The kingpin to starting your coding career is within striking distance

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: November 9th 2021

From Technical Business Analyst to a Site Reliability & Developer Support Engineer, XSOLIS

"The price was totally awesome and the MERN tech stack was exactly what I was looking for. I loved the idea that the setting was in a classroom."

This is Andrew Meyers, a Nucamp Full Stack Bootcamp graduate and now a Site Reliability and Developer Support Engineer at XSOLIS.

Andrew is a baseball fan, enjoys hiking, and is an avid bowler.

He has been bowing for 20 years and keeps his skills rolling attending weekly league games.

Besides collecting strikes, he was also looking for more out of his career.

Being in a supportive tech role wasn't the lane he wanted to stay in any longer.

Andrew was close enough to development positions to know it was something he wanted to reach for himself.

His goal was to pick up skills that would re-rack his career and make himself more hirable.

Andrew considered a coding bootcamp right away because he knew he wanted an instructor to talk to, quick feedback on his progress, and a community of like-minded students.

His experience with trying to learn through YouTube or Udemy courses wasn't his type of approach since he couldn't receive relevant feedback and didn't feel like he would retain knowledge by just copy/pasting along with free tutorials.

Choosing Nucamp's Full Stack Coding Bootcamp was easy for him as the affordable price and MERN stack was exactly what he was looking for.

The deciding factor was that Nucamp's coding bootcamps have classroom-based workshops.

Andrew started off with the intro Web Development Fundamentals Bootcamp to make sure Nucamp was the right fit for him.

He didn't need to take the introductory course since he already had those foundational coding skills, but he is glad he was able to confirm his decision to invest in the Full Stack bootcamp.

Andrew's overall experience with the Full Stack bootcamp was it was the right amount of difficulty and he always felt like he was learning.

"Going through Nucamp and doing personal projects has improved my problem-solving skills, helped me ask better questions, and helped me think about code in a better way."

Describe your job search process.

LinkedIn was the kingpin of Andrew's job search process because it offered the largest number of high quality engineering roles.

Andrew made sure to keep his resume up to date and focused on only including skills he was confident in clearly speaking to.

At the time of graduation Andrew had about a month left of his past job's contact to fulfill.

Then within about 2.5 months after graduation, Andrew scored his new job.

He is able to use exactly what he learned during the bootcamps in his new role as their main product is a SASS product build in React with MongoDB; it was the perfect transition into his new job.

What advice do you have for people who are thinking about attending a bootcamp, but haven't yet registered?

"You should do it, especially if it's Nucamp! For 6 months, you will learn a lot of great material that will help you."

What advice do you have for people who have already started the bootcamp and they are just about to finish Bootstrap?

"Take it one step at a time. Go through the notes, it will take time to sink in, but when it does, you won't regret it. It took me a while to understand how to fetch data with React, so remember to not get discouraged. Software development is a challenging skill and developing the skillsets take time. Once you start building things, it becomes super valuable."

Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.