High-Demand Cybersecurity Jobs in Manchester: Where the Opportunities Lie

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Cybersecurity professionals discussing strategies in Manchester

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The booming cybersecurity sector in Manchester presents a surge in demand for professionals with an estimated 5,000 unfilled roles. Essential skills and qualifications include programming languages like Python, academic degrees in related fields, and certifications like CISSP and CEH. Top employers like BAE Systems offer innovative practices and professional development, showcasing a commitment to cybersecurity excellence and employee welfare in Manchester. Emerging trends like AI, ML, and Blockchain drive the job market towards roles such as Cybersecurity Analysts and Blockchain Security Specialists. Manchester's commitment to cybersecurity excellence through educational initiatives and networking events creates a supportive environment for aspiring professionals to kickstart their career in the industry, with a focus on continuous learning and upskilling.

Manchester's cyber scene is blowing up like crazy! With the city being the UK's fastest-growing cyber hub and its digital economy hitting £5 billion, it's no surprise that cybersecurity is the hottest game in town.

From startups to global giants, everyone's trying to lock down their ops, data, and rep, so the demand for cyber pros is through the roof. Even the big dogs like GCHQ have set up shop here, making Manchester a major player in national security.

But here's the catch – despite the sick growth (we're talking 20% up by 2024), Manchester's facing a major talent shortage.

There are around 5,000 cyber roles just sitting vacant. With cyber threats like ransomware and phishing schemes getting more advanced (peep the 2024 Cybersecurity Trends report), we need skilled folks to step up and defend the digital realm.

Manchester's cyber scene is popping, but the talent gap is real.

This is a prime opportunity for anyone looking to break into or level up in this high-demand field. From ethical hacking to security analysis, there's a whole world of cyber roles waiting for you.

And with the city's reliance on tech only growing, cybersecurity is becoming a crucial part of any business strategy.

So, if you're ready to make moves in the cyber game, check out how to launch your InfoSec career in Manchester.

This article will give you the lowdown on navigating the city's dynamic cyber landscape and scoring that dream gig in this fast-paced, high-stakes sector.

Table of Contents

  • Types of Cybersecurity Jobs in Manchester
  • Skills and Qualifications Needed for Cybersecurity Jobs in Manchester
  • Top Employers for Cybersecurity Jobs in Manchester
  • Emerging Trends in Cybersecurity in Manchester
  • How to Start a Career in Cybersecurity in Manchester
  • Conclusion: Securing Your Future in Manchester’s Cybersecurity Industry
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Types of Cybersecurity Jobs in Manchester


Manchester is the place to be if you're a cybersecurity badass. The digital scene here is lit, and these cyber jobs are more than just a paycheck – they're keeping our city's online game strong.

Real talk, job sites like Indeed and insights from B2W Group are showing that roles like Security Admins, Pen Testers, and InfoSec Analysts are in high demand.

These cyber warriors are the front line, keeping our systems secure and our data protected from those pesky hackers.

Manchester's cyber job market is as diverse as your Spotify playlist.

We've got Digital Forensics Examiners and Cloud Security Engineers – the tech ninjas who keep our online world running smoothly.

According to Firebrand Training, these roles, along with Cybersecurity Analysts, are crucial for identifying and smashing vulnerabilities.

And let's not forget the big dogs – the cybersecurity firms and startups that call Manchester home. They're the ones pushing the boundaries and keeping us ahead of the game.

Every cyber role in Manchester is like a piece of a puzzle, working together to keep our digital fortress secure.

From the strategic masterminds like InfoSec Managers to the tech wizards like Network Security Engineers and the ethical hackers known as Pen Testers, each one brings their A-game.

And when the cyber sh*t hits the fan, our Cyber Incident Responders are there to clean it up and keep us rolling. Manchester's cyber scene is a team effort, and we're crushing it!

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Skills and Qualifications Needed for Cybersecurity Jobs in Manchester


The cyberworld in our city is no joke, and if you wanna be a part of that scene, you gotta bring your A-game. We're talkin' about the skills that'll make you a certified badass at keepin' the digital streets safe.

First off, you'll need to get a solid grasp of the fundamentals, like cybersecurity basics, network defense strategies, and ethical hacking techniques.

Knowing how to code in languages like Python, Java, and C++ is a major plus too, cuz that'll help you sniff out and shut down any vulnerabilities.

But it's not just about the technical know-how.

Over 60% of job postings in Manchester are lookin' for peeps with problem-solving skills and attention to detail. Cuz let's be real, keeping our digital assets safe from all those sneaky threats ain't no walk in the park.

As for education, most entry-level gigs will require at least a Bachelor's degree in something like Information Technology or Computer Science.

But if you wanna stand out from the crowd, you might wanna consider getting an advanced degree. The schools around here offer specialized cybersecurity programs that'll give you the inside scoop on all the latest threats and defense tactics.

Now, let's talk certs.

These bad boys are like a golden ticket in the cybersecurity world, showin' everyone that you're the real deal. Some of the hottest certs in Manchester are:

  • Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) — This one's a must-have for the big leagues.
  • Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) — Proves you're a master of ethical hacking techniques.
  • CompTIA Security+ — A globally recognized cert for the cybersecurity fundamentals.
  • Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate — Shows you know your stuff when it comes to managing cybersecurity operations.

These certs aren't just about lookin' fly on your resume.

They're proof that you've got hands-on experience with the real deal. As one of Manchester's top cybersecurity experts puts it, "In an industry where the threat landscape changes daily, continuous learning and certification are key." So if you wanna make it big in this game, you gotta stay on top of your skills and keep levelin' up.

Manchester's quickly becomin' a hotspot for all things digital, which means the demand for skilled cybersecurity pros is only gonna skyrocket. Now's the time to get in on the action and make your mark!

Top Employers for Cybersecurity Jobs in Manchester


If you're a 20-year-old looking for a dope job in cyber security, Manchester is where it's at! This city is killing it with its tech and cyber game, and there are tons of sick companies on the hunt for fresh talent to join their cyber teams.

We're talking about homegrown cyber badasses like Hedgehog and NCC Group, as well as Cyphere Cyber Security Services.

And let's not forget about global consulting giants like KPMG and Deloitte that have set up their cyber divisions right here in Manchester.

These companies are killing it with their cutting-edge cyber solutions, but they're also all about developing their employees and creating a dope workplace culture.

Here's what makes these employers so lit:

  • Innovative Practices: Companies like BAE Systems are leading the charge in developing sick cyber tools and services, so you'll be working on the coolest stuff.
  • Focus on Professional Development: Firms like KPMG have comprehensive training programs and certifications to help you level up your skills.
  • Inclusive Work Culture: Places like Cisco Systems Inc. are all about diversity and inclusivity, so you'll feel right at home no matter who you are.

A recent survey found that 94% of cyber pros in Manchester value companies that invest in cutting-edge security tech.

As one cyber expert in Manchester put it, "The right employer not only helps you grow professionally but also creates a collaborative and secure work environment." Finding an employer that matches your goals and values is crucial if you want to slay in your cyber career.

With Manchester's cyber scene blowing up, now's the time to lock down that dream job with a company that really gets you.

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Emerging Trends in Cybersecurity in Manchester


Have you heard about the crazy stuff happening in Manchester's cybersecurity scene? It's like a friggin' cyberwar out there, and the city's tech game is off the charts!

By 2024, AI and Machine Learning are gonna be the MVPs of cybersecurity, helping to detect threats and fight back like a boss.

And that's not all - Blockchain and Quantum Cryptography are also making waves, keeping transactions secure and staying one step ahead of those sneaky quantum computers.

According to IBM, this generative AI madness could lead to some next-level phishing scams and AI-powered deception tactics. Crazy stuff, right?

Now, all this tech wizardry means that cybersecurity jobs are blowing up like crazy.

Roles like Cybersecurity Analysts, Information Security Managers, and Blockchain Security Specialists are in high demand. The numbers are insane - Cybersecurity Analyst jobs have seen a 60% spike since 2022, and Blockchain Security Specialist roles have jumped by 40%!

BeyondTrust's predictions for 2024 are saying that identity compromise attacks and the impact of AI on cybersecurity roles are gonna be major game-changers.

Crazy, right?

But fear not, my tech-savvy friends! Manchester is stepping up its game with events like the Future Of Cyber Security Manchester 2024 Conference and educational initiatives to train the next generation of cyber warriors.

This city is becoming a cybersecurity powerhouse, leading the charge against the ever-changing threat landscape.

How to Start a Career in Cybersecurity in Manchester


Manchester's the spot if you want to get into the cybersecurity game. This city's a tech powerhouse, and it's got resources for anyone trying to learn the ropes and make connections.

First off, you have to hit up those degree programs, like the MSc Computer Security at The University of Manchester or Manchester Metropolitan University's BSc in Cyber Security.

They'll hook you up with all the skills you need, from ethical hacking to digital forensics and cybersecurity laws. Plus, these unis have a solid track record of helping grads land great jobs.

But it's not just about hitting the books.

You have to get that hands-on experience, too. That's where apprenticeship programs come in, like the ones offered by Generation UK.

You can learn on the job and score a qualification, setting you up for roles like cybersecurity analyst or penetration tester.

And don't overlook networking, either.

Events like the Cyber Manchester meetup and conferences hosted by Pro-Manchester are important for making connections with industry professionals and your fellow up-and-comers.

Pro-Manchester is a major player in fostering innovation and collaboration in the cybersecurity scene. Plus, these networking events have been growing in Manchester, with a 20% increase in the past year alone.

So, if you want to break into cybersecurity in Manchester, here's the game plan: 1.

Get Educated: Sign up for a degree or certification program at spots like Manchester Metropolitan University or The University of Manchester.

2. Do an Apprenticeship: Gain that real-world experience through an apprenticeship program. 3. Network: Attend those local events and meetups to make connections and get your name out there.

Manchester's going all-in on cybersecurity, with cash flowing into startups and research.

As one local expert puts it, "Embarking on a cybersecurity career in Manchester offers not just a path to personal growth but also the opportunity to contribute to safeguarding the digital ecosystem." This city's got your back, so it's the perfect place to kick-start your cybersecurity journey.

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Conclusion: Securing Your Future in Manchester’s Cybersecurity Industry


In this digital age, cybersecurity roles in Manchester are a big deal. The city's becoming a major tech hub in the UK, and with cyber threats constantly evolving, the demand for skilled professionals in this field is through the roof.

Recent research shows that Manchester is quickly becoming one of the UK's most significant cybersecurity hubs, known for its innovation, education, and collaboration.

The government's Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2023 highlights the urgent need for expertise due to the high rate of cybercrime affecting businesses.

Plus, initiatives like Greater Manchester's Fast Track Cyber Training Programme, aimed at teaching future digital skills, show that the region is serious about nurturing talent.

Manchester's cybersecurity sector isn't just growing; it's a thriving ecosystem with over 10,000 tech organizations and a wealth of educational opportunities.

Take the MSc Computer Security programme at The University of Manchester, for example.

It's got an excellent employment record for its graduates. The surge in demand for cybersecurity professionals also means attractive salary prospects, reflecting the crucial nature of these positions in safeguarding business operations and sensitive data.

Pursuing a career in cybersecurity in Manchester is a smart and rewarding move.

This dynamic field offers tons of career opportunities, competitive salaries, and the potential for growth through continuous learning and upskilling. Embarking on a cybersecurity career in Manchester not only promises professional success but also aligns with the broader goal of securing the digital infrastructure against ever-evolving threats, contributing to a safe digital world.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is driving the growth in cybersecurity jobs in Manchester?

The unprecedented growth in cybersecurity jobs in Manchester is driven by the city's status as the UK's fastest-growing cyber ecosystem and a digital economy valued at £5 billion.

What are the main types of cybersecurity jobs in Manchester?

In Manchester, sought-after cybersecurity jobs include roles like Security Administrators, Penetration Testers, Information Security Analysts, Digital Forensic Examiners, and Cloud Security Engineers.

What skills and qualifications are needed for cybersecurity jobs in Manchester?

Individuals pursuing cybersecurity jobs in Manchester require skills like problem-solving, attention to detail, knowledge of programming languages (e.g., Python, Java, C++), and academic qualifications like a Bachelor's degree in Information Technology or Computer Science. Professional certifications such as CISSP, CEH, CompTIA Security+, and Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate are also highly valued.

Who are some of the top employers for cybersecurity jobs in Manchester?

Leading cybersecurity employers in Manchester include homegrown companies like BAE Systems and global firms like KPMG and Cisco Systems Inc. These employers are known for their innovative practices, focus on professional development, and inclusive work culture.

What are the emerging trends in cybersecurity in Manchester?

The emerging trends in cybersecurity in Manchester include the integration of technologies like AI, ML, Blockchain, and Quantum Cryptography. The demand for roles like Cybersecurity Analysts, Information Security Managers, and Blockchain Security Specialists is on the rise to combat evolving cyber threats.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible