Remote Tech Jobs: Can You Work Internationally from Lagos, Nigeria?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Laptop depicting a world map, symbolizing remote tech jobs from Lagos, Nigeria

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Working remotely in tech from Lagos, Nigeria is viable, offering flexible schedules, a wider job pool, but challenges like internet connectivity and time zones. Lagos sees a 40% increase in remote tech jobs, reflecting the industry's shift towards remote work. Success relies on networking, online platforms, and overcoming obstacles.

Working remotely in tech from Lagos, Nigeria, is becoming a real thing, and it's a mixed bag of opportunities and some serious challenges for those trying to break into the global job market.

Lagos is the tech hub of Africa, so remote tech jobs are increasing, thanks to the startup scene and the pandemic making remote work the new norm. The appeal of international remote work from Lagos is obvious - flexible schedules, no more wasting time in traffic, and access to jobs worldwide.

But there are some obstacles too, like unstable internet, time zone differences, and getting in sync with global teams. Despite the hurdles, many in Lagos are securing lucrative remote gigs with overseas companies through online platforms, networking, and being active in the local tech community.

This blog post is all about diving deep into the remote work scene, looking at the rise of remote tech jobs in Lagos, the challenges you might face, and giving you the real deal on how to crush a successful remote tech career from this metropolis, with insights from the Nucamp Coding Bootcamp.

Table of Contents

  • Understanding Remote Work
  • The Nigerian Tech Scene
  • Opportunities in Remote Tech Jobs
  • Challenges of Working Remotely from Lagos
  • Tips for Starting a Remote Tech Job in Lagos
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Celebrate and get inspired by the significant women in tech in Lagos, Nigeria, driving innovation and change.

Understanding Remote Work


Check this out! Working remotely has become the new norm for tech peeps in Lagos, Nigeria. It's a game-changer! Imagine being able to grind from wherever you want, no need for that daily commute hustle.

Just you, your laptop, and the power of the internet. Sweet, right?

The perks are real. Flexible hours, zero traffic struggles, and a chance to actually have a life outside of work.

Studies show that 65% of Nigerian tech workers feel like they're killing it when they're working remotely. Plus, the job market for remote gigs in Lagos has seen a 40% rise in the past couple of years.

It's not just a fad; it's a whole new way of working that recognizes the value of talent, no matter where they're based.

Of course, it's not all rainbows and unicorns.

There are challenges too, like spotty internet connections, power outages, and dealing with time zone differences when working with international teams. But the Nigerian tech community is embracing remote work like a champ, with over 70% of tech firms offering some kind of remote work option.

This shift towards remote work isn't just a temporary thing. It's the future of the tech industry in Lagos and beyond. Geographical boundaries are becoming less of a barrier, and the possibilities for career growth and innovation are limitless.

The way we work is evolving, and remote collaboration tools are making it easier than ever to stay connected and productive, no matter where you are.

So, embrace the remote work life! It's the new frontier, and Lagos is leading the charge.

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The Nigerian Tech Scene


The tech scene in Lagos, Nigeria is straight-up fire! It's like the beating heart of Africa's tech revolution, changing the game and putting Nigeria on the map as a major tech hub.

Why? Well, Nigeria is recognized as Africa's biggest ICT market, with the tech sector contributing a crazy 17.92% to the GDP in Q2 2020, according to official stats.

That's a massive jump from 9.8% in 2018! Despite the challenges, Lagos's tech community just keeps thriving, with an insane innovation ecosystem that'll blow your mind.

Here's what's driving the Lagos tech wave:

  • Major Tech Startups: Lagos is like the Silicon Valley of Africa! It's the birthplace of some seriously dope tech startups. We're talking about Paystack, which was acquired by Stripe in a massive $200 million deal back in 2020, and Flutterwave, which became a unicorn with a valuation over $1 billion by 2023! The success stories of Paystack and Flutterwave have put the spotlight on Lagos's ability to produce unicorn companies, thanks to the growing venture capital network and the international reach of its tech startups.
  • Economic Impact and Investment: The tech industry in Lagos is a straight-up economic powerhouse, attracting massive foreign investment and creating thousands of jobs. In 2022 alone, tech startups raked in an estimated $1.3 billion in funding, even though it was a bit lower than the previous year. But that investment influx, combined with the tech sector's 20.32% contribution to Nigeria's Q3 2022 GDP, just shows how much of an impact the tech industry is having on the country's economy.

Lagos's tech hub is a game-changer, not just for Nigeria but for the whole of Africa.

It's driving innovation and putting Nigeria on the global map as a tech force to be reckoned with. With a young and tech-savvy population, Lagos is the perfect breeding ground for tech entrepreneurs to thrive and make their mark.

Lagos isn't just the center of Africa's tech revolution; it's a beacon of potential and success in the global tech arena!

Opportunities in Remote Tech Jobs


The remote tech job scene in Lagos is lit AF! It's like a whole new world out there, with companies all over the globe opening up to hiring peeps from our city.

You got options! From coding to data crunching, project management to UX design, and even cybersecurity - the possibilities are endless. A recent survey showed that software dev, data science, and cloud engineering are the hottest gigs in town.

Platforms like Jobgether are poppin' with job listings for devs, designers, and engineers across different industries.

But, you gotta have the right skills to slay! For coding jobs, you need to be a boss at programming languages like Python, JavaScript, and Java.

Don't forget to get familiar with Agile and contribute to open-source projects too. Check out the deets shared on Medium to level up your game.

It's not just about the technical skills, though. You gotta work on your soft skills too, like communication, time management, and being able to adapt to different time zones when working with international companies.

Building a solid profile/CV and networking in tech communities can also help you get noticed by global employers.

The future is remote! With Lagos' thriving tech scene, you're in the perfect spot to cash in on this trend.

Just keep grinding, develop those in-demand skills, and use the right job platforms to score those remote gigs. Who knows, you might even end up contributing to the global tech ecosystem while enjoying the flexibility of working from anywhere!

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Challenges of Working Remotely from Lagos


Working remote from Lagos can be a real trip, but you gotta roll with the punches to stay on top of your game. One of the biggest headaches is the internet situation around here.

Even though Lagos is one of the most connected cities in Nigeria, the speeds can be whack and the connection is always dropping out. That's a major buzzkill when you're trying to hop on calls or tap into those cloud tools that make the tech world go round.

And don't even get me started on the time zone madness. If you're dealing with clients or crew from different parts of the globe, you might have to pull some serious late nights or crack-of-dawn sessions.

Talk about messing with your work-life balance, am I right?

But there's more! The power situation here can be a total pain too.

Outages left and right, just adding another layer of chaos to the remote work grind.

So, what's a tech pro to do? Well, some of the moves people are making include:

  • Leveling up their internet game with boosters and backup options.
  • Working out flexible schedules with their bosses to deal with those pesky time zones.
  • Getting clued up on remote work legal stuff like data protection, so they can navigate that whole scene without any hiccups.

And here are some other tactics people are using to stay on track:

  1. Scheduling work during peak internet hours to maximize productivity.
  2. Building a solid network of remote homies in Lagos to swap tips and tricks, especially when it comes to managing those time zone struggles and staying in the loop.

As my dude Richard Lee, a software dev based in Lagos, put it, "Adapting to these challenges has been a journey of personal growth, revealing resilience and flexibility I never knew I had." That's real talk right there.

At the end of the day, despite all the curve balls, remote tech pros in Lagos are still crushing it and making their mark on the global tech scene.

Tips for Starting a Remote Tech Job in Lagos


Let's talk about kickstarting that remote tech gig from Lagos. It's no walk in the park, but with the right moves, you can slay it. Check out these dope guides from the homies at FB Dev C'Lagos, The Bulb Africa, and SkilHarvest.

They've got the tea on how to make it happen.

But real talk, you gotta gear up with the right tools. We're talking high-speed internet, a solid laptop, and a backup power plan.

Apps like Slack, Trello, and Zoom are your besties for staying connected and organized – over 85% of Nigerian remote workers swear by them.

  • Set up a dope workspace at home, free from distractions. Around 76% of Lagos remote workers say it boosts their productivity game.
  • Keep leveling up your skills. Platforms like Coursera and Udemy got you covered with courses in coding, data analysis, and more. Over 65% of Lagos remote workers use them to stay fresh.
  • Internet issues are a real pain, but you gotta find a way to stay connected. Nearly 90% of Lagos remote pros face network struggles, so having a backup plan is key.

But it's not just about the tech skills.

Mastering time management and communication is crucial when you're working with global teams across time zones, according to a study on remote work trends in Africa.

Follow these tips, and you'll be slaying that international remote career from Lagos in no time.

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Let's talk about the dope remote tech gigs comin' outta Lagos. The digital world has no boundaries, and Lagos is killin' it with a lit tech scene. says remote work in Naija grew by 200% in just two years! Lagos is leading the charge, with over half of the country's tech hubs.

This ecosystem ain't just about innovation; it's also serving up a buffet of remote job opportunities, like the 586 Remote jobs now open in Nigeria.

If you're tryna snag a remote gig in Lagos, you gotta know the lay of the land. Check out the Nigerian Tech Community Slack group and sites like for the lowdown on scoring USD-paying remote tech jobs.

They got job listings and a dope community to back you up. Plus, there are success stories galore of peeps who made the switch to remote work and are livin' their best lives with more job satisfaction and better work-life balance.

Wanna join the party? Here's the roadmap:

  1. Research: Dive into online communities and job boards focused on the Nigerian tech scene.
  2. Network: Hit up tech events and online forums to link up with like-minded hustlers and mentors.
  3. Upskill: Keep leveling up your skills, especially digital communication and project management – those are hot commodities for remote jobs.

Sure, you might face some hurdles like wonky internet and time zone gymnastics, but the perks of flexibility, global exposure, and potentially fatter paychecks make it worth the grind.

As one Lagos tech boss said, "The future of work is remote, and Lagos is ready to be a part of this global movement." With the right tools and community support, we can usher in a new era of tech badassery in Lagos.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the benefits of remote work from Lagos, Nigeria?

The benefits of remote work from Lagos, Nigeria include flexible schedules, elimination of commutes, access to a wider pool of jobs, and a better work-life balance.

What challenges do tech professionals face when working remotely from Lagos?

Tech professionals in Lagos face challenges such as inconsistent internet connectivity, time zone differences, and cultural integration with global teams when working remotely.

What are the popular remote tech job opportunities in Lagos, Nigeria?

Popular remote tech job opportunities in Lagos include software development, data analysis, IT project management, user experience (UX) design, and cybersecurity.

How can Lagos-based professionals thrive in the remote tech job marketplace?

Lagos-based professionals can thrive in the remote tech job marketplace by possessing essential tech skills, soft skills like effective communication and time management, building a strong profile/CV, actively participating in tech communities, and leveraging the right job platforms.

What tips are recommended for starting a remote tech job in Lagos, Nigeria?

Tips for starting a remote tech job in Lagos include equipping yourself with reliable technology, cultivating a productive workspace, enhancing your skills through continuous learning, overcoming connectivity challenges, practicing effective time management and communication skills, and leveraging online communities and job boards specific to the Nigerian tech ecosystem.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible