What's the Average Salary for a Software Engineer in Las Vegas?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

A graphic showing the average salary of a software engineer in Las Vegas

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Software engineers in Las Vegas can expect salaries ranging from $64,424 to $167,000 in 2023. The average salary is around $121,375. Factors like experience, industry sectors, and skills impact earnings, with senior engineers earning around $124,300 annually, showcasing a lucrative tech landscape in Las Vegas.

Let's talk about that cash money situation for software devs in Sin City. In 2023, the pay scale is lit, ranging from entry-level gigs around $64K to straight ballers making a median of $110K, with some even flexing up to $167K. The average salary is $121,375, and with extra perks, it's a solid $126,375.

That's a nice chunk of change, especially considering the cost of living in Vegas is a bit above the national average at 104.5. So, you can live that bougie life without going broke.

If you're a Senior Software Engineer, you can expect to rake in around $124,300 per year on average.

Talk about a high roller lifestyle! Of course, your pay can vary depending on your skills, the industry you're in, and even the size of the company you work for.

It's all about finding the right fit for you.

Now, let's talk about how to really ball out in the Vegas tech scene. Check out these Nucamp articles on nailing job applications and building a sick coding portfolio.

That's the real key to negotiating a salary that matches your skills and experience. Trust me, you'll be living that Vegas high life in no time!

Table of Contents

  • What is a Software Engineer?
  • Average Salary for a Software Engineer in Las Vegas
  • Factors impacting Software Engineer's salary in Las Vegas
  • Comparing Software Engineer Salaries: Las Vegas vs Other US Cities
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

What is a Software Engineer?


Being a software engineer in Vegas is way more than just chilling on the Strip's bright lights. It's about being the driving force behind the city's ever-changing tech scene.

You have to be able to merge the theoretical computer science stuff, like having a systematic approach to designing apps and systems, with some hardcore problem-solving skills to develop, test, and maintain dope software solutions.

Even with the challenges newbies face in the tech market, the demand for software engineers in Vegas is still high, thanks to industries like gaming and hospitality that are always looking for the next big tech innovation.

  • You have to know your stuff when it comes to programming languages like Java, JavaScript, C++, and Python, with Ruby on Rails being a hot skill nationally.
  • Mastering database management with tools like SQL, and being able to use the right frameworks and libraries for the job.
  • Implementing software development methodologies like Agile and Scrum to keep things moving and iterating smoothly.
  • Being a pro at architecting systems that can handle scalable and resilient software, so it can adapt to the ever-changing needs of this vibrant city.

To land these gigs, you'll typically need a bachelor's degree in Computer Science or a related field, but more and more jobs are looking for advanced degrees or certs like the Certified Software Development Professional (CSDP) or Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate.

In Vegas, being a software engineer isn't just about coding skills – you have to have strong people skills and be able to thrive in the fast-paced, dynamic tech scene.

Here's what you might be doing:

  1. Engineering and maintaining complex software systems that enhance user experiences for hotels, casinos, and other entertainment venues.
  2. Collaborating with diverse teams to turn business goals into real technological innovations.
  3. Ensuring top-notch quality assurance, with rigorous testing and validation, to keep the software secure and running smoothly.

As one senior tech rep in Vegas put it,

"Here in Vegas, we need engineers who can do more than just code. They have to be versatile, with coding mastery and a pioneer's mindset, to keep us at the cutting edge of entertainment tech."

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Average Salary for a Software Engineer in Las Vegas


Have you heard about the tech scene in Vegas lately? It's getting crazy! The money that software engineers are making over there is insane. On average, they're making around $105,752, which is pretty sick for a city that's not exactly known for its tech industry.

It's putting Vegas on the map as a major player in the tech world.

But that's not even the craziest part. Some other sources are saying that software engineers in Vegas can make up to $121,375.

That's a huge range, but it just goes to show that the pay can vary a lot depending on the company and your experience level.

If you're just starting out as a entry-level software engineer in Vegas, you can expect to make around $68,000 to $72,590, which is pretty decent for a fresh graduate.

But if you've got a few years of experience under your belt and you're considered mid-level, you could be looking at an average salary of $95,000 to $132,469.

That's some serious bread.

And if you manage to climb the ranks and become a senior software engineer in Vegas, you're looking at an average salary of around $124,300.

That's not even counting the sweet benefits like health insurance, retirement plans, and flexible working arrangements that a lot of these tech companies offer.

It's like they're rolling out the red carpet for tech talent in Vegas.

This whole thing just goes to show that as tech hubs start popping up outside of the traditional places like Silicon Valley, cities like Vegas are becoming really attractive to software engineers.

The money is following the talent, and it's creating some pretty sweet opportunities for anyone who's looking to make a killing in the tech world. So if you're into coding and you're not afraid of a little neon, Vegas might just be the place for you.

Factors impacting Software Engineer's salary in Las Vegas


The cash flow for code monkeys in Sin City ain't no joke, but it's always changing with new tech and market demands. In this wild west of a job scene, software engineer salaries in Vegas average around $124,531 per year, but it really depends on the industry you're in.

If you're working for the casinos and hotels, you're riding the city's OG money makers. But if you're with a cutting-edge tech company like The Boring Company, you could be raking in anywhere from $96,773 to $128,385 for your mad skills in AI, self-driving cars, and all that futuristic stuff.

