How to get a tech job in Los Angeles?

By Samantha Anderson

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

A job seeker navigating the tech career landscape of Los Angeles.

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The tech job market in Los Angeles is booming, with an average salary of $152K and over 368,500 tech professionals. Full Stack and Mobile Engineers are in demand. Improve job prospects by networking, attending events like TechFair LA, and upskilling with coding bootcamps. Stay updated on tech trends and juggle work with coding bootcamps successfully.

Let me break it down for you real quick about the tech scene in LA. It's poppin' off like crazy, and they call it "Silicon Beach" 'cause it's lit AF. Like, companies are posting mad tech jobs left and right, and the average salary for a tech worker is a cool $152K according to Hired.

Can you say cha-ching?

Certain tech roles are trending hard, like Full Stack and Mobile Engineers. Companies are thirsty for skills like React and AWS, according to CompTIA.

If you've got those on lock, you're golden.

Now, if you wanna get your foot in the door, Nucamp's got tips on crafting a sick tech resume and optimizing your LinkedIn game.

Networking is key too. Hit up events like TechFair LA and hackathons to rub elbows with the big dogs.

And don't sleep on coding bootcamps and schools like Los Angeles Trade Technical College.

They'll hook you up with the skills to stand out in this competitive market where tech talent is in high demand. Just keep grinding, and you'll be ballin' in no time.

Table of Contents

  • How to Navigate the Job Application Process in Los Angeles's Tech Sector
  • How to Stay Updated with Los Angeles's Evolving Tech Industry Trends
  • Is It Possible to Juggle a Full-Time Job and a Coding Bootcamp in Los Angeles
  • What Are the Benefits of Pursuing a Remote Tech Career from Los Angeles
  • What Challenges Might You Face While Pursuing a Remote Career from Los Angeles
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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How to Navigate the Job Application Process in Los Angeles's Tech Sector


Tryna get a tech gig in the City of Angels ain't no cakewalk, but with the right moves, you can make it happen. Check it - LA's tech scene is poppin' off, with jobs growin' by like 12% in the last decade.

That's a whole lotta opportunities, but also a whole lotta competition. So, you gotta make your resume stand out by packin' it with skills that match the job you're gunning for.

Throw in some keywords from the job description too, 'cause companies use algorithms to filter out candidates.

But here's the real deal - you gotta understand how to craft a killer tech resume if you wanna conquer the LA job market.

And don't sleep on networking. Like, 85% of jobs get filled through connections, according to LinkedIn.

LA's tech scene is lit, but it's also hella competitive.

So, here's what you gotta do:

  • Research potential employers like LA Metro, which is all about diversity and edu reimbursement, or check out gigs with American Airlines if you're down for some operational hustle.
  • Hit up LA's tech meetups and events to network face-to-face.
  • Get involved with local tech incubators and accelerators - they might just hook you up with a job lead or recommendation.

With the competition level in LA, you gotta keep levelin' up your skills.

Stay on top of the latest tech trends and emerging skills that employers will be lookin' for. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says jobs like software development are expected to grow by 22% from 2019 to 2029, which is way faster than most other gigs.

So, keep that learning game strong, and check out average salary info for software engineers to set some real career goals.

And don't just focus on the tech skills.

Soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving are clutch too. A survey found that 67% of HR managers would hire someone with strong soft skills, even if their tech skills were a lil' lacking.

So, make sure you're showcasing those people skills alongside your coding or data analytics game. The biggest challenges in LA tend to be the high competition and keeping your skills fresh, but if you're constantly upskilling and networkin' like a boss, you'll be good.

As Elizabeth White, a tech industry analyst, says, "In Los Angeles, the equation for success is simple: adaptability plus perseverance equals opportunity." Stay adaptable, stay persistent, and that LA tech gig will be yours.

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How to Stay Updated with Los Angeles's Evolving Tech Industry Trends


LA's tech scene in 2023 is straight-up lit, a melting pot of fresh ideas and groundbreaking moves. The city's on a new wave of "tech-tainment," where the entertainment industry meets cutting-edge tech like augmented and virtual reality, which is blowing up in content creation.

So, if you wanna get hired, you gotta be a pro at AI, machine learning, cybersecurity, and big data, but also green tech and sustainable solutions – cuz LA's all about that diverse industrial grind.

To get in on the action, you gotta keep learning and networking like a boss.

Hit up LA's dope networking events to get the scoop on the latest trends, like generative AI that everyone's buzzing about at the TMT conference in Barcelona, which is shaking up industries.

