What's the Average Salary for a Software Engineer in Atlanta?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

A computer setup representing software engineering in Atlanta

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Atlanta's software engineering job market is thriving with companies like Apple and Microsoft establishing offices, offering lucrative opportunities. Software engineers in Atlanta earn an average of $124,359 annually, with salaries ranging from $70,090 to $232,257 based on experience and skills. Experience and education significantly impact earning potential.

Atlanta's tech scene is straight-up booming, and software engineering jobs are hotter than a fresh batch of Varsity chili dogs. According to the big dogs at the Bureau of Labor Statistics, this field is expected to grow by 22 percent from 2019 to 2029, which is insane! Big players like Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Visa have all set up shop here to snag the top talent coming out of places like Georgia Tech.

Job postings in the A-Town are blowing up on sites like LinkedIn and Glassdoor, and ambitious coders are flocking here for the lucrative opportunities and dope quality of life.

Atlanta is quickly becoming a major hub for tech, rivaling Silicon Valley and Seattle, according to the Metro Atlanta Chamber.

Companies and schools like Nucamp are working together to pump out skilled techies, keeping the city's tech scene fresh and vibrant.

With its commitment to innovation and diverse economy, Atlanta is the place to be for software engineers looking to level up their careers and make some serious bank.

The city's future in tech is brighter than ever.

Table of Contents

  • Factors Influencing Software Engineers' Salary in Atlanta
  • The Average Salary for a Software Engineer in Atlanta
  • How Atlanta's Software Engineer Salary Compares to Other Cities
  • Conclusion: Is Atlanta a Good Place for Software Engineers?
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Factors Influencing Software Engineers' Salary in Atlanta


The cash you can make as a software engineer in Atlanta is no joke. It all depends on a bunch of factors, like the current job market and how the tech industry is doing.

For example, Principal Software Engineers in Atlanta make an average of $170,419, but that can range from $155,230 to $187,194, depending on your experience, education, certifications, and skills.

That's a wide gap.

Experience is key. Those in the bottom 10% earn around $141,402, while the top 10% can rake in up to $202,466. That's a massive difference! It just shows that the longer you stick with it and keep leveling up, the more cash you'll be raking in.

Your education also plays a big role in how much you can earn.

If you got them fancy degrees, you can expect to make more bank. Atlanta is also a major tech hub, with a ton of top tech companies and high demand for tech talent.

That means they gotta pay up to attract the best peeps. According to Qubit Labs, the software development market in the US (which is 28% of the global market) is expected to grow by 7% each year, and Atlanta's tech scene is a big part of that growth.

Knowing languages like Python and Java can also boost your earning potential, since they're so popular in major cities.

In short, Atlanta's tech scene is lit.

The more experience you got, the more cash you can make. Having a fancy education helps too. And with all the big tech companies in Atlanta competing for talent, they gotta pay up to keep the best devs around.

If you're skilled and stay on top of the latest trends, the money is there for the taking.

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The Average Salary for a Software Engineer in Atlanta


Getting a grip on the money game for software engineers in Atlanta is crucial, whether you're a fresh face or a seasoned vet in the tech scene. In 2023, the average salary for these code wizards is a sweet $124,359 per year, with Built In reporting a median of $115,000, slightly higher than what Glassdoor says at $122,253.

This thriving tech hub is a goldmine, with entry-level gigs paying around $76,490 according to Salary.com, while the big dogs like Software Engineering Directors rake in over $206,268, showing the massive growth potential in this field.

This cash flow varies based on your experience and specialty:

  • Software engineers in Atlanta can expect to make anywhere from $70,090 to $232,257, ranging from entry-level Software Developer I to executive hot shots.
  • If you're a pro in hot languages like JavaScript and SQL or specialized domains like medical software development (averaging $98,526), you can expect to cash in big time.
  • Graphics Software Engineers in Atlanta even beat the national average with salaries averaging at $111,599.

When it comes to salaries by company, the big tech players in Atlanta bring their A-game with competitive packages.

Giants like Microsoft are battling for talent with offers that blow the city average out of the water, plus sweet benefits. The tech gurus at these places are living the high life with fat paychecks and perks designed to attract and keep the cream of the crop, while the top dogs enjoy the biggest slice of the pie.

"As Atlanta solidifies its rep as a tech hotspot, the rising salaries for software engineers prove the insane demand for tech talent in the region," says industry insider Jennifer Garcia. The salary diversity across companies gives these skilled workers mad leverage in the ever-changing job market. Plus, with remote work booming and tech jobs becoming more portable, Atlanta's fat paychecks keep drawing in a diverse and talented workforce, leveling up the city's tech game.

How Atlanta's Software Engineer Salary Compares to Other Cities


When it comes to assessing the average salary for software engineers in Atlanta, you gotta consider both the cash they're making and how far that money stretches compared to other cities.

Contrary to what Glassdoor reported earlier, the latest data from Built In shows that a Lead Software Engineer in Atlanta earns an average salary of $141,250.

This isn't too shabby, but it's still lower than the $186,629 average that software engineers on the Hired platform are getting offered in San Francisco in 2023, which has gone up from last year, according to Hired's salary data.

Seattle isn't slacking either, with an average of $171,314. But the kicker is – when you factor in the cost of living, places like Atlanta offer a sweet deal.

Adjusted salaries in cities like Houston and Atlanta give tech professionals an average of $40,000 more in purchasing power than in San Francisco.

While Atlanta's attractiveness is growing with a comparable salary of $135,240 for software engineers, an analysis by Qubit Labs using 2022 figures reveals that cities like Houston ($134,711) and Philadelphia ($144,911) also offer significantly higher adjusted salaries.

It's clear that the high-tech job market is shifting away from the traditional hubs to emerging cities that offer a sweeter lifestyle. Hired's report highlights this trend, showing that job roles in high cost-of-living cities have decreased, while medium to lower-cost markets have seen substantial increases.

Indeed's study backs up Atlanta's rank as the 7th best-paying city for software engineers when you consider the cost of living.

The city's tech salaries have been rising impressively, surpassing growth in the usual tech hubs. Atlanta's competitive compensation and moderate living expenses solidify its status as a thriving hub for tech professionals who want to balance quality of life with career growth.

As the tech industry expands beyond Silicon Valley, Atlanta shines as an economic gem, offering an excellent standard of living and promising tech career opportunities.

"With salaries that stretch further due to a gentler cost of living, Atlanta stands out as a beacon of value for software engineers. Its burgeoning tech scene is poised to reshape the city into a key player within the tech ecosystem,"

underlines TechCrunch.

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Conclusion: Is Atlanta a Good Place for Software Engineers?


Let me break it down for ya on why ATL is the move if you're a software engineer tryna level up. First off, this city is poppin' with tech opportunities. The job market is straight fire, with folks passin' them technical interviews like it's nothin' - we're talkin' a sweet 36% pass rate.

The forecast says software engineering gigs are gonna boom like crazy over the next decade, growin' way faster than the national average. ATL is also a hot spot for tech startups and major players like Walmart and Capital One, so the demand for our coding skills is through the roof.

Areas like cybersecurity, health tech, and big data are where it's at, with hella new jobs hittin' the scene.

The real flex is how your cash stretches in ATL. With a cost of living index at 77, you're ballin' on an average salary of $105K. That's straight up ballin' compared to places like San Fran or NYC. The median salary clocks in at around $110K, so you can live that bougie life without breakin' the bank.

ATL is a sweet spot for real.

The perks don't stop there. You get to be part of a lit tech scene with mad conferences, co-working spaces, and professional development programs to keep your skills on point.

Plus, with all the top universities in the area, you're surrounded by innovative minds and prime networking opportunities. One talent recruiter summed it up perfectly:

"Atlanta represents a 'sweet spot' for software engineers—offering a dynamic work environment without the overwhelming saturation felt in Silicon Valley."

So real talk, if you're lookin' to level up your career and live that good life, ATL is where it's at for software engineers.

The opportunities are fire, the money is right, and the vibes are immaculate.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the average salary for a software engineer in Atlanta?

Software engineers in Atlanta earn an average of $124,359 annually, with salaries ranging from $70,090 to $232,257 based on experience and skills.

What factors influence software engineers' salary in Atlanta?

Salary in Atlanta is determined by factors like experience, education, certifications, skills, and demand for tech talent in the city.

How does Atlanta's software engineer salary compare to other cities?

Atlanta offers competitive salaries for software engineers when compared to cities like San Francisco and Seattle, with a better cost of living index providing higher purchasing power.

Is Atlanta a good place for software engineers?

Yes, Atlanta is a prosperous city for software engineers due to its vibrant tech ecosystem, strong job market, balanced cost of living, competitive salaries, and professional growth opportunities.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible