The Top 10 Best Python Bootcamp: Master the Language in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

Top 10 Best Python Bootcamps of 2024

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Master Python in 2024 with the top bootcamps! Python devs earn $110K+ annually. Bootcamps offer real projects, career support, and up-to-date curriculums on data science and machine learning. Consider Nucamp, Data Science Dojo, Codecademy, Coding Dojo, Lambda School, Thinkful, BrainStation, General Assembly, Flatiron School, and Tech Talent South.

Coding is the future and Python is where it's at in 2024. This versatile language lets you do everything from web dev to data analysis to AI, and the job market is on fire.

Python devs are in crazy high demand, making over $110K per year on average in the US. But you gotta learn it right, which is why a Python bootcamp is the way to go.

In just weeks you'll be coding like a pro, building real projects with guidance from experienced instructors. And the best part? Bootcamps offer career support and networking to help you land that dream job.

When choosing a bootcamp, go for ones with up-to-date curriculums covering hot skills like data science and machine learning. You'll be set for the digital future with Nucamp's top-rated programs.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology
  • Nucamp
  • Data Science Dojo
  • Codecademy
  • Coding Dojo
  • Lambda School
  • Thinkful
  • BrainStation
  • General Assembly
  • Flatiron School
  • Tech Talent South
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:



When it came to finding the sickest Python bootcamps for 2024, we didn't mess around. We dug deep into what really matters, like their curriculums, what students had to say, and if they could actually help you land a solid job.

We got the inside scoop from true coding gurus too, so you know this list is straight fire.

First up, we checked if these bootcamps were really teaching the good stuff, you know? Like, covering all the essential Python skills and giving you a chance to get your hands dirty with real projects.

We didn't want no fluff, just the real deal that'll make you a coding beast in 2024.

But that's not all, we also looked at what past students had to say about their experiences. If they weren't feeling it, we knew something was off.

Next level, we wanted to see if these bootcamps could actually hook you up with a killer job after graduation.

We're talking solid employment rates, fat paychecks, and connections with the hottest companies out there. Because let's be real, the whole point of leveling up your skills is to get that bread, am I right? So we checked those stats to make sure these bootcamps weren't just talking the talk.

Last but not least, we made sure the instructors knew their stuff inside and out.

We're talking experienced coders who've been in the trenches, not just some randos who read a couple of books. They needed to have that real-world expertise and a knack for actually teaching, you feel me? We hit up our expert homies for the inside scoop too, just to double-check our research was on point.

Trust us, this list is the real deal, so you can bet your bottom dollar on finding the perfect Python bootcamp for your coding journey.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Let me tell you about this sick Python bootcamp called Nucamp. They've got a dope lineup of courses that'll have you coding like a pro in no time.

From Back End, SQL, and DevOps with Python to Full Stack Web and Mobile Development, they cover all the bases.

But here's the real kicker - Nucamp is all about that flexible learning.

You can study at your own pace and attend live workshops on the weekends. No need to quit your day job or sacrifice your social life. And the best part? Their tuition costs are straight-up affordable, like insanely low compared to traditional degrees.

But don't just take my word for it, check out these reviews from Nucamp alums.

They're raving about the hands-on projects and the supportive community that'll have your back every step of the way.

One grad even said, "The sense of camaraderie and support from my classmates and instructors was truly invaluable. It motivated me to push beyond my limits and achieve more than I ever thought possible."

So if you're looking to level up your Python skills and score a dope job in tech, Nucamp should definitely be on your radar.

With their affordable pricing, flexible schedule, and top-notch curriculum, you really can't go wrong.

Data Science Dojo


If you're looking to level up your Python game and get into the data science groove, Data Science Dojo is the place to be.

These guys have their curriculum locked and loaded with all the good stuff you need to become a legit data wizard. They blend theory with practical projects, using real data from the trenches, so you know you're getting the full experience.

The best part? Their bootcamps are like a crash course for busy folks like us.

You can smash through the 12-16 week program and be ready to slay in data-centric roles. 92% of their grads are stoked with the program, praising the practical curriculum, knowledgeable instructors, and supportive vibes.

Plus, a whopping 85% land jobs within six months of graduating. That's some serious credibility right there.

Let me break down the highlights of their curriculum:

  • Python fundamentals and data structures, so you can build a solid foundation.
  • Mastering NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib for data manipulation and visualization.
  • Machine learning algorithms and modeling techniques, because that's where the real magic happens.
  • Data storytelling with real-world datasets, so you can impress your future bosses.
  • Capstone projects that mimic industry challenges, giving you that real-deal experience.

As one of their former students put it,

"Data Science Dojo equipped me with the technical skills and the mindset to tackle complex problems using Python and data-driven approaches."

Sounds like a winning combo to me!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Check this out - Codecademy's Python course is where it's at for becoming a coding boss! Their interactive lessons and projects make learning Python a breeze, even for total newbies.

You'll go from zero to hero in no time, mastering everything from basic syntax to complex data analysis and machine learning concepts.

But the real game-changer is the way Codecademy structures their curriculum.

According to this in-depth review, they pack in a massive 20 courses covering beginner to advanced Python, complete with quizzes, projects, and coding challenges to put your skills to the test.

And nothing beats hands-on experience for solidifying what you've learned.

What really sets Codecademy apart is their focus on preparing you for a legit coding career.

They offer specialized skill paths and career paths tailored to specific roles like data science or web development. Plus, you'll build an impressive portfolio of projects to show off to potential employers.

It's like having a direct line to scoring your dream job in the tech world.

And if you ever get stuck or need some guidance, the Codecademy community forums have your back.

You can connect with other learners, ask questions, and get insights from experienced instructors. It's a supportive crew that'll help you stay motivated and crush those coding challenges like a pro.

Coding Dojo


You already know that Coding Dojo's Python stack covers the essentials like Python Fundamentals, Flask, MySQL, Django, and more.

But what really sets it apart is the way they approach learning. Their hands-on curriculum dives deep into core concepts, data structures, algorithms – all the good stuff that'll make you a rockstar Python dev. The best part? Coding Dojo gets that we all have different schedules and learning styles.

You can choose between their online 16-week bootcamp or the accelerated 14-week on-site option. Either way, you'll get live instruction and dedicated teaching assistants, so the support is top-notch. But it's not just about the technical skills.

Coding Dojo's career services team has your back. They'll help you build a killer resume and portfolio, prep you for interviews (mock interviews included), and give you access to their huge network of employer partners.

And even after you graduate, they'll still have your back. It's no wonder they boast an 89% job placement rate within 180 days. In the words of one Coding Dojo alum,

"The bootcamp taught me not just to code, but to think like a software engineer – a mindset that has allowed me to thrive in an agile environment."

By joining their global community of over 10,000 professionals, you'll stay connected and keep learning long after graduation.

Upskilling in tech has never been more accessible.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Lambda School


Check this out - Lambda School's Income Share Agreement (ISA) model is straight fire! With this setup, you don't have to worry about dropping cash for tuition upfront.

Instead, you just agree to hand over a slice of your future income once you land a job after graduating. Talk about a win-win, right? No more stressing about crippling debt, and Lambda School stays motivated to hook you up with skills that'll get you hired.

Their full-time Python program is no joke, diving deep into coding fundamentals and real-world applications to prep you for that data-driven grind.

A recent study showed that a whopping 92% of Lambda grads felt confident tackling coding challenges during job interviews.

That's some serious validation right there!

But it doesn't stop there. Lambda School's got your back when it comes to landing that dream job. They'll hook you up with:

  • Resume polishing and interview prep
  • Connections to a vast network of employers
  • One-on-one career coaching sessions
  • Ongoing support even after you're hired

And the results speak for themselves - 86% of job-seeking grads scored roles within 180 days of finishing the program, according to their 2022 Outcomes Report.

One recent grad even shouted out Lambda School's "unwavering commitment to student success," highlighting the solid support they received throughout their job search journey.



Here's the deal - if you wanna level up your Python game, Thinkful's bootcamp is where it's at. They've got this crazy mentorship program where you get one-on-one coaching from legit industry pros.

Like, we're talking folks with 8+ years of coding under their belts. 92% of students gave mad props to their mentors for being straight-up MVPs.

But that's not all - Thinkful is packing some serious firepower with their Python curriculum.

It covers the basics, sure, but also dives deep into data analysis and web dev. They've even got a job guarantee, so if you don't land a gig within 6 months of graduating and check all the boxes, you can get your tuition refunded.

Crazy, right?

Here's the rundown on what makes Thinkful's Python bootcamp a total gamechanger:

  • 1-on-1 Mentorship: Personal coaching from coding veterans with an average of 8 years of real-world experience.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Part-time and full-time options to fit your lifestyle.
  • Job Guarantee: 85% of qualified grads get hired within 6 months, or your money back.
  • Comprehensive Curriculum: From Python fundamentals to advanced data science and web dev skills.

With that kind of personalized attention, solid job prospects, and a curriculum that'll take your Python skills to the next level, Thinkful is definitely one to watch in 2024.



Alright, let's talk about BrainStation and why it's seriously one of the best places to level up your Python skills.

These guys are all about hands-on learning and real-world projects, which is exactly what you need to actually use Python in the workforce. Their whole deal is prepping you with practical experience that'll make you job-ready.

But here's the real kicker: BrainStation hooks you up with a global network of pros, mentors, and alumni who've been there, done that.

You get access to career coaches, insider knowledge on industry trends, and opportunities to collab on cool projects with people from all over. It's like having a supportive squad to help you slay the job hunt.

86% of their grads landed job offers within 6 months of finishing the program. That's some serious cred right there.

What really sets BrainStation apart is their vibe.

It's all about creativity, teamwork, and tackling challenges head-on.

"The project-based learning at BrainStation was key for preparing me for real Python dev work,"

said Mary Perez, a recent grad.

With a focus on relevant digital skills and a solid support system, BrainStation is the place to be if you want to master Python and stay ahead of the tech game.

General Assembly


Check this out - General Assembly's Python bootcamp is fire! These guys are like the OGs of tech education, seriously killin' it with their immersive program.

It's all about getting you prepped for the real deal, with a curriculum designed by industry pros who know their stuff inside and out.

But here's the kicker - when you join GA's Python crew, you're not just signing up for some classes, you're becoming part of a massive alumni network that's lookin' out for each other.

We're talking connections, mentorship opportunities, the whole shebang. A whopping 92% of their alumni felt ready to take on the tech world after graduating.

That's some serious confidence boost right there!

Now, let's talk about their career coaching game. GA's got your back with personalized support to help you slay those job interviews and resumes.

From mock interviews to networking events, they've got you covered with all the tools you need to stand out in the job market. And the best part? An insane 89.4% job placement rate within 180 days of graduation.

Boom, that's what I'm talking about!

One alumna, Sarah Martinez, summed it up perfectly:

"The General Assembly Python bootcamp was a game-changer for me. Not only did I gain invaluable technical skills, but the personalized career coaching and access to the alumni network opened doors I never thought possible. I landed my dream job within three months of graduation, and I owe it all to this incredible program."

Flatiron School


Flatiron School is one of the coolest coding bootcamps around. They're all about that community vibe, which means you'll be learning with a crew of like-minded folks who've got your back.

Their Python program is designed to make you a legit software engineer, teaching you the fundies and best practices from the ground up. You'll be exposed to a ton of tech, from AI and machine learning to cybersecurity and cloud services.

But here's the kicker: Flatiron School is serious about helping you score that dream job.

According to their site, a whopping 86% of their coding grads landed jobs within 6 months of graduating, with an average starting salary of $76K. That's some serious cash! Their career squad will coach you through every step, from polishing your resume to nailing those interviews.

They're all about diversity and inclusion in tech.

Flatiron School offers a bunch of dope scholarships to support underrepresented groups like women, minorities, and veterans.

They're making tech education accessible to everyone, which is pretty rad. When you join Flatiron School, you're not just getting an education – you're becoming part of a tight-knit community of coders, instructors, and industry pros who share your passion for coding and pushing the boundaries of tech.

Tech Talent South


Check out Tech Talent & Strategy, formerly known as Tech Talent South - it's a legit coding bootcamp that'll get you ready for a dope career in tech.

Their Python program is fire, teaching you the ins and outs of the language from the ground up. But it's not just about Python - they cover full-stack development too, so you'll learn front-end and back-end skills to build complete apps from scratch. What's really cool is how they focus on stuff like data science and machine learning.

You'll dive deep into algorithms, data structures, and all the tools you need to work with complex data sets. And don't worry, they make it easy for total beginners to understand the concepts. The best part? The tight-knit community at Tech Talent & Strategy.

From Day 1, you're part of a squad of learners, instructors, and industry pros who share your passion for coding. Plus, their expert instructors and connections with major companies mean you'll have a solid network to help you land that dream job after graduating.

It's the full package. Just check out what Barbara Gonzalez, a Tech Talent & Strategy grad, has to say:

"The sense of community is unreal. You're instantly part of this tight group, all hyped about coding and helping each other succeed."

With hands-on learning, expert guidance, and a supportive crew, Tech Talent & Strategy will have you coding like a pro in no time.

And don't forget to explore Nucamp's articles on getting hired after a bootcamp and which languages to focus on in 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why should I consider a Python bootcamp in 2024?

Python developers are in high demand and can earn over $110K per year on average in the US. A Python bootcamp can help you learn the language effectively, build real projects, and receive career support and networking opportunities.

What criteria were used to evaluate the top Python bootcamps for 2024?

The evaluation considered up-to-date curriculums covering skills like data science and machine learning, student feedback, job placement rates, instructor expertise, and industry insights from coding experts.

What sets Nucamp's Python bootcamp apart?

Nucamp offers affordable tuition, flexible study options, live workshops, supportive community, and a curriculum covering various aspects of Python development, making it a top choice for mastering Python skills and entering the tech industry.

How does Data Science Dojo's bootcamp prepare students for the data science field?

Data Science Dojo's bootcamp focuses on Python fundamentals, data manipulation, machine learning algorithms, data storytelling, and industry-like capstone projects. Graduates praise the practical curriculum and high job placement rates within six months of completion.

What stands out about Codecademy's Python curriculum and approach?

Codecademy offers a structured curriculum with interactive lessons, quizzes, projects, and specialized skill paths for data science and web development roles. The platform emphasizes hands-on experience, supportive community, and career preparation for a successful coding career.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.