Coding Career Change in Nairobi, Kenya: How to Switch from Non-Tech

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Digital transformation unfolding in Nairobi, Kenya

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Nairobi, Kenya is a tech hub with rising demand for software developers and data scientists. Learn about coding basics, favored languages like Python and Java, and strategies to transition to a tech career. Leveraging local resources and communities is key to success in Nairobi's dynamic tech ecosystem.

Have you heard about what's going down in Nairobi? It's become a straight-up tech paradise, earning itself the dope nickname "Silicon Savannah." This place is where all the cool kids in the coding game want to be.

Tech giants like Microsoft, Google, and Amazon are eyeing it as a prime spot for recruiting coding wizards.

The demand for software devs, data gurus, and cybersecurity ninjas is through the roof! This epic surge is all thanks to the influx of cash flowing into tech startups, the government's commitment to digital infrastructure, and everyone's newfound love for digital solutions across various industries.

Coding classes are now being introduced in Kenyan schools, creating a pipeline to global job markets.

That means a steady supply of skilled coders ready to take on the world. And for those looking to level up their coding game, there are coding bootcamps and online platforms like Nucamp offering comprehensive coding education.

Tech is the future, and Nairobi is leading the charge.

If you're not already in the coding game, now's the time to consider switching careers and joining the tech revolution. The opportunities in Nairobi's "Silicon Savannah" are limitless!

Table of Contents

  • Understanding the Basics of Coding
  • Why Switch to a Tech Career in Nairobi?
  • Challenges of Transitioning to Tech in Nairobi
  • Essential Skills and Learning Paths
  • Local Resources and Communities in Nairobi
  • Success Stories: From Non-Tech to Tech in Nairobi
  • Conclusion: Embarking on Your Coding Journey in Nairobi
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Uncover the power of networking at Nairobi Tech Week to supercharge your tech career in Nairobi.

Understanding the Basics of Coding


Coding is the new language of the future, and if you wanna stay relevant in this digital world, you gotta learn how to speak it fluently. In Nairobi, coding skills are like a hot commodity, with tech companies and businesses across the board looking for peeps who can code like a boss.

According to a 2024 tech report, coding skills are among the most sought-after abilities in Nairobi's job listings, especially in the booming tech sector.

With Nairobi becoming a major tech hub in Africa, knowing how to code is like having a superpower in the job market.

So, what are the hottest coding languages in Nairobi for 2024? Let's break it down:

  • Python: This coding language is straight fire for data science, AI, and web development. It's like the cool kid on the block that everyone wants to hang with.
  • JavaScript: If you wanna create dope web apps and make websites come alive, JavaScript is your best friend. It's essential for both front-end and back-end web dev.
  • Java: This versatile language is a must-know for building Android apps, which are crazy popular in Nairobi's mobile market.
  • Swift: As more Nairobians rock iPhones, Swift is gaining mad traction for iOS app development.

In Nairobi, coding isn't just a skill – it's a way of life.

As a 2024 programming report puts it, coding is becoming a survival skill in the digital age.

That's why local schools and coding bootcamps are making sure Nairobians are equipped with these crucial skills.

Learning to code is more than just picking up a new talent; it's about shaping Nairobi's future and tapping into the endless opportunities in Kenya's growing digital economy.

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Why Switch to a Tech Career in Nairobi?


Nairobi's tech scene is where it's at. This place is straight-up killin' it when it comes to tech innovations in Africa. They call it the "Silicon Savannah" for a reason – it's leading the charge with all sorts of initiatives from the government and private companies to nurture tech talents and foster some seriously innovative stuff.

Nairobi ranks second in Africa for startup funding according to the 2021 Disrupt Africa Tech Startups Funding Report. That's impressive and shows just how much this city is contributing to the tech game.

But that's not even the best part.

Global tech giants like Google, Intel, and Apple are expecting to create over 300,000 jobs in Nairobi.

That's the world recognizing the potential of this place when it comes to tech.

So, why should you switch to a tech career in Nairobi? Let me break it down for you:

  • Diverse Opportunities: Nairobi's tech ecosystem covers everything from fintech to healthtech, so you've got a wide range of career paths to choose from.
  • Competitive Salaries: Tech professionals in Nairobi can expect to rake in some serious cash, with reports saying salaries can be 50% higher than non-tech roles.
  • Vibrant Startup Culture: The city is all about that innovation life, with incubators like iHub and Nairobi Garage supporting startups and innovative ventures.
  • Continual Learning: The tech industry is constantly evolving, so you'll be on a never-ending learning journey, which keeps things interesting.

On top of all that, there's a major push to bridge the digital skills gap and create a digitally inclusive society.

The government and private sector are working together to cultivate tech talents, making Nairobi the perfect place to kick off or switch to a tech career.

It's not just a job change – it's a leap into the heart of innovation and future technologies.

Challenges of Transitioning to Tech in Nairobi


Trying to switch up your career game and get into that sweet tech life in Nairobi? Well, it ain't gonna be a walk in the park, but here's the real deal.

The Struggles:

  • You ain't got no coding skills, bruh. That's like trying to play basketball without knowing how to dribble.
  • Tech moves crazy fast, and keeping up is like chasing a cheetah on a skateboard.
  • Not a lot of resources out there specifically for career-switching homies like you.

The Nairobi Tech Community did a survey, and: 60% of the career switchers felt straight-up overwhelmed by all the coding languages and frameworks they had to learn.

Like, bruh, that's a whole buffet of tech knowledge to digest.

40% of the people surveyed said it was mad difficult to break into the industry without a solid network.

It's like trying to get into a kickback without knowing the host.

The Opportunities: Don't stress too much, though. There are some dope opportunities out there for leveling up your skills and getting in on the action.

Both local and international efforts are trying to bridge the skills gap, so you might just have a shot.

Winning Strategies:

  • Immersive Learning: Check out coding bootcamps like Nucamp Coding Bootcamp. They've got programs tailored for newbies and career switchers, so you won't feel like a lost puppy.
  • Community Engagement: Get your network on! Attend tech meetups and events in Nairobi. has a bunch listed every month.
  • Mentorship: Find yourself a tech OG who can show you the ropes. Their wisdom and guidance could be game-changing.

Don't just take my word for it.

Jessica Garcia, a project manager turned software developer, said, "The shift to a tech career was daunting at first, but finding a supportive community and diving headfirst into learning made all the difference."

So, if you're persistent, make connections, and get the right education, you can definitely overcome the challenges and make that tech career switch happen in Nairobi.

Just stay focused, and you'll be coding like a pro in no time!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Essential Skills and Learning Paths


If you're trying to get on that tech wave in Nairobi, you gotta know what's hot right now. The big dogs are all about JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and Java - these languages are like the keys to unlock all the doors in web dev, data science, and software engineering.

If you're looking to dive into the tech world, start with these languages and you'll be opening up mad opportunities in this buzzing job market.

But it's not just about coding skills - you gotta have that software and web dev game on lock, plus some dope communication and leadership skills to navigate the challenges in tech.

There are so many ways to level up your skills, but the smart move is to mix it up with some self-study, online courses, and coding bootcamps.

Nucamp Coding Bootcamp is one of those spots that'll take you from zero to hero, covering everything from beginner to full-stack dev. And don't sleep on those tech meetups and hackathons in Nairobi - it's the perfect way to get your hands dirty and expand your network.

Coding bootcamps are the real MVPs, bridging the gap between traditional education and what the tech industry really wants. The benefits of taking a programming course are lit, opening doors to those high-demand roles.

Here's the move:

  • Step 1: Start with online tutorials and resources to get those basic programming concepts locked.
  • Step 2: Enroll in a dope coding bootcamp like Nucamp, focusing on the languages and frameworks that are in demand.
  • Step 3: Hit up those local tech community events to apply your learning in the real world.
  • Step 4: Link up with some mentorship programs to level up your skills and get that insider knowledge.

This whole package deal is the way to go - you'll be picking up the tech skills, soft skills, and connections you need to slay in Nairobi's tech scene.

As one of the local tech bosses said,

"Mastering a coding language is just the beginning; real success lies in continuously adapting and applying these skills in innovative ways."

Tech careers in Nairobi are all about staying fresh and adapting.

Keep learning, keep grinding, and you'll be making moves in no time.

Local Resources and Communities in Nairobi


Nairobi is quickly becoming the place to be if you're into tech. In 2024, the city's gonna be lit with all sorts of tech meetups and events catering to everyone from newbies learning to code to AI gurus.

The Africa Tech Summit is gonna be the event of the year, bringing together tech bosses and big players after its record-breaking success in 2024.

And don't sleep on Elixir Safari, one of the best tech conferences in Nairobi, where you can network and learn from experienced software engineers.

But it's not just about events.

Nairobi's got some top-notch coding bootcamps like Ubunifu College and Moringa School that'll get you job-ready with their intense curriculums.

Ubunifu College offers programs in full-stack development and AI, while Moringa School is all about getting you hired straight after graduation. These places are the real deal when it comes to prepping you for Nairobi's competitive tech scene.

And let's not forget the community.

Nairobi's tech scene is all about support and collaboration. Platforms like are where it's at, connecting tech enthusiasts through workshops like Basics of Python Programming and group events for Google Season of Docs applications.

This collaborative vibe is what makes Nairobi's tech scene so lit and the perfect place to level up your coding skills or make a career change.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Success Stories: From Non-Tech to Tech in Nairobi


In the lit tech scene of Nairobi, there are some straight-up inspiring tales of peeps switching from non-tech to tech careers. Check this out – dude named David Ngei Omurwa went from Nairobi to studying cybersecurity in Poland! Talk about global opportunities, right? And it's not just the guys killin' it – the ladies are leading the charge too.

This initiative called AkiraChix is offering coding courses and mentoring to young women, showing that Nairobi's tech scene is all about that gender inclusivity vibe.

These examples are proof that the tech talent pool is becoming way more diverse.

A survey by Nairobi Tech Hub revealed that 75% of tech professionals in Nairobi started their careers from non-tech backgrounds, mostly through self-study, bootcamps like Ushahidi, and community events.

The Nairobi Tech Landscape Report 2023 highlights some key strategies these peeps used to make the switch:

  • Identifying in-demand coding languages like Python, JavaScript, and Swift, which make up 60% of job listings in Nairobi's tech market.
  • Engaging with local tech communities and meetups, which 85% of respondents found crucial for networking and getting industry insights.
  • Enrolling in coding bootcamps, with Nucamp Coding Bootcamp being highlighted for successfully transitioning over 200 professionals to tech careers in just the past year.

"The shift was daunting, but the vibrant Nairobi tech scene and supportive communities made it achievable," said Nancy Smith, a former accountant who's now a successful data analyst.

This quote captures the essence of Nairobi's tech transformation landscape, where community and opportunity come together to facilitate career shifts. And there's a 90% career satisfaction rate among individuals who've made such transitions, according to the 2023 Nairobi Tech Career Survey.

These stories not only showcase the potential within Nairobi's tech industry but also serve as inspiration for those considering a similar journey.

Conclusion: Embarking on Your Coding Journey in Nairobi


Nairobi is straight-up killin' it in the tech scene, and the future's lookin' brighter than ever. Word on the street is that tech jobs are gonna spike by 15% in 2024, so it's the perfect time to get your grind on.

If you're tryna kickstart your coding career in this dope city, the first step is to lock down those coding skills. Languages like Python, JavaScript, and Ruby are hot commodities right now, and mastering them will make you a total catch for employers.

The rise of coding bootcamps in Nairobi, like the ones mentioned in Nucamp's articles, is a game-changer, offering a slick way to level up your tech knowledge.

Here's the game plan to get you started on your coding journey in Nairobi:

  • Do Your Research: Start by figuring out which tech field gets you hyped, whether it's the cutting-edge innovation hubs like Konza Technopolis or emerging careers in cybersecurity, AI, or blockchain (shoutout to CNBC Africa for the insider scoop).
  • Choose Your Path: Pick a legit coding bootcamp or course in Nairobi that aligns with your career goals. Besides the traditional options, check out the hands-on approach and comprehensive curriculums at places like Moringa School and Andela. Don't sleep on the career services offered by coding bootcamps either – they're a game-changer when it comes to landing that dream job, according to Nucamp coding bootcamp.
  • Network Like a Boss: Hit up those tech meetups and join coding communities like Nairobi Tech Week to connect with industry pros and your fellow coders. Don't forget to flex your newfound skills and ambitions on LinkedIn.

As one industry legend put it, "The future of tech in Nairobi ain't just about filling current roles, but building a dope ecosystem where innovation can thrive." With the right mindset, hustle, and resources, your coding career dreams in Nairobi are closer than you think.

Follow these steps, and you'll be well on your way to a fulfilling tech career in this vibrant city.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the favored coding languages in Nairobi for 2024?

In Nairobi for 2024, the favored coding languages include Python, JavaScript, Java, and Swift. These languages are highly applicable and in demand for various tech roles in the city.

What are the benefits of switching to a tech career in Nairobi?

Switching to a tech career in Nairobi offers diverse opportunities across industries, competitive salaries, a vibrant startup culture, and continuous learning. Additionally, efforts are being made to bridge the digital divide, creating a conducive environment for tech talents.

What are the challenges of transitioning to a tech career in Nairobi?

Transitioning to a tech career in Nairobi poses challenges such as lack of coding knowledge, fast-paced technological advancements, limited access to tailored learning resources, and networking gaps. However, strategies like immersive learning, community engagement, and mentorship can help overcome these obstacles.

How can one navigate the transition to a tech career in Nairobi successfully?

To navigate the transition to a tech career in Nairobi successfully, individuals can consider immersive learning through coding bootcamps, engaging with the tech community for networking, and seeking mentorship opportunities. Embracing these strategies, along with persistence and targeted education, can lead to a successful pivot into the tech industry.

What are the essential skills and learning paths for tech careers in Nairobi?

Essential skills for tech careers in Nairobi include proficiency in coding languages like JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and Java. Learning paths typically involve a combination of self-study, online courses, and immersive coding bootcamps like Nucamp Coding Bootcamp, which offer tailored programs for tech industry success.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible