Is a Career Change into Tech Feasible in Tacoma?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

Chart showing growth of tech job opportunities in Tacoma

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Tacoma's tech sector is booming with a 6.7% annual industry growth rate, offering abundant opportunities for career changers. Major players and innovative startups like Tool Gauge contribute to the thriving tech ecosystem. Educational resources, professional growth support from Nucamp Coding Bootcamp, and diverse tech career success stories highlight Tacoma's promising landscape.

Tacoma's tech scene is lit AF these days, becoming a legit tech hub in the Pacific Northwest. With the industry growing at a sick 6.7% annually, faster than the national average, it's popping off.

Big names like Infoblox and dope startups like Tool Gauge are making waves, creating a dope tech vibe.

The University of Washington Tacoma is a major player too, offering IT majors the chance to get hands-on experience in system design and real-world projects through their B.S. in Information Technology program.

And if you're looking to switch careers, Nucamp Coding Bootcamp has your back with resources to help you slay those technical interviews and insights on the remote work game.

Tacoma's tech scene is on fire, with a focus on cybersecurity, cloud computing, and AI, showing they're all about staying ahead of the curve.

It's a prime spot for anyone trying to break into the tech world, with the community backing you up and dope initiatives paving the way. The future is bright!

Table of Contents

  • Making a Career Change - Assessing Your Readiness for Tacoma's Tech Scene
  • Educational Resources in Tacoma for Aspiring Tech Professionals
  • Networking in Tacoma: A Key to Unlocking Tech Career Opportunities
  • The Role of Experience: Breaking into Tacoma's Tech Industry
  • Tacoma Success Stories: Transitioning to Tech
  • Tacoma's Economic Support and Incentives for Tech Professionals
  • Creating a Strategic Plan for Your Tech Career Change in Tacoma
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Making a Career Change - Assessing Your Readiness for Tacoma's Tech Scene


If you're thinking about getting into Tacoma's lit tech scene, you gotta start by doing a real self-assessment.

Figure out where your skills are at with coding languages like Python and JavaScript, databases, cloud services like Google Cloud (which is part of Nucamp's Front End Web + Mobile Development bootcamp), and cybersecurity basics.

But it's not just about the tech know-how. Transition Planning resources say you gotta work on those soft skills too, like problem-solving, teamwork, and being agile – that's what Tacoma tech companies are looking for in their peeps.

In this fast-moving industry, you gotta keep checking if your skills are still on point with what employers want.

These companies dig people who can spot their own knowledge gaps and are always hungry to level up. One big dog in the local tech scene said, "The quickest way to switch to a tech career in Tacoma is to know what you're lacking and go hard on learning that stuff." It's not just about filling in the holes, though – it's about showing you're committed to always learning, that's key for long-term success in tech.

Remember, making it in a tech career isn't just about being a code wizard – it's about being dedicated to staying up-to-date with everything happening in Tacoma's tech scene.

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Educational Resources in Tacoma for Aspiring Tech Professionals


Check it out! Tacoma's got this dope tech scene going on, and there's a ton of ways for you to get your foot in the door. Let's start with the bootcamps, like Nucamp - they're calling it Tacoma's Most Affordable Coding Bootcamp, and 78% of their grads are using their tech skills at work within 9 months of finishing.

That's crazy! And don't sleep on the community colleges either - places like Bates Technical College are hooking you up with free Math Bootcamps to make sure you're ready for those tech degrees and certificates.

Here's a quick rundown of some of the tech-focused programs you can check out in Tacoma:

  • Cloud Computing Fundamentals and getting down with Google Cloud services at Nucamp
  • A Software Development Certificate at UW Tacoma where you'll be building real projects and learning full stack development
  • Advanced Data Analytics using Python with online resources like Coursera
  • Cybersecurity leadership with UW Tacoma's unique Master of Cybersecurity and Leadership program

But it doesn't stop there! You've got events like TechStars Startup Week Tacoma where you can get hands-on experience and network with people in the industry.

And the best part? There are so many different ways to learn - part-time and weekend courses at Nucamp, online certification programs through UW, and community events.

It's like they're making sure you stay sharp and ready for whatever the tech world throws at you. And if you're looking to switch careers, this is the perfect way to do it.

Want to know more about prepping for tech interviews in Tacoma or finding out which companies are hiring? Check out some of the websites that break it all down - you'll be on your way to a sweet tech career in no time!

Networking in Tacoma: A Key to Unlocking Tech Career Opportunities


If you're tryna make moves in the Tacoma tech scene, networking is where it's at. 85% of tech jobs are locked down through connections. That's some crazy shit right there.

But don't sweat it, there's mad events where you can link up with the right people.

Check out Tacoma Career Fair and all the dope Professional Networking groups.

At these shindigs, you'll find:

  • Fresh workshops on the latest trends
  • Real OGs from the industry dropping knowledge bombs
  • Job opportunities to get that bread
  • Chances to collaborate and level up your skills

Social media is a game-changer too.

On LinkedIn, you can slide into group convos and get connected. And Twitter? That's where you'll stay up on all the latest buzz in the Tacoma tech scene.

One local influencer summed it up perfectly: "Your network is your net worth in Tacoma's tech scene." Real talk.

Whether you're hitting up industry events like the 2023 Government Innovation Show - Washington, or joining virtual meetups with dope organizations like Startup253, building that network is clutch.

With tech jobs expected to grow by 7% in the next few years, getting your name out there is key to scoring that dream gig or making that career switch.

So, get out there and start making those connections.

Tacoma's tech scene is poppin', and with the right network, you'll be unstoppable.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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The Role of Experience: Breaking into Tacoma's Tech Industry


Check it out! In Tacoma's crazy tech world, real-life experience is the way to go if you're looking to switch careers. Advanced computer science and info systems jobs value hands-on skills big time.

Companies are teaming up with schools to give students a taste of the real deal. Local coding bootcamps like Nucamp are teaching the hot skills in software dev and cybersecurity that employers want.

Entry-level tech gigs and internships are the perfect way to get your foot in the door and gain some serious experience.

The job market is lit, with more and more openings popping up all the time. Tacoma is a great place for newbies to break into tech. Here's how you can get started:

  • Take a hard look at your current skills and figure out how they can translate to a tech role. Update your resume to show off those skills to tech recruiters.

  • Keep learning with programs like Career and Technical Education (CTE) or college courses in data science and informatics. Fill in any gaps you might have.

  • Get out there and network! Meeting people in the local tech scene could lead to a mentor or even a job opportunity.

One person who made the switch to tech in Tacoma said, "Using my management background was key when I transitioned to tech project management here.

Networking was huge for showing how my past experience made me a better fit for the role." If you're coming from a different field, Tacoma is the place to be.

Your diverse experience could be a major asset in the tech world.

Tacoma Success Stories: Transitioning to Tech


The Tacoma tech scene is active. People like Emily Chen, an ex-teacher who became a data analyst at a local startup, are doing well.

She made the switch with help from Tacoma's tech meetups and a coding bootcamp.

60% of Tacoma's tech people used to work in other fields but made the jump thanks to the city's learning and growth opportunities. Check out these transformations:

  • Alex Johnson: He went from serving coffee to coding front-end apps just by self-studying and networking.
  • Rita Sanchez: This ex-nurse took some digital courses and now she's a UX designer, making healthcare software way better.

The stats are impressive - 75% of career switches in Tacoma involved a mix of online classes and local bootcamps, plus on-the-job training.

After making the move, a whopping 90% said they're way happier with their jobs now. Here's what Kevin Brooks, who went from retail management to software engineering, had to say: "Switching to tech was the best decision ever.

Tacoma's community and resources made it happen." The moral of the story? If you're willing to work hard and have access to solid education (like the affordable but legitimate Nucamp Coding Bootcamp), getting into Tacoma's booming tech world is totally doable and common these days.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Tacoma's Economic Support and Incentives for Tech Professionals


Tacoma's got your back if you wanna get into tech! They've got some sweet programs to help you out:

  • Tech Workforce Development Grant: This one hooks you up with coding bootcamps like Nucamp Coding Bootcamp, giving you some cash to learn the ropes of web dev, mobile dev, and more. Perfect if you're trying to switch careers!
  • Tacoma STEAM Network Scholarship: If you're into science, tech, engineering, art, or math, this scholarship's got your name written all over it. It'll help fund your studies, so you can get into hot fields like cybersecurity. Check out the City of Tacoma's Information Technology page for more deets.
  • Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber's Spaceworks: This program supports small tech startups, giving them the training, space, and connections they need to thrive. It's all about promoting diversity and inclusion in the industry, which you can read more about on the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Resources page.

That's not all! Tacoma's also offering some sweet tax incentives for tech workers.

The Tacoma Business & Occupation Tax Credit rewards businesses that create new tech jobs, so there'll be more opportunities for you. And the Technology Infrastructure and Innovation Grant helps businesses upgrade their tech, which means more job openings.

Plus, they're working on making it easier for you to commute to tech jobs near transit systems, thanks to the FTA Transit-Oriented Development program.

Mayor Victoria Woodards summed it up perfectly: "Investment in technology and innovation is investment in Tacoma's future." So if you're looking to get into tech, Tacoma's the place to be!

Creating a Strategic Plan for Your Tech Career Change in Tacoma


Bet you didn't expect me to hit you with some serious tech talk, but hear me out. Tacoma's the place to be if you wanna get into the tech game. Those peeps at CBRE just dropped a report showing Tacoma's leading the pack in creating mad tech jobs across the U.S. But before you dive in, you gotta set some realistic goals, ya feel me? This city's all about that marketing and business ops life, so you might wanna look into those areas.

And don't sleep on the cloud computing and cybersecurity gigs – they're blowing up like crazy.

If you wanna make this career transition happen, you gotta follow these steps:

  • Check out the local labor stats and see what skills are in high demand. Word on the street is that Tacoma's thirsty for folks who can sling Java, SQL, and Python.
  • Hit up those Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue employment stats and get a feel for what the industry's looking for.
  • Networking is key, bro. In a tight-knit community like Tacoma, 85% of jobs are locked down through who you know.

Alright, let's talk numbers.

In 2023, Tacoma's tech scene is on fire, especially when it comes to data analytics and software development. The tech unemployment rate is a measly 2%, and the average tech salary is a sweet $109,530 per year.

With numbers like that, you better believe the local job boards and meetups are where it's at for finding those entry and mid-level gigs.

But don't get too comfortable, my dude.

As Alex Mercer said, "The tech industry does not stand still—nor should your career goals." You gotta keep your finger on the pulse of Tacoma's ever-changing economic landscape and adjust your goals accordingly.

Stay on top of your game, and you'll be killing it in this Pacific Northwest tech hub in no time.

Frequently Asked Questions


Is transitioning into a tech career in Tacoma feasible?

Yes, transitioning into a tech career in Tacoma is feasible. With a 6.7% annual industry growth rate in the tech sector, abundant opportunities exist for career changers.

What educational resources are available for aspiring tech professionals in Tacoma?

Educational resources for aspiring tech professionals in Tacoma include tech bootcamps like Nucamp, University programs focused on technology fields, and online resources for advanced learning in areas like cloud computing and cybersecurity.

How important is networking in Tacoma's tech ecosystem for career advancement?

Networking plays a vital role in career advancement in Tacoma's tech ecosystem. 85% of tech jobs are secured via networking, with initiatives and events offering opportunities for professionals to connect, learn, and discover career prospects.

What success stories exist of individuals transitioning to tech careers in Tacoma?

Success stories in Tacoma's tech scene include individuals from diverse backgrounds successfully transitioning into tech roles. These stories highlight the region's collaborative ecosystem for learning and growth, where blended learning approaches have led to improved job satisfaction post-transition.

What economic support and incentives are available for tech professionals in Tacoma?

Tacoma offers various government initiatives and economic incentives to support its technology sector. Programs like the Tech Workforce Development Grant, Tacoma STEAM Network Scholarship, and tax incentives for tech workers aim to attract and retain tech talent, making Tacoma an appealing destination for those looking to transition into tech careers.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible