What's the Average Salary for a Software Engineer in Baltimore?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

A graphic showing the average salary of a software engineer in Baltimore

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Baltimore's software engineers earn an average salary of $116,833, with entry-level professionals starting around $80,016. Salaries rise with experience and specialties like JavaScript and Python. The city's tech industry shows a 3% year-over-year salary increase, offering a thriving environment for tech career advancement and innovation.

Baltimore's software scene is poppin' for real! It's like the new Silicon Valley, with tech jobs booming nationwide. The stats don't lie – the job market for software engineers in B-more is crazy good, and the area has more tech jobs than the national average.

Salaries for software engineers here have been climbing, according to UMBC. The Greater Baltimore Committee even saw tech jobs jump by 28% from 2015 to 2020.

Baltimore's tech game is strong thanks to a few key things:

  • Startups: A thriving startup scene, fueled by local incubators and accelerators.
  • Location: Prime location near federal agencies, attracting cybersecurity and defense companies.
  • Education: Top-notch schools pumping out skilled grads.

It keeps getting better with programs like Train Up, teaching peeps the tech skills they need.

All this makes Baltimore a sweet spot for software engineers looking to level up their careers. We'll dive deep into the deets on how your expertise and specialization can boost your earnings as a software engineer in this tech hotspot.

Table of Contents

  • Average salary for a software engineer in Baltimore
  • Differences in salary based on experience and specialty
  • Prospects and opportunities for software engineers in Baltimore
  • Conclusion: Is Baltimore the right city for you?
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Average salary for a software engineer in Baltimore


The tech scene in Baltimore is poppin', and if you're a code slinger, you can cash in big time. As of 2023, the average Software Engineer in Bmore is raking in $116,833 per year! That's some serious cheddar, especially if you're a JavaScript or Python wizard.

But even if you're just starting out as a Software Engineer I, you can still score an average of $80,016, which ain't too shabby for an entry-level gig.

If you level up and become a full-fledged Software Developer in the Baltimore-Columbia-Towson area, you could be rolling in the dough with an average salary of $139,870.

Talk about a sweet payday for all those late nights of coding!

The tech industry in Baltimore is on the rise, with salaries increasing by 3% from last year.

It's like a money printer over there! But before you start counting your stacks, remember that the cost of living in Bmore ain't too bad. Housing is cheaper than the national average, but healthcare might put a dent in your wallet.

Still, when you weigh the pros and cons, Baltimore could be a solid spot to launch your coding career and live that ballin' lifestyle.

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Differences in salary based on experience and specialty


Let's talk about the cheddar software engineers are raking in Baltimore. The more experience you got, the fatter your stack gets. If you're a newbie with less than a year under your belt, you can expect around $80K according to Salary.com.

But as you level up and start flexing those JavaScript and Python skills, Built In says your pay climbs too.

Mid-level engineers with 5-9 years of grind can bank over $116K on average, plus around $6K in bonuses, totaling around $123K.

Your specialty is a game-changer too.

Lead Software Engineers who know their SQL and Node.js, and manage teams, can score an average of $137K. That's way more than the $100K for those with 7+ years but less in-demand skills.

Here's a breakdown of what different roles are pocketing:

  • Software Engineer I: Entry-level gigs pay between $73K to $88K
  • Lead Software Engineer: The bosses leading the pack make $130K to $166K
  • Senior Software Engineer: The real OGs with expert skills rake in $110K to $140K

The more you grind and specialize, the fatter your paycheck gets.

Baltimore's tech scene is hot, and seasoned pros are getting paid.

If you keep leveling up your skills, you can watch your pay climb too. This city is the place to be for a lucrative career in software engineering.

Prospects and opportunities for software engineers in Baltimore


The tech scene in Baltimore is promising! It's an opportune time for all software engineers out there. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for software engineers is expected to increase by 22% from 2020 to 2030, and Baltimore is part of that trend.

It's not just the startup buzz, but major companies like Northrop Grumman and ZeroFOX are already established here, making it an attractive location for coders, whether you're just starting or a seasoned professional.

  • Community - Major players like Comcast and Nielsen are focused on fostering a community that values teamwork and helps you enhance your skills.
  • Demand - Software engineers are in extremely high demand across industries, especially in hot fields like cybersecurity, cloud computing, and AI. If you've got the skills, they'll compensate you well.
  • Education - Colleges like the ones offering Bachelor of Science degrees in Software Engineering are producing fresh talent to fuel the local tech scene.

With all the support and growth opportunities, Baltimore's tech ecosystem is an attractive location for software engineering careers.

Places like the emerging technology centers (ETC) are offering innovative programs and resources to drive innovation and help startups and techies in cutting-edge fields like machine learning and data science, where the salaries are competitive.

The tech sector is diversifying rapidly, so your prospects and opportunities as a software engineer in Baltimore are promising, and you can contribute to a thriving culture of innovation while earning a good income.

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Conclusion: Is Baltimore the right city for you?


Let's talk about the tech scene in Charm City – Baltimore, that is. You might be wondering if Baltimore is the right move for a techie like yourself, and let me break it down for you.

First off, the income isn't bad, you understand? Software engineers in this town are pullin' in an average of $108,000 per year, with the experienced ones raking in over $130,000, according to Glassdoor.

But it's not just about the money.

Big companies like Northrop Grumman are leading the innovation game, and up-and-comers like Fearless are carving out their own niche.

Plus, with top-notch schools like Johns Hopkins, Baltimore's got a serious pipeline of talent.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics is providing facts too – they're projecting a 16% jump in software engineering jobs nationwide by 2028.

Baltimore's tech industry is thriving, with plenty of opportunities in areas like cybersecurity and agile development. And the cost of living here is a solid 4% below the national average, so your dollar goes further.

A one-bedroom apartment will run you about $1,300 a month, which isn't too bad, right?

Nucamp has been sharing knowledge on Baltimore's top tech companies and the hottest jobs in the game.

In short, this city is a tech hub, with high-paying jobs and great learning experiences for professionals at every level.

At the end of the day, Baltimore's got that old-school charm, a booming tech ecosystem, and a vibe that's all about supporting innovation and career growth.

Whether you're a fresh face or a seasoned veteran looking to level up, Baltimore's got your back with opportunities, affordability, and a quality of life that's hard to beat.

If you're a software engineer trying to make moves, Charm City might just be the spot you've been waiting for. Check it out and see for yourself!

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the average salary for a software engineer in Baltimore?

The average salary for a software engineer in Baltimore stands at $116,833. Entry-level professionals can expect to start around $80,016.

How do salaries differ based on experience and specialty?

Salaries for software engineers in Baltimore vary based on experience and specialty. Entry-level engineers start at around $80,016, while mid-level engineers with 5-9 years of experience can earn upwards of $116,833.

What are the prospects and opportunities for software engineers in Baltimore?

Baltimore offers promising prospects for software engineers with a projected 22% increase in software engineering employment from 2020 to 2030. The city's tech ecosystem provides ample opportunities for growth and innovation.

Is Baltimore a suitable city for software engineers?

Baltimore presents a competitive average salary for software engineers, offers growth in the tech sector, and has a lower cost of living compared to the national average. It is a compelling choice for software engineers looking for career advancement and quality of life.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible