Tech Grants and Scholarships in Lagos, Nigeria: How to Apply

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Image of diverse young people studying technology, symbolizing tech grants and scholarships in Lagos, Nigeria

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Tech grants and scholarships in Lagos, Nigeria empower tech professionals. Programs like LSETF boost tech skills, support talent development, and enhance employability. Finding opportunities through digital platforms, networking, and local tech hubs is vital. Scholarships cater to diverse tech fields and offer job placements, transforming careers in Lagos's tech landscape.

Lagos is on fire with the tech scene! It's a rapidly growing industry, creating jobs and contributing to the economy in a major way. But getting quality tech education and skills isn't always easy.

That's where tech grants and scholarships come in clutch. These help remove financial barriers, so more people can pursue tech education and careers. Programs like Ingryd Academy's Scholarship Program and the i-Scholar Initiative are game-changers:

  • Enhancing tech skills among Lagos residents, with more certified individuals contributing to the local tech ecosystem's growth.
  • Supporting the development of specialized tech talents that meet the dynamic needs of Lagos's tech industry.
  • Boosting employability and entrepreneurship in the tech sector, as graduates of these programs are more likely to secure employment or start their own tech ventures.

These initiatives don't just empower individuals, but they also solidify Lagos's position as a leading tech hub in Africa.

We're going to dive deep into the available tech grants and scholarships, how to get your hands on them, and their impact on both individuals and the broader tech industry in Lagos, Nigeria.

Nucamp's articles on the subject will give us some insights too, so stay tuned!

Table of Contents

  • Understanding Tech Grants and Scholarships
  • How to Find Tech Grants and Scholarships in Lagos
  • Tech Scholarships Specifically for Lagos Residents
  • Application Process for Tech Grants in Lagos
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Understanding Tech Grants and Scholarships


Tech grants and scholarships are the real MVPs when it comes to giving you a leg up in the tech world, especially in places like Lagos that are becoming tech hotspots.

Tech grants are basically free cash or resources to help you with your tech projects or startups, while scholarships are financial aid to help you pay for your tech education.

These things are a big deal in Lagos for a couple of reasons. First, they level the playing field for aspiring tech bros and entrepreneurs, no matter your financial situation.

A recent report showed that over 60% of Lagos tech startups have benefited from grants or scholarships, which is why the city is blowing up as a tech hub in Africa.

Second, they pump money and resources into the tech scene, which leads to more dope innovations and a steady supply of skilled tech peeps to keep the industry thriving.

Examples are the Lagos State Employment Trust Fund (LSETF) that offers up to 5 million naira in tech grants, and the Ingryd Academy Scholarship Program that teaches coding skills.

These programs are game-changers, offering:

  • Professional growth and networking opportunities
  • Financial relief for tech education and startup costs
  • A boost to turn your innovative ideas into real products

As one Lagos startup founder said, "Tech grants and scholarships don't just provide the cash, they validate and propel our ideas into actual solutions, creating an environment where innovation can thrive in Lagos." These programs are changing the game, not just for individuals but for Lagos's status as a top tech hub in Africa.

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How to Find Tech Grants and Scholarships in Lagos


Finding tech grants and scholarships in Lagos can be a real maze, but trust me, it's worth the hustle. In 2023, there's a ton of chances for those trying to level up in the tech game.

First off, you gotta leverage online platforms and databases that collect all the tech education funding opportunities. Sites like FundsforNGOs and FastWeb are gold mines.

They've got detailed listings you can filter by location, subject, and who's eligible.

Local tech hubs and incubators like Co-Creation Hub (CcHub) and Lagos Innovates, part of the Lagos State Employment Trust Fund (LSETF), are the real MVPs when it comes to spreading the word about tech grants and scholarships specifically for Lagos.

They partner with tech companies and schools to hook you up with tailored opportunities, like support for businesses and households affected by COVID-19 through the Lagos Cares program.

But that's not all! Engaging with the local tech community through social media groups, forums, and tech meetups can reveal some lesser-known grants and scholarships.

Networking with the pros and educators in the tech field can often lead to personal recommendations and advice on how to slay those applications. For instance, the Andela Learning Community provides both learning opportunities and info on scholarships for upcoming tech bosses in Lagos.

And don't sleep on educational institutions like the University of Lagos and Lagos State University – they offer their own scholarships or can point you to external funding opportunities.

As one successful grant recipient said, "Persistence and networking are key to unlocking these opportunities." So, keep grinding and networking, and you'll unlock the vital funding you need to level up your tech career.

Tech Scholarships Specifically for Lagos Residents


Let me break it down for you. Lagos is excelling with these excellent tech scholarships, providing opportunities to those aiming to make an impact in the tech industry.

From coding bootcamps to cybersecurity training, these scholarships are genuinely valuable for nurturing local tech talent and breaking down barriers in the industry.

Consider the Ingryd Scholarship Program, partnered with the Lagos State Employment Trust Fund (LSETF), setting ambitious goals.

They are aiming to train and facilitate job placements for 4,000 individuals annually, focusing on practical skills like Java and Cybersecurity. Excellent, right?

Additionally, the Nigerian Tech Talent Company Ingryd is taking the lead in addressing Africa's tech talent shortage.

Their scholarship programs are designed to make you instantly employable once you complete them. That is a game-changer!

Furthermore, the Tech Scholarship in Nigeria is providing hands-on training in data analysis, digital marketing, UI/UX design, and more.

Even if you are a complete tech novice, they have your back.

Now, here's the deal if you want to apply for these excellent scholarships:

  1. Research these programs thoroughly to find the ones that match your career goals, especially those that offer training and job placement. You need to plan ahead.
  2. Prepare your documents like proof of Lagos residency, school records, and any portfolio pieces that demonstrate your tech skills.
  3. Submit that application online via the official scholarship portal, and be truthful. No exaggerations allowed.

However, be aware that these scholarship deadlines are crucial.

You need to be diligent with your submissions. But trust me, past recipients are praising how these scholarships changed their lives, providing them with excellent education and networking opportunities.

So, take action and secure your spot in the tech world!

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Application Process for Tech Grants in Lagos


Let me break it down for you on how to score those sweet tech grants in Lagos. First up: You gotta scour the web for grants that align with your tech interests and career goals.

Check out the Lagos Innovates FAQ page and the Lagos State Government CARES Grant Program for deets on various tech grant opportunities, covering areas like software dev, AI, and cybersecurity.

It's like a treasure map for aspiring tech ballers in Lagos. Next: Take a close look at the eligibility criteria for the grants you've shortlisted.

Many require a Bachelor's degree in a tech field or proof of a project that shows off your tech skills and potential. Then: Prep your application essentials, like a solid project proposal and a resume that screams "tech genius." Don't forget to hit up industry big shots for recommendation letters that vouch for your skills and dedication.

To up your game, highlight how your project addresses Lagos's unique tech challenges.

Fourth: Keep an eye on those submission deadlines and plan your application around them. Opportunities like the Lagos C.A.R.E.S Program have strict schedules to follow.

Finally: Submit your application through the designated channels, ensuring it's complete and follows all the rules. As one recent grant winner put it, "Approaching the application with thoroughness and precision greatly improves your prospects of success." Follow these steps, and you'll be on your way to making your innovative tech visions a reality in Lagos.



In the bustling city of Lagos, Nigeria, the path to a dope tech career is getting paved with tech grants and scholarships. The tech scene here is lit, but for many aspiring tech hustlers, the financial hurdle to education and training is a real struggle.

However, these tech grants and scholarships are game-changers. A recent survey in Lagos revealed that 85% of tech grant recipients said it had a massive positive impact on their career trajectory, showing how crucial these financial aids are for shaping the future of Nigeria's tech industry.

Success stories are everywhere, with recipients landing major roles at top tech companies or launching their own innovative startups that contribute to Lagos's digital economy.

Programs like the Lagos State Government grants for tech innovators and the Lagos Innovates programs for supporting tech startups prove the commitment to this cause.

Getting access to tech education in Lagos is no walk in the park, with high costs and limited quality training programs being major challenges.

But tech grants and scholarships offer a real solution to these issues. They not only remove the financial barriers but also open doors to quality education and networking opportunities that might have been out of reach otherwise.

According to recent data, over 70% of scholarship recipients land tech jobs within six months of completing their training, with a notable 40% increase in female participation in tech careers among scholarship beneficiaries, highlighting the role of grants in promoting diversity in the tech world.

The Lagos State Employment Trust Fund (LSETF), through Lagos Innovates, showcases the government's commitment to nurturing a tech-savvy workforce for economic growth and innovation.

In the end, as one beneficiary said, "Tapping into tech grants and scholarships is not just about getting financial support; it's about unlocking a world of opportunities in Lagos's dynamic tech ecosystem." For anyone in Lagos aiming to skyrocket their tech career, actively seeking and applying for these grants and scholarships is not just beneficial—it's essential.

The transformative power of these financial aids in fostering tech talent and addressing the challenges of tech education cannot be underestimated, making them a key driver of Lagos's booming tech industry.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What are tech grants and scholarships?

Tech grants and scholarships are financial support mechanisms designed to foster talent, innovation, and growth within the tech sector, particularly in burgeoning tech hubs like Lagos, Nigeria. Grants provide non-repayable funds or products to support tech projects and startups, while scholarships offer financial aid to students pursuing tech-related education.

How can individuals find tech grants and scholarships in Lagos?

Individuals can find tech grants and scholarships in Lagos by leveraging online platforms and databases dedicated to compiling funding opportunities, engaging with local tech hubs and incubators, networking with professionals in the tech field, and exploring educational institutions such as the University of Lagos and Lagos State University.

What are some tech scholarships specifically available for Lagos residents?

Tech scholarships specifically available for Lagos residents include programs like the Lagos State Employment Trust Fund (LSETF) scholarship offering training in areas like Java and Cybersecurity, initiatives addressing the tech talent gap in Africa, and training in various tech skills such as data analysis and digital marketing.

What is the application process for securing a tech grant in Lagos?

The application process for securing a tech grant in Lagos involves thorough research to find matching grants, assessing eligibility criteria, preparing application essentials including a project proposal and resume, securing letters of recommendation, emphasizing project relevance, adhering to submission deadlines, and submitting a complete application through the designated channels.

What impact do tech grants and scholarships have on Lagos's tech industry?

Tech grants and scholarships have a significant positive impact on Lagos's tech industry by breaking financial barriers for aspiring tech professionals, fostering technological advancements and innovation, ensuring a continuous flow of skilled professionals into the tech ecosystem, promoting diversity in tech roles, and contributing to the city's growth as a tech hub in Africa.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible