Top 10 Strategies to Launch Your Tech Career in Singapore

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

A map of Singapore highlighting tech hotspots and career opportunities

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Rapidly evolving tech landscape in Singapore offers myriad opportunities. To succeed, focus on continuous learning, networking, practical experience, and upskilling in AI, ML, and cybersecurity. Leverage tech meetups, SG initiatives, internships, mentorship, big tech involvement, and freelancing. Embrace strategic approaches for a thriving tech career in Singapore.

Singapore's tech scene is on fire! It's like a massive playground for all you tech geeks out there looking to kick-start or level up your careers. This nation has been killing it in the tech game, contributing major bucks to the economy, with the ICT market expected to hit a whopping USD 76.67 billion by 2029.

That's some serious cash! The government has been throwing their weight behind digital transformation and creating an environment for innovation, making Singapore a legit tech powerhouse, as you can see in this article.

If you're a newbie trying to break into this competitive scene, you have to stay ahead of the curve and keep up with the hottest tech trends like AI, machine learning, and cybersecurity – these skills are in high demand!

To kick off your tech career in Singapore, you have to have a solid game plan.

Keep learning and upgrading your skills in these trending techs, it's a must! Network by hitting up tech meetups, conferences like Milipol Asia-Pacific or TechxSummit, and online communities – these connections can open up opportunities.

And don't sleep on getting some hands-on experience through internships, freelance gigs, or contributing to open-source projects. That'll make you stand out when you're job hunting in this fast-paced industry.

Stick to this plan, and you'll be capitalizing on all the opportunities for growth and innovation. Now go get that success!

Table of Contents

  • Networking: Leverage Singapore's Tech Ecosystem
  • Education and Upskilling: Navigating Through Singapore's Tech Learning Opportunities
  • Internships: Gaining Hands-on Experience in Singapore's Tech Industry
  • Startup Participation: Immersing Yourself in Singapore's Innovation Culture
  • Tech-Specific Meetups and Conferences: Stay Updated and Connected
  • Online Presence: Building Your Brand in the Tech Community
  • Government Initiatives: Utilizing Support for Tech Professionals
  • Mentorship: Finding Guidance in Singapore's Tech Scene
  • Big Tech Company Internships and Careers: Aiming for the Giants
  • Freelancing and Independent Projects: Charting Your Own Path in Tech
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Networking: Leverage Singapore's Tech Ecosystem


In the tech scene of Singapura, networking goes way beyond just being convenient—it's the real deal for anyone trying to make moves or level up in their tech careers.

The perks of networking in the tech world are crazy, giving you way more than just extra professional contacts.

It's about getting the inside scoop on industry trends, finding potential mentors, and often opening doors to job opportunities. This LinkedIn study is no joke—85% of roles are landed through networking, proving how crucial it is in the tech game.

Singapore's a hub for major tech events and platforms that are perfect for networking, like SWITCH (Singapore Week of Innovation and TeCHnology), SGInnovate, and tons of tech meetups all around the country.

One major highlight is SWITCH, coming up in 2024, known for being a gamechanger for innovation.

It brings together leaders, inventors, and entrepreneurs from the tech community, creating a prime spot to soak up knowledge and make connections. SGInnovate smoothly links up deep tech startups with potential investors and skilled talents, accelerating Singapore's tech landscape.

On a more chill note, tech meetups across Singapore provide a solid way to build meaningful ties. These events cover all kinds of interests, from blockchain fanatics to data science gurus, allowing you to connect deeply within niche segments of the tech ecosystem.

To really make the most of these networking opportunities, you gotta have a solid game plan:

  • Prep and Engage: Before hitting up any tech gathering, do your homework on the major speakers, companies, and innovations that'll be featured. Getting actively involved in discussions and sessions can seriously boost your visibility, increasing your chances of making connections.
  • Follow Up on Time: Sending a follow-up note after meeting someone keeps the relationship alive, laying the foundation for a professional alliance.
  • Online Engagement: Digital platforms like LinkedIn allow you to keep the convo going with new contacts, keeping the dialogue going long after events have wrapped up.

