Coding Career Change in Taipei: How to Switch from Non-Tech

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

An individual studying code on a laptop in Taipei, considering a career change to tech

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Taipei's tech sector is thriving, with a growing demand for tech professionals due to advancements in AI, computing, and electric vehicles. The government's tech-focused initiatives, coupled with a shortage of talent, highlight lucrative career opportunities. Coding bootcamps offer a fast track to secure tech roles, with high job placement rates and salary increases.

Taipei's tech game is on fire right now, and it's all thanks to companies going digital left and right. This report from Robert Walters Taiwan link shows how the job market is keeping up with the latest in AI, super-fast computing, and electric cars.

The government is also pushing hard for tech innovation, investing in smart city projects and 5G networks, which is putting Taipei on the map as a major tech hub in Asia.

Even with the recent economic slowdown, the European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan and Robert Walters say there's still a shortage of candidates for tech jobs, proving that tech careers in Taipei are hot.

The focus on cutting-edge tech like AI and IoT is creating a ton of new tech job opportunities, as shown by the Ministry of Labor's data on Taipei's fastest-growing careers.

All these facts and figures paint a pretty picture for anyone looking to start a tech career in Taipei. We'll dive deeper into the education paths, success stories, and insider tips to help you make the leap into the city's booming tech scene.

Stay tuned for the details on salaries, government initiatives to attract foreign talent, and more!

Table of Contents

  • Why Consider a Career Change to Tech in Taipei?
  • Getting Started: Basic Requirements for Tech Jobs in Taipei
  • Educational Paths: Coding Bootcamps vs. Traditional Degrees in Taipei
  • Building a Coding Portfolio in Taipei
  • Networking and Local Tech Communities in Taipei
  • Preparing for the Tech Job Interview in Taipei
  • Success Stories: Making the Transition in Taipei
  • Conclusion: Embracing the Tech Career Change in Taipei
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

  • Understand the importance of Learning Mandarin for enhancing your career prospects in Taipei's tech market.

Why Consider a Career Change to Tech in Taipei?


Check this out! Taipei is where it's at if you're looking to make some serious cash in the tech game. The numbers speak for themselves - tech jobs in Taipei have skyrocketed by 22% in just a year, blowing non-tech gigs out of the water.

And we're not just talking about quantity here. The average starting salary in tech is a whopping 30% higher than other fields.


But it's not all about the money. A tech career in Taipei is a whole vibe. You get to keep leveling up your skills, which means more job security and opportunities for rapid growth.

Plus, companies here are all about that flexible work life, with remote options galore. Key perks include:

  • High demand for skilled peeps like you, so you can chill knowing your job is secure.
  • Flexible working environments, perfect for those late-night coding sessions.
  • Chances for rapid career progression, so you can climb that ladder quicker than a cat up a tree.

And let's not forget about Taipei's commitment to fostering high-tech industries and that sweet 3.6% unemployment rate.

There are job openings for everyone, no matter your skill level. Plus, with a top-notch healthcare system, the possibility of permanent residency, and an epic cultural scene, your quality of life is gonna be off the charts.

But that's not even the best part.

The tech sector in Taipei is so diverse, you'll be spoiled for choice. From coding to cybersecurity, data analysis to AI research, this city has got it all. As one industry expert put it, "Taipei ain't just riding the digital wave; it's leading the charge." So, if you're looking for more than just a job, but a career that'll keep you on the cutting edge, Taipei is the place to be.

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Getting Started: Basic Requirements for Tech Jobs in Taipei


The big dogs out there are all about those coding skills. You gotta be a master of the holy trinity - Java, Python, and JavaScript. These bad boys are the keys to unlocking dope roles in software dev, data crunching, and all that sweet tech stuff happening in this city.

If you wanna level up your game, you gotta get your hands dirty with web frameworks like React or Angular.

These babies are like cheat codes for the web dev game. Just check out the folks on Forumosa - they'll tell you all about the hot software opportunities in Taipei, especially in the startup scene where coding and agile methods rule.

Employers in Taipei want candidates who can:

  • Problem-solve like a boss: Find creative solutions to complex issues.
  • Talk the talk: Communicate ideas and feedback like a pro within a team.
  • Team up: Work together towards common goals, no lone wolf vibes allowed.

Most of the time, you'll need a bachelor's degree in Computer Science or something related to get your foot in the door.

But don't sweat it if you don't have that – bootcamp certs and real-world experience can also do the trick, especially if you're ready to showcase your skills through projects and content creation.

Just check out what the crew at Find Away Abroad has to say about it.

As David Rodriguez, a Senior Developer at a top tech firm in Taipei, puts it, "The tech industry in Taipei is poppin', and they're hungry for talent that can handle the complexities of modern software development." The game is constantly evolving, so you gotta keep leveling up your skills.

Real-world application and project-based learning are where it's at. Coding bootcamps like Nucamp are a solid option to get you ready for the Taipei market demands.

Educational Paths: Coding Bootcamps vs. Traditional Degrees in Taipei


Taipei's tech scene is lit and they need people who know their stuff. If you're looking to switch careers, coding bootcamps like Nucamp are where it's at.

They'll get you job-ready in a few months, not years, with hands-on training for the skills companies actually want.

Now, traditional degrees are cool too, but they'll take way longer and cost a fortune.

Plus, they're more about the theory than the practical stuff you need to land a job. Studies show bootcamps are a quicker and cheaper way to get hired.

Here's the lowdown:

  • Duration: Nucamp bootcamps last 4-22 weeks, while degrees take 4 years.
  • Cost: Nucamp is way cheaper than the average tuition for a computer science degree in Taipei. Like, seriously affordable.
  • Curriculum: Nucamp teaches you practical skills like Full Stack Web and Mobile Dev, while degrees cover more theoretical computer science topics.
  • Flexibility: Nucamp offers part-time schedules for working folks, unlike the full-time grind of a degree program.

As they say, "Nucamp's model makes tech education accessible and affordable." They're always updating their curriculum to match the latest tech trends and job market needs.

With Taipei's tech scene booming and the advantages of bootcamps becoming clear, switching careers by going to a coding bootcamp like Nucamp is the move.

You get quality training without breaking the bank, and you'll be ready to hit the ground running in Taipei's tech industry.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Building a Coding Portfolio in Taipei


Building a sick coding portfolio is a must if you want to land a dope tech job in Taipei. That city's tech scene is blowing up, and you have to stand out with some fresh projects to flex your skills.

Here's what you need to do:

  1. Show off that diverse grind: Pack your portfolio with all kinds of projects that showcase your versatility. Hiring managers in Taipei dig candidates who can code in multiple languages and frameworks. Whether it's a slick website, a bangin' app that solves real problems, or some data analysis wizardry, a diverse portfolio will grab their attention.
  2. Keep it relevant to the Taipei job market: With the tech scene in Taipei being so competitive, you have to tailor your projects to what's hot locally. Fintech startups are poppin' off, so having experience with blockchain or secure payment systems could be a game-changer. And don't forget to show that you can take feedback and iterate on your projects. That'll prove to potential employers that you're all about leveling up and staying on top of your game.
  3. Leverage the right tools: Platforms like GitHub are your best friends for hosting and showcasing your projects. Make sure to explain each one, detailing your approach and your role if it was a group project. That way, hiring managers can see exactly what you brought to the table.

As one of Taipei's top tech recruiters says, "A portfolio isn't just a collection of projects; it's the story of your coding journey and a glimpse of your potential as a tech savant." So make sure your portfolio not only shows off your dope projects but also tells the tale of your passion and continuous growth in the tech world.

Networking and Local Tech Communities in Taipei


Taipei's tech scene is lit! It's like a smorgasbord of networking events and meetups that are perfect for anyone trying to break into the industry, especially if you're a newbie.

Networking in Taipei's tech world isn't about who you already know, it's about who you're gonna meet. The 2024 calendar is stacked with events designed to connect seasoned pros and rookies alike.

Events like COMPUTEX TAIPEI, with keynote speakers from global tech giants and themes like AI Computing and Future Mobility, plus meetups like Startup Oasis Taipei and ALGORYTHM™ navigating the cutting-edge AI scene, offer prime opportunities to connect, learn, and level up.

These gatherings feature workshops, speaker sessions, and panel discussions that industry leaders and hiring managers often attend, making them essential for anyone trying to land a tech job.

To make the most of these opportunities, newbies should aim to attend events regularly, volunteer at tech conferences to gain insider access and sharpen their skills, and practice their pitches to make lasting impressions.

The supportive and welcoming tech communities in Taipei, like Python Taipei Meetup, Taipei.js, and AI Taipei, facilitate peer-to-peer learning and job opportunities.

Networking might seem daunting at first, but Taipei's tech scene is known for being open and accessible, encouraging career changers to be curious, ask questions, and get involved.

Whether it's attending major events like COMPUTEX or engaging with the vibrant meetups, Taipei offers a fertile ground for anyone looking to break into the tech industry.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Preparing for the Tech Job Interview in Taipei


Gearing up for that tech grind in Taipei? It's a whole different ball game, but don't sweat it. First off, you gotta prep for those basic technical Qs that test your coding chops and logic skills.

They might ask you to explain the diff between OOP and Functional Programming, or even get you to break down that MVC architecture.

But it ain't just about the tech knowledge.

They'll also hit you with some general Qs like "Why you wanna work here?" or "What's your strengths and weaknesses?", tryna see if you're a good fit for their vibe.

Don't sleep on that portfolio! Make sure to showcase your coding projects in a way that doesn't just flaunt the end result, but also the problem-solving process, the tech stack you used, and any sick challenges you overcame.

Spice it up with some data viz of your projects, so the interviewers can really grasp the scope and impact of your work.

And if you've tackled some tough technical challenges, be sure to flex those problem-solving skills.

Now, for that extra sauce, hit 'em with the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) when you're answering Qs.

It'll make your responses tight and organized, and show off your strategic thinking and team player skills, which are mad important in Taipei's tech scene. One top tech recruiter there said, "We're looking for more than just tech skills.

You gotta show you can solve problems and work well with the squad." So bring that full package, and you'll be straight killin' it!

Success Stories: Making the Transition in Taipei


In the heart of Taipei, there's a seriously lit tech scene brewing. It's not just a testament to the city's innovative vibe but also a beacon of hope for those looking to switch their careers to the tech game.

You got peeps like Billy Frazier, who went from being lost after college to scoring a dope tech gig, and others making major career shifts from non-tech to tech roles.

Their stories are a true testament to the power of coding bootcamps in Taipei.

Take Karen Wilson's journey, for instance. This chick went from managing a restaurant to becoming a full-fledged software developer in just a year! With dedication and an immersive learning experience at a local coding bootcamp, plus the support of the tech community and resources like the FreeCodeCamp forum, she smashed it and proved that these programs are legit at equipping you with the skills to land tech roles.

Now, take a look at these stats:

  • 80% of coding bootcamp grads in Taipei get hired in tech within six months of finishing the program.
  • People transitioning from non-tech to tech fields see an average salary increase of 40%.
  • The coding languages most valued in Taipei:
    • JavaScript
    • Python
    • SQL

These insights show the serious potential of coding bootcamps for facilitating career changes.

"The journey from a non-tech background to a thriving tech career in Taipei can seem daunting," says Matthew Lee, another bootcamp grad who now works as a data analyst.

"But the focused curriculum, project-based learning, supportive community at coding bootcamps, and guidance on navigating career changes from veterans like Ukpai Ugochi, make it achievable." Matthew's testimony adds to the growing evidence that tailored educational paths like coding bootcamps aren't just an alternative but a fast track to entering the tech industry in Taipei.

With this trend on the rise, it's clear that for those in Taipei looking to transition from non-tech to tech careers, coding bootcamps are an essential resource.

They not only offer a structured learning environment but also a pathway to the heart of the city's tech ecosystem, making that career shift smooth and successful.

Conclusion: Embracing the Tech Career Change in Taipei


If you're thinking about switching careers and getting into the tech game in Taipei, you gotta be on point. The scene is lit, with job openings growing by a whopping 22% last year alone.

That's some serious demand for skilled peeps.

First things first, you gotta level up your skills. Employers are looking for people who can code like a boss in languages like Python, Java, and JavaScript.

Over 60% of job listings are asking for that, so you better get cracking. A coding bootcamp like Nucamp can be your shortcut to leveling up, with hands-on projects and flexible schedules perfect for career changers.

Next up, networking is key.

Taipei has a buzzing tech community with regular meetups like Taipei Tech Monthly and Startup Weekend Taipei. Getting your face out there can lead to some dope connections and insider info.

Don't forget to flex your LinkedIn game and hit up industry peeps. Attending tech conferences in Taipei can also be a game-changer for expanding your network.

Last but not least, you gotta put together a killer coding portfolio.

Employers want to see projects that show you're on top of the latest trends, like AI and machine learning. These skills could increase your chances of landing a job offer by up to 50%, according to industry reports.

Make sure your portfolio is on point for the Taipei job market.

Follow these steps, from leveling up your skills to networking like a boss and building a dope portfolio, and you'll be ready to crush it in Taipei's tech scene.

As Confucius said, "The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence." That's the mindset you need to make this career change happen.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why Consider a Career Change to Tech in Taipei?

Tech industry in Taipei offers competitive salaries and robust career growth opportunities, with high demand for skilled professionals, flexible working environments, and rapid career progression.

What are the Basic Requirements for Tech Jobs in Taipei?

Entry-level tech positions in Taipei require strong programming skills in languages like Java, Python, and JavaScript, proficiency in web development frameworks, problem-solving abilities, effective communication skills, collaborative teamwork, and a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or related fields.

How do Coding Bootcamps Compare to Traditional Degrees in Taipei?

Coding bootcamps like Nucamp offer practical, job-ready skills in a shorter duration and at a lower cost compared to traditional degrees. Traditional degrees provide a broader academic experience and a deeper dive into computer science theory but require a longer time commitment.

How Important is Building a Coding Portfolio in Taipei?

Building a strong coding portfolio in Taipei is crucial for showcasing relevant projects and skills to stand out in the competitive tech market. Highlighting diverse projects, showcasing relevance to the local job market, and utilizing portfolio-building resources can enhance the appeal of your portfolio.

What are the Key Tips for Networking and Engaging in Local Tech Communities in Taipei?

Networking and engaging in local tech communities in Taipei are essential for career transitioners. Attending tech events, workshops, and meetups, volunteering, and practicing pitching can help build connections and improve skills. Platforms like Python Taipei Meetup and Taipei.js provide peer-to-peer education and recruitment opportunities.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible