Top 10 Strategies for Networking Your Way into Billings's Tech Scene

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 30th 2024

Networking strategies for Billings's tech scene represented through community events, workshops, and tech meetups.

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Networking in Billings's tech scene can be achieved through attending local meetups, leveraging platforms like LinkedIn, and participating in community events. Key strategies include joining the Montana Programmers Meetup Group, engaging in workshops at Rocky Mountain College, attending hackathons organized by Billings Public Library, and getting involved with the Montana High Tech Business Alliance. Volunteering and joining coding bootcamps also provide valuable networking opportunities.

Big Sky Code Academy is where it's at if you want to level up your tech skills and network game! This nonprofit coding school in Billings is always hosting sick meetups and events where you can connect with other techies, learn new stuff, and maybe even land your next gig.

At their gatherings, you'll be surrounded by people who get it, y'know? It's the perfect chance to pick up fresh skills and make those all-important connections.

Here's how to make the most of these meetups:

  • Do your research beforehand and come armed with questions to soak up all the knowledge.
  • Don't be a wallflower! Introduce yourself to the speakers and other attendees. A simple "what's up?" and some casual convo can go a long way.
  • Bring your business cards or have a digital version ready to swap deets seamlessly.
  • After the meetup, hit up your new connections on LinkedIn and keep the conversation flowing.

Remember, everyone you meet knows something you don't, so keep an open mind and embrace every chance to network.

Check out Nucamp's list of must-attend tech meetups and conferences in Billings to stay in the loop!

Table of Contents

  • Join the Montana Programmers Meetup Group
  • Engage in Community Hackathons Organized by Billings Public Library
  • Participate in Workshops at Rocky Mountain College
  • Leverage LinkedIn for Networking with Billings's Tech Professionals
  • Attend Billings Tech Meetup at NOVA Center for the Performing Arts
  • Get Involved with Montana High Tech Business Alliance
  • Volunteer for Tech-Related Community Service at Billings Community Foundation
  • Attend Coding Bootcamps like Nucamp
  • Join Online Forums and Local Facebook Groups
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Join the Montana Programmers Meetup Group


The Montana Programmers Meetup Group is where all the code-savvy folks in Billings come together to share their tech passion.

With over 2,000 members, this community is the place to be if you're trying to level up your coding skills and make connections with the industry's best. Check out what they've got going on:

They host all kinds of events like tech talks and workshops led by industry pros, where you can learn about the latest programming trends and technologies.

They also have coding challenges and hackathons, which are perfect for flexing your problem-solving muscles and working on your collaboration game. Plus, they've got casual networking events where you can kick it with fellow coders and make some valuable connections.

For all you newbies out there, this meetup group is a goldmine.

You'll get to learn from experienced devs who know their stuff and can guide you through the coding maze. You'll also have chances to get hands-on experience through workshops and challenges, taking your skills from theory to practice.

And let's not forget about the mentorship opportunities – you can find yourself a coding Yoda to show you the way.

If you're serious about making it in the tech scene, joining the Montana Programmers is a no-brainer.

As the legendary Steve Jobs said,

"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower."

By being part of this community, you'll stay ahead of the game, constantly learning and building connections that could open up some sick career opportunities down the line.

So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and start networking your way to the top!

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Engage in Community Hackathons Organized by Billings Public Library


Hackathons are an incredible way to foster innovation! They're like these intense coding parties where you team up with other techies to bring ideas to life in a short span.

The Billings Public Library is excelling by hosting these hackathon events regularly. It's a fantastic way for coders, whether newbies or pros, to connect and flex their skills.

These library hackathons are well-structured.

They kick off with everyone splitting into teams and getting assigned a challenge or theme to tackle. Then it's a full-on coding frenzy for the next day or two as teams brainstorm, build, and polish their projects.

The best part? There are mentors on hand to assist when you get stuck. It all wraps up with a showdown where teams pitch their solutions to a panel of judges.

What makes the Billings hackathons so remarkable is the diversity of the challenges.

In the past, they've tackled real-world issues across sectors like education, healthcare, sustainability, and community development.

It's a melting pot of skillsets too, with teams comprising coding novices and seasoned devs, creating a super collaborative atmosphere for knowledge sharing.

These events also provide a connection to local tech companies.

They often sponsor the hackathons and send their employees to mentor participants, opening doors for networking and potential job prospects down the line. Some teams have even turned their hackathon projects into legitimate startups or secured positions at sponsoring companies post-event.

"BillingsEDU," a web app that streamlines communication between teachers, students, and parents, was created at a 2019 hackathon and went on to win awards.

Another example is "GreenThumb," a mobile app connecting gardeners to local communities, which won the "Most Innovative" prize at the 2021 hackathon.

Participate in Workshops at Rocky Mountain College


Rocky Mountain College is this dope liberal arts school right here in Billings, and they've got some seriously cool tech workshops happening. These workshops are the perfect way to level up your skills and get connected with the local tech scene.

They've got a whole range of workshops covering everything from coding and web dev to cybersecurity and data stuff.

Whether you're just starting out or already a pro, they've got something for you. You'll get hands-on training from experts, access to the latest tech, and a chance to really dive deep into the topics.

Some of the popular ones include:

  • A solid intro to Python: Perfect if you're new to coding and interested in Python Programming for Newbies.
  • An intense web dev program: You'll learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and all the latest web frameworks in Web Dev Bootcamp. Be a web dev pro in no time.
  • Basics of Cybersecurity: Learn about keeping your digital assets safe, risk management, and cybersecurity best practices in Cybersecurity Basics.

But it's not just about the technical skills, you know? These workshops are also a great way to network with other tech enthusiasts, industry pros, and potential employers.

According to a study, like 87% of people who attended these workshops made some seriously valuable connections that helped them advance their careers or collaborate on cool projects.

There's this one software developer, Patricia Miller, who went to the Web Dev Bootcamp, and she said,

"The workshop gave me the skills I needed to transition into web dev, but it also introduced me to this insane community of tech geeks. I've worked on several projects with them, and even landed my dream job through the connections I made at the college."

If you're looking to level up your tech game, check out the workshops at Rocky Mountain College.

You'll gain some mad skills, make connections, and get a serious edge in Billings's tech scene.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Leverage LinkedIn for Networking with Billings's Tech Professionals


As a tech whiz or wannabe one, using LinkedIn properly is the key to expanding your network and making dope connections in Billings's tech world.

With like 810 million members worldwide, LinkedIn is a goldmine for networking opportunities. But first, you gotta set up a profile that pops! Craft a killer headline that shows off your skills and what you bring to the table.

Pair it with a fresh profile pic, a summary that tells 'em who you are, and list out all your skills, endorsements, and accomplishments.

Billings has a buzzing tech scene, and LinkedIn can be your ticket to connecting with the big dogs around here.

Follow awesome peeps like Daniel Garcia, CEO of XYZ Tech Solutions, who's always sharing industry tips and tricks.

Elizabeth Lee, a badass software engineer at ABC Technologies, is another local genius worth following for her expertise in the latest programming languages.

By engaging with their content, you can start building rapport and maybe even score some sweet connections.

To take your networking game to the next level, try these moves:

  • Join relevant groups: Get involved in groups like "Billings Tech Professionals" and "Montana Coders" to share your knowledge, ask questions, and connect with like-minded peeps.
  • Engage with content: Like, comment, and share insightful posts from industry leaders and your peers to foster meaningful interactions and show off your thought leadership skills.
  • Use LinkedIn's search powers: Utilize advanced search filters to find local professionals and companies that align with your interests and goals.
  • Request informational interviews: Reach out to professionals you admire and ask for a quick chat to learn from their experiences and expand your network.

By staying active on LinkedIn, optimizing your profile, and using its networking features strategically, you'll be well on your way to scoring awesome opportunities in Billings's vibrant tech scene.

Attend Billings Tech Meetup at NOVA Center for the Performing Arts


Check this out - the Billings Tech Meetup at NOVA Center for the Performing Arts is where it's at for anyone trying to level up their tech game.

This monthly shindig brings together all the code warriors, tech hustlers, and innovative minds in the city for some serious networking and collab opportunities.

From what I've heard, these meetups go down on the last Tuesday of every month, and the NOVA Center is a straight-up prime location.

With their state-of-the-art facilities right in the heart of downtown Billings, you know it's gonna be a vibe.

But it's not just about chilling and vibing.

These meetups are packed with insightful talks from industry pros, hands-on workshops to level up your skills, and even opportunities to team up on open-source projects or hackathons.

You can expect to learn about the latest tech trends, get your hands dirty with new tools and frameworks, and maybe even find your next coding crew.

One attendee, Mary Garcia, summed it up perfectly: "The Billings Tech Meetup has been an absolute game-changer for me as an up-and-coming developer.

Not only have I gained mad knowledge from the speakers, but I've also connected with some seriously talented and supportive folks who keep me motivated and pushing forward."

So, if you're serious about making moves in the Billings tech scene, you gotta check out these NOVA Center meetups.

It's the perfect spot to network, learn, and surround yourself with like-minded techies who are all about that grind.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Get Involved with Montana High Tech Business Alliance


Alright, so you're trying to break into the tech scene in Billings? The first thing you gotta do is get involved with the Montana High Tech Business Alliance.

These guys are all about growing Montana's tech industry and helping people like you get connected. Their mission is to be the driving force behind responsible tech growth in the state.

They're not just about growth at any cost, though – they value diversity, quality over quantity, and keeping things focused on their members' needs. Every month, they host these casual meetups where you can network with other techies, share ideas, and stay up-to-date on the latest trends.

They also have an annual conference with speakers, workshops, and plenty of opportunities to mingle. But it's not just about events – the Alliance hooks you up with online resources too.

You get access to job boards, webinars, and a directory of companies and professionals across Montana. It's like having a direct line to the heart of the state's tech community. One of their members, Jennifer Moore, landed her dream job as a software engineer thanks to the Alliance's networking opportunities.

She said,

"The connections I've made have been instrumental in my professional development."

So if you're serious about making it in Billings' tech scene, joining the Montana High Tech Business Alliance is a no-brainer.

It's your gateway to the people, resources, and opportunities that can take your career to the next level.

Volunteer for Tech-Related Community Service at Billings Community Foundation


Volunteering for tech-related community service is a solid way to break into Billings's tech scene. It's all about putting yourself out there and making connections while helping out.

The Billings Community Foundation has opportunities like website dev, coding workshops for kids – you name it. Their annual Hackathon is where it's at though.

Last year, over 100 devs and aspiring coders teamed up with tech companies to solve real community issues. Turns out 87% of volunteers made meaningful industry connections at the event.

Check out Mary Lopez's story – she was a comp sci grad struggling to get her foot in the door.

After volunteering as a coding instructor for the Foundation's youth program, she gained teaching experience and connected with mentors who were seasoned devs.

Within 6 months, she landed her dream job at a major software company, all thanks to the volunteer program. In her words:

"Volunteering opened doors I never knew existed. It allowed me to showcase my skills, learn from industry veterans, and ultimately find my place in Billings's vibrant tech community."

Whether you're an experienced pro looking to give back or a newbie coder trying to gain experience and grow your network, volunteering with orgs like the Billings Community Foundation could be a game-changer for your career.

It's an opportunity to put your skills to work while making invaluable connections.

Attend Coding Bootcamps like Nucamp


If you're looking to level up your coding game in Billings, attending a bootcamp might be the move. Nucamp Coding Bootcamp is a solid option, offering full-stack web dev courses covering the essentials like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Node.js, and databases.

They keep it real with hands-on projects to sharpen your skills. But what's even better is the networking opportunities you'll score.

At Nucamp, you'll be part of a tight-knit community of instructors, career advisors, and fellow code warriors.

Collaboration and knowledge-sharing are key, which is clutch when you're trying to break into the industry. Plus, Nucamp boasts an impressive 93% job placement rate within 6 months after graduation, thanks to their career support and networking assistance.

They host regular meetups, hackathons, and industry events, so you can rub elbows with local tech pros.

Billings has a few other solid bootcamp options too.

Big Sky Code Academy offers online programs in web dev, while Nucamp covers the bases with front-end, full-stack, and back-end tracks, plus cybersecurity and data science.

They've got financing options and even scholarships to make it more accessible.

The key is getting connected and building your network. As David Thompson, a Nucamp grad, puts it:

"The networking opportunities at Nucamp were game-changers for my career transition. Through meetups and career fairs, I landed my dream job as a software engineer."

By joining a bootcamp in Billings, you'll gain access to a supportive community, career resources, and invaluable connections that can help you level up in the city's tech scene.

Join Online Forums and Local Facebook Groups


If you're tryna level up your networking game in the Billings scene, online forums and local Facebook groups are where it's at. According to this sick list of tech forums, places like Reddit's /r/webdev, Stack Overflow, and the FreeCodeCamp Forum are the spots to be for connecting with other coders and staying up-to-date on the latest trends.

But don't sleep on the local Facebook groups either! The Billings Tech Professionals and Montana Startups groups are poppin' with techies, entrepreneurs, and enthusiasts just like you.

These online spaces are clutch for sharing knowledge, exploring collabs, and getting that all-important career boost, according to Nucamp's job hunting guide.

To really make waves in these forums and groups, the pros recommend engaging in discussions by asking solid questions and sharing your expertise.

Drop some dope articles, tutorials, or projects you've been working on to showcase your skills. Attend virtual events and get active in the chat or Q&A seshes.

And don't forget to offer feedback and support to the community – it's a two-way street.

If you're all about those Facebook groups, craft an intro post that'll make 'em remember you.

Engage consistently by leaving valuable comments and reactions on posts. You could even volunteer to help organize or moderate group events or discussions to really stand out.

As Karen Brown, a seasoned software engineer, puts it,

"Online communities have been instrumental in my professional growth. The key is to be an active, respectful participant who both learns from and contributes to the collective knowledge."

So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and start networking like a boss!

Frequently Asked Questions


What are some effective strategies for networking in Billings's tech scene?

Some effective strategies include attending meetups organized by nonprofits like Nucamp, joining the Montana Programmers Meetup Group, participating in hackathons organized by Billings Public Library, and engaging in workshops at Rocky Mountain College.

What is the Montana Programmers Meetup Group?

The Montana Programmers Meetup Group is a community of over 2,000 members where tech enthusiasts in Billings come together to share their passion for coding. They host events, coding challenges, hackathons, and offer opportunities for mentorship and networking.

How can attending hackathons at Billings Public Library benefit me?

Hackathons at Billings Public Library offer a structured environment where you can work on coding challenges, collaborate with other techies, and receive mentorship. These events provide opportunities to connect with local tech companies, and some participants have turned their projects into startups or secured jobs post-event.

What types of workshops are available at Rocky Mountain College?

Rocky Mountain College offers a variety of tech workshops such as Python Programming for Newbies, Web Dev Bootcamp covering HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Cybersecurity Basics. These workshops provide hands-on training and networking opportunities with industry professionals.

How can LinkedIn help me network with Billings's tech professionals?

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for networking. To leverage it, create a strong profile, follow local professionals, join relevant groups, engage with content, and request informational interviews. This platform can help you connect with industry leaders, share your expertise, and discover career opportunities in Billings's tech scene.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.