A boss in the tech sector dropped this gem: "Networking in Singapore's tech scene is way more than just collecting business cards; it's about building relationships that could shape your career path." So, by taking advantage of the opportunities provided by SWITCH, SGInnovate, and various tech meetups, and by engaging meaningfully with your peers in the industry, you can impact your journey in Singapore's tech ecosystem.

Especially in Singapore, where nearly half of professionals find jobs through networking and over 4,000 tech-enabled startups were thriving in 2021 alone, the value of networking can't be overstated.

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Education and Upskilling: Navigating Through Singapore's Tech Learning Opportunities


In this crazy world of tech, continuous learning ain't just a nice-to-have; it's a must-have. The game changes so freakin' fast that the skills you're flexing today could be ancient history tomorrow.

That's why places like NUS and NTU are leading the charge, offering dope opportunities to level up your tech game and stay ahead of the curve.

These OGs are like the Harvard and Yale of tech education, not just in Singapore but worldwide.

But if uni ain't your vibe, no sweat! Coding bootcamps like Nucamp and General Assembly have got your back with their intensive, career-focused courses in web dev, data science, and cybersecurity.

They get that hands-on learning is where it's at, prepping you with the skills that employers are thirsty for. It's all about real-world projects and applications, so you're ready to slay those tech roles straight outta the gate.

And let's not forget the online game! Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning are serving up courses from top universities and companies, keeping you fresh with the hottest skills in AI, machine learning, and cloud computing.

Certifications from big dogs like AWS, Google, and IBM are like golden tickets, proving you're a boss in those essential tech domains. Embrace the lifelong learning grind, and you'll be unstoppable in this ever-changing digital jungle.

As Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, said, "The need for technology literacy and digital skills has never been greater." Truer words have never been spoken.

Singapore's got the whole package – prestigious unis, hands-on bootcamps, and accessible online resources – making it a prime spot for tech education and upskilling.

Whether you're a fresh grad, looking to switch careers, or just trying to level up, the opportunities to learn and grow in Singapore's tech scene are off the charts.

Internships: Gaining Hands-on Experience in Singapore's Tech Industry


Listen up! In this fast-paced world of tech, doing internships is like a cheat code to an epic career in Singapore's booming tech scene. It's not just about cramming theory, but getting your hands dirty with real-world experience, building connections, and leveling up your skills.

Check this out - the tech sector in Singapore is straight-up fire, with over 50,000 job openings expected in the next few years.

That's insane! Internships are like the secret sauce that bridges the gap between school and landing that sweet gig.

But the catch is - finding the right internship in this competitive jungle is a whole different ball game.

That's where platforms like LinkedIn, Glints, and come in clutch. LinkedIn is like a cheat code for connecting with industry bigwigs and applying for internships directly.

Glints is your Southeast Asian homie, hooking you up with curated opportunities. And, backed by the Singapore Government, lists internships that are legit and aligned with the nation's skill framework.

Epic internships like Singapore Technology Internship, GovTech Internships, and HealthTech Internships offer hands-on experience in various sectors, from finance to operations and risk management.

You'll get mentored by the pros and work with cutting-edge tech, basically setting you up for potential full-time gigs after graduation.

But it's not just about having mad coding skills.

To really slay in Singapore's tech internships, you gotta bring your A-game in soft skills like teamwork, taking initiative, and problem-solving. A LinkedIn survey revealed that 92% of hiring managers value soft skills just as much, if not more, than hard skills.

So here are some pro tips to help you crush it:

  • Embrace the Learning Mindset: Be hungry to learn beyond your job scope and get hyped for new challenges.
  • Network Like a Boss: Use team meetings and company events to build connections within and outside your department.
  • Show Off Your Initiative: Go above and beyond assigned tasks, suggest improvements, volunteer for extra responsibilities - that's how you flex your proactive attitude.

Don't forget to document your internship experience and projects on platforms like LinkedIn - it's like an online resume that showcases your skills and makes you stand out to potential employers.

As one tech recruiter in Singapore said, "Candidates who can demonstrate real-world application of their skills, especially through internships, are the real MVPs in the hiring process." So, strategically choose your internships, maximize the learning and networking opportunities, and you'll be well on your way to an epic career in Singapore's dynamic tech landscape.

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Startup Participation: Immersing Yourself in Singapore's Innovation Culture


Let's talk about launching your tech game in Singapore. This city is a startup paradise, and immersing yourself in that scene is the way to go. It's not just about landing a job; you're joining a revolution of innovation.

Working in startups, especially in a tech-savvy nation like Singapore, will make you agile, resilient, and forward-thinking.

Singapore is positioning itself as a global startup hub, so aspiring tech pros like you get to experience all the cutting-edge tech, agile methodologies, and a culture that champions disruptive innovation.

The key players fostering this ecosystem are BLOCK71 Singapore, Startup SG, and Singapore's pro-business environment.

These are the real MVPs, nurturing talent, connecting individuals, and providing resources to excel.

BLOCK71 Singapore is like a community hub where entrepreneurs, mentors, and investors come together.

It's a launchpad for startups to develop and expand, and they've got an impressive track record of incubating success stories. Startup SG is another game-changer, offering grants, equity schemes, and all sorts of support for startups at different growth stages.

Working in startups comes with perks, like:

  • Exponential Learning Curve: You'll be thrown into the deep end, handling multiple roles and responsibilities that would be split among several individuals in big corporations.
  • Innovation at Its Core: Startups live and die by their ability to innovate. Being part of that environment will level up your creative problem-solving and product development skills.
  • Networking Opportunities: Working closely with thought leaders and innovators means you'll make invaluable connections, opening doors to partnerships, mentorships, and future job prospects.

To really tap into Singapore's startup ecosystem, you have to engage and get involved.

Attend workshops, participate in hackathons, or co-work in spaces like BLOCK71. A mentor from Startup SG said it best: "The strength of Singapore's startup ecosystem lies in its tightly knit community and the support system that facilitates collaboration and innovation." This culture of mutual support and shared growth is what's going to propel not just your success, but the entire tech industry in Singapore.

If you're trying to make it big in tech in Singapore, immersing yourself in the startup scene isn't just an option, it's a strategic move.

By leveraging the platforms and opportunities provided by key ecosystems like BLOCK71 Singapore and Startup SG, you'll undergo profound professional growth, gain industry insights, and contribute to Singapore's status as a global innovation hub.

You're not just advancing your career; you're becoming part of the narrative of technological progress shaping the future.

Tech-Specific Meetups and Conferences: Stay Updated and Connected


If you're tryna make it big in the tech game, you gotta hit up these dope events in the Lion City. We're talkin' about the Smart Nation Expo 2024, Singapore Week of Innovation and Technology (SWITCH), and GovTech STACKx Smart City 2024.

These are the places to be if you wanna stay ahead of the curve and level up your skills, bro!

The Smart Nation Expo, for instance, is like the biggest tech party in Southeast Asia, with over 21,000 peeps and 600 exhibitors from 31 countries hittin' the scene.

You'll get the full scoop on 5G, smart cities, IR4.0, and all the cutting-edge tech that's shaping our future. Talk about mind-blowing! SWITCH, on the other hand, is a global platform where you can rub shoulders with over 15,000 attendees from different industries like healthcare, smart cities, trade, and sustainability.

It's the perfect spot to check out startup pitches, industry exhibitions, and listen to some serious thought leaders droppin' knowledge bombs.

And if you're all about that Smart City life, GovTech STACKx Smart City 2024 is where it's at.

You'll get to hear tech experts spill the tea on how to make urban living more sustainable and livable using the latest solutions. Pretty dope, right?

To really make the most of these events, you gotta have a game plan.

Here are some pro tips:

  1. Do Your Homework: Research the speakers, sessions, and companies you wanna check out. Knowin' what you want to learn or who you want to meet will make the experience way more lit.
  2. Get Involved: Don't just sit there like a lump! Ask questions, participate in workshops, and get in on those panel discussions. It'll help you stand out and learn more.
  3. Network Like a Boss: Use those coffee breaks and networking seshes to connect with other attendees. Have a sweet business card and a solid intro ready to make those connections stick.
  4. Follow Up: After the event, slide into those new contacts' DMs on LinkedIn and share your experiences on platforms like Medium to build your online presence.

As Patricia Davis, a tech industry pro, says, "Networking ain't just about makin' contacts; it's about connectin' over shared interests and challenges." Real talk! These events in Singapore are the perfect place to level up your tech game, make valuable connections, and build your personal brand.

Don't sleep on 'em!

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Online Presence: Building Your Brand in the Tech Community


In this digital era we're living in, having an online presence is like, super important, especially if you're trying to make moves in the tech scene here in Singapore.

With the tech industry booming and the digital economy expected to hit US$22 billion by 2025, you gotta be on top of your game.

Platforms like LinkedIn, GitHub, and Medium are your best friends when it comes to personal branding, networking, and showcasing your skills to the tech community.

Let's start with LinkedIn. With over 600 million users worldwide, it's like a massive playground for connecting with industry bigwigs and fellow techies.

In fact, 95% of tech recruiters use LinkedIn to scout and vet potential candidates. So, you better make sure your profile is on point, highlighting your skills, experiences, and accomplishments like a boss.

Next up, GitHub.

This bad boy is the world's largest software development platform, hosting over 100 million projects. It's like a stage for you to show off your coding skills by contributing to open-source projects.

Not only does it prove your technical prowess, but it also demonstrates that you're a team player. Plus, data shows that having an active GitHub account makes you 14% more likely to get hit up by recruiters.

So, keep pushing that code, engaging in discussions, and contributing to relevant projects.

Last but not least, Medium. This platform allows you to share your knowledge and insights about the tech industry with the world.

Writing articles on Medium about emerging technologies, project walkthroughs, or industry trends can establish you as a thought leader.

The coolest part? Articles on Medium experience a 65% increase in readership year-over-year, which means your voice can be amplified within the tech community.

To really slay the online presence game, here are some tips:

  • Consistency: Stay active and keep those updates and contributions coming across all platforms to keep your network engaged.
  • Quality content: Whether it's a GitHub repo or a LinkedIn article, make sure your content is top-notch to showcase your expertise.
  • Engagement: Interact with others' content and join discussions to boost your visibility.

Oh, and don't forget about SEO and email marketing.

Implementing SEO best practices and sending out those email campaigns can really take your online presence to the next level.

By leveraging LinkedIn for networking, GitHub for showcasing your projects, and Medium for thought leadership, along with a solid SEO and email strategy, you'll be unstoppable in Singapore's competitive tech scene.

As one tech recruiter here says, "Building a professional brand takes time, but it's all about consistency, contribution, and community." So, start building that online presence!

Government Initiatives: Utilizing Support for Tech Professionals


Singapore's government is giving tech pros a boost in their careers. They've got this program called TechSkills Accelerator (TeSA), which is all about helping you level up your tech skills.

It's like a cheat code for anyone trying to make it big in the tech world.

TeSA is part of this massive SkillsFuture movement, backed by some serious players like the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA), Workforce Singapore, SkillsFuture Singapore, and the National Trades Union Congress.

These guys are all about getting you trained up in ICT skills to help Singapore's digital economy keep crushing it.

From beginners just getting their feet wet to seasoned pros looking to take it to the next level, TeSA has something for everyone.

They've already helped out over 120,000 people, which is insane! Some of the coolest programs they offer are the TeSA for ITE and Polytechnics (TIP) Alliance, Company-Led Training (CLT) Programme, and Tech Immersion and Placement Programme (TIPP).

Each one is tailored for different types of people, whether you're a student or looking to switch careers.

Singapore has also launched Digital Industry Singapore (DISG), which is like a one-stop-shop for tech companies trying to set up shop or expand in the city.

DISG handles everything from attracting investments to developing skills and finding talent, making Singapore the place to be for tech innovation and business.

On top of that, there's the Smart Nation Initiative, which is all about using tech to make life better for citizens, create new job opportunities, and bring communities together.

It's like a tech playground where you can work on projects that actually make a difference in people's lives.

If you're a tech pro, you need to be all over these government initiatives.

Stay up-to-date on the latest programs and grants, get involved in TeSA and DISG activities to network and level up your skills, and try to snag a role in the Smart Nation projects to really make your mark.

Singapore isn't just another city – it's a tech paradise where you can make your dreams a reality and be part of something truly game-changing.

Mentorship: Finding Guidance in Singapore's Tech Scene


In the crazy world of tech in Singapore, trying to find your way through all the opportunities and challenges can be a total mind-twist. But that's where mentorship comes in clutch – it's like a GPS for your career growth and learning journey.

Real talk, platforms like Mentoring SG Connect, plus the dope ones like Protégé SG, Mentorship for Growth (MfG), and Lean In Singapore, are game-changers in the Lion City's tech scene.

These guys don't just connect you with seasoned tech bosses, but they also create a space for knowledge sharing and networking on steroids, which can turbocharge your career like whoa! The stats back it up too – mentorship can help you level up your professionalism, unlock new opportunities, and keep you engaged in the game, addressing those pesky skill gaps.

A LinkedIn survey showed that 82% of pros think having a mentor is clutch, but only one in three actually have one.

That's a massive opportunity in our tech scene to build more mentor-mentee connections, scoring benefits like skill boosting, network expanding, and career guidance on fleek.

The real MVPs here are the mentors who share their wealth of experience, guiding you past potential roadblocks and tackling career obstacles head-on, which is crucial in the fast-paced tech world.

Platforms like Protégé SG are all about hooking up young tech enthusiasts with industry legends, offering personalized mentorship experiences.

Mentorship for Growth (MfG) and Lean In Singapore also bring structured programs to the table, equipping tech pros with the tools and support to level up their careers.

One Protégé SG participant summed it up perfectly: "Having a mentor has not just accelerated my learning, but has also given me the confidence and clarity to navigate my tech career path with conviction."

But the benefits of mentorship go beyond just knowledge transfer – it sets the foundation for a thriving tech career with continuous learning, network building, and skill leveling up.

Plus, getting involved in mentorship programs shows you're proactive about your career development, which is a major flex in Singapore's dynamic tech industry.

So, leveraging platforms like Protégé SG, MfG, and Lean In Singapore could be a strategic move for those aiming to slay in the Lion City's tech game.

Big Tech Company Internships and Careers: Aiming for the Giants


If you're an aspiring techie in Singapore, you're probably eyeing giants like Google, Meta (formerly Facebook), and Amazon for that sweet internship or career gig, right? I mean, who wouldn't want to work for these tech titans and get exposed to some seriously cutting-edge stuff? Plus, they're all about fostering an environment that helps you level up, both personally and professionally.

But don't sleep on J.P. Morgan either! They've been going hard in solidifying Singapore's position as a major hub for finance and business. And let's not forget, Amazon recently launched their AWS Asia Pacific (Singapore) Region to boost cloud computing advancements in our neck of the woods.

Now, if you want to stand out to these tech behemoths, here are some killer strategies backed by data and research:

  • Build a solid online presence: Did you know that 80% of tech recruiters in Singapore use LinkedIn to scout for talent? So, make sure your profile is up-to-date, showcasing your projects, skills, and endorsements - it's like your digital portfolio.
  • Attend local tech meetups and conferences: Events like Cloud Expo Asia and IoT Asia aren't just learning grounds; they're networking hot spots too. Rubbing shoulders with the right people at these events could open doors to some serious learning and job opportunities, especially since companies dig innovation and diversity.
  • Work on relevant projects: Take on roles and projects that showcase your 'Googleyness' - that perfect blend of creativity, problem-solving skills, and tech passion. Personal or collaborative projects that align with the technologies these firms are investing in can show them you've got what it takes to be a valuable addition to their teams.
  • Score internships for hands-on experience: Companies like NodeFlair and LSEG offer internships that not only give you a taste of cutting-edge tech but also focus on sustainable finance and innovation – areas that are becoming increasingly important in Singapore's tech landscape.

As one industry insider puts it, "Showcasing your skills through projects, whether personal, academic, or freelance, is key to catching the eye of big tech companies." This advice is echoed across various channels, highlighting a universal strategy for breaking into the tech scene.

And when you're applying to these companies, make sure your applications are on point, showcasing how your skills and experiences align with their corporate culture and technological goals.

Look, securing a position at a big tech firm in Singapore ain't easy, but with a strategic and well-informed approach, you can seriously up your chances of scoring an opportunity that'll take your tech career to new heights.

Freelancing and Independent Projects: Charting Your Own Path in Tech


The freelance life in the tech world is like a double-edged sword. It offers freedom, but also comes with some solid challenges.

More and more people are finding this hustle appealing for the flexibility it provides in terms of schedule and project choices, plus the ability to work from wherever.

According to FlexJobs, over 60% of freelancers value the "flexible schedule", with the "choice of projects" and "work from anywhere" being significant benefits too.

However, this freedom comes with the ups and downs of work volume, the need to keep learning to stay relevant, and the lack of traditional job perks like health and retirement benefits.

If you're based in Singapore and trying to pursue freelancing, you should explore platforms like Upwork and

These sites provide access to a worldwide pool of clients and projects, along with all the tools needed to run your freelance business effectively. In 2023, they have incorporated AI technology to match you with suitable projects, making the freelance experience smoother for everyone involved.

This kind of innovation could help address some of the inherent freelance challenges by ensuring you land the right gigs and maintain a steady income stream.

Building a strong tech project portfolio is crucial for success in the freelance game.

This portfolio showcases not only your technical skills but also your problem-solving abilities, creativity, and project execution prowess. To create a portfolio that will impress clients, follow these steps:

  1. Highlight Diverse Projects: Showcase a wide range of projects that demonstrate your versatile skills and experiences, from web development to complex data analysis tasks.
  2. Include Detailed Descriptions: Provide concise descriptions of each project, explaining the challenge, the technology used, and the results delivered, to demonstrate your problem-solving approach.
  3. Present Solutions, Not Just Code: When possible, include links to live projects, screenshots, or videos that illustrate the final product in action, allowing even non-technical clients to understand the value you offer.

As one experienced Upwork freelancer states, "Your portfolio is your ticket to professional independence; it speaks louder than any resume could." In summary, the freelance tech scene in Singapore requires dedication, but utilizing platforms like Upwork and, coupled with a compelling project portfolio, can open up a world of flexibility and diverse projects for those seeking an independent career path.

If you're just starting your freelance journey, following these fundamental strategies could set you up for a prosperous and fulfilling career. Additionally, as Nucamp's blog on continuous learning in Singapore emphasizes, staying up-to-date with the ever-evolving tech landscape is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge.

Frequently Asked Questions


How can I start a tech career in Singapore effectively?

To start a tech career in Singapore effectively, adopting a strategic approach focused on continuous learning, networking, and practical experience through internships or project-based learnings is key.

Why is networking important in Singapore's tech ecosystem?

Networking is crucial in Singapore's tech ecosystem as it provides deep insights into industry movements, establishes mentorships, and paves the way to employment opportunities. A study by LinkedIn shows that 85% of roles are secured through networking.

What are the key educational institutions and platforms for tech education and upskilling in Singapore?

Key educational institutions like NUS and NTU, as well as platforms like Nucamp and General Assembly, offer opportunities for upskilling in web development, data science, and cybersecurity. Online resources like Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning also provide access to courses in trending technologies.

Why are internships important for gaining hands-on experience in Singapore's tech industry?

Internships are pivotal for gaining practical understanding, building a professional network, understanding workplace culture, and refining technical skills in the fast-paced tech industry of Singapore. Over 50,000 professionals are needed in the tech sector in the next few years.

How do tech-specific meetups and conferences help tech professionals stay updated and connected in Singapore?

Tech-specific meetups and conferences in Singapore offer insights, networking opportunities, and learning experiences. Events like SWITCH, Smart Nation Expo, and GovTech STACKx provide avenues for learning, networking, and personal brand building, contributing to career advancement.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible