Ranking the Top 10 High-Paying Tech Jobs in Atlanta in 2024

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

A graphic illustration representing various tech jobs in Atlanta.

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In Atlanta's tech sector in 2024, key high-paying roles include Software Development Manager ($137,681), Data Scientist ($61,253 - $86,549), IT Project Manager ($120,000), Cloud Architect ($123,588), Cyber Security Analyst ($101,975), AI Engineer ($130,000), Full Stack Developer ($112,000), DevOps Engineer ($133,450), and Systems Architect ($162,927). With promising job prospects and lucrative salaries, Atlanta continues to be a tech employment hub.

Atlanta's tech scene is embracing its role as the hub of growth and opportunity within the region's ever-evolving digital economy. Insights from U.S. News are giving recognition to the city's booming job market and affordability, fostering an environment where tech pros can thrive.

Despite the economy being a bit shaky, the resilience of Atlanta's tech market is evident in Motion Recruitment's 2024 Atlanta Tech Salary Guide, highlighting low unemployment rates for IT workers while salaries remain stable.

As of 2024, Atlanta is flexing a 2.3% year-over-year increase in tech employment, reflecting the industry's vigorous vitality.

Emphasizing tech's significance in job creation, a 12% job growth in tech sectors is expected over the next half-decade.

This blog post aims to break down the top 10 high-paying tech roles in Metro Atlanta, giving you the information on crucial aspects like salary, market demand, job security, and growth prospects.

Positions like Software Development Manager and Data Scientist stand out, not only for their significant earnings with average annual earnings exceeding $120,000 but also for a booming employment climate, with unemployment rates lower than the national average, revealing a prime opportunity for economic advancement and innovation.

The following sections will dive deep into each role, providing insights to capitalize on Atlanta's thriving tech employment landscape.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology
  • Software Development Manager
  • Data Scientist
  • IT Project Manager
  • Cloud Architect
  • Cyber Security Analyst
  • AI Engineer
  • Full Stack Developer
  • DevOps Engineer
  • Systems Architect
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Let me break it down for you on the hottest and highest-paying tech jobs in Atlanta for 2024. Our ranking is based on some serious criteria that looks at how the job market is shaping up.

The main factor we're considering is salary, and we're pulling data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Glassdoor, and other legit sources.

The numbers show that if you've got mad skills in tech, you can expect to rake in anywhere from $85,000 to $120,000 in Atlanta. Not too shabby, right?

But it's not just about the money.

We're also looking at the demand for tech jobs, and the data from job sites like Indeed and LinkedIn shows that there's been a 15% to 25% increase in job openings for specialized roles like cloud architects and AI engineers.

These jobs are hot, and companies are hungry for talent.

  • We've factored in job security too. Tech jobs are pretty solid, with a less than 3% layoff rate in the sector, so you don't have to worry too much about getting the boot.
  • And let's not forget about growth prospects. According to the Tech Association of Georgia, there's gonna be a 20% surge in emerging tech positions by 2026. Institutions like Atlanta Technical College are stepping up their game to train the future workforce, with programs like their HVAC scholarship.

We've also looked at industry forecasts from big dogs like PwC and Deloitte, and they're saying that tech domains like AI and cybersecurity are about to blow up.

Georgia State University is all about connecting their students to these thriving industries, so you can bet that a lot of their grads are gonna be feeding into Atlanta's talent pool.

"With its burgeoning tech hub status, Atlanta's market is not just expanding, but diversifying at an unprecedented pace, requiring a workforce adept in hybrid skills that merge traditional IT with new-age digital expertise."

That's what the experts are saying, and they know their stuff.

Our ranking gives you the full picture of what the tech job market in Atlanta is gonna look like in 2024. And with tuition-free programs at Atlanta Technical College, you can get the skills you need without being buried in debt.

Atlanta is seriously becoming a major tech hub, and you don't want to miss out on the action.

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Software Development Manager


Atlanta is a crazy hot spot for Software Development Managers, these guys are the MVPs behind some of the sickest projects at major companies like Home Depot, Coca-Cola, and Delta Airlines.

They're in charge of keeping the dev teams on track, making sure the code is fire, and steering the whole technical vision forward. According to 2024, the average yearly cash they're raking in is around $137,681! That's insane, right? But it can range anywhere from $70,000 to $167,000 per year, depending on how much of a boss they are.

Clearly, these devs are in high demand.

The future is looking super bright for Software Development Managers in ATL, with the fintech and health tech industries blowing up.

They're predicting a 15% job growth in the coming years, which is massive.

"The rise of cloud tech and AI integration into businesses is creating a ton of opportunities for experienced dev leaders,"

says one industry report, highlighting the crazy potential in this field.

But it's not just about the money in Atlanta.

The city is a breeding ground for innovation, and these Software Development Managers are at the forefront of some seriously cutting-edge stuff, like:

  • Leadership Progression: Exciting paths towards becoming a CTO or other high-level exec
  • Industry Revolution: Getting to work on groundbreaking, disruptive tech in a market hungry for digital excellence
  • Talent Development: The chance to mentor and shape the next generation of talent in Atlanta's booming tech scene

Atlanta is all about fostering tech talent too, with top-notch coding bootcamps and universities keeping up with emerging trends.

This steady supply of skilled devs means Software Development Managers can count on stable job prospects in this bustling city.

Data Scientist


Data Science is where it's at if you're tryna make some serious bread in Atlanta. This city is like a tech paradise, and the money you can rake in as an Associate Data Scientist is pretty dope.

We're talking an average of $61,253 per year, with the ballers raking in a sweet $86,549, according to the job postings on ZipRecruiter.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says the median annual wage for data scientists nationwide was a whopping $103,500 in May 2022.

That's some serious cash!

Atlanta is the place to be if you want to get your Data Science hustle on. The job market is projected to grow by a massive 35 percent from 2022 to 2032, leaving the overall job market in the dust.

Even though some peeps on Reddit are trippin' about saturation, the demand for Data Science skills in areas like AI, machine learning, and predictive analytics is skyrocketing.

You could be working your magic at places like Major League Baseball, local tech giants, or even some sick startups.

Atlanta is the spot for businesses trying to stay ahead of the curve in this digital age.

With all these big shots and tech schools setting up shop here, Data Scientists have mad opportunities to innovate and bring the heat across different industries.

The role of a Data Scientist is about to level up, with a focus on being a straight-up genius at interpreting data and coming up with fresh ideas. Atlanta is the promised land for both newbies and seasoned vets in Data Science, offering a path to a killer career and stacking that paper.

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IT Project Manager


The role of an IT Project Manager is a total boss in the tech world, acting as the glue that keeps projects on track, on budget, and up to snuff.

According to the latest stats for 2024, the average salary for IT Project Managers in Atlanta is a solid $120,000 per year.

And if you're a seasoned vet, like a Senior Project Manager, you could be raking in an average of $118,125 or even up to a whopping $177,427 for the real OGs.

The demand for these pros in Atlanta is fueled by some major factors:

  • Atlanta's tech scene is blowing up, with a ton of startups and tech giants making waves. It's becoming a global hotspot, contributing to the city's growth in tech jobs.
  • Remote work is the new normal, and Remote Project Managers in Atlanta are pulling in an average of $95,473. Being able to manage distributed teams and workflows is a must-have skill.
  • Digital transformation is happening everywhere, and companies need rockstar project managers to navigate these changes and keep things running smoothly.

With all that going on, an IT Project Manager in Atlanta's tech landscape is the MVP, bridging the gap between a company's vision and the technical wizardry needed to make it happen.

As one industry pro put it,

"IT Project Managers are the bridge between a company's strategic vision and the technical prowess required to turn that vision into reality."

With their critical roles and a projected job growth of 10% over the next five years, IT Project Managers are the real MVPs, keeping organizations ahead of the game.

Cloud Architect


If you're a tech-savvy 20-something in ATL, get ready to rake in some serious dough as a Cloud Architect. With businesses embracing the digital age, these bad boys are leading the charge in cloud computing - designing apps, managing systems, and keeping data secure AF.

Word on the street is that Cloud Architects in the US are scoring an average base salary of $123,588, with ballers earning up to $335,000 for their mad skills.

And in Atlanta, you can expect to pocket around $132,150 on average. Not too shabby, eh?

The job outlook for Cloud Architects is straight-up fire, with a projected growth rate of 25% from 2021 to 2031.

As Atlanta's tech scene keeps poppin', these roles are gonna be hotter than a fresh pair of kicks. Companies are investing heavily in cloud services, so you'll need to be a coding wizard and a smooth talker to snag one of these gigs.

Cloud Architects are leading the charge in integrating AI with multi-cloud environments, according to industry insiders.

ATL is quickly becoming a tech hub, and these architects are the ones shaping the future of cloud ecosystems. So, if you're a tech junkie with a knack for innovation, this could be your golden ticket to the big leagues.

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Cyber Security Analyst


In the tech world's playground called Atlanta, there's this badass role called a Cyber Security Analyst. These cyber ninjas are the real deal when it comes to protecting corporate networks and systems from those pesky cyber threats.

They're like the digital bodyguards, keeping sensitive info safe and sound.

So, what do these cyber warriors do exactly? Well, let me break it down for you:

  • Security Patrol: They're always on the lookout, monitoring security access to catch any sketchy activities early on.
  • Risk Assessment: Vulnerability testing and risk analysis? That's their jam! They make sure the systems are rock solid.
  • Cyber Attack Blockade: Cyber attacks ain't got nothing on these guys! They implement all sorts of protective measures to shield the vital assets.
  • Audit Overseers: Internal and external security audits? No sweat! They keep everything up to code and secure.
  • Breach Busters: If a security breach happens, they're the first responders. They contain the situation and minimize the damage like bosses.
  • Threat Trackers: These cyber sleuths stay up-to-date on all the latest threats and vulnerabilities, so they can anticipate any future challenges.

Now, let's talk dough.

According to Fullstack Academy, Cyber Security Analysts in Atlanta rake in an average of around $101,975 per year.

That's some serious cash! The pay range is anywhere from $41,351 to a whopping $144,248, depending on experience and specific roles, according to job postings.

Atlanta's tech scene is booming, and these cyber warriors are in high demand.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 32% growth rate for Cyber Security Analysts from 2022 to 2032.

That's insane! With cyber threats constantly evolving, Atlanta's cybersecurity force is like the digital Avengers, protecting us from the virtual villains out there.

AI Engineer


Atlanta's tech scene is lit AF, and AI engineers are the hottest new thing! By 2024, these code wizards will be building dope AI models and keeping up with all the latest tech trends.

To become an AI engineer, you gotta be fluent in Python, R, and all that AI mumbo-jumbo like neural networks and deep learning. It's not a walk in the park, but the payoff is worth it – we're talking an average salary of $130K!

The demand for AI engineers in Atlanta is gonna skyrocket by 2030, with industries like fintech, healthcare, and even retail jumping on the AI bandwagon.

We're talking a potential 20% increase in jobs over the next six years, which is way higher than the average for other careers. Atlanta is quickly becoming the tech capital of the southeast, and you don't wanna miss out on this wave!

If you're trying to score one of these sweet AI gigs, you better come correct with the qualifications.

We're talking advanced degrees, mad coding skills, experience with cloud services like AWS or Azure, and some serious analytical prowess. Companies and universities are investing big bucks into AI research and development, so there's plenty of opportunities to get your feet wet and make a name for yourself in this rapidly growing field.

"AI and machine learning are the future. These technologies are changing the game across all sorts of industries, and AI engineers are the ones making it happen. Get in on this action now, and you'll be set for life!"

says Daniel Anderson, an industry expert who knows what's up.

Full Stack Developer


In 2024, being a Full Stack Developer in Atlanta is going to be advantageous, with an average salary of around $112,000. This job is excellent for any tech enthusiasts aiming to earn a substantial income.

The average pay for Javascript Developers in ATL is $120,817, which demonstrates how lucrative this field is.

The job market for Full Stack Devs is expected to grow by a remarkable 27% in the next five years, indicating numerous opportunities.

The reason Full Stack Developers are so in-demand is that they're skilled in both front-end and back-end development.

They must be proficient in:

  • Programming languages like JavaScript, Python, and Ruby
  • Front-end and back-end frameworks like React and Node.js
  • Databases like MySQL and MongoDB
  • Version control with Git, and DevOps practices
  • Cloud services like AWS or Azure

Advancements like microservices architecture, containerization, and serverless computing are transforming the landscape, so Full Stack Devs must remain current.

As one industry expert put it, "In an ever-evolving tech environment, Full Stack Developers in Atlanta must stay nimble and open to the latest technological advancements to safeguard their competitive edge and job stability." A Coursera report backs this up, stating they need to enhance their technical and non-technical skills like creativity and communication.

In an ever-evolving tech environment, Full Stack Developers in Atlanta must stay nimble and open to the latest technological advancements to safeguard their competitive edge and job stability.

With Atlanta's tech scene flourishing and new startups emerging rapidly, there will be substantial demand for Full Stack Devs who can adapt to the latest trends.

If you possess an impressive portfolio and can adapt to changes, you could potentially earn up to $205,000 as an experienced professional, according to Springboard.

Atlanta is the ideal place to be if you aim to excel as a Full Stack Developer and earn a substantial income.

DevOps Engineer


In the tech mecca of Atlanta, DevOps Engineers have become straight-up MVPs. They're the ones juggling all the job responsibilities like automating processes and keeping the dev teams and IT crews in sync.

This gig puts them at the forefront of speeding up the software life cycle and ensuring that new releases go live without a hitch. In Atlanta, DevOps Engineers are raking in an average salary of $133,450 – not too shabby, eh? If you're a pro with some serious skills, you can aim even higher with Senior DevOps Engineer roles that fetch a fat paycheck for all that extra responsibility.

The job market outlook for DevOps is straight-up fire.

Experts predict a 22% growth by 2026, leaving other tech fields in the dust. If you want to be a DevOps rockstar, you gotta master these skills:

  • Rapid Deployment: Find ways to push out high-quality code updates consistently and efficiently.
  • Collaboration and Communication: Be the bridge that connects dev, ops, and QA teams, boosting everyone's productivity.
  • Security Integration: Make security a priority from the get-go, embodying the DevSecOps approach.

As the demand for DevOps pros skyrockets, driven by the need for faster business processes and cloud tech advancements, there's a clear career progression path.

You can start from entry-level roles and eventually level up to positions like DevOps Architect or Automation Engineer.

One industry expert summed it up perfectly,

"The evolution of cloud services and AI will keep fueling the need for skilled DevOps Engineers in Atlanta, ensuring a solid job market."

Mastering DevOps doesn't just score you a fat paycheck; it's a pathway to a stable and upward-moving career.

Systems Architect


Atlanta's tech scene is on fire in '24, and the Systems Architect role is where it's at. These tech wizards are the OGs of building dope computer systems, laying the foundation for some seriously sustainable and scalable tech infrastrutures.

The average salary for a Systems Architect V in ATL is $162,927, which is straight cash, homie! They're in high demand for their mad skills.

So, what's their deal? Here's the 411:

  • Strategic Design: They design systems with functional requirements, scalability, and security in mind. It's like building a fortress, but for tech.
  • User-Centric Solutions: They keep it real and define system solutions based on user needs and cost considerations. No fancy schmancy stuff that ain't practical.
  • Technology Selection: They do their research, select, and test the right tech for solution delivery. It's like picking the perfect ingredients for a dope dish.
  • Documentation: They document technology integration or migration strategies so everyone's on the same page. No room for confusion.

The job market for Systems Architects in ATL is looking fire, with potential for growth and steady salaries.

Atlanta's a tech hub, so the demand for these architects is only going to rise. They're the ones keeping the intricate systems running smoothly, handling massive data and operations like bosses.

With tech domains like cloud computing, cybersecurity, and network management on the rise, Systems Architects are in high demand.

The top industries hiring them include finance, healthcare, logistics, tech service providers, and even the government.

It's a diverse range.

In Atlanta's lit tech ecosystem, Systems Architects have a solid career path with fat paychecks and room for growth. Industry reports say adaptability and staying ahead of the curve are key.

These architects are shaping the future of tech, and it's gonna be dope!



Let's talk about the lit tech job scene in Atlanta for 2024. This city's tech game is on the come-up, with a projected 15% spike in tech jobs recently.

Atlanta's becoming a real Silicon Peach, with big dogs like Apple and Microsoft setting up shop here. And let's not forget about the talent pipeline from Georgia Tech feeding these high-paying gigs.

Atlanta's got dedicated innovation hubs and incentive programs that are straight-up luring tech companies left and right.

Now, let's talk about the top-paying tech roles in this bangin' scene:

  • Software Development Managers are killing it, with average salaries of $135,000 for keeping those complex dev projects on track.
  • Data Scientists are cashing in big time, raking in around $122,000 annually, thanks to Atlanta's booming data analytics game.
  • IT Project Managers are scoring an average of $108,000, courtesy of all the digital transformation initiatives popping off.
  • With businesses going all-in on the cloud, Cloud Architects are commanding salaries of around $130,000 for designing those sick cloud infrastructures.
  • Cybersecurity is a top priority, so Cyber Security Analysts are pulling in a median salary of $115,000 to keep Atlanta's digital landscape locked down.

And with Atlanta's AI and machine learning game on the rise, AI Engineers and DevOps Engineers are raking in anywhere from $110,000 to $140,000 for their mad skills in the modern tech scene.

Industry analysts are hyping up Atlanta's tech job prospects, praising the city's perfect blend of innovation, talent, and economic fire.

This growth isn't just lighting up opportunities for the pros; it's also boosting Atlanta's overall economic landscape and cementing its status as a top-tier tech hub.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are some of the high-paying tech jobs in Atlanta in 2024?

Key high-paying roles in Atlanta's tech sector in 2024 include Software Development Manager ($137,681), Data Scientist ($61,253 - $86,549), IT Project Manager ($120,000), Cloud Architect ($123,588), Cyber Security Analyst ($101,975), AI Engineer ($130,000), Full Stack Developer ($112,000), DevOps Engineer ($133,450), and Systems Architect ($162,927).

How is the job market in Atlanta's tech industry in 2024?

As of 2024, Atlanta boasts a vibrant 2.3% year-over-year increase in tech employment, with a 12% job growth in tech sectors anticipated over the next half-decade, indicating promising job prospects and growth in the industry.

What is the average salary range for Software Development Managers in Atlanta?

Software Development Managers in Atlanta have an average yearly compensation of $137,681, with a broader salary range spanning from $70,000 to $167,000 annually.

What are the essential skills needed for a Full Stack Developer in Atlanta?

Essential skills for Full Stack Developers in Atlanta include proficiency in programming languages like JavaScript, experience with front-end and back-end frameworks, database management expertise, version control savvy, familiarity with cloud services, and continuous learning to adapt to technological advancements.

What salary can a Systems Architect in Atlanta expect?

Systems Architects in Atlanta can expect an average salary of $162,927, reflecting the high demand and extensive expertise required in this field.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible