How to Transition into a Remote Tech Career from Austin?

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Skyline view of Austin, Texas - the new hub for remote tech careers

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Austin's tech scene is booming, with $4.95 billion in venture capital and a 17.1% increase in tech jobs since 2019. Remote work is the new norm, offering flexibility and productivity. Transition into a remote tech career in Austin by acquiring technical skills, networking, and showcasing your work globally.

The work scene in Austin is getting straight-up techy, with remote roles becoming all the rage. Silicon Valley's losing its cool, and Austin's stepping up as the new tech playground, attracting all the big shots and companies that are down with remote work.

Silicon Valley's having an exodus, and Austin's cashing in big time, raking in a whopping $4.95 billion in venture capital.

The Austin Chamber of Commerce is reporting a 17.1% spike in tech jobs since 2019, so you know it's poppin' off. COVID-19 definitely kicked the remote work trend into high gear, and experts at McKinsey say it's here to stay.

Local Austin companies are hopping on the bandwagon, going fully remote or hybrid, making it a remote-friendly paradise. Surveys from Owl Labs show that remote work equals more flexibility and productivity, so it's become the new normal for techies in the city.

Austin's commitment to being a tech utopia is legit – CompTIA's Tech Town Index 2022 ranks it as the top US city for tech job postings per capita. In this tight-knit community, aspiring tech pros can thrive, with Nucamp's coding bootcamps giving them the boost they need to score those sweet remote tech gigs.

Table of Contents

  • Understanding the Tech Scene in Austin
  • The Need for Remote Work in the Tech Industry
  • Steps to Transition into a Remote Tech Role
  • Concluding Thoughts
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Understanding the Tech Scene in Austin


Austin has turned into a serious tech hub, growing like crazy! CBRE says tech jobs shot up by 26.1% in 2021 and 2022, way higher than the national average.

With over 6,500 startups and tech companies calling it home, Austin is now known as 'Silicon Hills'. So, what's driving this growth?

  • A booming startup scene with venture capital funding up 17% year-over-year.
  • Major company headquarters moving to Austin, with a 15% increase since 2019.
  • A concentration of tech jobs, nearly three times the national average.

Austin's rise as a tech powerhouse has totally transformed the job market, offering a ton of remote work opportunities.

Data shows 22.2% of office jobs in the city are now in tech, many of which allow remote or hybrid work, reflecting the industry's shift toward modern work preferences.

Experts like Mary Harris agree, saying, "For now, the tech industry will continue to drive Austin's growth." This evolution isn't just opening doors for locals but also for remote workers from all over, thanks to the city's supportive tech community and perfect blend of innovation and cool vibes.

Austin offers a diverse range of tech roles across specialties, making it an ideal spot for anyone looking to transition into a remote tech gig. With its rich ecosystem and quality of life, Austin is the place to be for anyone serious about their tech career.

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The Need for Remote Work in the Tech Industry


Austin's becoming a tech paradise for all you remote workers out there. This city's blowing up as a Silicon Hills, an innovation hub where techies can thrive without even leaving their homes.

Remote tech job listings in Austin have been going off the charts, according to Built In's reports.

We're talking software dev, cybersecurity, you name it – the remote opportunities have been abundant ever since COVID hit the scene. Tech giants and startups alike are offering remote roles to attract top talent from all corners.

  • Hired's report says 31% of techies consider remote flexibility a must-have when job hunting. It's a game-changer.
  • Built In's research shows a significant amount of "Top Remote Jobs" available, proving Austin's not just a local hotspot anymore – it's going nationwide with these remote tech roles.

The remote trend is substantial, giving both employees and employers ultimate flexibility.

Techies can have work-life balance, while companies save on overhead costs. Austin's tech scene is bursting with opportunities across all kinds of specialties, and remote tech jobs are set to keep increasing.

If you're looking to transition into the remote tech world, Austin's got your back.

The city's buzzing tech ecosystem is a goldmine for skilled workers who can innovate from anywhere. With companies embracing remote work, switching careers into tech has never been easier.

Austin's at the forefront of this remote movement, ready to keep dominating the remote technology job market.

Steps to Transition into a Remote Tech Role


For all you Austin peeps tryna get that bread in the tech scene, you gotta have a solid game plan. First off, tech skills are the real deal: knowing how to code in Python, JavaScript, and SQL is where it's at.

You can level up by joining dope programs like Nucamp Coding Bootcamp, where you'll get hands-on experience and be ready to slay those tech roles.

Next up, you gotta network like a boss.

Austin's got a sick tech scene, with events like Austin's Tech Meetups and SXSW Interactive where you can connect with the real ones.

for every 10 people moving here, three are already working remotely, so remote jobs are poppin' off in this city (NY Times).

  • Develop a robust skill set: Enroll in bootcamps that'll make you a coding beast.
  • Build your portfolio: Work on projects that'll show off your mad skills.
  • Engage in the Tech Community: Participate in meetups and events, get your face out there.
  • Remote-Ready Soft Skills: Cultivate abilities like communication and time-management.

Remote tech jobs require soft skills like communication and being able to work independently – that's where local hackathons and stuff come in handy.

99% of remote tech workers say communication is key, so you gotta be on point. And don't sleep on platforms like LinkedIn and GitHub, 95% of tech recruiters are scoping talent there.

Follow these steps, and you'll be ready to crush it in the remote tech game, with Austin as your launchpad to success.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Concluding Thoughts


The remote work scene in Austin's tech hub is about to blow up. According to McKinsey's research, up to 20% of workers could be going remote 3-5 days a week.

That's a game-changer! It's gonna shake up the city's economy, transportation, and real estate big time.

Austin's tech scene is booming, and they're all about that hybrid and remote work life.

With major tech companies leading the way with flexible policies, digital infrastructure investments, and a tight-knit community of co-working spaces and meetups, Austin is setting the stage for a remote work revolution.

  • Big tech companies are pushing for that work-life balance, offering permanent remote options like Clockwise's report shows.
  • They're investing in digital infrastructure to support telecommuting.
  • And the community is strong with tech meetups and co-working spaces.

Austin isn't just growing in numbers; they're building a culture that embraces remote work as the future.

Companies are making policy changes to keep employees happy and stick around. Remote work is no longer a "nice-to-have" perk; it's becoming essential for the tech industry.

If you're looking to jump into the remote tech game, Austin is the place to be.

It's not just an opportunity; it's a community shaping a digital-first future. Check out Nucamp's articles for the inside scoop on making your move in this thriving city.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the current tech scene in Austin like?

Austin's tech scene is thriving, experiencing a significant increase in tech jobs and venture capital investments, making it a competitive tech hub with abundant remote work opportunities.

Why is remote work important in Austin's tech industry?

Remote work is crucial in Austin's tech industry as it offers flexibility, productivity, and access to a broader range of talent, driving the demand for remote tech professionals.

What are the steps to transition into a remote tech role in Austin?

To transition into a remote tech role in Austin, you should focus on acquiring technical skills, networking through local events and online platforms, building a strong portfolio, and cultivating remote-ready soft skills.

How is Austin's tech expansion shaping the future of remote work opportunities?

Austin's tech expansion is catalyzing a culture that values remote work, with major tech employers advocating for work-life balance and global companies transitioning towards permanent remote options. The city's digital infrastructure investments and community support networks further support the growth of remote work opportunities.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.