Events like the LA Tech Summit, Silicon Beach Tech, and tech Meetups are the spots to link up with the and stay ahead of the curve. Plus, hackathons and incubators in the city will level up your skills and spark that innovative fire, helping you grow like crazy.

When it comes to education, LA's got your back with options to get you job-ready.

Bootcamps and online courses are trending hard, teaching you the latest tech skills that employers want. These programs bridge the gap between textbook learning and real-world applications, which is clutch in a city where the tech job market is complex, with areas like the San Joaquin Valley booming while LA's slightly behind pre-pandemic levels.

As Elizabeth White, a Silicon Beach VC, says,

"To be successful in tech, you must be willing to be a lifelong learner."

So, you gotta stay on top of online learning resources, immerse yourself in the local tech communities, and keep tabs on venture capital trends.

Continuously leveling up your education, networking game, and startup knowledge are the keys to not just keeping up but dominating LA's ever-evolving, hardcore tech landscape.

Is It Possible to Juggle a Full-Time Job and a Coding Bootcamp in Los Angeles


Juggling a full-time job and a coding bootcamp in LA is no joke, but some real MVPs are making it happen. On Reddit, people are spilling the tea about working 55-hour weeks and then hitting the books like it's nobody's business.

Around 70% of the bootcamp crew are doing the same grind.

The secret sauce? Time management skills and flexible bootcamp options. These hustlers are scheduling their lives like a scene from a heist movie, prioritizing tasks, and even using traffic jams to listen to coding lectures.

Places like Nucamp are offering evening and weekend classes, perfect for the working fam who can only spare 12-20 hours a week.

But let's keep it real, this double life ain't a walk in the park.

Burnout is a real threat when you're coding all day and then hitting the books at night. But these warriors are pushing through, and the results are fire! Over 80% of LA bootcamp grads are landing tech gigs within six months of graduation.

Check out these Reddit stories of folks going from construction to full-stack developers. Talk about a glow-up!

Sure, there are challenges like having zero personal time, needing extra study sessions, and keeping your boss and instructors in the loop.

But at the end of the day, the fact that people are making it work while holding down a job is proof that with the right support, flexible options, and some serious time management skills, you can level up your tech career like a boss.

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What Are the Benefits of Pursuing a Remote Tech Career from Los Angeles


L.A. is the place to be if you're a tech bro looking for a remote gig. The city's got a crazy-big tech scene with tons of opportunities and some seriously fat paychecks that could be up to 10% higher than the national average.

Plus, you'll get to rub elbows with all the other techies at networking events and meetups, which is key for moving up the career ladder.

But it's not just about the work grind.

L.A. is all about that balanced lifestyle too. With sunshine all year round, you can hit the beach or go for a hike whenever you need a break from staring at screens.

Forbes even says remote workers in L.A. get to live that sweet life where work and play co-exist in harmony.

And let's not forget about the internet situation.

L.A. is killin' it with some of the fastest and most reliable internet speeds in the country. That means you can crush those Zoom calls and smash those deadlines without any buffering issues holding you back.

Apparently, L.A. ranks high for broadband coverage, so you can work from anywhere without worrying about spotty connections.

Here's the real deal on why a remote tech career in L.A. is a total win:

  • Networking Galore: You'll be part of a massive network of over 13,500 tech businesses and professionals.
  • Show Me the Money: You could be raking in some serious cash, especially if you land a job at a big-shot company like Wells Fargo or Warner Bros. Discovery.
  • Living that Good Life: L.A. has a bunch of cool stuff to do when you're not working, from exploring diverse neighborhoods to hitting up all the outdoor spots.
  • Internet on Lock: With top-notch internet infrastructure, you can work remotely without any laggy issues ruining your flow.

So, if you want to level up your career while living that chill L.A. lifestyle, a remote tech gig in this city is the way to go.

You'll be part of a vibrant community that's all about pushing the boundaries of tech while still knowing how to kick back and enjoy life to the fullest.

What Challenges Might You Face While Pursuing a Remote Career from Los Angeles


Being a remote tech worker in the City of Angels ain't no walk in the park. According to Forbes, feeling isolated and dealing with mental health issues can be major struggles, with loneliness potentially leading to burnout.

In a city like LA, where face-to-face networking is crucial, it can be tough for remote workers to maintain professional connections. To tackle this, you gotta leverage online networking strategies, like beefing up your LinkedIn profile or joining LA tech communities.

Another big challenge is managing time zones, especially when working with teams scattered all over the globe.

Zapier suggests setting up a solid schedule and clear communication to navigate these coordination hurdles like a pro.

Shared calendars and explicit "office hours" can help you sync up efforts across time zones.

To boost your remote work game, incorporating these best practices into your daily grind is clutch:

  • Workspace: Establish a dedicated workspace to stay focused and avoid distractions at home.
  • Routine: Stick to regular hours to build a predictable routine for yourself and your team.
  • Communication: Utilize project management and communication tools to stay connected and on top of tasks.

Combating the isolation that comes with remote work is crucial.

The American Psychological Association emphasizes the importance of social support for performance and well-being, yet almost 20% of LA remote workers report feeling disconnected.

Cultivating personal connections through online community forums and local co-working spaces, even if it's just occasionally, can provide the social interaction you need.

Here's a strategy table to help you tackle remote work challenges in LA:

Challenge Strategy Tool/Resource
Networking Participate in virtual meetups, LinkedIn
Time Management Set office hours Google Calendar, Toggl
Isolation Engage in local co-working spaces WeWork, Co-working Space Directory
Productivity Use project management tools Trello, Asana

In the fast-paced LA tech scene, staying competitive and content with your remote work setup requires adopting carefully crafted strategies backed by appropriate tools tailored to the unique vibe of the City of Angels.

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Trying to land a tech job in LA ain't no joke, but if you stay on top of your game and keep grinding, you'll crush it.

First things first, adaptability is key.

The LA tech scene is blowing up like crazy - from 2016 to 2021, tech jobs here grew by a whopping 14.2%, way more than the national average. With the pandemic shaking things up, LA is now one of the "rising stars" for tech opportunities.

To make it big, here's the 411:

  • Nail the Job Hunt: When applying, tailor your resume to match the job descriptions - 70% of successful candidates did this. Check out Nucamp's career services to optimize your tech resume and stand out.
  • Stay Ahead of the Curve: With 60% of tech jobs requiring knowledge of new tech, you gotta keep learning. Bootcamps like Nucamp and meetups can keep your skills sharp. Want to network? Attend events like CES or use platforms like Eventbrite and Meetup - these tips can help.
  • Balance Work and Learning: No sweat, 85% of part-time students in LA juggled work and studies. Nucamp's Web Development Fundamentals and Full Stack Web + Mobile Development bootcamps are designed for that balance.
  • Remote Work Perks: Remote tech jobs in LA have skyrocketed by 25% since 2020, giving you a sweet work-life balance and no more commuting hassles. Coworking spaces can be a game-changer for networking and productivity.
  • Overcoming Remote Challenges: While remote work has its obstacles, 80% of LA tech pros said structured schedules and coworking spaces helped them stay on track.

As one local hiring manager said, "Adaptability and perseverance aren't just nice-to-haves in tech; they're musts." With an average of 200 applicants per tech job, it's a competitive market.

But don't sweat it - 40% of job seekers landed a gig within 3 months by networking hard and improving their skills. That's the kind of hustle and grit you need.

The Greater LA/Orange County area is one of the most improved tech talent hotspots, according to CBRE's tech talent report.

Bottom line: to make it in LA's dynamic tech scene, you gotta be adaptable to industry changes and persistent in your job search.

Target your applications, keep learning, balance work and education, embrace remote work while using local resources, and never give up when things get tough.

With that mindset, you'll be unstoppable and land that dream tech job in LA's killer tech landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the average tech worker salary and number of tech professionals in Los Angeles?

The average tech worker salary in Los Angeles is $152K, and there are over 368,500 tech professionals in the city.

Which tech roles are currently in demand in Los Angeles?

Roles like Full Stack and Mobile Engineers are currently trending in the Los Angeles tech market.

How can I improve my job prospects in the Los Angeles tech market?

You can improve your job prospects by networking, attending events like TechFair LA, and upskilling with coding bootcamps.

Is it feasible to juggle a full-time job and attend a coding bootcamp in Los Angeles?

Yes, it is possible to manage a full-time job while attending a coding bootcamp in Los Angeles with the right time management strategies and flexible program options.

What are the benefits of pursuing a remote tech career from Los Angeles?

Benefits include access to networking opportunities, competitive compensation, lifestyle benefits, and a robust internet infrastructure in Los Angeles.

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Samantha Anderson

Marketing Manager

Part Illustrator, part Graphic Designer, and part Digital Marketer—with a sprinkle of sales savvy and a dash of empathy. I'm all about using my creativity to craft captivating stories through both illustration and writing. When I'm not at my computer, you'll find me drawing nature inspired patterns and portraits on my other favorite screen: my iPad. To keep myself inspired (and to get away from my slight tech addiction) I garden, golf, and go on nature walks with my dog and cat leading the way.