What role do developers play in ensuring digital accessibility?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

Developer working on digital accessibility solutions

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Developers ensure digital accessibility by following WCAG guidelines, creating accessible content from project inception, and using tools like ARIA. Over a billion individuals with disabilities globally emphasize the imperative of inclusivity. Despite the importance, many websites still lack WCAG compliance, stressing the ongoing need for accessibility efforts.

In this digital age, it's crucial that tech products and services are designed to be accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities like sensory, cognitive, or physical impairments.

As developers, we play a major role in breaking down these barriers to digital content by following the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and considering accessibility from the get-go.

Over a billion people worldwide have some form of disability, so making tech accessible isn't just a legal obligation, but an ethical one too.

We can leverage tools like ARIA and ensure features like keyboard navigation to make our products inclusive for all.

A lot of websites still don't meet accessibility standards, according to studies like the WebAIM analysis.

That's why we need to step up our game and keep digital inclusiveness at the forefront. By offering alternative text for multimedia, maintaining consistent and predictable user interfaces, and following best practices, we can create experiences that truly cater to everyone.

At the end of the day, digital accessibility aligns with Nucamp's emphasis on creating an inclusive digital space, and it's a testament to how technology can empower and include people, improving their quality of life.

So let's do our part and make the digital world a more accessible place for all.

Table of Contents

  • Understanding Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
  • Barriers to Digital Accessibility
  • Developers' Tools and Techniques for Accessible Design
  • The Legal Landscape of Digital Accessibility
  • Inclusive Design Principles
  • The Business Case for Accessibility
  • Conclusion: Integrating Accessibility into Development
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Understanding Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)


You know about those Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)? Yeah, they're the real MVPs for making websites accessible to people with disabilities. They have a set of guidelines that cover four main areas: perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust.

Basically, they're like the rulebook for making sure your website is easy to use for everyone.

With the new WCAG 2.1 update, they've added even more features to cater to mobile users and those with cognitive disabilities, low vision, or who don't speak English as their first language.

So, now you have to make sure your website has:

  • Text Alternatives: Like, descriptions for images and stuff (Alt text).
  • Closed Captioning: Yeah, subtitles for videos and a way for users to check if a message has been received.
  • Multiple Presentations: Your content should be able to adapt to different formats without losing its meaning, and you have to specify what those form fields are for.
  • Responsive Design: Make that website look fly on mobile screens!
  • Keyboard Functionality: Let users navigate your site with just a keyboard.

If you follow these guidelines, you're opening up your website to a whole new audience.

Studies show that following WCAG can reduce usability issues for disabled users by like 50%! And one e-commerce site saw a massive spike in sales after implementing WCAG. Like, crazy numbers! Even Microsoft says that WCAG compliance is good for business and a social responsibility.

Plus, many countries have laws that require WCAG, so you better follow the rules if you don't want to get in trouble with the law.

So, in short, WCAG is the way to go if you want to make your website accessible to everyone and stay on the right side of the law.

It's a win-win situation!

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Barriers to Digital Accessibility


There are a bunch of digital accessibility issues that people with disabilities face all the time, and it's a real bummer. The most common problems are: links that don't make sense, which makes it hard for people using screen readers to understand where they lead; colors that don't have enough contrast, making it tough for those with visual impairments; websites that can't be navigated with just a keyboard, shutting out folks who can't use a mouse; and images without descriptions, leaving the visually impaired in the dark.

A whopping 71% of web users with a disability will straight-up abandon a website if it's not accessible enough. That's a lot of potential customers lost, not to mention the hassle it creates.

And there are other annoyances like poorly labeled forms, messed-up heading structures, and missing language info that just make things harder for everyone.

As developers, it's our job to build an internet that works for everyone.

Following the WCAG guidelines, which lay out the best practices, is key. That means making sure documents flow logically, everything can be navigated with a keyboard, using high-contrast colors, and adding descriptive text for links and images.

Basically, making sure things are perceivable and robust for all users.

It's not just about ticking boxes; it's about making the web a level playing field for everyone, no matter their abilities.

As one expert put it, we developers aren't just writing code; we're encoding equal access.

Solving these accessibility issues has major benefits, like improving user experience, reaching a wider audience, and staying on the right side of the law. But more importantly, it's about doing the right thing and building a digital world where everyone can participate fully.

Removing barriers empowers people and creates equal opportunities, and that's something we should all strive for.

Developers' Tools and Techniques for Accessible Design


When it comes to making sure everyone can access your website, developers got a ton of tools and tricks up their sleeve. The hottest tech out there like WAVE, AXE, and Google Lighthouse can help you spot issues like low contrast, missing alt text, and inaccessible forms.

These Automated Accessibility Testing Tools (AATT) let you scan thousands of pages at once, saving you a ton of time. And if you want to make sure your fancy UI works with screen readers, you gotta implement Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA).

Devs also use accessibility toolkits like the IBM Accessibility Toolkit and Microsoft Accessibility Insights, which give you a whole bunch of guidelines and checklists for making your site accessible.

You know who's killing it in the accessibility game? The BBC! Their website has subtitles, screen reader support, and keyboard navigation, so everyone can enjoy their content.

Check it out:

  • Subtitles for all videos, perfect for people with hearing issues.
  • Optimized colors and text sizing for those with visual impairments.

But it's not just about being a good citizen.

Making your site accessible is a smart business move. Deque University found that websites following WCAG guidelines can reach an extra 20% of the population, which means more $$$ in your pocket.

In today's world, digital accessibility is a major selling point, so developers who know their stuff in this area are not only making the internet a more inclusive place but also helping their company rake in the dough.

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The Legal Landscape of Digital Accessibility


The rules and regs around making digital stuff accessible are a total mess, like the wild west of the internet. Take the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), for example.

That means websites in the US gotta be accessible for people with disabilities, putting the pressure on devs to make sure their sites follow the ADA standards.

A 2019 government report found that 70.6% of pages had straight-up ADA compliance fails. That's a serious wake-up call for devs to level up their accessibility game.

But it's not just the US. The European Union is flexing with the EU Web Accessibility Directive, and they're expanding their reach with the European Accessibility Act, setting a harmonized standard for essential products and services.

It's like they're trying to make the digital world one big happy, accessible family.

If you look around the globe, there's a whole patchwork of laws emphasizing the importance of making digital spaces inclusive.

The UK's Equality Act 2010 is all about web accessibility, and they've got specific rules like the Public Sector Bodies Accessibility Regulations 2018 that lay out the technical standards.

In Canada, the Accessible Canada Act (ACA) is a roadmap towards a barrier-free nation by 2040, challenging devs to make the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) a reality.

Over in the Asia-Pacific, Australia is following the Disability Discrimination Act, which has seen its fair share of lawsuits against inaccessible websites.

For devs, navigating this legal maze is crucial, because global compliance often means meeting the highest bar. But the W3C is saying that following WCAG isn't just about ticking boxes - it's about improving SEO, mobile compatibility, and overall user experience.


Tim Berners-Lee said, "Accessibility is not a feature; it is a social trend."

Building accessibility into web development is more than just following the rules - it's a moral obligation to inclusivity and a gateway to the massive disability market.

The laws set the baseline, but visionary devs see accessibility as the foundation of empathetic, user-centered design.

Inclusive Design Principles


The key to making kick-ass digital products that work for everyone is inclusive design. It's all about putting people first. These principles guide us devs in creating dope digital experiences that cater to all kinds of humans, no matter their abilities or challenges.

At the core, we got equitable use, flexibility in use, and simple and intuitive use.

But that's not all – we also gotta think about perceptible information and tolerance for error, according to the Inclusive Design Principles and the Centre for Excellence in Universal Design.

By weaving this into our work, we can make products that everyone can use, no matter if they're dealing with temporary or situational challenges.

To make it happen, we can do things like:

  • Keyboard navigation: Making sure it's accessible for users with motor disabilities
  • Alternative text: Providing descriptions for images to help out visually impaired users
  • Multiple methods: Offering varied interactions for users to complete tasks, giving them control and choice

The benefits of being inclusive are massive.

Not only do we reach a wider market and tap into the spending power of people with disabilities, but we also build deep customer loyalty and drive innovation.

When we design for all circumstances, we often end up inventing solutions for a whole new group of customers, just like how the "Solving for one extends to many" principle from Microsoft's inclusive design toolkit has proven to be dope.

There are challenges like tight deadlines or not fully understanding accessibility, but as Section508.gov says, we gotta keep pushing for inclusive innovation.

These challenges are really just opportunities for creativity and problem-solving, leading to tech advancements that benefit everyone. So it's on us devs to fully embrace inclusive design principles in our workflows, forever changing the digital landscape to be universally accessible.

