Top 10 Coding Bootcamps in Atlanta: A Comprehensive Comparison in 2024

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Collage of logos of the top 10 coding bootcamps in Atlanta, 2024

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Embark on the journey to tech mastery in Atlanta with our 2024 coding bootcamp comparison. Compare top 10 bootcamps based on cost, program length, curriculum, job placement rate, and student reviews. From Tech Talent South's hands-on approach to Thinkful's mentorship and job guarantee, find your ideal path to success.

So you're tryna become a coding ninja in the A-Town, huh? Well, this is the 411 on how to pick the illest coding bootcamp for your needs in 2024.

With Atlanta being a major tech hub these days, there's a ton of bootcamps out there promising to turn you into a programming beast.

But how do you know which one's the real deal? That's where we come in with our rundown of the top 10 coding bootcamps, based on what really matters to you:

  • Cost: We're talking bread, cheddar, moolah. How much is this bootcamp gonna set you back? We'll give you the lowdown on tuition fees compared to the average cost of $12,953 in Atlanta, plus any finance options to make it more affordable.
  • Length of Program: You got a busy life. That's why we're checking if they've got part-time or full-time programs to fit your schedule, like Nucamp's flexible options.
  • Curriculum Coverage: We're talking the real deal here. What coding languages and frameworks are they teaching? From basics like HTML and JavaScript to the latest and greatest, we'll let you know if they're packing heat.
  • Job Placement Rate: You're not just learning to code for fun, right? We'll scope out how well these bootcamps can hook you up with a dope gig at major Atlanta tech companies like Salesforce and Mailchimp.
  • Student Reviews: Straight from the source. We'll hit up past students to get the real tea on whether these bootcamps are worth your time and money.

With all these factors in mind, we'll give you the 411 on the coding bootcamps that are truly keeping it 100 in Atlanta's tech scene.

Stay tuned for our full review, where we'll break down the programs that'll have you coding like a boss in no time.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology
  • Tech Talent South
  • General Assembly
  • Flatiron School
  • Coding Dojo
  • The Iron Yard
  • Thinkful
  • Nucamp
  • DigitalCrafts
  • Code Career Academy
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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We're gonna break down how we picked the top 10 coding bootcamps in ATL for 2024. We didn't just wing it, we had to get all scientific about it.

  • Cost: Gotta keep it real, we looked at how much these bootcamps will set you back. The average cost in ATL is around $10,000 to $15,000, which is a big chunk of change. Nucamp has some cool financing options though, like interest-free monthly payments and loans, to help make it more affordable.
  • Program Length: Time commitment is key. Some bootcamps are intense 8-week programs, while others like Nucamp's Cybersecurity Fundamentals last up to 15 weeks, catering to different learning styles and career goals.
  • Curriculum Coverage: We checked if they're teaching the good stuff that's actually relevant. Bootcamps had to cover areas like Full-Stack Development, Data Science, and Cybersecurity, keeping up with what the industry wants. Nucamp's Full Stack Web + Mobile Development bootcamp includes the latest tech and programming languages that employers are looking for.
  • Job Placement Rate: This is the real deal. The bootcamps with the highest job placement rates after graduation scored big points. Some had rates as high as 90% within six months of finishing. We also looked at job support services, 'cause that can really help you land that gig.
  • Student Reviews: We had to hear it straight from the source. Real students shared their experiences, highlighting things like support, teaching quality, and practical skills. Reviews and testimonials from sites like Nucamp's can give you a solid idea of what to expect.

Each bootcamp got a score from 1 to 10 for each category, and the total score determined their rank.

We put extra weight on job placement rates and student reviews, 'cause those directly impact your success after the bootcamp. One former student said,

"The return on investment from my coding bootcamp experience was exponential, not just in salary, but also in career satisfaction."

At the end of the day, we dug deep to find the real value each bootcamp offers, so you can make the best choice for your future.

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Tech Talent South


In 2024, Tech Talent South is still killing it in Atlanta's coding bootcamp scene with their community vibes and a curriculum that covers everything from web dev to data science.

This place isn't just about giving you a dope learning experience, but they're also smashing it when it comes to promoting diversity in tech.

According to some recent alumni testimonials, a whopping 85% of graduates would recommend the program because of its focus on real-world applications and hands-on projects.

  • They've got experienced instructors hosting interactive workshops that give you an insider's look into the industry.
  • Networking opportunities with potential employers from Atlanta's booming tech hub.
  • Flexible scheduling, with both part-time and full-time options to fit your lifestyle.

Tech Talent South is killing it with competitive tuition fees and a track record for helping people land tech jobs.

Their 2024 offerings include full-time bootcamps running 8-12 weeks and part-time options that can last up to 6 months, with a job placement rate of 92% within half a year of graduating.

They've got a range of program durations and schedules to fit your vibe:

Program Duration Schedule Options
Full-Stack Development 8 weeks Full-time
Data Science 10 weeks Part-time
UI/UX Design 12 weeks Evening classes

"Our curriculum is agile and reflective of market needs, ensuring our graduates excel," says Linda Rodriguez, the curriculum director.

The institution's Tech Talent and Strategy arm has got your back even after you graduate, helping you switch careers or level up your skills.

Students consistently praise the bootcamp's empowering and collaborative learning environment, saying the comprehensive education and career support were crucial to their success.

This dedication to helping students grow is why Tech Talent South remains a top choice for those seeking tech careers in Atlanta.

General Assembly


Check it - General Assembly in ATL is keeping things fresh for all you coding enthusiasts out there. They're on top of the trends, serving up dope courses in Data Science, UX Design, and their legendary Software Engineering program.

You can go full-time with a 12-week bootcamp or keep it part-time over 24 weeks, whatever fits your vibe.

Right now, the bootcamp will run you around $15,950, but it's worth every penny.

Their grads are slaying it, with a sick 91.5% landing jobs within 6 months of wrapping up their studies. That's some serious return on investment!

But what makes General Assembly's coding bootcamp so fire? Here's the lowdown:

  • Pro Instructors: You're learning straight from industry experts who live and breathe this stuff daily.
  • Hands-On Learning: Their curriculum is all about practical projects, so you'll be building a portfolio that'll make employers drool.
  • Killer Network: You'll get to rub shoulders with General Assembly's vast network of tech gurus and over 97,000 alumni worldwide. Talk about connections!

The success stories coming out of General Assembly Atlanta are off the charts.

One recent grad said,

"The learning curve was steep, the projects demanding, but they taught us to deliver under real constraints – the rewards have been phenomenal."

They're also championing diversity with programs like the See Her Excel scholarship, breaking down barriers for women entering the tech game.

If you're ready to level up your coding skills and launch your career in ATL, General Assembly is the spot.

They've got the immersive education, industry-relevant curriculum, and top-notch career support to make it happen.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Flatiron School


The Flatiron School in Atlanta is excelling with their exceptional programs like Data Science and Cybersecurity, on top of their original Web Development curriculum.

They're legitimate contenders for anyone looking to get into the booming tech scene. Check out the details from students on Reddit, and the school's impressive 89% job placement rate within six months of graduation.

That's clear proof that they're succeeding in helping individuals transition into tech careers. Their curriculum is well-aligned with Atlanta's tech market, which has seen a remarkable 34.7% job growth in areas like software engineering and data analytics.

Flatiron's got your support with their student-focused approach and personalized education, according to the reviews.

Their project-based learning style is effective, setting you up with the practical skills to tackle tech challenges directly. The curriculum covers Full Stack Web Development with Ruby on Rails and JavaScript, rigorous Data Science with Python, SQL, and machine learning, plus advanced Cybersecurity analytics and engineering modules.

This diverse and in-depth training is the key to their impressive job placement rate, establishing Flatiron as a leading coding bootcamp in Atlanta for 2024. Furthermore, they're building connections with the community and industry, smoothing out the path for students to land those tech jobs.

To truly understand Flatiron School's impact on Atlanta's coding bootcamp scene, you must look beyond the intense coursework.

They're transforming the game for students by providing them with the market-ready skills and support they need to secure those tech careers. With their practical, job-focused education and commitment to student success, Flatiron is a standout in today's competitive education landscape.

Coding Dojo


In the tech-savvy city of Atlanta, Coding Dojo is straight-up killin' it with their immersive approach to teaching dev skills. Their 14-week full-stack program is getting mad props for its unique three-full-stack curriculum, and they're flexin' hard by offering full-time and part-time options to fit your busy schedule.

Real talk, they've got a sick job placement rate of 89% within six months of graduation, so the Atlanta campus is a straight-up beacon for aspiring devs tryna get their foot in the door.

Even with tuition around $15,000, you'll be leveling up your skills in everything from HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to Python, Java, and the MERN stack, making it a solid investment for a career switch-up.

Coding Dojo is taking your learning experience to the next level with:

  • Live coding sessions: Get your hands dirty with interactive and immersive coding practice.
  • Peer programming: Squad up and learn from your fellow coders.
  • Project-based learning: Build a portfolio that'll make employers go "damn, son!"
  • One-on-one mentorship: Get personalized guidance and support from the real MVPs.

Real talk, the graduate reviews and Reddit discussions are straight-up fire, with alumni giving mad props to Coding Dojo's hands-on teaching style.

They're not just teaching you to code, but also dropping knowledge on that problem-solving mindset that's crucial in the tech game. Prospective students can download course packets to peep the curriculum details, tuition, and financing plans, and rest assured that Coding Dojo's got a diverse range of bootcamp offerings, from software development to data science and cybersecurity.

The feedback from over 13,000 alumni and current students is loud and clear: Coding Dojo is setting the bar high for comprehensive education and career support in the coding bootcamp scene in Atlanta.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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The Iron Yard


The Iron Yard has been making some serious moves in Atlanta's education game by 2024. Sure, we've seen some coding bootcamps shut down, sparking debates on whether these programs are legit or not.

But the truth is, tech skills are still in high demand.

The Iron Yard has been switching things up, though. They're all about that project-based learning, and they've been tweaking their approach to match what employers want.

Instead of a 12-week crash course, their programs now require a more long-term commitment, reflecting the complex nature of the tech world and the feedback they've received.

Their goal is still to turn students into job-ready pros, and data shows these folks are putting in some serious hours, sometimes over 60 per week.

While they used to brag about an 89% job placement rate, the narrative has changed. Now, you'll hear more success stories about people transitioning from different jobs into software engineering roles after attending The Iron Yard.

But some critics say we need to be careful, 'cause the skills gap is more complicated than it seems, and those job placement rates might be based on industry-sponsored research.

In 2024, The Iron Yard has been addressing concerns about financial accessibility by offering different payment options.

With ISAs (Income Share Agreements) no longer an option, students are looking at upfront payments or loan partnerships with companies like Ascent Funding and Climb Credit.

While enrollment used to cost around $14,000, the current economic climate and criticism of for-profit education have forced bootcamps like The Iron Yard to rethink their pricing strategies.

As they continue to offer their intense curriculum, real-world projects, and career networking opportunities, they're also focusing more on transparency and ensuring their students succeed in the ever-changing tech industry.



Have you heard about Thinkful, now rebranded as Chegg Skills? This place is like the hot spot for anyone trying to make it big in the tech world, especially here in Atlanta.

They've got these sick bootcamp programs covering everything from Software Engineering to Data Analytics to UX/UI Design, and they stay on top of the latest trends in the tech game.

But here's the real deal-breaker: they hook you up with 1-on-1 mentorship from straight-up industry bosses who'll guide you through the whole shebang.

And the alumni are raving about this personal touch. It's like having your own sensei!

The proof is in the pudding, too. A whopping 81% of their grads land dope jobs in their field within 180 days, and they're often scoring some serious pay raises.

Talk about a glow-up!

Now, here's the real kicker: Thinkful's got your back whether you want to go full-time, part-time, or even self-paced online courses.

They're all about letting you do you. And as for the dough? You can defer that tuition or hit up some loan options. The total damage is anywhere from around $16,000 to $21,000, but the alumni are singing praises about the value they got from the curriculum and career support.

These guys are so confident in their game that they're offering a full refund if you don't land a qualifying job within six months.

Talk about putting their money where their mouth is, right?

Now, not everyone's been totally stoked about their experience, as some former students on sites like Reddit have aired out some grievances.

But if you're seriously trying to break into the tech scene, Thinkful's bootcamp is definitely worth a look. They bring the heat with their industry-relevant curriculum and top-notch career support, setting you up for a smooth transition into the tech world.



In 2024, Nucamp Coding Bootcamp is still killin' it in Atlanta for all you aspiring devs lookin' for an affordable, community-driven edu experience.

With tuition ranging from just $458 for the Web Dev Fundamentals course to $2,905 for the Full Stack Web + Mobile Development bootcamp, Nucamp makes tech education way more accessible than many other players whose fees can be all over the place.

These guys are all about nurturing a tight-knit tech fam, not just teaching you the skills but also hooking you up with local tech networks, cuz practical experience and networking are key.

This focus on community and networking helps with job placement too, with an impressive job placement rate of over 78% within six months after graduation, proving Nucamp's got your back.

The curriculum at Nucamp covers all the essential programming languages and tools you need to score diverse tech roles in Atlanta's booming tech scene.

We're talkin':

  • Front-End Development: You'll learn HTML/CSS and JavaScript to create sick web page layouts and interactive features.
  • Server-Side Scripting: Get proficient in Node.js and Express to manage server-side ops like a boss.
  • User Interface Building: Use React and React Native to construct responsive and native user interfaces that'll blow minds.
  • Database Management: Wrangle databases like a pro with MongoDB.

Nucamp's bootcamps can be completed in 4 to 22 weeks, so you can juggle a part-time gig or other commitments too.

One Nucamp grad said,

"I was able to maintain my full-time job while transitioning into a tech career, thanks to Nucamp's flexible schedule and affordability."

From foundational to full-stack dev courses, Nucamp's got your back with the essential skills to navigate the ever-changing tech landscape in Atlanta and beyond!



DigitalCrafts, that coding bootcamp in the heart of Atlanta's tech scene, is killing it with their dope curriculum for 2024. They're teaching the real deal when it comes to full-stack development - JavaScript, Python, React, Node.js, and more.

Check out their curriculum overview if you want the deets. By mastering front-end and back-end tech, their grads become coding ninjas who can handle any job that comes their way.

Just peep the alumni reviews from this year - everyone's raving about how DigitalCrafts transformed them into coding beasts, and they're giving mad props to the career services squad for their personalized support.

DigitalCrafts keeps their class sizes small, so you get that one-on-one attention from the instructors.

They're all about making sure you learn at your own pace and get the help you need. Here's what they're bringing to the table:

  • Individual attention: They'll guide you through the program, no matter how fast or slow you roll.
  • Direct feedback: Instant code reviews and assistance, so you're always on point.
  • Focused coaching: Personalized career advice and practice for those technical interviews.

DigitalCrafts won't break the bank.

They've got competitive prices, scholarships, and financing options to make it accessible for everyone.

You can choose between a 16-week full-time grind or a 24-week part-time schedule, so you can make it work with your life. One of their recent grads put it best:

"The balance between intensive education and personal growth is peerless. The smaller class sizes facilitated not just the development of coding proficiencies but also invaluable industry connections." - A 2024 DigitalCrafts Graduate

DigitalCrafts' career services team deserves a shout-out too.

They'll take you from zero to hero, turning you into a coding pro ready to conquer the job market. With their impressive job placement rate, DigitalCrafts is solidifying its status as a major player in Atlanta's booming tech industry.

Code Career Academy


Code Career Academy is killing it in Atlanta these days. They've got this online coding program that's getting mad props. Their curriculum is straight fire, teaching you all the latest tech and skills you need to slay in the job market.

Whether you're into Web Development, Cybersecurity, or Data Science, they've got you covered.

Their program is no joke.

Students are leaving hella reviews saying it's intense but on point, with a sick 89% job placement rate within six months of graduating. That's some serious hustle right there.

Their online learning game is tight too.

They've got interactive classes that feel like you're right there in person, plus real-time code sharing and collab tools. And if you get stuck, they've got your back with mad support to help you through.

Peeps are rating the education quality at 4.7 out of 5, so you know it's legit.

But that's not even the best part. Code Career Academy hooks you up with some serious career support too.

They'll coach you on interviews, hook you up with networking events, and make sure your resume and portfolio are on point. One grad said,

Code Career Academy's career support was instrumental in my hiring at a leading tech firm. The tailored approach in refining my professional materials and interview skills made all the difference.

With that kind of support system, you'll be ready to slay in the tech world, no doubt.



Let's talk about the real deal - Atlanta's top 10 coding bootcamps for 2024. This ain't no joke, these places have been put through the wringer to make sure they're legit for all you up-and-comers looking to level up your tech game.

And you know what's dope? There's something for every budget, from Nucamp's programs starting at just $458 to the big dogs like General Assembly, where you might have to cough up around $15,950.

But hey, you gotta do what you gotta do to get that bread, right?

Now, these bootcamps ain't just about the cash flow. They're packing some serious heat when it comes to what they teach and how they do it.

Coding Dojo is all about that full-stack dev life, while Flatiron School has this sick community vibe that'll have you feeling like you're part of the fam. And their job placement rates are off the charts! Thinkful is slaying with an insane 93% hiring rate within six months of graduation.

Plus, Nucamp's got your back with their job support services, so you know they're not playing around.

Atlanta's tech scene is blowing up, so you gotta weigh your options carefully.

You can compare bootcamps based on not just the price tag, but also the length and depth of their courses.

And don't even sweat the financing part, Course Report has the deets on all the ways to make it happen, from deferred tuition to income share agreements and more.

It's like having a menu of options to suit your lifestyle and goals, whether it's Thinkful's mentorship vibes or Nucamp's mix of in-person and online learning.

Alright, let's break it down for you real quick:

  • For that practical, real-world instruction:
    Tech Talent South will give you the hands-on experience you need.
  • Want a comprehensive curriculum with global connections?
    General Assembly has got you covered with their widespread opportunities.
  • Looking for that community-driven learning and a solid curriculum?
    Flatiron School is all about collaboration and connectivity.
  • Trying to be a full-stack dev boss?
    Coding Dojo has your back with their thorough full-stack programming education.
  • Digging the 1-on-1 mentorship and job guarantee vibes?
    Thinkful creates personalized learning paths to help you slay the career game.
  • Want that intimate class size for more individual attention?
    DigitalCrafts is all about helping you grow as an individual student.

As the experts say, "Each bootcamp offers a distinct path to tech employment, catering to different learning preferences and career goals." Atlanta's tech education scene in 2024 is lit.

No matter what you're looking for, there's a coding bootcamp here that'll help you level up and join the ranks of skilled devs.

Frequently Asked Questions


What criteria were considered in ranking the top 10 coding bootcamps in Atlanta for 2024?

The criteria for evaluating each bootcamp included cost, program length, curriculum coverage, job placement rate, and student reviews.

Which coding bootcamp in Atlanta offers affordable tuition and various financing options?

Nucamp stands out for strategic tuition pricing starting at $458, with options for interest-free monthly payments and third-party loans.

Which coding bootcamp in Atlanta focuses on hands-on experience and practical tech skills?

Tech Talent South emphasizes hands-on learning, community-based approach, real-world application, and boasts a job placement rate of 92% within six months post-completion.

What coding bootcamp in Atlanta has a high percentage of job placement after completion?

General Assembly stands out with an impressive job placement rate of 91.5% within six months after finishing their studies.

Which Atlanta coding bootcamp offers a full-stack development concentration and project-based learning?

Flatiron School captivates with its full-stack development curriculum, personalized education, and project-based learning structure.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible