What are Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), and why are they important?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Illustration of a Progressive Web App's features and benefits

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Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) blend web and app tech, offering reliability, speed, and engagement. Major companies report increased conversions. PWAs are cost-effective, boost user engagement, and reshape modern web development. Challenges on iOS and monetization exist. Future trends include improved APIs, OS integration, and AI integration for enhanced user experiences and sales.

Check this out! Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are like a fusion of regular websites and mobile apps, giving you the best of both worlds on your phone or computer.

These things were first introduced by some tech gurus in 2015, and they basically take the web to the next level with a smoother, more app-like experience.

Here's the deal: PWAs are built using standard web technologies, but they come packed with some neat features:

  • Reliability: These load up instantly, even when your internet connection is acting up or you're offline.
  • Speed: PWAs are wicked fast, with snappy response times and slick transitions that'll make your jaw drop.
  • Engagement: Get ready for an immersive, full-screen experience that feels like a native app. You can even add it to your home screen for easy access, just like your favorite apps.

Big names like Twitter and Alibaba have already jumped on the PWA bandwagon, and the results are insane.

Twitter saw a 65% increase in pages per session, while Alibaba's conversions skyrocketed by 76% after implementing PWAs. Not only that, but PWAs are way cheaper to maintain than native apps, and they can boost conversion rates by a whopping 36%.

As we dive deeper into this tech on our blog, it's clear that PWAs are shaking up the web development game in a major way.

These things are the future, so you better get on board before you get left behind!

Table of Contents

  • Core Features of PWAs
  • The Importance of PWAs for Modern Web Development
  • Success Stories: PWAs in Action
  • Building a PWA: Key Considerations
  • Challenges and Limitations of PWAs
  • The Future of PWAs
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Core Features of PWAs


Check this out! Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are the future. They're taking the user experience to the next level with some dope features that make web apps feel like native apps.

The key to a PWA is the service worker, a JavaScript file that acts as a network proxy, giving you mad control over how your app works offline and handles network requests.

These service workers let PWAs do some crazy sh*t offline by caching important files, which speeds up loading times and keeps your app running smoothly, even on slow or crappy networks.

They don't just manage all network requests, but they also create resources locally and unlock features like running code in the background and processing payments.

Then there's the manifest file, a simple JSON file that tells your app how to look and how to launch.

It's got all the deets like display properties, theme colors, and orientation, which can make or break whether your app gets installed on the home screen, making it super accessible.

To make sure your PWA is installable on the home screen, you gotta:

  1. Make sure your manifest file has icons, a start URL, a name, and a short name.

  2. Meet the browser's criteria, like being served over HTTPS and registering a service worker with a fetch handler.

All this adds up to a smooth, native-app-like experience that boosts conversion rates and user retention like crazy.

And if you're in a low-network area, offline capabilities are clutch, with PWAs seeing a 70% increase in time spent in the app. The higher engagement is backed up by stats showing push notifications can boost return visits by up to 88%.

But service workers ain't just about caching and notifications – they also make for a faster and more responsive user experience, making PWAs an increasingly popular choice for businesses and developers who want to build efficient, high-performance web apps.

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The Importance of PWAs for Modern Web Development


Let me hit you up with the lowdown on this Progressive Web App (PWA) hype. These bad boys are like apps, but way cooler – they work offline and load up stupid fast.

Imagine Twitter Lite seeing a 65% jump in pages per session and 75% more tweets after going PWA. Wild, right? Flipkart even had people spending three times more time on their site and coming back 40% more often.

Talk about keeping users hooked!

But it gets better. AliExpress turned their mobile experience into a PWA, and boom – 82% higher conversion rate and more page visits across all browsers.

These things are cost-effective AF, cutting dev time and maintenance costs by eliminating the need for app store middlemen. The Washington Post's PWA outperformed their native app by 88%, proving you don't need to splurge to get that sweet, sweet performance.

And with features like cookie consent management and CSRFTOKEN cookies, PWAs give you a seamless UI/UX while keeping your data secure.

Google's own Pete LePage said building a quality PWA is the move if you want to "delight your users, grow engagement and increase conversions."

PWAs are the future of web dev.

They merge dope user experiences with money-saving goodness. Companies using PWAs are setting the bar for web apps, putting user satisfaction and accessibility front and center.

It's not just a possibility anymore – this is the new wave, and it's changing the game for businesses. Stay ahead of the curve!

Success Stories: PWAs in Action


Have you heard of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)? These things are game-changers. Companies are using them to supercharge their online game, and the results are insane.

Check this out: Twitter rolled out a PWA, and boom! 65% more pages per session and 75% more tweets sent.

That's just wild! And according to SimiCart's analysis, PWAs are the future, combining the best of websites and native apps.

You get better conversion rates, better user engagement, the whole nine yards.

According to GoMage's case study, AliExpress saw an 85% drop in sign-in failures after going PWA. That's a huge deal for user experience! And Flipkart, India's e-commerce giant, experienced a 70% conversion increase with their PWA, Flipkart Lite, as Google's case studies show.

PWAs are setting the bar high for creating a seamless user experience, and the data proves it leads to better business success.

Even luxury brands like Lancôme are getting in on the action.

Their PWA brought a 17% conversion boost and a 53% spike in mobile sessions, especially among iOS users who don't typically see PWAs.

With companies like The Weather Channel and Lancôme sharing success stories of faster load times and higher user engagement, more and more businesses are jumping on the PWA train.

This innovative web solution is where it's at!

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Building a PWA: Key Considerations


Making a Progressive Web App (PWA) is more than just coding some basic website. You gotta follow certain rules and design principles to give users the best experience possible.

First off, PWAs gotta be secure, served through HTTPS to prevent hackers from messing with your stuff. They should also be easily discoverable, which means including a web app manifest file with info like the app name, icons, and entry points.

Performance is key too, with service workers making sure everything loads fast and works offline, keeping users engaged, especially on mobile.

Service workers are the backbone of a PWA, handling background stuff like push notifications and caching important resources.

Having a service worker and a manifest file is the bare minimum for a PWA, making it function like a native app.

Best practices emphasize responsiveness and cross-browser compatibility, ensuring your app works for everyone.

The right tools can make PWA development way easier.

Lighthouse can check your PWA's performance and accessibility. Frameworks like React or Angular, paired with tools like Workbox, simplify setting up and maintaining service workers and manifests.

Essential components of your dev toolkit include:

  • Secure context via HTTPS deployment – This security measure keeps your connection safe.
  • Web app manifest file for installation and full-screen experience – A key element for making your app installable.
  • Service worker for offline functionality and background updates – Enables a PWA to provide an app-like experience.
  • Cross-platform testing tools for ensuring compatibility – Guarantees accessibility across different devices and browsers.

Following these guidelines ensures your PWA meets the technical standards, giving users a better experience.

As Alex Russell, the Google Engineer who coined the term PWA, said,

"Progressive Web Apps are just websites that took all the right vitamins."

Achieving this level of optimization requires continuous testing and updates, so choosing platforms and tools that support continuous integration and delivery is crucial in the PWA development lifecycle.

Challenges and Limitations of PWAs


Let me break it down for you about these Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and the struggles they're facing, especially on iOS devices. See, Apple's not really playing ball when it comes to supporting all the cool features PWAs offer.

They're lacking some crucial stuff like proper service worker implementation and push notifications, which can seriously mess up the experience for iOS users.

And with iPhones and iPads being so popular, companies trying to target those users might have a hard time fully utilizing what PWAs can do.

See - even on Safari, there's a 50 MB limit on cache size for PWAs, which means developers have to be super careful about data usage.

It's like trying to fit a whole party in a tiny apartment.

There's more! With different browsers and devices supporting different web APIs, it's like a game of roulette - you never know what features will work where.

Safari on iOS might support something that Chrome on Android doesn't, and vice versa. It's a mess, and devs have to work overtime to make sure everything's running smoothly.

Now, about discoverability - yeah, PWAs can be listed on app stores, like Hulu and JD.ID have done.

But let's be real, they're still overshadowed by native apps that rule those platforms. Devs gotta get creative with SEO and social media to make their PWAs more visible.

And then there's the money issue.

Without app stores, there's no built-in way for PWAs to make bank through in-app purchases. Devs have to think outside the box - subscriptions, premium features, ads, you name it.

It's not easy, but as that web standards advocate Jen Simmons said, these limitations push us to come up with innovative solutions and drive technological progress.

So, while PWAs have some hurdles to overcome, tackling them head-on could lead to some seriously dope advancements in the long run.

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The Future of PWAs


Let me break it down for you! Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are the future, and they're about to blow your mind!

Google did a study, and these PWAs have 36% higher conversion rates than regular apps.

That means more money in your pockets! They're changing the game for e-commerce and online businesses, making it easier for people to buy your stuff.

According to Data Science Central, PWAs now have push notifications, offline access, and app-like interfaces, giving you that native app experience without the hassle of app stores or long downloads.

Check out these upcoming trends:

  • API Evolution: New APIs are emerging, allowing PWAs to access more device features, rivaling native apps in what they can do.
  • Integration with Operating Systems: PWAs are going to sync up with Android and iOS seamlessly, making installation and usage a breeze, as discussed by CedCommerce.
  • Performance Optimization: With better caching, faster JavaScript engines, and 5G on the way, PWAs could be as fast and reliable as native apps, even in areas with poor internet connectivity.
  • AI and Machine Learning: AI and PWAs are going to be a powerful combination, boosting user engagement and sales, especially for e-commerce sites, as pointed out by Maruti Techlabs.

eMarketer found that retailers using PWAs saw a 50% increase in customer engagement and a 20% jump in revenue.

Those numbers speak for themselves! PWAs offer a cost-effective way to reach customers on any device. As people keep demanding faster, more accessible web experiences, businesses need to adopt PWAs to stay competitive.

With AI, machine learning, and 5G in the mix, PWAs are going to open up a whole new world of opportunities for growth and customer satisfaction. It's time to level up!



Let me break it down for you about these Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) that are straight-up changing the game. Microsoft's got the lowdown on how they run in your browser but have all the sick features of native apps, like icons, automatic launch, and device integration.

Check out these projections that say PWAs are gonna be a $10.4 billion industry in the next few years! That's a whole lotta cash.

  • Engagement on fleek, with Twitter Lite's PWA boosting pages per session by 65% and Tweets sent up 75%.
  • Performance game strong, like Forbes' PWA giving them a 43% jump in sessions per user.
  • Works offline, keeping users hooked, just ask Trivago whose PWA upped engagement by 150%.
  • Saves that bread by maintaining a single codebase for all platforms.
  • Loads like lightning, leading to higher conversion rates, like AliExpress seeing an 82% rise in iOS conversions after their PWA launch.

PWAs are a must-have for companies trying to slay the digital game, giving even the little guys a chance to serve up dope app-like experiences without breaking the bank on native app dev.

As we dive deeper into the digital age, PWAs ain't just an option, they're a strategic flex for those trying to stay ahead of the curve.

"Embracing PWAs is a power move for enterprises gunning for digital dominance," say the experts.

Developers, you gotta get on board with PWA tech to innovate, boost user engagement, and usher in an era of web apps that are more accessible, dynamic, and functional than ever.

Check out Nucamp's article for more on emerging web tech.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)?

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are a hybrid of standard web technologies and mobile applications, offering users an experience that rivals native apps on mobile and desktop devices.

What are the key features of PWAs?

Key features of PWAs include reliability, speed, and engagement. They offer instant loading, even in flaky network situations, quick interaction response times, and immersive experiences with app-like interactivity.

Why are PWAs important for modern web development?

PWAs are important for modern web development as they offer seamless user experiences, enhanced user engagement, cost-effectiveness, and operational efficiencies. They significantly impact businesses by increasing conversion rates and user retention.

What are the challenges and limitations of PWAs?

PWAs face challenges on iOS devices, have limitations in monetization strategies, and require addressing inconsistencies across different browsers. Despite these challenges, developers are actively finding solutions to enhance user engagement and maximize the potential of PWAs.

What does the future hold for PWAs?

The future of PWAs involves advancements in APIs, integration with operating systems, performance optimization, and the synergy of AI and machine learning. PWAs are poised to revolutionize e-commerce and online businesses, offering unparalleled opportunities for growth and customer satisfaction.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible