With a bad first impression of coding, Nucamp was the action line that helped her redraw her career

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

From Digital Designer to Web Content Developer, TechIntelli

"I felt defeated after taking a computer science class back in college and never thought I would get back into coding. Nucamp made me realize it really wasn't like that and learning to code doesn't need to be that bad. I learned to slow down and take it one step at a time."

This is Halima Bala, a Nucamp Full Stack Bootcamp graduate and now a Web Content Developer at TechIntelli.

Halima loves spending time traveling, she appreciates art and museums, and her favorite artist is Van Gogh.

She sculpted her love of the arts into a career by becoming a digital designer.

Halima landed her designer role at a company that utilized coding in its day-to-day.

As she learned more about how the company leveraged coding to solve client's problems, she felt the need to have a deeper understanding of the work that was being done behind the scenes.

She started doing research to understand more, not to necessarily to apply the skills herself, but as Halmia learned more she was hooked.

Halmia started off on FreeCodeCamp.org teaching herself as much as she could about coding.

She got to a point where she wanted to draw support from others and needed someone to answer her questions.

Looking into joining a coding bootcamp for structure and guidance, it was also important for Halima to find help with career development, a flexible schedule, and for it to be affordable.

Halmia decided on joining Nucamp as it was the perfect compliment to her budget and schedule.

Her experience going through the Nucamp curriculum was exciting.

As she completed the course work, she was thrilled each time her code would work the way it was supposed to.

Each week she learned a lot and found it very helpful that she could message her instructor for guidance if she got stuck along the way.

Her sense of accomplishment was paired with the fulfillment of composing her career into a more advanced, while equally creative, role.

Describe your job search process.

In about a month and a half, Halmia secured her new position.

On LinkedIn she stated she was looking for a new role and from there recruiters started to reach out; she received two offers fairly quickly.

She held her other job throughout the process, so she was able to make a decision without any added pressure as she worked on her portfolio and some personal development.

Tell me about a moment of doubt or difficulty and how did you overcome it?

"Not going to lie, at points I struggled when working on creating an app, but it was worth it in the end. My instructor was amazing. He was available to answer questions, offer suggestions. In the end, it worked as it should. I have never done anything like that... and I did this!"

What advice do you have for people who are thinking about attending a bootcamp, but haven't yet registered?

"Start from scratch. Start from the basics. If you don't understand the basics, it will be much harder with the more complicated languages. Go with the flow, don't overthink it. Don't try to do a lot at one time, just do one step at a time."

What advice do you have for people who have already started the bootcamp and they are just about to finish Bootstrap?

"When you feel overwhelmed: take a breather, relax, then you can come back to it."

Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.