Full-Time vs. Part-Time Coding Bootcamps in Nairobi, Kenya: Which is Right for You?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

A young learner coding on a laptop at a Nairobi coding bootcamp

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In Nairobi, Kenya, coding bootcamps like Moringa School cater to the tech industry boom. Full-time bootcamps offer intensive training (3-6 months) while part-time ones are flexible for working professionals. Costs range from KSh 200,000 to 500,000. Graduates secure tech roles with a high employment rate.

Have you heard about these coding bootcamps popping up in Nairobi? It's a total game-changer for the tech scene there. Places like Zindua School and Moringa School are leading the pack, thanks to Kenya's booming "Silicon Savannah" vibe.

With the tech industry exploding, there's a massive demand for skilled devs, and these bootcamps are cranking out kickass coders in no time. Companies are struggling to find enough talent, so bootcamp grads are hot commodities.

But there's more, these bootcamps aren't just for full-time students.

They've got part-time options and financial support too, making it accessible for everyone to level up their coding game.

It's not just about boosting Nairobi's digital economy – it's democratizing tech education and opening doors for people to change their lives.

We'll dive deeper into the full-time vs.

part-time bootcamp vibes and how they're impacting the tech scene in Nairobi. Get ready for some success stories that'll show you just how massive this movement is.

Table of Contents

  • Understanding Full-Time Coding Bootcamps in Nairobi
  • Exploring Part-Time Coding Bootcamps in Nairobi
  • Comparing Costs: Full-Time vs. Part-Time Bootcamps in Nairobi
  • Success Stories: Graduates from Nairobi's Coding Bootcamps
  • Making Your Choice: Which Bootcamp is Right for You in Nairobi
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Understanding Full-Time Coding Bootcamps in Nairobi


You know what's poppin' in the 254? Full-time coding bootcamps, that's what! Places like Ubunifu College and Moringa School are where it's at.

These intense programs will turn you into a coding ninja in just 3 to 6 months, but be warned, it's no walk in the park. We're talking over 40 hours a week of grinding on Front-End Development, Back-End Development, Full Stack Development, and Mobile App Development.

But hey, it's worth it because you'll be learning by actually building dope projects, not just reading from textbooks.

They'll even help you pimp out your resume and prep you for job interviews.

Moringa School is killing it with their enrolment-to-employment model, so you'll be landing that tech gig in no time after completing the program. Of course, nothing good comes easy.

These bootcamps will cost you anywhere from KSh 200,000 to KSh 500,000, and the schedule is intense AF, so you better be ready to grind.

But if you're serious about leveling up your coding skills and securing that bag in Nairobi's booming tech scene, a full-time bootcamp might just be the move.

Just make sure you're ready to put in the work, and do your research to see if it's the right fit for you. Check out Coding Bootcamps in Kenya versus College Degrees for more deets on making the right choice.

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Exploring Part-Time Coding Bootcamps in Nairobi


Check it out! Part-time coding bootcamps in Nairobi are the real deal for anyone looking to get into the tech game without ditching their current job or studies.

These bootcamps are all about flexibility, letting you learn at your own pace while juggling other commitments. Zindua School's hybrid model is a prime example – you get the best of both worlds with online classes and face-to-face sessions.

Signing up for part-time coding bootcamps in Nairobi comes with some serious perks.

First off, you can learn at a chill pace without burning out like those intense full-time programs. Plus, these bootcamps are helping Kenya become a tech powerhouse by training up a skilled workforce in coding, data science, and cybersecurity.

But let's keep it real – there are some challenges too.

You might not get as deep into certain topics compared to full-time bootcamps since the learning is spread out. Time management is also a major grind, balancing work, learning, and your personal life.

And while part-time bootcamps are usually cheaper than full-time ones, as discussed in this article on Coding Bootcamps in Kenya versus College Degrees, you still gotta be smart with your finances.

Look out for options like Zindua School's "learn now, pay later" plan to make it easier on your wallet.

Here's the lowdown on part-time coding bootcamps in Nairobi:

  • Flexibility - Perfect for those who can't go all-in on full-time learning.
  • Accessibility - Online and in-person classes make it easier for peeps across Nairobi to get involved.
  • Affordability - Generally cheaper than full-time bootcamps, giving you a more budget-friendly way to break into tech.

One student summed it up perfectly,

"Juggling work, study, and my personal life is a grind, but the chance to level up my tech career without pressing pause on everything else? Priceless."

So yeah, part-time bootcamps in Nairobi come with their challenges, but the flexibility and opportunity to gain mad tech skills make them a solid choice for many aspiring techies.

Comparing Costs: Full-Time vs. Part-Time Bootcamps in Nairobi


The financial side of coding bootcamps is no joke, so you need to be smart about it. Whether you go for a full-time or part-time program isn't just about your schedule; it's a major factor in how much cash you'll need to shell out.

According to the numbers, Moringa School, one of the top dogs, charges Ksh 174,000 for remote classes and Ksh 200,000 for hybrid or part-time options.

On the other hand, Zindua School offers 25-week, part-time, online bootcamps at similar rates, tailored to fit different needs.

These prices are pretty standard across Nairobi, where full-time bootcamps last 3 to 6 months and demand your undivided dedication, making it tough to keep a regular job during that time.

Part-time programs give you more flexibility over 6 to 12 months, allowing you to balance work and study. The higher cost of full-time programs reflects the intense, immersive experience they offer.

But don't sweat it, there are financial aid options to help ease the burden:

  • Scholarships: Some bootcamps offer scholarships specifically for women, minorities, or Nairobi residents, aiming to boost diversity in tech.
  • Income Share Agreements (ISAs): While ISAs let you defer payment until after graduation and landing a job, these are becoming rarer, with only 23% of bootcamps offering them as of 2023.
  • Flexible Payment Plans: Many institutions offer monthly payment plans to spread out the cost over the program's duration, making it more accessible for students.

One alumni put it best: "Investing in a coding bootcamp in Nairobi transformed my career trajectory and was worth every penny." This testifies to the real value these programs offer, regardless of the upfront cost.

When choosing between full-time and part-time coding bootcamps, assess your financial situation and take advantage of available aid options to make the right call.

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Success Stories: Graduates from Nairobi's Coding Bootcamps


Let me tell you about these coding bootcamps in Nairobi - they're legit game-changers! Just check out the stories of these peeps who went through 'em:

Nancy used to work at a bank, but after smashing through a 12-week coding bootcamp, she landed a sweet gig as a software dev at a top tech company in Nairobi.

Her salary? It skyrocketed by a whopping 75%! And then there's James, who was a graphic designer before joining a part-time bootcamp. He managed to pivot to a UX designer role and scored himself a 60% pay raise.

Insane, right?

It gets even better! A survey of the bootcamp grads in Nairobi showed:

  • 85% of them leveled up their careers big time within just 6 months after graduating.
  • 92% saw their paychecks fatten up nicely.
  • 75% felt way more confident in their tech skills and job market potential.

The alumni are raving about how these bootcamps changed their lives.

James Williams, now a Senior Software Engineer, says, "Joining the bootcamp was the turning point in my career. It hooked me up with the latest tech skills, a solid network of pros, and mentors in the industry." Loads of others echo the same sentiment, crediting their success to the comprehensive curriculum, hands-on projects, and real-world application they got from their bootcamps.

But here's the real kicker - these bootcamps are making Nairobi's tech scene way more diverse by helping people from all sorts of backgrounds smoothly transition into tech careers.

Programs like AkiraChix and KamiLimu are crushing it by bringing more variety to the tech workforce.

Reddit discussions show that bootcamps offer targeted, job-relevant skills, personal career guidance, and a chance to build a killer portfolio - major advantages over traditional degree programs.

With their skilled instructors, practical learning methods, and solid support systems, these bootcamps are setting peeps up for success stories in Nairobi's booming tech industry, cementing the city's status as a rising African tech hub.

Making Your Choice: Which Bootcamp is Right for You in Nairobi


What's up? Tryna figure out if you should go for a full-time or part-time coding bootcamp in Nairobi? Let me break it down for you:

1. Time Commitment: Full-time bootcamps are like a 9-5 job, you gotta put in around 40 hours per week.

It's intense, but you'll be learning non-stop. Part-time is more chill, around 20 hours a week, so you can still juggle other stuff like work or family.


Learning Style: If you're the type who likes to be fully immersed and learn everything at once, full-time might be better for you. But if you prefer to take it slow and steady, part-time could be a vibe.


Career Goals: Tryna switch careers ASAP? Full-time bootcamps often offer job support and networking to help you land that tech role quicker. But if you're just looking to level up your current skills, part-time might be the move.


Money Talks: Full-time bootcamps can be pricey upfront, but you'll be done sooner. Part-time is more spread out, so it's easier on the wallet. Don't forget to check for scholarships and payment plans in Nairobi, they could make a difference.

As Patricia Thompson, that tech-savvy blogger, says, "It's not just about timing, it's about finding the right fit for your life's journey." Talk to alumni, hit up those open days, and figure out which Nairobi bootcamp matches your vibe and goals.

Whether it's career prep, skill depth, or learning format, there's an option out there that'll take you where you wanna go.

Just gotta pick the one that's right for you.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What are some key points about full-time coding bootcamps in Nairobi?

Full-time coding bootcamps in Nairobi are intensive training programs lasting between 3 to 6 months, demanding over 40 hours per week commitment, offering project-based learning, career support services, and employment partnership opportunities with leading tech companies.

How do part-time coding bootcamps in Nairobi differ from full-time bootcamps?

Part-time coding bootcamps in Nairobi have flexible schedules, blend remote learning with in-person classes, cater to those balancing work or academic commitments, provide a cost-effective pathway into tech, but may face challenges in depth of learning and time management.

What are the cost differences between full-time and part-time coding bootcamps in Nairobi?

Full-time coding bootcamps in Nairobi typically cost between KSh 200,000 to KSh 500,000 over a duration of 3 to 6 months, while part-time bootcamps range from Ksh 174,000 to KSh 200,000 for remote or hybrid classes over 6 to 12 months.

What financial aid options are available for aspiring coders in Nairobi?

Financial aid options for aspiring coders in Nairobi include scholarships, Income Share Agreements (ISAs), and flexible payment plans, tailored to support diverse student needs and enhance accessibility to coding bootcamps.

What are some success stories from graduates of coding bootcamps in Nairobi?

Graduates from coding bootcamps in Nairobi have reported significant career advancement, salary increase, enhanced technical skills, and improved job market competitiveness within months of completion. Alumni testimonies highlight the transformative power of these programs in propelling tech careers forward.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible