The path toward a new career is best traveled with the right itinerary.

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 22nd 2021

From Visual Designer to Software Engineer, General Motors.

"I've already told a lot of people about Nucamp. It is a great option to get structure, direction, and a community around you that can help you succeed."

This is Seth Mitchell, a Nucamp Full Stack Bootcamp graduate and now a Software Engineer at General Motors.

Seth loves traveling and is looking forward to begin exploring new places again.

Having been restricted from experiencing his usual adventures, he is hoping to spend his next trip in Tokyo.

When he isn't traveling, Seth enjoys spending time with his family and coding.

His first exposure to coding was when he was going through his graphic design program and took a course covering HTML and CSS.

"I enjoyed the aspect of problem solving with coding and liked the challenge."

He first pursued visual design but later his enjoyment of coding resurfaced once life slowed down during the March 2020 lockdowns.

This is when he began self studying with free online resources teaching himself JavaScript.

Running into road blocks slowed him down as questions he couldn't answer himself came up and searching the internet only led him into more questions.

He knew then it was important for him to have a curriculum in order to learn the material properly.

Starting his search for bootcamps he found a ton of options, but most came with a lot of baggage.

Besides tuition they would cost him a lot of time, his current home, and his current job in order to attend.

Not wanting to quit his job and uproot his life, he chose Nucamp.

Since Nucamp bootcamps were affordable, flexible around his current job, and allowed him to avoid relocating, it was a great way to test the water on changing careers.

What was it like taking a Nucamp bootcamp?

Seth thought his React and React Native class were amazing and he still connects with his instructors today.

The Full Stack bootcamp provided a great opportunity to learn from the ground up, introducing him to concepts and helping him to gain a general awareness of how things work.

Describe your job search process

After graduating mid December, Seth spent his holiday time knocking out his custom website and resume to showcase his development skill sets.

At first, his strategy was to practice technical challenges and interview with companies he did not want to work for as practice for his dream job.

However, he wasn't getting much traction with that strategy, so he put his focus on reaching out to people on LinkedIn.

This led him to doing a Hackathon through Mint Beam on a team with another Nucamp grad.

They built a SpaceX launch calendar and he really enjoyed the whole experience.

After the Hackathon he hit the ground running applying to jobs and was able to land an interview with General Motors.

A total of 5 months after graduation he accepted his new job offer.

Seth is excited to serve as the connection between the User Interface team and the development team, which is a really great fit for his skill set.

What advice do you have for people who have already started the bootcamp and they are just about to finish Bootstrap?

"Put in more time than anyone else. If you put in 10%, you'll get 10% out. I treated it like another a job. This is something I was working towards to change my career so I gave it all I had. Also, make sure you pick a project that you are passionate about. Something that you would use yourself and that you could apply to all 4 sections of the bootcamp and see it grow throughout the six months."

Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.