Speaking of skills, experience is key.

The more years you've been slinging code, the fatter your paycheck. Veterans in the game can easily clear $100K. And with Vegas becoming a low-key tech hub, certain skills are in high demand.

Cloud computing wizards could score a Cloud Architect role with a six-figure salary.

Cybersecurity experts can make up to 12% more, 'cause everyone needs their data locked down tight. And if you're a data analytics ninja, you could see a nice salary bump too, 'cause everyone's obsessed with data these days.

But it's not just about skills and experience.

Education plays a big role too. The more degrees and certifications you got, the more you can demand. And don't sleep on ongoing training and courses – that's how you level up your career and get a fat raise.

The senior devs will tell you, always be learning if you want to keep climbing that pay ladder. At the end of the day, it's a mix of industry knowledge, years in the game, specialized skills, and constantly upgrading your brain that'll determine how much cash you can stack in this neon-lit playground we call Vegas.

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Comparing Software Engineer Salaries: Las Vegas vs Other US Cities


The money tech bros are raking in across the US varies like crazy. In Vegas, the average software engineer salary is around $105,752, plus a $5,000 yearly bonus and dope benefits.

But that's chump change compared to the reported $157,714 average in San Francisco, thanks to all the tech giants there, although the cost of living is insane.

Same deal in NYC and Seattle, where devs make $151,892 and $148,615 on average, respectively.

Despite the pay gap, Vegas offers a solid salary, especially for entry-level devs earning around $87,571 on average.

Plus, the cost of living is way lower than tech hubs. San Fran's cost is 92% higher than Vegas, and NYC is about 85% more expensive. So, while the salaries are lower in Vegas, you keep more of your cash since housing, transport, and leisure activities are cheaper.

With more companies embracing remote work, Vegas is becoming a sweet spot for techies.

You can score a high quality of life while balancing income and expenses better than in traditional tech cities. As remote jobs keep growing and Vegas's tech scene expands, the pay gap with other cities will likely shrink.

So, Vegas could be the move if you want to live large without blowing your whole paycheck on rent and avocado toast.



The average salary in Vegas for these tech wizards is a solid $105,752. But if you're just starting out, you can still expect to rake in around $95,523 annually, not too shabby for an entry-level gig, right? With big dogs like Google and IGT setting the bar high, veteran coders can be pullin' in as much as $173,593 a year!

  • The tech scene in Vegas is about to blow up, with software developer jobs expected to grow by 22 percent from 2019 to 2029. That's way faster than the national average, so you know it's gonna be a hot market for negotiating those paychecks.
  • Word on the street is that skills like Scala are in high demand, so if you've got those coding chops, you're gonna be a hotshot that everyone wants a piece of.
  • With Vegas going all-in on tech innovation, especially in industries like hospitality (which pays mad stacks) and gaming, you can bet your bottom dollar that engineering salaries are gonna keep climbing. The city's embracing all the cutting-edge tech, and that means more opportunities for you to cash in.

Based on these projections, software engineer salaries in Vegas are set to skyrocket in 2023.

It's a sign that the role is becoming more prestigious, and the city's economy is evolving beyond just entertainment. According to a Qubit Labs report, Vegas is transforming into a legit tech hub, and those salary trends are proof of the major changes happening.

With some guidance from Nucamp on how to navigate the Vegas tech scene, aspiring coders can get their foot in the door and ride this wave of opportunity.

The future's lookin' bright, with potential through the roof and a booming tech community welcoming you with open arms.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What is the average salary for a Software Engineer in Las Vegas in 2023?

The average salary for a Software Engineer in Las Vegas in 2023 ranges from $64,424 to $167,000, with the average salary being around $121,375.

What factors impact a Software Engineer's salary in Las Vegas?

Factors such as experience, industry sectors, skills, and educational attainment impact a Software Engineer's salary in Las Vegas. Senior engineers can earn around $124,300 annually, reflecting a lucrative tech landscape.

How does the average salary for a Software Engineer in Las Vegas compare to other US cities?

The average salary for a Software Engineer in Las Vegas is around $105,752, with additional benefits like a $5,000 annual cash bonus. In comparison, cities like San Francisco, New York City, and Seattle have higher average salaries but also significantly higher costs of living.

What qualifications and skills are required for Software Engineers in Las Vegas?

Software Engineers in Las Vegas typically require a bachelor's degree in Computer Science or related field, proficiency in programming languages like Java and Python, database management skills using tools like SQL, and expertise in software development methodologies such as Agile.

What is the demand outlook for Software Engineers in Las Vegas?

The tech industry in Las Vegas is forecasted for robust growth with an increase in demand for skills like Scala. Reports suggest an escalation in demand for software developers, indicating a buoyant market for salary negotiations.

You may be interested in the following topics as well:

  • Discover the dynamic Las Vegas tech scene that's rapidly expanding to include an array of remote work opportunities.

  • Dive into the vibrant programming landscape of Las Vegas and discover which languages are powering the city's tech revolution.

  • Join the league of tech enthusiasts by discovering the opportunities at Las Vegas tech companies, where every day is a step towards reshaping the digital world.

  • Conclude your quest for a dream job by tapping into the burgeoning Las Vegas tech scene.


Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible