Which Atlanta Companies Are Hiring Remote Workers in Tech?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

Atlanta skyline with digital elements representing the city's tech industry and remote work

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Atlanta's tech industry is embracing remote work with companies like Mailchimp and Calendly leading the trend. Atlanta's tech job market shows a 19% increase in remote job postings, reflecting a shift towards remote-friendly policies. The rise of remote work in Atlanta is transforming the tech workforce and reshaping the industry landscape.

The Atlanta tech scene is lit, and it's all about that remote work flex! Check this out, a recent report says that by 2025, there'll be like 36.2 million Americans working from home, and it's already a thing in the tech world.

In ATL, where we got mad colleges and stuff, companies are hiring remote workers from all over the place, not just the local area.

This study says that tech peeps are digging the remote gig, which is changing the game for traditional tech hubs.

Nucamp's analysis is on the same wavelength, showing that remote work is boosting job opportunities in Atlanta's tech scene.

They found that there was a 20% increase in remote tech job postings in ATL, and companies like Mailchimp and Calendly are actively recruiting remote workers.

This isn't just a temporary vibe.

Remote work is the future of the tech industry, and we're about to dive deep into the companies that are hiring remote tech talents and how it's impacting the workforce in Atlanta.

Stay tuned, it's gonna be lit!

Table of Contents

  • Remote Work and Tech in Atlanta
  • The Rise of Remote Work
  • Top Atlanta Tech Companies Now Hiring Remote Workers
  • What This Means for Atlanta’s Tech Workforce
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Remote Work and Tech in Atlanta


Atlanta's tech scene is lit, and it's all about that remote grind these days. Turns out, by 2025, nearly a quarter of the workforce is expected to be working from home, and Atlanta tech companies are already on that wave.

Despite the economic ups and downs, the city's tech industry has been killing it, and the 2024 Atlanta Tech Salary Guide shows that even after the wild ride of 2023, IT unemployment is still low thanks to all those remote opportunities popping up.

Even when the economy takes a hit, the local tech bosses are hyped about the potential of AI and making sure mid-level talent is aligned with growth opportunities.

That's some serious forward-thinking!

Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens is all about capitalizing on this remote work trend to attract major tech players and take the city's tech ecosystem to new heights, according to TechCrunch.

This remote work pivot is shaking things up in Atlanta's tech community:

  • Changing the game for tech recruitment and hiring, opening doors to a wider pool of skilled talent beyond local limits.
  • Pushing the envelope on remote collaboration tools, making it easier for teams to slay from anywhere.
  • Boosting job satisfaction and work-life balance, potentially reducing employee turnover.

A whopping 82% of Atlanta's tech companies are investing in top-notch cybersecurity solutions to keep their remote setups secure, according to the 2024 Atlanta Tech Salary Guide.

This strategic move isn't just about addressing current needs; it's a glimpse into the future of work, where flexibility and sustainability reign supreme.

As Atlanta solidifies its status as a tech innovation powerhouse, its embrace of remote work shows the city is committed to modernizing its workforce.

This strategy promises resilience, innovation, and a competitive edge in the ever-changing global tech game.

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The Rise of Remote Work


The tech scene in Atlanta has been going through some major changes lately, and it's all thanks to this remote work thing that blew up during the pandemic. According to this report from Motion Recruitment, even though the economy has been a bit shaky in 2023, Atlanta's tech industry has been growing like crazy, and IT salaries have been holding steady.

The number of tech job postings in Atlanta offering remote work options has skyrocketed, and it's not just a local thing.

Over 44% of companies across the country are now allowing some kind of remote work arrangement.

  • A whopping 85% of Atlanta's tech companies have adopted remote or hybrid work models, which puts them right in line with the bigger industry trends.
  • According to Venture Atlanta, Atlanta's tech sector is capitalizing on the increased demand for technology, and remote work has been a major driving force behind this accelerated growth.

This isn't just a temporary thing either – it's a complete overhaul of how the tech industry works.

A survey by FlexJobs shows that tech roles are among the top fields for remote work availability, and Atlanta tech companies are definitely on board with this trend.

According to one industry analyst in Atlanta, "The ability to work remotely is no longer a perk but a critical component of business strategy and workforce attraction."

Atlanta is also stepping up its game to attract top tech talent from other cities by leveraging these remote work trends.

TechCrunch reported that the city is actively trying to lure major players from places like the West Coast.

Bottom line – this remote work thing in Atlanta's tech scene isn't just a passing fad.

It's part of a much bigger story that's reshaping the entire tech workforce, both locally and nationwide. The definition of the modern workplace is changing, and Atlanta is right in the thick of it.

Top Atlanta Tech Companies Now Hiring Remote Workers


Atlanta's tech scene is all about that remote work life. A bunch of major companies are letting their employees work from anywhere. IBM, the OGs of innovation, have remote gigs up for grabs.

We're talking software engineering, AI, cloud services, you name it. Then you got Mayo Clinic, merging tech and wellness.

They're hiring Data Science Interns and IT Analysts to work remotely. Check out these other Atlanta tech heavyweights embracing the remote grind:

  • The Home Depot is on the hunt for remote experts in ecommerce and software dev.
  • AT&T, the telecom giants, got remote openings in network engineering and cyber security.
  • Cox Enterprises, leaders in auto and comms, need remote project managers and digital analysts.

These companies are showing how diverse and lit the Atlanta tech scene is.

There's been a 19% spike in remote job postings from ATL tech companies in the past year! This remote work wave is changing how companies attract talent, letting them tap into a wider pool while giving peeps more flexibility.

Check out these other Atlanta-based companies hiring for remote roles:

Company Name Industry Remote Positions Available
Comcast Entertainment and Technology Marketing Analyst, Technology Specialist
ADP Human Resources and Tech Sales Associate, Client Service Consultant
Northrop Grumman Aerospace and Defense Systems Engineer, Cyber Analyst

Remote work is shaking up how Atlanta's tech companies compete and thrive in this digital age.

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What This Means for Atlanta’s Tech Workforce


The rise of remote work has been a game-changer for the tech scene in Atlanta. The stats don't lie – remote job listings have gone through the roof in the ATL tech world.

Before remote work became the new norm, Atlanta was already a hotspot with 12,000 tech companies and a solid 10.3% employment growth rate from 2016 to 2021, according to the Atlanta Business Chronicle.

But remote work has flipped the script for many of these firms. In fact, the options for remote gigs have doubled over the past year, according to FlexJobs.

Here's what that means for the local tech squad:

  • The demand for tech pros who can rock it in remote setups has skyrocketed, with companies looking for skills in collab tools, cybersecurity, and cloud tech. Big dogs like Starbucks and GM are shifting to hybrid models, reflecting a major change in how companies are structured.
  • Flexibility is the name of the game for tech workers, impacting job choices and retention. Atlanta companies are now competing on a global scale for talent. Local HR tech firms like Canopy Workforce Solutions have the inside scoop on managing modern workforces and employment trends.
  • Remote work can be a double-edged sword, with challenges like isolation and burnout. Companies are getting creative to keep teams connected and morale high. Comcast, for instance, is investing in community and employee well-being to navigate this new frontier.

This shift is shaking up the tech job market in Atlanta big time.

The workforce's skillset is evolving rapidly to match the demands of a decentralized workplace. According to Buffer's 2021 State of Remote Work report, 96% of tech workers want to keep working remotely, at least part-time, post-pandemic – which could mean a drop in demand for traditional office spaces as companies adapt to employee preferences.

As a result, the rise of remote work has sparked a distinct demand for skills like cloud computing, cybersecurity, and project management, essentially reshaping the economic landscape for Atlanta's tech pros.

But with this new trend comes fresh challenges – the ATL tech workforce has to adapt to the remote work era, prioritizing self-discipline, solid communication, and a robust home tech setup.



The tech world in Atlanta is about to hit different levels, and remote work is the name of the game. This ain't just a temporary flex; it's the future, for real.

Despite the economic struggle, tech keeps grinding, with global spending expected to hit a whopping $4.6 trillion in 2023. Atlanta's tech scene, dubbed the "Silicon Peach," is ripe for this change.

Before the pandemic hit, around 6.2% were already working remotely, but now, it's predicted that by 2025, nearly 70% of tech companies in ATL will offer remote positions.

The city's digital infrastructure and the state's business-friendly policies are fueling this fire.

This shift is about to shake things up big time:

  • Remote roles will expand the talent pool, attracting skills from all over the globe and making the workforce more diverse and inclusive.
  • Remote work means lower operational costs, giving companies cash to invest in R&D and drive innovation.
  • Hybrid models with satellite offices will blend the best of both worlds: in-person collabs and remote flexibility.

The long-term effects of remote hiring are setting the stage for a thriving and diverse tech ecosystem.

Companies like Comcast are stepping up with grants for minority-owned businesses and bilingual campaigns. As industry leaders are saying, "Remote work isn't just a survival tactic; it's a strategic move that unlocks global talent and fosters diversity." The future is a hybrid work culture where remote and office settings mesh, boosting productivity and keeping employees happy.

Bottom line: with remote work as the foundation, Atlanta's tech scene is poised to keep climbing the ranks of top tech hubs, driving growth and innovation like never before.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What is the percentage increase in remote job postings in Atlanta's tech industry?

There has been a 19% increase in remote job postings by Atlanta-based tech companies over the past year.

Which notable Atlanta tech companies are currently hiring remote workers?

Companies like Mailchimp, Calendly, The Home Depot, AT&T, and Cox Enterprises are actively hiring for remote positions.

What is the projected percentage of the workforce in Atlanta embracing telecommuting by 2025?

By 2025, an estimated 22% of the workforce in Atlanta is predicted to embrace telecommuting.

How is the rise of remote work impacting Atlanta's tech workforce?

The rise of remote work has led to a surge in demand for tech professionals with skills suited for remote environments, increased flexibility in job choice, and competition for talent on a global scale.

What are some effects of the pivot to remote work on Atlanta's tech industry?

The pivot to remote work has expanded the talent pool, reduced operational costs, spurred innovation, and introduced hybrid work models integrating in-person collaboration and remote adeptness.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible