Top 10 Coding Bootcamps in San Francisco: A Comprehensive Comparison in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

San Francisco skyline with a list of coding bootcamps

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Top 10 Coding Bootcamps in San Francisco in 2024: Discover top programs like App Academy, General Assembly, and Coding Dojo. 15% market growth expected. Bootcamps offer 89% job placement within six months. Curriculum tailored to tech demands, expert instructors, and strong career services emphasized.

San Fran's tech game is on fire, and coding bootcamps are where it's at. With the demand for skilled devs skyrocketing in 2024, these bootcamps are the real deal for launching your career in this city's killer tech scene.

An 89% placement rate within six months of graduating? That's insane!

  • Adaptive Curricula: These programs stay fresh, keeping up with what the San Fran tech world needs.
  • Experienced Instructors: You'll be learning from pros who've been in the trenches.
  • Effective Career Services: They've got your back with killer job placement support.
  • Alumni Networks: Insider scoop from grads who've been there and done that.

The coding bootcamp market here is set to grow by 15% in 2024, keeping up with the tech industry's crazy demands.

According to Course Report, students are really digging into how these bootcamps perform, with an average success rate of 74% – proof that they're worth the investment.

With all these deets in hand, we're about to dive into the top 10 coding bootcamps in the city, so you can make the best call for kicking off your software engineering journey.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology
  • 1. App Academy
  • 3. General Assembly
  • 4. Coding Dojo
  • 5. Galvanize
  • 6. FlatIron School
  • 7. Rithm School
  • 8. Holberton School
  • 9. Learners Guild
  • 10. Nucamp Coding Bootcamp
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

  • Evaluate the level of learning support available to tech students in San Francisco's educational institutions.



Let me break it down for you on how we're ranking the top coding bootcamps in the Bay Area for 2024.

First up, we're looking at job placement rates - these bootcamps better be slinging those sweet tech gigs, with like 89-95% of students landing jobs within 6 months of graduating.

That's some serious hustle.

But it's not just about the numbers, you know? We're also checking out student reviews to see what they're saying.

If a bootcamp is rocking 4.5 stars or higher, they're clearly doing something right and keeping them happy.

We're tapping into BestColleges to scope out the programs that'll have you leveling up like a pro.

And you know we're all about that cutting-edge curriculum. These bootcamps better be teaching the latest tech and agile methods that'll make you a boss in the industry.

Now, let's talk instructors.

We want the ones who've been in the trenches and know their stuff like the back of their hand - industry vets, you dig? That's how you get that next-level knowledge.

Just peep these full-stack bootcamps from Springboard - they're legit.

But we ain't just about flexing mad skills.

We gotta keep it real about the bread too. That's why we're checking out the deets on affordable bootcamps that won't have you breaking the bank.

  • Mentorship and support? Yeah, we're all over that. Bootcamps like Nucamp's Job Hunting bootcamp got your back, helping you level up your career game from start to finish. Real ones, you feel me?
  • Career services? You know we're sizing that up too. We want the full package - resume workshops, mock interviews, the whole nine. Gotta prep you for that job hunt like a pro.
  • And we're not just talking short-term gains. We're scoping out alumni success stories to make sure these bootcamps are setting you up for the long haul. Lasting impact, that's what it's all about.

At the end of the day, we're hooking you up with the real deal.

As this edu expert said,

"Choosing a coding bootcamp is a big move for your career, and the more data you got, the better the outcome."

Our rankings ain't just numbers, they're a roadmap to leveling up your game in the tech scene of the Bay.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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1. App Academy


Check it out! App Academy in San Francisco is killing it with their coding education game. They just dropped their 2024 curriculum, and it's lit! You get a 24-week immersive program that covers all the hottest tech skills like Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, React/Redux, SQL, and even Python.

Plus, you'll build a dope portfolio with 3-4 websites to flex your coding muscles.

There's more! App Academy is all about making education accessible with their deferred tuition model.

They've got this Pay After You're Hired plan where you only pay the $17,000 tuition fee after you land a job.

Talk about a sweet deal! And with their impressive 85% job placement rate, you'll be raking in the dough in no time.

App Academy isn't just about coding, though.

They're all about that diversity and inclusion vibe. They've got scholarship programs and partnerships with non-profits to keep the tech community poppin'. And their "Prep Program" makes sure you've got the basics down before diving into the deep end.

So, if you're looking to level up your tech career, score a sweet job in San Francisco's tech scene, and be part of a diverse and inclusive community, App Academy is the move.

3. General Assembly


General Assembly's San Fran campus is where it's at for the 411 on tech in 2024. They've got the courses that'll hook you up with coding, data science, UX design, and digital marketing skills.

You can go full-time or part-time with their bootcamps. Their Software Engineering program stays fresh by keeping up with the latest frameworks and programming languages.

And for real, the full-time immersive will run you $15,950, but you'll be building legit projects that'll prep you for the real world.

The career services crew at GA means business.

They'll be your personal hype squad, guiding you through the job search and connecting you with their network. A whopping 91.2% of grads land jobs within six months of graduating, so they've got your back.

GA is always innovating too, like with their 'Catalyst' program that's ditching deferred tuition for better financial options.

  • Immersive Learning: The Software Engineering Immersive will cost you $15,950.
  • Data Mastery: Get your data science game on for $15,500.
  • Design Expertise: Level up your UX skills with the $14,950 UX Design Immersive.
  • Flexible Learning: Part-Time options are available for all disciplines, so you can learn at your own pace.

The alumni from 2024 are raving about General Assembly's skills in prepping them for the future.

Check out what Lisa Garcia had to say: "GA completely revamped my career game. Their savvy instructors and personalized job support were clutch in helping me snag my new gig fast." That's the real deal – GA's all about setting you up for success and making your dreams happen.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

4. Coding Dojo


Let me break down the latest scoop on Coding Dojo for 2024. This bootcamp is straight-up fire, serving up a massive full-stack program that'll have you coding like a pro.

We're talking web fundamentals, Python, JavaScript, Java - the whole nine yards. Nearly 90% of their grads walk away with three full-stack techs under their belt, making them total MVPs in the tech game.

Now, let's talk cash.

Tuition ranges from $9,995 to $16,995, which is a solid deal for the kind of skills you'll be packing.

Plus, they've got financing options like loans and scholarships to make it even more accessible. No shady Income Share Agreements though, so you can breathe easy.

When it comes to schedule, Coding Dojo has got you covered.

Full-time online courses can be crushed in just 16 weeks, but if you're juggling a side hustle or just need to take it a bit slower, they've got part-time options stretching from 18 to 34 weeks, according to recent data.


These guys have an insane job placement rate, with a whopping 89.1% of job-seeking grads landing gigs within six months after graduating.

We're talking success stories of alumni getting hired at big dogs like Google and Amazon. Talk about leveling up!

Coding Dojo isn't just about the hard skills though.

They'll have you working on that soft game too, prepping you with stuff like pair programming and portfolio building. One student testimonial even shouted out how the community vibes were key to their career growth.

It's all about that holistic development.

  • Expansive Curriculum: Python, JavaScript, Java - they've got the full-stack covered.
  • Adaptive Learning: 16-week full-time or up to 34-week part-time options, so you can find your groove.
  • Accessible Tuition: $9,995 to $16,995 with financing help, making it a solid investment.
  • Strong Employment Outcomes: 89.1% of job-seekers land roles within six months. Talk about a career glow-up!

So, if you're trying to level up your coding game and land that dream tech job, Coding Dojo might just be the move.

Check 'em out and get ready to slay!

5. Galvanize


In 2024, Galvanize is still killing it as one of the top coding bootcamps in San Fran. Their curriculum is lit, and a whopping 89% of their grads land jobs within 6 months of finishing the program.

Galvanize offers courses for beginners and seasoned coders alike, covering Software Engineering and Data Science.

Students swear by their hands-on learning approach, and they've got mad respect for how Galvanize keeps it real with industry-relevant skills.

Their teaching style is on point, combining intense study with flexible schedules, peer programming, and industry-centric projects to make sure you're ready for the ever-changing tech world.

They've got:

  • Personalized mentorship from seasoned pros,
  • Dedicated career services, and
  • Access to an elite job network.

Galvanize's alumni are living proof of the bootcamp's transformative power.

One grad said,

"The connections I formed at Galvanize have been pivotal for my transition to a lead developer role."

Their career services are on fleek, offering job coaching and chances to connect with potential employers.

In 2024, Galvanize is still rocking it with a stellar 4.8 out of 5 stars, and their alumni network is a game-changer.

Galvanize collaborates with major tech companies, so you'll be learning the latest industry practices and cutting-edge tech.

They're not just teaching; they're building a community of industry-connected pros, deeply embedded in San Fran's tech scene and reaching globally.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

6. FlatIron School


Flatiron School in San Fran is killing it in the tech education game these days. They're constantly revamping their courses to stay ahead of the curve, teaching you the hottest skills that companies are craving for in 2024.

Whether you're into Data Science, Software Engineering, or Cybersecurity, they've got your back with their intense, hands-on programs that blend theory with practical know-how.

A full-time course will set you back around $16,900 to $17,900, but hey, you're paying for quality. Scholarships are available, but they've ditched those income share agreements.

Now, a crucial decision you gotta make is whether you want to learn online or on-site.

On-site programs like Flatiron's are super legit because you get that structured classroom vibe and can network like a boss. Alumni swear by the face-to-face connections, saying stuff like,

"The in-person networking really amped up my job hunt and made learning way more rad."

They're all about that close-knit community and instructors who genuinely care about your growth.

Check out these program lengths:

  • The Software Engineering track is a comprehensive and intensive 15-week, full-time grind.
  • For Data Science, you can launch your career in just 15 weeks, with full-time or part-time options.
  • Dive headfirst into Cybersecurity with a focused 12-week, full-time learning experience.

Companies these days are all about hiring techies with real-world skills and projects under their belt, which is exactly what Flatiron delivers.

Big players like Google, IBM, and Facebook have been scooping up Flatiron grads left and right, thanks to their insane 93% hiring rate after graduation.

You'll not only become a subject matter pro but also build an impressive portfolio that'll make you a hot commodity in Silicon Valley and tech hubs everywhere.

7. Rithm School


Check out Rithm School. They've got small classes with only 5 students per teacher, so you get personalized attention and guidance.

Their curriculum is on point, covering all the hot tech like JavaScript, Python, Flask, and React - the kind of skills that'll make you a boss in Silicon Valley.

But it's not just about the coding.

Rithm's student support is strong too. They've got your back with mental health workshops, networking events, and even prep for those nerve-wracking tech interviews.

They want you to level up in every way, not just code-wise. And their grads are crushing it - most of them land jobs within 6 months of graduating, thanks to the killer curriculum and post-grad coaching they get.

One alumni even gave them props in a shoutout, saying the lifetime career services and one-on-one mentoring were clutch.

Rithm's all about building up your network and making sure you're ready to slay in the tech world. With real-world projects and an immersive learning vibe, Rithm's the spot if you want an education that'll actually prepare you for the grind.

8. Holberton School


Holberton School is where it's at when it comes to tech education in the Bay Area. They got this sick Income Share Agreement (ISA) deal that's got everyone talking.

Here's how it goes down: you don't pay a dime until you land a job making at least $40K a year. Once you hit that mark, you just fork over 17% of your income for 3.5 years, capped at $85K. That's a bold move, but they're confident in their job placement support.

They've got connections with major players like Google, Apple, and Dropbox for internships and mentorships. 85% of their grads snag a job within six months of finishing up.

But it's not just about the money.

Holberton's curriculum is on point with their focus on project-based learning. You'll be coding full-stack apps, diving into low-level programming, and tackling algorithms like a boss.

This hands-on approach is backed by research and student reviews, so you know you're getting skills that employers want. And let's not forget about their community vibes.

They hook you up with career services like personal branding and interview prep. Former students keep raving about the valuable network and relevant skills they gained at Holberton.

"Holberton School not only laid a solid foundation of software engineering knowledge but also plugged me into a network that's been crucial for my career progression," one alum said.

With testimonials like that, Holberton is straight-up killing the game among San Francisco coding bootcamps.

If you're looking for a coding program with killer support and innovative financial options, Holberton School is your ticket to launch into the tech world.

9. Learners Guild


Let me break it down for you about this coding bootcamp called Learners Guild in San Fran. They're killing it in the coding bootcamp game, with a fresh approach that combines real-life projects and peer learning.

It's like a two-for-one deal, prepping you for the collaborative vibes of the tech world.

85% of their grads land a sick job within six months of finishing the program.

That's some serious job prep and career support right there. And their curriculum? It's like a hot new album, updated yearly to stay on top of the latest tech trends.

We're talking everything from the basics to the cutting-edge frameworks and tools.

Their alumni network is hooking you up with ongoing career services and a crew that's got your back when it comes to finding those job opportunities.

90% of alumni say the network helped them land gigs. And the best part? Graduates see an average 50% salary boost after completing the course.

Talk about a solid return on investment!

The reviews for Learners Guild in 2024 are lit. You get mentorship from industry pros, hands-on coding experience that's straight out of the tech world, and a focus on skills like problem-solving and teamwork.

One alum even said, "Learners Guild didn't just teach me to code; it prepared me for a lifelong career in tech." That's some real stuff right there.

And here's the cherry on top – their tuition model is all about accessibility, making sure the skills to crush it in tech are within reach for a diverse group of students.

Kinda like the scholarship programs Nucamp offers. Plus, being close to Silicon Valley means you get the inside scoop on the latest industry trends.

Learners Guild is killing the game when it comes to shaping tech careers.

10. Nucamp Coding Bootcamp


As San Fran keeps solidifying its rep as the tech capital, Nucamp Coding Bootcamp is stepping up big time in 2024 as a dope option for those looking to score some top-notch, budget-friendly coding skills.

Their Web Development Fundamentals course is a steal at just $458, making it accessible to a diverse crew of aspiring devs, especially compared to the heftier price tags other bootcamps are slapping on with median costs around $13,500.

But don't let the affordability fool you – Nucamp's got a solid mentorship game where seasoned pros give you the personalized guidance you need to turn that book-smarts into real-world coding skills.

Nucamp's schedule is as flexible as it gets, catering to the hustlers, parents, and everybody in between.

They've got part-time and full-time programs like the Full Stack Web + Mobile Development bootcamp they cooked up with Google Cloud, so you can learn at your own pace without ditching your current gig.

This flexibility is clutch, especially with the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicting tech jobs will grow by 13% from 2020 to 2030. Nucamp's ability to adapt and partner up with industry giants like Google Cloud shows they're ahead of the game when it comes to keeping their programs fresh and relevant.

After you level up your skills, Nucamp's got your back with one-on-one coaching, job placement services, and a solid alumni network to help you land that dream tech role.

They've got resources to help you slay the job hunt, and financial options to make sure education is within reach. Just peep the Reddit discussions from former students – plenty of Nucamp alumni have scored killer gigs thanks to the bootcamp's comprehensive support.

  • Affordable Tuition: Nucamp is setting the bar for accessible and budget-friendly tech education, starting at just $458.

  • Mentorship: You'll get personalized guidance and access to their cutting-edge partnership with Google Cloud.

  • Flexible Learning: They've got your back with customizable part-time and full-time options to fit your lifestyle.

  • Career Support: Nucamp hooks you up with comprehensive career services to make that transition to the tech world smooth as butter.



As we wrap up our hunt for the dopest coding bootcamps in the Bay Area, it's crucial to take a step back and reflect on what truly matters when choosing the right one for you.

It's not just about rankings and hype, but about understanding your personal goals and finding the perfect match. Here's the 411 on what to keep in mind:

  • Curriculum Relevance: Make sure the bootcamp's curriculum is on point with what the industry is looking for. Do your research on how well they prep grads for actual tech jobs. Programs like Nucamp's comprehensive curriculum are tailored to fit the needs of the Silicon Valley scene.
  • Instructor Expertise: Real-world experience from seasoned instructors is clutch. They can drop knowledge that goes beyond just textbooks. Nucamp hooks you up with job-ready skills that'll help you slay in the competitive SF market.
  • Learning Format: Online, in-person, or a hybrid setup - choose what fits your lifestyle best. Time commitment is key, with Nucamp's courses ranging from 4 to 22 weeks.
  • Cost Consideration: Bootcamp tuition can vary a ton, with the average around $13,579. Programs like Nucamp with financing options under their 'Fair Student Agreement' can ease the upfront costs.
  • Career Services: Look for programs that go beyond just resume workshops and interview prep. Nucamp's tight connection with the booming San Francisco tech scene gives their career support an extra edge.

Remember, "The best bootcamp ain't the one with the most accolades, but the one that fits your individual needs best," as the experts say.

Dig deep into alumni testimonials from legit sources like Course Report to get the real scoop on student experiences, and see how it stacks up against their claimed success rates.

Doing your homework now will not only shape your learning experience but also set you up for success in your future career. Data-driven decision-making is key when navigating this major step.

Use the data we've compiled on each bootcamp to make an informed choice that aligns with both your career ambitions and personal situation.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the job placement rate of coding bootcamps in San Francisco within six months post-completion?

The job placement rate of coding bootcamps in San Francisco within six months post-completion averages between 89-95%.

What are the key elements to look for in choosing a coding bootcamp in San Francisco in 2024?

Key elements to consider include curriculum relevance to tech demands, instructor expertise, learning format, cost considerations, and robust career services.

What is the expected market growth rate for coding bootcamps in San Francisco in 2024?

The coding bootcamp market in San Francisco is projected to grow at a rate of 15% in 2024.

How do coding bootcamps like Nucamp prepare students for tech careers in San Francisco?

Nucamp offers affordable tuition, personalized mentorship, flexible learning options, and comprehensive career support to help students transition smoothly into the tech industry.

What sets the top coding bootcamps in San Francisco apart in terms of student outcomes and curriculum quality?

Top coding bootcamps excel in student outcomes with job placement rates averaging 89-95% and offer curricula tailored to match San Francisco's technological demands.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.