SDLC for Cloud-Based Applications: A Guide

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Diagram illustrating the phases of SDLC for cloud-based applications

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Adapting SDLC for cloud-native era boosts development speed and scalability. Cloud SDLC leads to up to 74% infrastructure cost savings and 30% lower operational expenses. Embrace CI/CD for efficient deployment. Challenges include security and reliability concerns needing robust solutions. Cloud SDLC enhances scalability, cost efficiency, collaboration, and CI/CD.

The Cloud Development Lifecycle (CDLC) is the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), but adapted for the cloud era.

It's about building apps that are fast, flexible, and can scale. First, you gotta scope out the best cloud service providers using algorithms that prioritize the services and infrastructure you need.

Once you've got that sorted, it's time to get coding!

During development, you can leverage Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) solutions and Docker to build your app right in the cloud environment.

It's like having a turbo-charged toolbox with Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and all sorts of cool stuff.

  • Deployment: Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines mean you can ship updates, without all the headaches.
  • Maintenance: Don't forget to keep an eye on things with robust cloud monitoring tools. The cloud landscape is always changing, so you gotta stay on top of it.

But here's the real advantage – switching to the CDLC can save you a ton of cash! We're talking up to 74% on infrastructure costs thanks to the pay-as-you-go model, and nearly 30% less in operational expenses because resource management is on point.

With stages for optimization and real-time updates, the CDLC lets you test and tweak your app without breaking the bank. That means you can focus on making your product shine and keeping it fresh.

This is the future of software development, and the cloud is leading the charge!

Table of Contents

  • Cloud Computing and Its Impact on SDLC
  • Benefits of Using Cloud-Based SDLC
  • Steps in the Cloud-Based SDLC Process
  • Challenges in Cloud-Based SDLC
  • Conclusion: Embracing the Cloud SDLC
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

  • Discover the intricacies of the SDLC Process and how it's shaping the new era of development in the tech industry.

Cloud Computing and Its Impact on SDLC


You know what's been totally lit recently? Cloud computing, that's what! It's like a game-changer for developing apps and software.

The International Data Corporation found that cloud services are gonna grow like five times faster than regular IT services. That's some serious growth!

So, what's the deal with cloud computing and software development? Well, unlike the old-school ways where scaling up and getting resources was a total pain, the cloud lets you scale up on demand, which means you can get that app to market way faster.

It's like having a turbo boost for your development process.

Not only is it faster, but it's also way more secure too.

With the cloud, you can bake in security from the get-go, making sure your app is locked down tight. And if you're wondering about the nitty-gritty challenges, there's this paper by Michael Thomas and Charles Thompson that breaks it all down for you.

So, what's in it for you? Check out these sweet perks:

  • Cost Efficiency: Save them dollars by not having to shell out for infrastructure.
  • Scalability: Scale up or down like a boss to handle whatever demand comes your way.
  • Collaboration: Team up with your squad and work together on those cloud services.
  • Automation: Let the machines do the work with automated deployment and testing.

With cloud SDLC, you can push out updates like nobody's business, thanks to this thing called Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD).

No more waiting ages for a big update to drop. And you can even get real-time analytics, so you can make data-driven decisions on the fly. It's like having a crystal ball for your app!

According to Gartner, by 2025, 85% of companies are gonna be all about that cloud-first life.

The cloud isn't just a fad, my friends – it's the foundation for how we develop software these days. It's not just a tech upgrade, but a

totally new way of thinking about how we create and deliver apps and software,

as the experts say.

So, get on board the cloud train before you get left behind!

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Benefits of Using Cloud-Based SDLC


The cloud is the real deal when it comes to building software, and it's about to take things to a whole new level. You're gonna get a ton of benefits that'll make your life way easier.

First up, scalability – this means you can handle more traffic and users without breaking a sweat.

Over 85% of companies are expected to go all-in on the cloud by 2025, and it's no surprise. You can scale up or down whenever you need, without having to shell out cash for new hardware.

Talk about flexibility!

Speaking of cash, the cost savings are insane. No more dropping big bucks on fancy servers and stuff. Companies that move to the cloud can save up to 15% on IT costs.

That's a serious chunk of change!

Software releases happen way faster in the cloud.

We're talking up to 50% quicker time to market. That means you can start making money sooner and stay ahead of the competition.

Here are some other key points that'll blow your mind:

  • Resource Efficiency: No more wasting resources or cash on maintenance. The cloud handles all that for you, so you can focus on what matters.
  • Collaboration Enhancement: Remote teams can work together like a well-oiled machine. Plus, automated testing makes sure everything runs smoothly, no matter where you're working from.
  • Business Continuity: Forget about data loss or system failures. The cloud's got your back with rock-solid backup and recovery solutions.

As Forrester said,

"Cloud computing doesn't just cut costs; it's a strategic move that can ignite business innovation."

If you want to stay ahead of the game and make your software development process a total beast, the cloud is the way to go.

It's the future, and it's gonna blow your mind!

Steps in the Cloud-Based SDLC Process


The cloud-based Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a game-changer. It's like a step-by-step guide that takes you through the whole process of building software, from start to finish.

We're talking planning, design, implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance.

First up, planning.

This is where you figure out what you want to build and if it's even possible. The cloud can make this process a whopping 24.5% more efficient, so you're not wasting time on pipe dreams.

Next, we've got design, where the architects get their creative juices flowing and turn those plans into something real. With cloud tools at their disposal, this phase can be 30% faster – talk about a time-saver!

Moving on to implementation, the developers take center stage and start coding like crazy.

Thanks to the cloud's plethora of services and APIs, they can be up to 40% more productive – that's some serious hustle right there. Then comes testing, where we make sure everything works as intended.

The cloud's flexibility allows for concurrent testing, shaving off around 25% of the time it would normally take. Check out Ardas' cloud SDLC processes for some solid strategies on nailing this crucial step.

Once testing's done, it's time for deployment.

This is where the app finally sees the light of day, and the cloud can speed things up by a whopping 50%! Continuous integration, agile delivery, and automated scaling – it's a developer's dream come true.

Last but not least, maintenance keeps the app running smoothly, with the cloud boosting efficiency by 20%. Real-time monitoring and automated patching? Yes, please! For some top-notch insights on this phase, peep Cloud DevOps transformations.

Not only does this cloud-based SDLC make everything faster and smoother, but it also brings remote teams together like never before.

According to Synopsys, the cloud seriously boosts IT collaboration, with Gartner reporting that 90% of cloud-using companies see major improvements in that area.

So, if you want to stay ahead of the game and keep your development process fresh, the cloud-based SDLC is the way to go.

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Challenges in Cloud-Based SDLC


While the cloud is dope AF for software development, it ain't all rainbows and unicorns. Security is a major pain in the butt - 98% of companies need remote work capabilities, which means beefing up data protection and access controls.

Plus, 90% of organizations are stressed about public cloud security.

It gets messier with different cloud service models - vendor lock-in and ROI concerns can be a real buzzkill.

And let's not forget reliability issues - 85% of organizations struggle with unexpected downtime due to cloud provider outages, which could cost up to $300,000 per hour.

Integrating the cloud with legacy systems can also create data silos and workflow nightmares.

But fear not! The experts have our backs. Comprehensive risk assessments, robust identity and access management solutions, and solid Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are key.

And with cloud infrastructures constantly evolving, continuous monitoring and agile methodologies are the way to go. By 2022, 70% of enterprises are expected to adopt unified hybrid/multi-cloud management tech, tools, and processes.

These strategies are crucial for conquering the cloud-based SDLC challenges and thriving in the digital age.

Conclusion: Embracing the Cloud SDLC


As tech keeps leveling up, this whole cloud-based SDLC thing is becoming a real game-changer for how we develop software. It's the future! And it all ties back to this DevOps movement that's totally shaking up the software development life cycle (SDLC).

Companies that get on board with a cloud SDLC are going to be swimming in benefits:

  • Scalability: The cloud is so flexible, devs can pump up or dial back resources on the fly to match demand, just like in those Agile workflows you've heard about. It keeps those iterations rolling smooth.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Switching to the cloud means major savings. No more dropping stacks on hardware upfront, you just pay for what you use. It's a total money-saver.
  • Collaboration: Cloud platforms make teamwork a breeze. Everyone stays synced with instant updates, and your squad can work together from anywhere in the world.
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): With the cloud, you can push out new releases way faster thanks to CI/CD. Your products hit the market at lightning speed.

Real talk, big names like Netflix have gone all-in on a cloud-driven SDLC, and they're killing it with efficiency and flexing those strategic muscles.

Only half of companies have fully adopted DevOps practices. That means there's a ton of untapped potential with cloud SDLC. In today's world, where everything moves at warp speed and you have to adapt or get left behind, the cloud isn't just a fancy option – it's a must-have for any business trying to stay ahead of the curve.

All the data and expert insights are pointing in one direction: cloud-centered methods are the future of software engineering. It's part of a bigger story about how this industry never stops evolving.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What are the benefits of using a cloud-based SDLC?

Benefits include enhanced scalability, cost efficiency, collaboration, and automation. Businesses can handle workload increases efficiently, with cost savings achieved through streamlined infrastructure provision in a pay-per-use model.

How can embracing CI/CD benefit cloud-based application deployment?

Embracing CI/CD pipelines reduces troubleshooting time, empowers efficient delivery, accelerates deployment cycles, and propels products to market with unprecedented speed.

What are the key challenges in cloud-based SDLC and how can they be addressed?

Key challenges include security concerns, reliability issues, and complexities like vendor lock-in. Addressing these challenges requires comprehensive risk assessments, robust identity and access management solutions, and adherence to service level agreements for cloud service reliability.

How does cloud-based SDLC compare to traditional methodologies in terms of cost savings and efficiency?

Cloud-based SDLC offers significant cost savings—up to 74% in infrastructure costs and 30% lower operational expenses. The transition to cloud models eliminates upfront hardware expenses, leads to IT spending reductions, enhances resource efficiency, and fosters innovation through faster revenue generation and increased competitiveness.

What are the key stages in the cloud-based SDLC process?

The key stages in the cloud-based SDLC process are planning, design, implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance. These stages encompass meticulous requirements gathering, streamlined design processes, productivity enhancements through cloud platforms, expedited testing with flexible computational prowess, and operational efficiency gains in maintenance.

You may be interested in the following topics as well:

  • Discover how QA in SDLC acts as a catalyst for ensuring product excellence from inception to deployment.

  • Discover the foundational purpose of SDLC, and why incorporating user feedback isn't just beneficial, it's crucial.

  • Uncover how the Agile model accelerates software delivery by promoting adaptive planning and evolutionary development.

  • Learn about the challenges and strategies in Deployment and Maintenance, the final steps to making your software a reality.

  • Adopt a risk-aware project management approach to navigate the ever-changing landscape of software development.

  • Speculate on the future of DevOps and its evolving role in shaping software development and delivery.

  • Lean into the Agile advantages to stay ahead in a rapidly changing tech landscape.

  • Unveil the art of strategic project management and its role in orchestrating a successful software development project.

  • Optimize your software development outcomes with our expert insights into advanced requirement analysis practices.


Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.