Women in Tech Scholarship Sponsored by Nucamp and Google Cloud

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Women in Tech Scholarship sponsored by Nucamp and Google Cloud

Helping to Bridge the Gender Gap Through Coding and Technology Training.

In partnership with Google Cloud, we've created a scholarship to help bridge the gender gap in the tech industry.

The Women in Tech Scholarship furthers our mission to make it affordable to learn marketable coding skills and fill high-demand roles in the digital economy.

Although women make up 47% of all employed adults in the US, they only hold 24% of the technology positions. Why is there still a gender gap in tech | Techopedia.com.

With a shared goal of closing the gender gap and inspiring women to pursue careers in technology areas, Nucamp and Google Cloud are excited to offer $150,000 ($50,000 in 2022, and $100,000 in 2023) in funding to The Women in Tech scholarship fund sponsored by Google Cloud.

Who is eligible?

Starting September 26, 2022, the scholarship is available to:

1. anyone who identifies as a woman

2. is at least 18 years old

3. is located in the US

(1 scholarship granted per approved applicant.)


The Women in Tech Scholarship fund covers 25% of the tuition for:

● 17-Week Front End Web and Mobile Development Bootcamp

● 22-Week Full Stack Web and Mobile Development Bootcamp

Funding will be allocated on a first come, first served basis until the fund is depleted.

The Women in Tech Scholarship will be delivered via refund on the first payment, and an adjustment of the tuition monthly payment plan.

How to Apply:

1. Register to either the 17-week Front End or 22-week Full Stack Bootcamps on or after September 26th 2022. (Earlier registrations are not eligible.)

2. Record a video essay describing your journey in tech so far and how the Google Cloud + Nucamp Women in Tech Scholarship would benefit you.

3. Record a video essay.

4. What brought you here? Please describe your journey to get a job in tech so far.

5. How will the Google Cloud + Nucamp Women in Tech Scholarship help you reach your goals?

6. Why did you choose Nucamp?

7. Applicants will be notified approximately 48 hours after submitting their video essay.

Learn more or Apply for the Women in Tech Scholarship.


Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.