Company Culture and Values

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: February 23rd 2020

The team encouraged me to share this internal email broadly, so here we go. This is about who we are as a company, our culture, our values and what we believe in.

On a personal note: In my 15+ years at Microsoft, the company culture topic came up quite often, but as a distant and out-of-reach concept that we could hardly influence. I've never felt more passionate about the concept of company culture than now, as Nucamp is growing and more people are joining the team. 



Hi team,

As we all have more opportunities to engage with customers, I think it’s important that we talk about the company culture and values.


We are all ambassadors of Nucamp, and as such, I invite you to embody the company’s values when meeting with customers and partners. The company culture will also evolve and be shaped by you, the first key contributors, so please feel free to share your thoughts and keep a dialogue opened on this topic.


Nucamp’s culture is a reflection of the values and messages that we want to present to our customers: We are honest and transparent.


Even though we are a for-profit business, we genuinely want to offer new life opportunities to underserved communities. 

  1. Unlike many in the industry we do not use deceptive tactics in order to increase our bottom line: We do not advertise fake job placement numbers; we do not offer expensive loan options; we do not harass our prospects into enrolling.
  2. We care about the relationships we develop in the communities that we serve by providing:
    • students with opportunities to change or accelerate their careers through high-quality web development programs unavailable to them until today,
    • instructors with chances to give back to their communities and explore alternative professional opportunities,
    • lead instructors with professional development and management career opportunities, and
    • cafe owners with opportunities to positively impact their communities while growing their customer base.
  1. Our goal is to deliver to students the quality education they seek, without placing them in stressful situations such as having to quit their jobs or take on high financial risks.
  2. We believe that everyone should be given an opportunity to enter the “Digital Age” and become a developer. We do not believe that everyone can become one, but we will empower and support anyone who wants to try, risk free.

Finally, our business model is what makes our culture and mission stable and sustainable: Everything we do is about building strong connections within communities, which in turn allows us to cut costs and offer affordable and high-quality education options for our customers.

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That’s what makes us so special: We are about growing a global profitable business that has a long-lasting positive impact on local communities.


Thank you for everything you’ve done so far for Nucamp, and for your future impact with the company!



Transparency Honesty Caring


Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.