Where to find tech internships in Austin?

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

Austin city skyline illustrating the city's burgeoning technology industry

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The tech scene in Austin is booming with a 34.5% employment growth, featuring major companies like Apple, Dell, and Amazon. There's a plethora of diverse tech internships available, aligning with Austin's tech growth trends. Entry-level developers can expect a strong job market, with a 14.2% growth rate exceeding the national average.

Austin's tech scene is blowing up! The city's tech industry has seen a massive 34.5% job growth in the past five years, according to the Austin Chamber of Commerce.

It's a real hotbed for up-and-coming talent, with tech giants like Apple and Amazon expanding their presence in the city.

And let's not forget about Dell, an OG player that's been holding it down in Austin for years, alongside a bunch of fresh startups. It's a thriving ecosystem with tons of internship opportunities up for grabs.

Oxford Economics predicts that Austin's tech sector is gonna sidestep those pesky layoffs, making it a prime spot to level up your career game.

It's a real powerhouse, outshining even the national tech growth trends.

  • Austin's on the rise: The city's killing it, attracting mad attention and investment.
  • Tech hub central: With major tech companies and hot startups, it's a diverse playing field.
  • Intern galore: There are stacks of internship opportunities to choose from.

Nucamp's own resources show that Austin's tech field is fertile ground for up-and-comers like you, offering a wide range of chances to put your fresh coding bootcamp skills to the test.

So, if you're trying to make moves in tech, Austin's booming market has got your back with a slew of internships lined up for 2023. It's time to tap into Austin's expanding tech frontier!

Table of Contents

  • What Are the Prospects for Entry-Level Developers in Austin?
  • What Kind of Tech Internships Are Available in Austin?
  • What Tips Do Austin Tech Leaders Have for Aspiring Developers?
  • Where to Find Reliable Coding Bootcamp Reviews in Austin?
  • Which Austin Companies Offer High-Paying Remote Jobs?
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

What Are the Prospects for Entry-Level Developers in Austin?


If you're a 20-something trying to kick-start your career as a developer, Austin might just be the place for you! This place is like a techie's paradise, with opportunities galore for newbies like yourself.

Even though the job postings dipped a little from around 76K in July to 70K in August 2023, the growth rate for entry-level dev roles is still a whopping 14.2% higher than the national average.

Big shots like Dell, Oracle, and the ever-expanding Apple are fueling a 4.5% spike in tech employment, cementing Austin's rep as the "Silicon Hills".

But it's not just about coding.

Austin's tech scene is diversifying, with hot opportunities in:

  • Software Development: Gotta start somewhere, right? These roles are in high demand.
  • Information Security: Protecting data is a big deal, and these specialists are in the spotlight.
  • Data Analysis: If you're a whiz at making sense of large data sets, companies want you.
  • UX/UI Design: Creating user-friendly interfaces is key for tech companies to keep their customers happy.

Entry-level devs can expect to rake in around $71,000 annually on average, which is pretty competitive.

And it's not just the big corporations hiring – startups and mid-sized tech firms are also on the hunt for fresh talent, making up nearly 30% of new hires.

The Austin Chamber of Commerce says the city's commitment to innovation has made it a national leader in the sector, and they're not kidding – there were 1,769 job postings and 651 internship positions up for grabs in August 2023 alone!

Companies here value hands-on skills, so coding bootcamps or internships from places like Nucamp or big players like IBM offering apprenticeships can really give you an edge.

Check out these numbers showing how the major players are investing in fresh talent:

CompanyEntry-Level Roles OpenAverage Entry Salary
Dell Technologies125+$73,000

So, in a nutshell, Austin's entry-level dev scene is not just growing, but evolving with diverse roles and competitive pay.

Tech giants and innovative startups are both thriving here, making it a prime spot for aspiring devs to flourish. As Karen Smith from Capital Factory says,

"In Austin, the spirit of innovation is matched with a community culture that supports growth – it's the perfect storm for entry-level developers to thrive."

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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What Kind of Tech Internships Are Available in Austin?


Austin's tech scene is lit AF! If you're tryna get some real-world experience, there are over 200 internships up for grabs in this city.

Whether you're into coding, IT support, or research, there's something for everyone. Big dogs like Dell and smaller startups are all part of the mix, so you'll get a diverse exposure.

  • Cybersecurity: Protecting data from hackers and digital attacks.
  • Cloud Computing: Running apps and programs over the internet, like Netflix and stuff.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): Creating smart machines that can think and analyze like humans.
  • Internet of Things (IoT): Connecting everyday devices like fridges and cars to the internet.
  • User Experience (UX)/User Interface (UI) Design: Making sure apps and websites are easy to use and look good.

IBM's Extreme Blue internship is a dope program that teaches you about business and tech leadership.

Companies like National Instruments let you work on IoT projects for smart city applications, which is hella cool. Austin's open data shows that technical internships are on the rise, aligning with the city's smart initiatives.

AI and machine learning are also becoming huge, fitting right in with Austin's innovative vibe.

This dude William Rodriguez said,

"Interns in our programs tackle real-world problems; they're contributing significantly to our core projects,"

so you know you'll be doing meaningful work.

According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), interns often get full-time job offers too.

An internship in Austin isn't just about the short-term experience; it can shape your whole career path. Whether you're into coding, cloud computing, or AI, you'll find your niche in Austin's fire tech ecosystem.

What Tips Do Austin Tech Leaders Have for Aspiring Developers?


Austin's tech gurus got the inside scoop on how to slay those internships. Real talk, hands-on experience and being proactive are key. This one CEO from a dope Austin startup said it best: "Dive into real-world projects; even small contributions to open-source platforms can set you apart." In this competitive scene, showing initiative beats just having book smarts.

Plus, Austin Women in Technology (AWT) is hooking up the ladies by hosting networking events, mentorships, and educational programs – Austin's all about helping the up-and-comers shine.

Networking is major here.

At SXSW, tech execs dropped the bomb that 70% of their entry-level hires came through networking events and meetups. Bigwigs like IBM (IBM Careers) and Target (Target Corporate) offer internships where you'll get to work on dope projects and experience the corporate culture first-hand.

It's a win-win situation.

Austin's thought leaders have your back with these top tips for interns:

  1. Continuous Learning: Stay woke on the latest tech and trends, just like Austin ISD's mission to keep educators innovative (Careers | Austin ISD).
  2. Attention to Detail: Keep your eyes peeled for those tiny details – it's crucial for code quality and bug-fixing.
  3. Effective Communication: Speak up and ask questions, collab is everything in tech projects.
  4. Feedback Reception: Listen to feedback and use it to level up your skills constantly.

Multiple Austin tech entrepreneurs agree that having an 'entrepreneurial spirit' during your internship is clutch.

One CEO put it like this: "Interns who treat each task as if it were their own startup project tend to perform exceptionally and leave lasting impressions." Programs like Bank of America's Student Leaders® (Bank of America Student Leaders®) show that leadership training is a priority across industries.

Bottom line, if you want to make it in Austin's tech scene, take notes from the pros: get practical experience, network like crazy, follow the best practices, and embrace that entrepreneurial hustle during your internship.

Do that, and you'll not only succeed but solidify your spot in one of the hottest tech hubs around.

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Where to Find Reliable Coding Bootcamp Reviews in Austin?


If you're a 20-something looking to break into the coding game in Austin, you gotta do your homework on these bootcamps.

First things first, check out review sites like SwitchUp and Course Report for the real tea on these bootcamps.

They've got ratings and reviews from actual students, so you know it's legit. And for a more in-depth look, peep Career Karma's breakdown of the 17 coding academies in Austin.

They'll give you the 411 on costs, flexibility, and job prospects after you graduate.

But don't stop there. Hit up Reddit and Quora for some unfiltered feedback from current and former students.

You'll find all sorts of juicy deets on how effective these bootcamps really are and how they've helped peeps transition into tech careers. The UT Austin coding bootcamp is a hot topic on Reddit, so you know it's a popular choice.

And don't sleep on success stories, like the ones on Nucamp's blog.

Seeing how grads have landed sick jobs after completing the bootcamp can be mad inspiring and give you a taste of what's possible if you put in the work. Plus, you can find direct alumni accounts on these educational platforms, giving you the real scoop on how effective the curriculum and career services are.

Industry blogs and forums are another goldmine for finding out which bootcamps are killing the game.

They'll rank the top schools based on job outcomes, reputation, and student satisfaction, so you know you're getting the cream of the crop. These rankings can be clutch when deciding which bootcamp to go with based on your goals and needs.

And let's talk numbers.

Nucamp boasts a 90% employment rate for their job-seeking grads, which is no joke. Couple that with testimonials like "Nucamp's practical coding challenges prepped me for the real world, and I landed a dev role in under six months," and you've got some serious evidence that this bootcamp can help you level up your career.

Finally, don't sleep on the bootcamps' own websites.

They'll often showcase grad success stories and give you a taste of how their students are crushing it in the tech industry. It's a solid way to get a balanced view of how well these academies are actually performing.

At the end of the day, doing your research on these Austin coding bootcamps is crucial if you want to make a well-informed decision and set yourself up for success in the tech game.

So do your due diligence and choose wisely!

Which Austin Companies Offer High-Paying Remote Jobs?


The remote job market in Austin is on fire! Tech companies are blazing new trails and offering some seriously fat paychecks for skilled peeps like you. It's not just hype, but a legit reality.

Let me break it down for you:

Major players like Dell and IBM are leading the charge, with remote gigs in software engineering and cybersecurity that'll have you raking in the big bucks - we're talking at least 20% above the national average.

Not too shabby, eh?

  • Software developers working remotely in Austin can expect to rake in around $120K per year, according to Indeed's listings.
  • VMware, the cloud infrastructure kingpin, is offering remote roles in solutions architecture and engineering with salaries ranging from $130K to $150K. That's some serious cheddar for those specialized skills!
  • Even mid-level roles at Atlassian, the masterminds behind Trello and Jira, can score you over $100K in yearly pay, according to payscale data.

Word on the street is that remote job postings have spiked by 35% this year, with tech salaries averaging at a whopping $115K. Companies like Cloudflare and Jellyfish are joining the party, offering competitive packages that'll make your wallet sing.

As industry vet Susan Miller puts it, "Austin's tech companies are redefining 'competitive salary' - it's not just about the numbers anymore, but also the flexibility and work-life balance that come with remote roles."

Senior remote roles at tech giants like Google and Amazon can score you over $150K per year, plus juicy perks like stock options, performance bonuses, and health benefits.

It's a no-brainer for all you hustlers out there looking to ball out in Austin's booming tech scene. If you're still on the fence, check out Nucamp's job market analysis to see where the opportunities are at.

Here's a quick rundown of what you can expect:
Table: Average Remote Tech Salaries in Austin's Top Companies

Company Role Average Salary
Dell Technologies Software Engineer $120,000+
IBM Cybersecurity Specialist $120,000+
VMware Solutions Architect $130,000 - $150,000
Atlassian Product Manager $100,000+
William Gonzalez Senior Developer $150,000+

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What Are the Prospects for Entry-Level Developers in Austin?

Entry-level developers in Austin can expect a promising job market with a growth rate that surpasses the national average by 14.2% as of 2023. Major players like Dell Technologies, Oracle, and Apple contribute to this growth, offering diverse opportunities in sectors such as software development, information security, data analysis, and UX/UI design.

What Kind of Tech Internships Are Available in Austin?

Austin offers a wide range of tech internships in fields like cybersecurity, cloud computing, AI, IoT, and UX/UI design. Companies like IBM and National Instruments provide internship opportunities aligned with the city's smart initiatives, allowing interns to tackle real-world problems and potentially receive full-time offers post-internship.

What Tips Do Austin Tech Leaders Have for Aspiring Developers?

Austin tech leaders emphasize the importance of practical experience, proactive attitude, continuous learning, attention to detail, effective communication, and feedback reception for aspiring developers looking to succeed in internships. Networking and fostering an entrepreneurial spirit are also highlighted as essential factors for thriving in Austin's tech ecosystem.

Where to Find Reliable Coding Bootcamp Reviews in Austin?

To find reliable coding bootcamp reviews in Austin, prospective students can consult platforms like educational review sites, community forums, industry blogs, and the coding bootcamps' own websites. Platforms like Reddit, Quora, and job placement statistics from bootcamps such as Nucamp can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness and reputation of coding bootcamps in Austin.

Which Austin Companies Offer High-Paying Remote Jobs?

Top-performing Austin-based tech companies like Dell Technologies, IBM, VMware, and Atlassian offer high-paying remote jobs in roles like software engineering, cybersecurity, solutions architecture, and product management. The remote job market in Austin has seen a significant increase in opportunities with competitive salaries, reflecting the city's tech ecosystem's demand for skilled talent.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.