Ranking the Top 10 High-Paying Tech Jobs in Los Angeles in 2024

By Samantha Anderson

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

The Los Angeles skyline providng backdrop to an overlay indicating top 10 high-paying tech jobs

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Los Angeles tech jobs in 2024 boast 3.5% yearly growth with salaries 11% above the national average. Roles like AI Specialists, Data Scientists, Cybersecurity Analysts, and DevOps Engineers are thriving. Top jobs include AI Specialist ($142,000), Data Scientist ($125,230), and Cybersecurity Analyst ($137,500). Los Angeles is a flourishing tech hub.

LA's tech scene in 2024 is off the charts. It's like a playground for all the cutting-edge, high-paying gigs you could dream of. This city is straight-up killin' it when it comes to tech jobs, outpacing other industries with a yearly growth rate over 3.5%.

That's insane! Not only does it mean more cash in your pockets, but it's also giving the local economy a serious boost. Check it:

  • Tech salaries are roughly 11% higher than the national average, which just shows how much LA values that tech know-how.
  • Game-changing fields like AI and cybersecurity are blowin' up, with job openings expected to skyrocket by a wild 31% by the end of the year.
  • Last year alone, the tech industry pumped a whopping $32 billion into LA's bank, cementing its role as a major player in the city's financial health.

These numbers scream loud and clear that scoring a lucrative tech gig is the way to go if you wanna attract top talent and keep LA's economy thriving.

Articles from Nucamp back this up, painting LA as a blossoming tech hub with mad opportunities for pros looking to level up their game.

As we break down the hottest tech roles in the city, keep this context in mind to really appreciate just how epic they are.

Table of Contents

  • The Methodology
  • Job 1: AI Specialist
  • Job 2: Data Scientist
  • Job 3: Cybersecurity Analyst
  • Job 4: IT Manager
  • Job 5: DevOps Engineer
  • Job 6: Cloud Architect
  • Job 7: Full Stack Developer
  • Job 8: Mobile Application Developer
  • Job 9: Network Architect
  • Job 10: UX/UI Designer
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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  • As an aspiring developer in LA, elevate your skills with these stellar E-Learning platforms recommended for their cutting-edge content.

The Methodology


The tech scene in LA is blowing up, and the salaries are keeping up with the demand for skilled workers. Our 2024 rankings for the top-paying tech jobs are all about career growth.

At the top, it's all about the average salary, with Simplilearn predicting that mean annual tech jobs in LA will be raking in between $90,000 to $150,000.

As for job growth potential, the projections are showing a solid 12% to 22% increase in tech-based employment. But it's not just about the money – job satisfaction is a big deal too, with over 70% of tech employees in LA reporting high levels of job satisfaction, thanks to factors like work-life balance, opportunities for growth, and freedom to be creative.

The demand for tech jobs is consistently high too, with current data showing a year-over-year increase of 15% in tech job postings, so the market is hungry for specialized skills.

To break it down, we've looked at:

  • Salary Data: Industry reports for salary data and future growth rates.
  • Job Demand: Employment databases and hiring portals to assess the current demand.
  • Satisfaction Ratings: Polls and studies to gauge job satisfaction ratings.

As one industry legend put it, "'the most lucrative jobs go beyond just the paycheck; they combine demand with significant career growth and personal fulfillment'." Our rankings are designed to guide both newbies and veterans through the competitive landscape of LA's tech industry in 2024.

If you're looking to beef up your qualifications and increase your employability in this dynamic environment, consider the power of internships like the one at NBCUniversal, and for personal growth and educational opportunities, places like Los Angeles Trade-Technical College offer a ton of programs and support services, contributing to the thriving LA tech ecosystem.

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Job 1: AI Specialist


Let me break it down for you about these AI Specialists in LA. They're like the mad scientists of the tech world, cooking up dope algorithms, machine learning models, and artificial intelligence systems that make all kinds of crazy stuff possible - from diagnosing illnesses to self-driving cars.

Their main gig is designing AI software, researching the latest cutting-edge techniques, and fine-tuning these neural networks to make sense of all the complex data out there.

And they don't just work in a bubble - they team up with different squads to integrate their AI wizardry into the bigger tech ecosystems.

Now, to land one of these sweet AI roles, you gotta be a coding beast.

We're talking mad skills in Python, R, or Java, plus a solid understanding of data structures and algorithms. And most of these guys have a master's or PhD in computer science or something similar under their belts.

As for the green, AI Specialists in LA are raking it in.

In 2024, the average annual salary is a whopping $142,000! That's some serious cheddar, all thanks to LA's booming tech scene and the high demand for AI expertise.

Jobs in this field are expected to grow by like 20% over the next five years. That's insane! With AI managerial roles and other specializations popping up left and right, LA is quickly becoming the place to be for companies going ham on AI research and development.

The real MVP here is LA's tech sector, aka 'Silicon Beach.' You got all these rad start-ups and tech giants like Netflix and TikTok scrambling to snatch up the best AI talent.

As one industry honcho put it,

"AI is the new electricity, and specialists who can harness its power are indispensable to modern business success."

LA isn't just riding the AI wave - it's leading the charge, creating a future filled with innovation and opportunity for anyone who's a total AI boss.

Job 2: Data Scientist


If you're a 20-year-old tryna make moves in the data game, LA is where it's at in 2024. Check it - the average junior Data Scientist salary is a fat $125,230 per year.

With the demand for this role skyrocketing, there'll be 11.5 million job openings by 2026 across the nation.

In LA's lit tech scene, data-driven decisions are a must for any business tryna stay on top.

But real talk, becoming a Data Scientist ain't no cakewalk.

It's a balancing act between the struggles and the rewards. Here's the 411:

  • Pros:
    1. High job satisfaction: Most peeps love the impact they make and the work they do.
    2. Career growth: Mad opportunities to level up to machine learning and AI roles.
    3. Diverse environments: You can work across different industries and get that variety pack experience.
  • Cons:
    1. High-pressure: You'll be making major decisions based on data analysis, so the heat'll be on.
    2. Skill development: Gotta stay on top of the latest data tools and tech, or risk falling behind.

Real ones in the data science subreddit say the grind is intense, but uncovering insights that drive business success is a crazy thrill.

That rush of challenge and excitement is what draws peeps to the industry. With these dope numbers and perspectives, LA is the place to be for Data Scientists tryna build a career that'll change the game.

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Job 3: Cybersecurity Analyst


If you're a tech-savvy dude or dudette in the City of Angels, being a Cybersecurity Analyst is where it's at! These bad-asses are like digital bodyguards, keeping a watchful eye on the network traffic for any sketchy activities and beefing up a company's cybersecurity game against those pesky hackers trying to crash the party.

According to the latest intel, Cybersecurity Analysts in LA can score anywhere from $53.95 per hour to a whopping $137,500 annually! That's some serious cheddar, reflecting just how in-demand these cyber-warriors are in this town.

If you wanna rock this gig, you gotta come packing with some mad skills, like being a pro at SIEM, understanding cybersecurity frameworks, and knowing your way around IDS/IPS. Oh, and don't forget about staying on the right side of the law – understanding all those pesky regulations and laws governing cybersecurity is a must.

  • Risk management is like your best friend in this biz, helping you dodge and defuse those digital threats.
  • Knowing your way around network protocols and TCP/IP is crucial for keeping those digital fortresses locked down tight.

Here's the real kicker – job opportunities for cybersecurity in LA are expected to skyrocket by a whopping 31% over the next five years, leaving the national average in the dust.

With cyber-attacks on the rise, companies are scrambling to find the tech-savvy folks who can shut down those digital disasters before they even start. Job listings are popping up like wildfire, making this sector a total hotspot in the job market.

It's no wonder "Cybersecurity is no longer an optional investment but a foundational business pillar," which means LA is quickly becoming a prime hunting ground for cybersecurity talent.

Whether you're part of a massive corporation or a scrappy startup, every company in this town is on the hunt for cybersecurity pros who can navigate the treacherous waters of cyber threats with finesse, keeping their digital assets locked down tighter than Fort Knox.

So, if you're looking to score a high-paying and rewarding career in the cybersecurity game, LA is where you want to be.

Just make sure you've got the skills to pay the bills, stay ahead of the latest cyber threats, and never stop leveling up your knowledge. With solid job growth and killer salaries, being a Cybersecurity Analyst in LA is a surefire way to secure your spot in the digital defense force.

Job 4: IT Manager


The tech scene in LA is lit, and being an IT Manager is where it's at. In 2024, these bad boys are raking in a solid $130,000 on average per year, straight cash! That's some serious cheddar, all thanks to their mad skills.

Having that Project Management Professional (PMP) certification can boost their salary by up to 16% compared to those without it, according to the peeps at Simplilearn.

LA's tech boom has got the demand for tech skills skyrocketing, with job opportunities expected to grow by a whopping 15% over the next five years. These IT Managers are the real MVPs, keeping everything running smoothly and making sure tech and business strategies are on point.

  • Project Oversight: They're the bosses, overseeing IT projects and managing infrastructure like a boss.
  • Data Security: Keeping that data locked down and compliant.
  • Strategic Planning: Strategizing on tech implementations that'll make the business grow.
  • Team Management: Leading the squad and fostering that team spirit, keeping everyone hyped.

80% of LA's IT Managers are stoked with their jobs, feeling a real sense of achievement.

And why wouldn't they be? With salaries 31% higher than the national average, according to this article, they're ballin' hard in this high-cost city.

But it's not just about the cash. LA's tech industry is constantly evolving, letting these IT Managers stay ahead of the game and keep leveling up their skills.

One IT Manager, Robert Thomas, put it best, "In LA, staying agile and informed ain't just a requirement; it's a chance to be a leader in a field that's changing the game." And Paycor reminds us that following the ever-changing regulations and industry standards is a must.

These IT Managers are sitting pretty, with fat paychecks, high demand, and job satisfaction through the roof. In 2024, being an IT Manager in LA is the real MVP move!

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Job 5: DevOps Engineer


If you're a techie dude in LA, the DevOps Engineer role is where it's at right now. With all the digital stuff going down, these guys are like the MVPs of the software game.

According to this survey, their main gig is to make the software development cycle smooth as butter, keep the systems running like a well-oiled machine, and build some serious infrastructure.

It's like they're the bridge between the coding nerds and the operations crew, as this Reddit user points out.

They're automating sh*t with tools like Ansible and Docker, mastering the cloud, and deploying apps with Kubernetes like it's nobody's business.

  • Main Responsibilities: Implement automation tools, keep the CI/CD pipelines flowing, manage cloud infrastructure, and make sure APIs talk to each other.
  • Key Requirements: Boss it with Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, cloud services (AWS, Azure, GCP), scripting languages like Python and Bash, and know your way around Swagger for API management.

To rock this high-tech gig, you gotta have some mad skills.

Scripting like a pro, knowing your system admin stuff inside out, and being tight with code versioning tools is a must. Certifications like AWS Certified DevOps Engineer and Kubernetes Administrator will make you stand out like a boss.

With these skills, you're looking at an average salary of around $125,000 annually in LA, according to Motion Recruitment's 2024 Tech Salary Guide.

Not too shabby, eh?

The job market outlook for DevOps Engineers in LA is lit AF. More and more companies are adopting DevOps, and these roles are growing faster than the average tech job.

IBM says,

"Top-performing companies are three times more likely to be DevOps adopters

," so the career growth potential is insane. As tech keeps evolving, you could end up as a Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) or even lead entire DevOps strategies.

Talk about leveling up!

Bottom line, this role is not just about the serious cash, but it's also crucial for the LA tech scene. If you want to be part of the action and keep climbing that career ladder, DevOps Engineering is where it's at.

Job 6: Cloud Architect


Being a Cloud Architect in the tech scene of Los Angeles is where it's at. Not only is it prestigious, but the money is excellent. We're talking an average salary of $121,000, with the potential to rake in over $208,000! That's some serious cash.

the demand for Cloud Architects in LA has been rising by a whopping 15% in just the past year. It's like the job market can't get enough of these tech wizards.

  • High job satisfaction comes with being a key player in the digital transformation game.
  • Opportunities for career advancement are excellent, with the potential to level up to big boss roles like Chief Technology Officer (CTO).
  • Continuous learning and professional development mean you'll always be ahead of the curve in this fast-paced field.

With businesses going all-in on cloud computing to stay competitive and innovative, the demand for Cloud Architects is skyrocketing.

The public cloud computing market is projected to hit a mind-blowing $800 billion by 2025. That's a whole lot of demand for skilled architects to design, manage, and optimize cloud solutions.

the career path for Cloud Architects is excellent, with opportunities to progress into directorial roles or consulting gigs where they can flex their expertise and drive business strategy at the executive level.

As a leading industry expert puts it:

"In today's market, a proficient Cloud Architect in Los Angeles is as gold dust – essential for our digital groundwork and as valuable as the skills they bring."

With the tech scene in LA popping off, the widespread adoption of cloud services means Cloud Architects are not only securing their own futures but also leading the charge in shaping the future of tech itself.

In a nutshell, being a Cloud Architect in Los Angeles means scoring a great salary, exceptional job growth, and the chance to be at the forefront of innovation.

If you're a tech whiz looking for a career that's both challenging and rewarding, Cloud Architecture is where it's at.

Job 7: Full Stack Developer


Los Angeles is a tech hub, and Full Stack Devs are excelling there. These skilled coders are like the superheroes of the digital world, creating excellent user interfaces and handling the backend tasks too.

They're the ones who make your apps run smoothly.

According to the stats, a Full Stack Dev in LA rakes in an average of $138,779 per year! That's a significant amount of money.

And if you're highly skilled and land a job at companies like Snap Inc. or StubHub, you could be earning even more. The city's tech scene is highly competitive, so they have to pay well for those advanced skills.

But being a Full Stack Dev isn't just about the financial compensation.

They get to utilize their multi-talented brains and work on all sorts of impressive projects. Here are some perks:

  • Substantial paychecks: bonuses and benefits on top of that lucrative salary
  • Diverse skills: they have comprehensive knowledge, from front to back, opening up numerous career options
  • Never a dull moment: constantly learning new technologies to keep things fresh and exciting

Of course, it's not all perfect.

These developers have to stay on top of the latest trends and keep learning extensively, according to ComputerScience.org.

Truthfully, being a Full Stack Dev in LA is more than just a high-paying job – it's like having a VIP pass to the epicenter of innovation.

Their versatile skills are highly valuable, and they get to work on some truly cutting-edge projects. If you're interested in coding and want a rewarding career path, check out programs at places like the University of Southern California or bootcamps like Nucamp Coding Bootcamp.

They'll prepare you to excel as a Full Stack Dev in this dynamic city.

Job 8: Mobile Application Developer


The mobile app dev scene in LA is blowing up right now. These devs are the real deal, crafting dope digital experiences that keep users hooked on their phones and tablets.

And they're raking in some serious cash too – we're talking an average of $130K a year in 2024. That's a fat stack for making apps that keep us glued to our screens!

But it's not just about the money.

These devs are in high demand, with job growth expected to skyrocket by 22% from 2019 to 2029. That's a whole lotta job security and room for career growth.

Speaking of growth, the sky's the limit in LA. can start as junior devs, hustling with the code and basic app maintenance.

From there, they can level up to senior devs, leading projects and flexing their coding muscles. Or maybe they'll go the architect route, designing entire mobile strategies and schmoozing with clients.

And for the real bosses out there, they could end up running the whole show as mobile project managers or CTOs, calling all the shots and steering the ship.

  • Entry-Level Dev: Codes and does basic app upkeep.
  • Senior Dev: Flexes the advanced coding skills, leads projects, and sets the direction.
  • Mobile Solutions Architect: Designs comprehensive mobile strategies and works closely with clients.
  • Mobile Project Manager/CTO: Runs the whole show, from development to execution of the mobile app strategy.

But to make it in this game, you gotta have the right skills.

Mastering Swift or Kotlin is a must, along with cross-platform frameworks like React Native or Flutter. And don't sleep on UX/UI design principles – the big dogs in LA want devs who can make apps that look fresh and keep users engaged.

Major industries like entertainment, e-commerce, and healthcare are all about hiring mobile app talent to take their digital game to the next level in this tech-savvy city.

If you've got the skills and the creativity, LA is the place to make your mark in the mobile app world.

Job 9: Network Architect


If you're into the tech game in LA, being a Network Architect is where it's at. These dudes are the real MVPs when it comes to building and managing all the complex digital networks that keep companies running smoothly.

And they're raking in an average of around $120,000 a year in 2024. Not too shabby, right?

But it's not just about the cash flow. As more and more businesses hop on the digital and cloud tech train, the demand for Network Architects is only gonna skyrocket, with a 5% increase expected over the next five years.

To make it in LA's tech scene as a Network Architect, you gotta have some serious skills, like:

  • Being an expert in networking hardware and protocols
  • Knowing your way around cloud computing
  • Having a solid grasp of cyber security
  • Being a boss at managing data centers

It's not an easy gig, but if you start from the ground up in technical roles and work your way up, the opportunities for growth and success are endless.

And with the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) devices, Network Architects are at the forefront of some seriously cutting-edge stuff. As one industry pro put it,

"LA's ever-changing tech landscape means Network Architects are always in high demand."

It's a sweet deal – job stability, room for creativity, and a chance to make your mark in a city that values innovation.

LA is the place to be for Network Architects who want to take their skills to the next level and be part of something truly groundbreaking. With top talent flocking here for the hottest tech jobs, it's the perfect time to get in on the action.

Job 10: UX/UI Designer


The UX/UI Designer gig in LA is where it's at. Companies out here are scrambling for folks who can make their apps and websites dope and easy to use.

In 2024, the average salary for a UX/UI Designer in LA is gonna be around $103,558 annually, according to the latest stats.

That's some serious cash for making sure people can navigate through all the digital stuff without wanting to pull their hair out.

Real talk, UX/UI design is like the backbone of any successful digital product.

A slick design can be the game-changer that makes a product stand out in a crowded market like LA. This industry study shows that UI designers in the city are raking in an average base salary of $94,845, with tech giants like Google paying even more.

The job growth is predicted to be a whopping 23% by 2031, so there's plenty of room for you to level up.

With all the startups and big tech companies in LA, UX/UI Designers are in high demand.

You can climb the ladder and snag specialized roles like UX Writer, UX Researcher, or UX Strategist, which can score you salaries up to $115,300 for senior-level positions.

Plus, there are internships and gigs at top-paying companies like Linkedin, so you can explore all kinds of opportunities in this field:

  • Projected Job Growth (2024-2029): 23%
  • Average Entry-Level Salary: $71,410
  • Senior UX/UI Designer Salary Range: $110,000 - $130,000
  • Increased Demand in Mobile and AR/VR applications

This UX/UI designer wave is just getting started.

These designers are gonna be the ones shaping the future of user-friendly digital experiences that not only look fresh but also bring in the big bucks for LA's tech scene.



Let's talk about that cash money in the LA tech scene for 2024.

Right now, it's lit - we had a 5.5% job growth in 2022. But it ain't gonna stay that way forever.

They're predicting a 1.3% decline in 2023, and then a small 0.5% increase in 2024.

But don't trip, there's still money to be made.

Information Security Analysts are raking in the dough with a median annual wage of $112,000.

And that field is expected to grow by 32% from 2022 to 2032.

That's some serious job security right there.

LA ain't just about the Hollywood glitz and glamour, it's a tech hub too. Cybersecurity Analysts and Data Scientists are killing it, scoring big bucks and respect in this city where the job market is gonna be a bit of a rollercoaster.

But don't sleep on Cloud Architects and DevOps Engineers either - they're raking in the cash with their mad skills in cloud infrastructure and software development.

And UX/UI Designers are living the dream with job satisfaction rates as high as 85%.

Even with the ups and downs, LA is still the third most desirable city for tech pros, thanks to the promise of big money and cutting-edge industries like VR and gaming.

If you're trying to make it big, keep learning, networking, and stay on top of the hot sectors like AI and cloud computing. And don't sleep on programs like Nucamp's coding bootcamps - they can hook you up with mentors and a squad to help you level up.

At the end of the day, it ain't enough to just ride the wave in LA. You gotta shape that wave and embrace the grind.

This city is a melting pot of tech sectors ready to blow up even more. If you're willing to hustle, the future's looking bright for those who want to make it big in the City of Angels.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top 3 high-paying tech jobs in Los Angeles in 2024?

The top 3 high-paying tech jobs in Los Angeles in 2024 are AI Specialist with an average salary of $142,000, Data Scientist with an average salary of $125,230, and Cybersecurity Analyst with an average salary of $137,500.

What is the yearly job growth rate for the tech industry in Los Angeles?

The tech industry in Los Angeles boasts a yearly job growth rate exceeding 3.5% in 2024, outpacing other industries.

How much above the national average are tech salaries in Los Angeles in 2024?

Tech salaries in Los Angeles are approximately 11% above the national average in 2024, reflecting the city's value on technological expertise.

What are the key responsibilities of a DevOps Engineer in Los Angeles?

DevOps Engineers in Los Angeles are responsible for optimizing the software development life cycle, ensuring system reliability, and fortifying robust infrastructure. They integrate tasks that bridge development with operations using automation tools, cloud services, and deployment orchestration.

What is the average yearly salary for a UX/UI Designer in Los Angeles in 2024?

The average yearly salary for a UX/UI Designer in Los Angeles in 2024 is approximately $103,558, reflecting the critical role they play in creating intuitive and engaging user experiences in the tech industry.

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Samantha Anderson

Marketing Manager

Part Illustrator, part Graphic Designer, and part Digital Marketer—with a sprinkle of sales savvy and a dash of empathy. I'm all about using my creativity to craft captivating stories through both illustration and writing. When I'm not at my computer, you'll find me drawing nature inspired patterns and portraits on my other favorite screen: my iPad. To keep myself inspired (and to get away from my slight tech addiction) I garden, golf, and go on nature walks with my dog and cat leading the way.