: Insights from New York City Professionals
  • Tips on Balancing Coding Bootcamp and Full-Time Job in New York City
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Juggling Full-Time Job and Coding Bootcamp: A General Perspective


What's up? This is a vibe. Juggling a full-time gig and a coding bootcamp is a major flex, especially in the hustle and bustle of the Big Apple. According to the crew at MSU Denver, a solid chunk of peeps, like 70% of students, are balancing both at the same time.

To make it work, you gotta be a time management boss. The key is to map out a tight schedule and dedicate blocks for coding, while also prioritizing tasks and using those commute hours to study.

You gotta keep it real with your boss and let 'em know what's up.

One bootcamp grad said,

"Keeping my manager in the loop about my bootcamp grind was clutch – it let me reshuffle work stuff around my study sessions."

The Harvard Business Review backs this up, saying you gotta define your work time and cut out distractions.

With these moves, 80% of working students make it through the bootcamp. 60% of grads level up their time management game after the bootcamp, meaning they're not just coding wizards but also skilled in juggling multiple tasks, which is a major flex in today's workforce.

The bottom line? Combining work and a coding bootcamp is a challenge, but it's doable.

With the right mindset, support system, and time management skills, you can make it happen and come out the other side as a coding pro with a versatile skill set that'll have employers lining up to hire you.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Coding Bootcamps in New York City: An Overview


Check it out! The coding bootcamp scene in NYC is lit! It's like a mirror reflecting this city's massive tech game.

With over 31 dope schools like Flatiron School, CodeSmith, and General Assembly, you've got plenty of options to level up your skills and reinvent yourself, career-wise.

These places get that you're busy, so they've got flexible schedules to fit your hustle:

  • Full-time grind: Immersive programs that usually last 12-16 weeks,
  • Part-time flex: Evening or weekend classes that stretch over 24 weeks,
  • Self-paced: Online courses you can tackle around your job.

And they've got your back with financing options like deferred tuition, scholarships, and income share agreements.

General Assembly, for instance, offers dope tracks in design, marketing, tech, and data that'll give you skills employers are thirsty for. Flatiron hooks you up with payment plans, and CodeSmith has deferred tuition, loans, and scholarships.

According to the word on the street, the community and networking at these NYC bootcamps are next level.

Alumni say it's a game-changer, helping them level up their careers after graduation. These bootcamps aren't just schools; they're ecosystems where tech, mentorship, and that tight-knit homie vibe come together to prep you for success in the booming tech world.

Stories from New Yorkers: Success at Coding Bootcamp While Working


NYC's tech scene is lit for those brave enough to juggle a full-time gig and a coding bootcamp. There are mad success stories of peeps like Lisa Taylor, who graduated from Fullstack Academy while balancing a 9-to-5 - talk about hustle! Or that former Broadway star who switched careers to become a software engineer after attending Flatiron School.

Only in NYC.

The stats back it up too:

  • 90% of bootcamp grads say their skills leveled up, leading to career moves
  • 80% managed to keep their day job while in the bootcamp

Reddit threads like this one show it can take anywhere from a week to months to land a tech role after graduating, depending on your portfolio and job hunt game.

Just ask Jessica Lee, a General Assembly alum who spent nearly a year crafting her personal site and prepping for interviews before scoring that sweet gig.

Outcome Percentage of Graduates
Job Promotion 40%
Career Pivot 50%
Salary Increase 35%

If you're down to grind and handle the pressure, doing a bootcamp while working is legit.

Sarah Harris gets it:

"The dual hustle was intense, but it led to a major career glow-up,"

showing that NYC breeds that relentless spirit and supports those chasing their educational dreams.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Challenges in Juggling Both: Insights from New York City Professionals


Let me break it down for you. Trying to do a coding bootcamp while working full-time in NYC can be a real grind. Like, over 70% of people who did it said managing their time was a massive headache.

Balancing a 40+ hour work week with all those sessions can seriously mess up your work-life balance, with almost 65% of students saying their personal lives took a major hit.

It's clear you need to be on point with schedules and priorities, which can be tough for busy New Yorkers.

A study by a top career site found that stress and burnout are super common, with more than half the people admitting they felt crazy pressure trying to juggle work and school.

But don't stress, you can manage it with some solid planning and a good support system, according to Fullstack Academy.

Stress management techniques like meditation, exercise, breaks, and fun activities can be clutch.

Speaking of support, only 20% felt like their employers were really backing them during their bootcamp, which shows a disconnect between professional development and the workplace culture in many NYC industries.

Let's be real, coding is no joke, and you need solid support to power through this intense journey. The job placement rates from these programs are around 85% according to App Academy's Reddit review, so the grind can definitely pay off.

But here's the deal, managing academics and the NYC hustle isn't impossible.

Modern bootcamps are offering flexible learning models and asynchronous resources, which is clutch for New Yorkers who want to level up their tech skills without sacrificing their careers or personal lives.

These programs are adapting with part-time schedules or hybrid options, which 40% of students say is essential for their success, according to recent enrollment data.

Tips on Balancing Coding Bootcamp and Full-Time Job in New York City


Trying to balance a full-time job and coding bootcamp in a city that never sleeps like NYC can be a real grind, but it's totally doable if you've got the right game plan and support system.

Time management is king.

Those who hit up bootcamps like Nucamp's part-time options while working find that sticking to a tight schedule is the way to go.

We're talking tips from the Grace Hopper Program that can increase your chances of actually finishing a bootcamp while juggling a job by 50%.

  • Time Allocation: Carve out specific hours each week for coding practice, and make sure you're putting in at least 15 hours on bootcamp stuff, just like the industry pros recommend.
  • Consistent Review: Review the material daily. It's been proven to help you lock that knowledge in tight.
  • Flexibility: Look into flexible part-time bootcamp options designed for working peeps, where you can hit the grind nights and weekends to keep the stress levels down.

In NYC, bootcamp students swear by prioritizing effectively.

A local survey found that 70% of those who made it through while working full-time credited their success to knuckling down and prioritizing during their most productive hours.

Building a solid support network, whether it's with local squads or online communities like the discussions on programming subreddits, can seriously amp up your bootcamp journey.

That sense of community, combined with keeping it real with your employer, makes balancing work and education way smoother and leads to better results all around.

And don't forget to take breaks! NYC coders swear by scheduling in short, regular breathers to avoid burnout and keep that work-life balance on point.

Alright, here's the TL;DR for NYC's aspiring bootcampers:

  1. Time Management: Stick to your schedule like it's the last slice of pizza.
  2. Knowledge Consolidation: Review that material daily.
  3. Bootcamp Selection: Find a part-time bootcamp that works with your 9-to-5.
  4. Community Support: Build a strong support network to keep you motivated.
  5. Employer Communication: Keep your employer in the loop about your educational hustle.
  6. Regular Breaks: Take regular breathers to avoid burning out.

At the end of the day, managing work and bootcamp in NYC is all about what one local pro said:

"The key to juggling work and bootcamp lay in the realization that discipline nurtures freedom. When I embraced a well-defined routine, I gained more time for my work obligations and my growth as a learner."

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.



Check it out. So we're talkin' about these hard-workin' New Yorkers tryna level up their tech game while holdin' down a full-time job, right? Well, turns out these hustlers are straight killin' it! A whopping 90% of 'em slay the coding bootcamp game with their mad time management skills.

That's dope, ain't it?

The secret sauce? It's all about staying disciplined and finding a bootcamp that's flexible with your schedule. TechBeacon says the real key is gettin' that hands-on experience and never stoppin' the learnin' grind.

Coding bootcamps in the Big Apple got you covered with part-time and self-paced options, so you can keep that hustle goin'.

These aspiring devs be jugglin' bootcamps and full-time jobs like bosses, just like this Medium article says.

Real-world projects and networkin' are key to climbin' that career ladder. Word on the street is, 70% of New York bootcamp grads with jobs see their career level up within six months of graduatin'.

Nancy Gonzalez says it best, "The journey was intense, but worth every minute," knowin' that commitment pays off with all the career services places like Nucamp offer.

These workin' pros be 80% more engaged in practical assignments than non-workin' students, mastering that multitaskin' life and usin' flexible work arrangements to their advantage.

That engagement, plus mentors and study squads, is crucial as tech keeps evolvin', like Pew Research says about how constant skill development is the move for job security.

Bottom line, these grad's commitment vibes with the supportive structure of coding bootcamps, where 95% of 'em hook you up with solid career services post-grad.

And with New York's tech scene poppin' off, it just makes sense to grind that bootcamp while workin' full-time. It's a whole narrative about hustlin' and growin' in a city that lives for ambition, just like they teach at Nucamp's bootcamps and beyond.

Frequently Asked Questions


Can I successfully juggle a full-time job with a coding bootcamp in NYC?

Yes, by leveraging flexible schedules and strategic time management. Nucamp offers programs designed for working professionals with a 78% completion rate for full-time workers.

What is the completion rate for full-time workers in coding bootcamps like Nucamp in NYC?

Nucamp boasts a 78% completion rate for full-time workers, showcasing the feasibility of balancing work and study effectively.

What are the key elements that help in balancing a full-time job and a coding bootcamp in NYC?

Effective time management strategies, clear communication with employers, structured scheduling, and personal discipline are crucial for successfully juggling a full-time job and a coding bootcamp in New York City.

How do coding bootcamps like Nucamp accommodate working professionals in NYC?

Bootcamps like Nucamp offer flexible learning options such as part-time formats, evening and weekend classes, and adaptable online programs to support working participants in pursuing tech proficiency without taking a break from employment.

What are some tips for successfully balancing a coding bootcamp and a full-time job in NYC?

Tips include allocating dedicated time for coding practice, consistent review of materials, choosing flexible part-time bootcamp options, seeking community support, maintaining open communication with employers, and incorporating regular breaks to avoid burnout.

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Samantha Anderson

Marketing Manager

Part Illustrator, part Graphic Designer, and part Digital Marketer—with a sprinkle of sales savvy and a dash of empathy. I'm all about using my creativity to craft captivating stories through both illustration and writing. When I'm not at my computer, you'll find me drawing nature inspired patterns and portraits on my other favorite screen: my iPad. To keep myself inspired (and to get away from my slight tech addiction) I garden, golf, and go on nature walks with my dog and cat leading the way.