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The Business Case for Accessibility


Digital accessibility ain't just some boring compliance thing, it's a smart move that pays off big time and keeps you ahead of the game in the digital world. Revamping your digital content to be more accessible is a game-changer, opening up new markets and creating a sweet spot between user engagement and cold hard cash.

Check this out: this report shows how accessibility saves you money, sparks innovation, and keeps you out of legal trouble.

Plus, with over a billion people with disabilities out there, that's a massive untapped market worth around $7 trillion in spending power.

Studies prove that inclusive digital spaces bring in the big bucks, boosting your company's ethical rep and bottom line.

It's a win-win situation!

On top of that, digital accessibility equals happy customers and brand loyalty. Taking notes from industry experts, accessible websites perform better, run smoother, and tick all the boxes for customer expectations.

Better SEO and avoiding legal hassles? That's just smart business. The numbers don't lie: more page views, lower bounce rates, and a thriving digital ecosystem.

At the end of the day, investing in digital accessibility is a no-brainer.

Tim Berners-Lee, the dude who invented the World Wide Web, said it best: embracing inclusivity isn't just the right thing to do, it's a solid business strategy that opens up new markets, boosts your social cred, and brings in the big bucks.

So, what are you waiting for? Get on board and reap the rewards!

Conclusion: Integrating Accessibility into Development


Let's talk about something crucial: how coders like you can make the internet more accessible for everyone. It's a big deal, considering over a billion people out there have some sort of disability.

As web developers, you're the masterminds behind the online experiences we all have.

That means you have a huge impact on how inclusive and accessible those experiences are. Implementing accessible design principles is key, and there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Learn the ropes: Stay up-to-date on accessibility standards like WCAG 2.1. Why? Because 71% of users with disabilities will ditch a site that's not accessible. Yikes!
  • Test, test, test: Automated tools only catch about 25% of accessibility issues. The rest? You gotta do manual checks and get feedback from real users. It's a grind, but it's worth it.
  • Play by the rules: Web accessibility laws are no joke, especially with the surge of legal actions happening. You don't want to be on the wrong side of the Americans with Disabilities Act, do you?

By making accessibility a priority, you're not just helping out a specific group – you're leveling up the user experience for everyone.

And 83% of devs agree that following accessibility standards leads to better code quality overall. That's a win-win!

At the end of the day, you coders are the real agents of change.

Advocating for accessibility throughout the development process is a must, just like our buds at Nucamp preach about ethics and security in full-stack development.

As technology keeps evolving, our commitment to digital inclusion has to keep pace. In the words of Tim Berners-Lee himself, "Accessibility is not a feature, it is a social trend." Baking accessibility into your code isn't just a nice-to-have – it's a crucial part of being a top-notch developer who values every single user.

Let's get it!

Frequently Asked Questions


What role do developers play in ensuring digital accessibility?

Developers play a crucial role in ensuring digital accessibility by adhering to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), considering accessible design from the project's start, and leveraging tools like ARIA. Over a billion individuals with disabilities globally emphasize the necessity of inclusivity. Despite this, many websites still lack WCAG compliance, highlighting the ongoing need for accessibility efforts.

How can developers ensure digital accessibility in their projects?

Developers can ensure digital accessibility in their projects by following the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), creating accessible content from the beginning, incorporating functionalities like keyboard navigation, and using tools such as ARIA for optimizing dynamic content and user interfaces for screen reader users.

What are some common barriers to digital accessibility?

Common barriers to digital accessibility include non-descriptive links, poor color contrast, lack of keyboard navigability, missing alt text on images, inadequate form labels, illogical heading structure, and missing language specifications. These barriers often lead to users with disabilities leaving websites, underlining the importance of addressing accessibility challenges.

What are the advantages of inclusive design principles in digital products?

Inclusive design principles in digital products ensure equitable use, flexibility in use, and simple and intuitive use. By incorporating measures like keyboard navigation, providing alternative text for images, and offering multiple interaction methods, developers can create products that cater to a wide audience, leading to enhanced user experience, market reach, and customer loyalty.

How does digital accessibility contribute to the business case for organizations?

Digital accessibility is not just a compliance detail but an astute investment with measurable returns. It broadens market horizons, establishes a symbiotic relationship between user engagement and economic gain, contributes to cost savings, innovation, and minimized legal risks, and taps into a significant untapped marketplace represented by over a billion people with disabilities. Accessible websites also report enhanced performance, efficiency, improved SEO, and reduced legal risks, aligning ethical and economic considerations with consumer expectations.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible