Top 5 Part-Time Coding Bootcamps in Dubai

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

The top five part-time coding bootcamps in Dubai

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Dubai's tech industry is booming, with coding bootcamps playing a pivotal role in skill development. Top part-time bootcamps like Le Wagon offer flexible learning, practical projects, and strong alumni networks. Bootcamps create tech career pathways amidst Dubai's growing demand for skilled professionals in AI and digital currency.

Dubai's tech scene is about to blow up big time, with the industry expected to contribute massively to the city's GDP by 2024. Amidst all this growth, coding bootcamps have emerged as the go-to spot for the next gen of tech wizards.

These intensive, skill-focused programs are the key to unlocking new career paths and keeping up with the ever-changing digital landscape. But the real game-changer? Part-time coding bootcamps.

These bad boys are tailored for those who are already working or studying, allowing them to level up their skills without sacrificing their hustle. And here's what they've got in store:

  • Flexibility to learn while still grinding at the job or hitting those books
  • Accelerated routes into fresh tech roles, so you can switch it up
  • Connecting you with a network of tech gurus and those on the same grind

This setup isn't just about quick skill gains, but also about setting you up for long-term career growth, making part-time coding bootcamps a crucial part of Dubai's tech scene.

It aligns with the city's moves in AI, digital currency, and smart city initiatives, and caters to the growing demand for tech pros, as industry reports have been shouting.

These bootcamps aren't just meeting current needs, but also staying ahead of future trends, cementing their spot as essential pillars in Dubai's ever-evolving tech ecosystem.

So, if you're looking to level up your game in the tech world, hit up one of these part-time coding bootcamps and get ready to slay!

Table of Contents

  • Le Wagon Dubai
  • AstroLabs Academy
  • Code District
  • EDX Dubai
  • Simplilearn Dubai
  • Methodology
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Secure your stepping stone into the tech world with Internships at Careem and other leading tech companies in Dubai.

Le Wagon Dubai


Le Wagon Dubai is straight-up dope for anyone looking to level up their coding game or switch careers into tech. They've got part-time coding courses that won't mess up your 9-to-5 grind or school hustle.

We're talking web development and data science courses that span 24 weeks of real-deal learning at their campus in Dubai Knowledge Park.

But here's the kicker: these courses are all about hands-on projects that simulate the real-world sitch.

You'll be building e-commerce sites, data analysis tools, and whatnot, so you can flex that portfolio when you're out there job hunting.

Le Wagon Dubai has a massive alumni network of over 25,000 grads worldwide.

That's like having a squad of homies in the tech game, hooking you up with:

  • Exclusive job listings from companies looking for code ninjas like you.
  • Mentorship from OGs who've been there, done that.
  • Networking events where you can rub shoulders with startup bosses and tech mavens.

One of their alums, Barbara Moore, said, "The alumni network opened doors for me that I never thought possible.

Just a month after graduation, I landed a role in a fintech startup, all thanks to a referral from a fellow alum." That's what I call a real-life plug!

With a curriculum that's on point with what tech companies want, a solid support system, and a 90% job placement rate for grads, Le Wagon Dubai is the spot if you're tryna make moves in your tech career.

Check out the deets on their offerings and campus life at Le Wagon Dubai.

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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AstroLabs Academy


Have you heard about AstroLabs Academy? They're the coolest coding school in Dubai. They offer these part-time coding bootcamps that are perfect for working peeps and students who want to level up their tech game.

They've got courses in web dev, data science, and digital marketing, so you can learn to code like a boss in the field you're interested in. And the best part? They don't just teach you theory, but you also get to work on real projects, so you walk out with a dope portfolio that shows off your coding skills.

Check this out: their full stack programming course turns complete noobs into full stack developers in just two months! You'll learn JavaScript, Python, Node JS, and React JS, which are the hottest technologies right now.

And with over 100 hours of classes, live online sessions, and a super supportive alumni community, you'll have everything you need to crush it in the tech world.

But it's not just about the coding.

AstroLabs also hooks you up with:

  • Mentorship: You get paired with an industry pro who'll guide you through the journey, so you're never lost.
  • Career Services: They've got your back with resume workshops, job search strategies, and connections to top tech companies in Dubai.
  • Flexible Learning: Evening and weekend classes, so you can balance work and learning like a boss.

And the results speak for themselves:

  • Over 85% of graduates land tech jobs within six months after completing the program, thanks to the focus on practical coding skills and career prep.
  • Graduates report an average salary increase of 30% after the program! Cha-ching!

"AstroLabs Academy is more than just a coding bootcamp. It's the gateway to the tech industry in Dubai, providing an invaluable network and the skills necessary to thrive in today's digital world," says one of their alumni.

So, whether you're a complete beginner or want to level up your skills, AstroLabs has got you covered with programs for all levels.

Code District


Code District is the real deal when it comes to coding in the lit Dubai tech scene. This place is a straight-up haven for all you aspiring coders and tech geeks who wanna dive deep into the programming world with their part-time coding bootcamps.

They ain't playing around with that real-world application game, so you know their curriculum is on point for teaching you how to solve actual problems, not just spitting theory at you.

Code District has got a lineup of courses that cover the essential programming languages and tools you need to know, like Python, JavaScript, and React, to make sure you're locked and loaded with the skills that employers are thirsty for.

Course Report's comprehensive guide to Dubai coding bootcamps gives them mad props for prepping students for a wide range of tech careers.

Plus, AstroLabs Academy is hyping up the growing demand for this innovative coding education in the region, so you know it's the real deal.

But what really sets Code District apart is their unique teaching style.

It's like a perfect blend of interactive learning, project-based assignments, and a collaborative vibe that's straight out of a real tech development team. It's like they're giving you a sneak peek of what it's like to work in the industry.

Here are some key highlights of Code District's part-time courses that'll make you go "damn, that's lit!":

  • Hands-on projects: Each course is all about building actual software applications, so you're prepped for the challenges you'll face in your tech career. The Part-Time Software Engineering Immersive at Fullstack Academy is proof that the industry is all about that immersive, project-based learning, just like Code District.
  • Flexible learning schedules: They've got your back, whether you're working or a student. Classes are conveniently held during evenings or weekends, so you can level up your coding game without sacrificing your hustle.
  • Integration with Industry: Code District is tight with the local tech community, so you'll get valuable networking opportunities and insider knowledge on the latest trends. This hands-on connection with the tech ecosystem ensures you're developing skills that are actually relevant and in demand.

Coding with real-world applications is the name of the game at Code District.

You'll be working on projects that are linked to current market needs, so your learning experience ain't just theoretical – it's practical AF.

"Our curriculum is designed to make our students industry-ready by the time they graduate,"

says a Code District spokesperson.

This approach doesn't just boost your employability, but it also preps you to contribute to the tech ecosystem from day one. By focusing on applying your coding skills to real-world scenarios, Code District ensures you're not just a coder, but a problem-solver and innovator, ready to tackle the challenges of tomorrow's tech landscape like a boss.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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EDX Dubai


If you're looking to level up your coding game in Dubai, EDX Dubai is where it's at! They've got a sick lineup of part-time programming courses that'll fit seamlessly into your busy sched, whether you're hustling at work or hitting the books.

These peeps get it – they know you're living that fast-paced life, so they're all about those flexible learning schedules.

And when it comes to coding languages, EDX Dubai ain't playing around. They've got a diverse selection, from Python and JavaScript to HTML, CSS, and React – everything you need to slay in web and app development.

But the real kicker: their courses are a blend of online and interactive sessions, so you get the best of both worlds – flexibility and that immersive, hands-on experience.

And if you're in a rush, they've got your back with these 12-week coding bootcamps that'll have you coding like a pro in no time, complete with career support to help you land that dream gig.

What really sets EDX Dubai apart is their focus on real-world applications.

They're not just teaching you to code – they're showing you how to use those skills to tackle real-life problems, making you a hot commodity in the job market.

And let's not forget their IoT Programming and Big Data courses, which are totally on-trend with Dubai's tech ambitions.

As one of their recent grads put it, "EDX Dubai transformed my career trajectory, offering not just coding skills but a pathway to innovation and excellence in the tech industry." So, if you're ready to level up your coding game and secure that bag, EDX Dubai is the move.

Simplilearn Dubai


Dubai's on fire with Simplilearn dropping mad coding courses for those tryna level up their tech game. Whether you're a fresh-faced newbie or a coding veteran, they got your back with badass programs in Python, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, and heavy hitters like Java, Data Science, Cybersecurity, and AI & Machine Learning.

They ain't just spinning one tune, though – their curriculum's stacked with niche specialties like MEAN Stack Development and advanced Java concepts to keep you ahead of the game.

But here's the real kicker – Simplilearn's got this blended learning approach that's straight fire.

You get to grind online at your own pace, then link up with instructors in live virtual classrooms for that one-on-one guidance. And it ain't just theory – they hook you up with hands-on projects and 24/7 mentorship to make sure you're learning the real deal.

One of their alumni even said, "The blend of theoretical knowledge with real-world insights gave me a competitive edge in my job search." That's the Simplilearn way – backed by a global network of over 2,000 industry and academic experts bringing that worldwide flavor.

Speaking of global, Dubai's a melting pot, and Simplilearn's got that diverse vibe on lock.

Their community's stacked with learners and pros from all walks, creating an inclusive atmosphere where everyone can thrive. Over 80% of their students graduate and land gigs at top tech companies within months.

Simplilearn Dubai ain't playing around – they're equipping you with the skills, confidence, and worldwide connections to crush it in the tech game.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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I had to put in some work to find the top 5 part-time coding bootcamps in Dubai, and let me tell you, it wasn't a walk in the park. Curriculum relevancy was a big deal.

We had to make sure these bootcamps were teaching the latest and greatest tech skills that employers are looking for. We're talking Python, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails – all that good stuff.

Like, according to our comprehensive guide, 74% of tech employers in Dubai are all about these languages.

It's no wonder Flexibility was another key factor.

These bootcamps had to cater to the busy schedules of working peeps and students. Evening and weekend classes, online options, self-paced learning – that's the kind of flexibility we're talking about.

Places like Le Wagon in Dubai nailed it with their part-time offerings. Turns out, 65% of coding bootcamp participants are holding down full-time jobs, so this flexibility thing is crucial.

Mentor support was another biggie.

We wanted bootcamps that would hook us up with solid mentors and personal guidance. Programs with robust mentorship networks and one-on-one coaching, like the ones mentioned in Five Tips for Evaluating Bootcamps, scored major points.

Fact: students with mentors are 1.5 times more likely to crush their courses. That's some serious motivation right there!

Last but not least, we had to look at graduate outcomes.

We're talking about bootcamps that could actually land their grads killer tech jobs within 6 months of graduation. We're talking over 80% placement rates. These bootcamp alumni are scoring gigs at top tech firms in Dubai, proving that these programs are legit pathways to a dope tech career.

So, there you have it – curriculum relevancy, flexibility, mentor support, and grad outcomes were our main criteria.

With all that factored in, we've got a solid list of part-time coding bootcamps in Dubai that'll set you up for success in the tech world. It's not just education, it's a gateway to a killer career, backed by coding bootcamp research and the latest trends.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the benefits of part-time coding bootcamps in Dubai?

Part-time coding bootcamps in Dubai offer flexibility to learn while sustaining job and study commitments, accelerated routes into new technological roles, and connection to a network of tech peers and experts.

How do Le Wagon Dubai's part-time programming courses stand out?

Le Wagon Dubai's part-time courses stand out by emphasizing practical, hands-on projects that simulate real-world challenges, helping students build a portfolio to impress potential employers.

What are the key benefits of AstroLabs Academy's part-time coding programs?

AstroLabs Academy provides mentorship, robust career services, and flexible learning options, along with high graduate employment rates and salary increases for its coding graduates.

How does Code District differentiate its part-time coding courses in Dubai?

Code District stands out with its hands-on projects, flexible learning schedules, and strong industry connections, preparing students to be problem-solvers and innovators in the tech landscape.

What makes Simplilearn Dubai a standout choice for part-time coding education?

Simplilearn Dubai offers a breadth of specialization options, global expertise, blended learning approaches, and a strong alumni network, empowering students with the skills, confidence, and global network needed to thrive in the tech industry.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible