The Game Changing Resume That Turned Dreams Into Reality

By Irene Holden

Last Updated: July 10th 2024

The Game Changing Resume That Turned Dreams Into Reality

"Nucamp is going to change your life, so go for it!"

In the bustling world of technology, career shifts aren't just possible; they're transformative odysseys waiting to be embarked upon.

Otmane Aatik's journey from the vibrant streets of Casablanca, Morocco, to the corridors of Penn State University is a testament to this truth.

Armed with a background in economic science and management, his initial charge into the finance industry left him yearning for something more fulfilling.

Thus began a series of eclectic ventures—from driving for Uber to dabbling in restaurant ownership—each one a stepping stone leading him closer to his true passion: web development.

It was during his stint as a restaurateur that Otmane's fascination with web development was ignited. Dissatisfied with the quality of his website, he took matters into his own hands, learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to improve his website. From that point, the allure of coding proved irresistible.

"this is what I want to do for the rest of my life!"

After thorough research, Otmane's decision to join Nucamp was solidified after watching a Campfire session with CEO Ludo Fourrage.

"I was convinced like right away, the next day I signed up!"

Intrigued by its affordability and comprehensive curriculum, he dove into the Full Stack Web + Mobile Development bootcamp, embarking on a journey of self-discovery and skill acquisition.

Navigating the challenges of the bootcamp wasn't without its doubts and difficulties. Like many learners, Otmane grappled with moments of uncertainty, questioning his aptitude and resilience. Yet, armed with determination and guided by Nucamp's supportive community, he persevered, emerging stronger and more confident.

"You gotta practice every day. That's what I learned. It's like any other language. The same thing with code and you have to code every day."

After completing the bootcamp, Otmane took some time to refine his skills and build his portfolio, engaging in freelancing projects for small businesses.

He also volunteered to teach kids programming at local libraries. Which quickly gained traction and evolved from casual sessions with a handful of children to a structured program accommodating a staggering 40 participants.

After some encouragement from a Software Engineer friend, he was ready to leap into a new tech career and began the dreaded job-hunting process.

In the beginning, he wasn't yielding any interviews, so he sought out guidance from Nucamp's Career Coach, Stephanie Raymos.

Their interaction was pivotal.

Stephanie's invaluable advice helped Otmane refine his resume, boosting his confidence and leading to interview requests and multiple job offers. Her expertise not only enhanced his resume but also provided him with the tools to navigate the job market effectively, showcasing Nucamp's commitment to graduates' success beyond the classroom.

Today, as a Web Developer at Penn State, Otmane continues to thrive, leveraging his skills and knowledge that he obtained through Nucamp.

He shared that one of the main motivators of his career transformation was his kids. As he stated:

"I want it to be something that my kids can be, you know, proud of their dad, you know?"

It's safe to say that Otmane has accomplished this goal and so much more.

In the world of coding, as in life, success is not bestowed upon the swift, but upon those who dare to persevere, one line of code at a time.

What advice would you give someone who’s thinking about attending a bootcamp but hasn’t registered yet?

"It's normal that it is going to be overwhelming, but you will get it. Trust me, I promise it will be easy the next time you look at it."


Irene Holden

Operations Manager

Experienced Professional Realtor with a demonstrated history of working in the real estate industry. Strong real estate professional skilled in Microsoft Word, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Event Management, Team Building, and Management.