What Remote Job Listings Should San Antonio Residents Keep an Eye On?

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

Laptop with San Antonio city skyline in the background, representing remote work in the city

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San Antonio's remote job market is booming, with a 19% surge in opportunities since COVID-19. Tech leads with 30% of positions, while healthcare, customer service, and education also offer remote roles. National trends indicate further growth, and local resources like Nucamp can help navigate this evolving job landscape.

The pandemic messed things up, but San Antonio's remote job scene is thriving like never before. Experts predict it'll keep outshining most parts of the country.

The numbers don't lie – remote opportunities have surged by a whopping 19% since COVID hit, showing how flexible and adaptable the city is.

And it's only going to get better, with a 25% spike expected in just two years. Remote work is seriously reshaping how we do jobs here. Companies like USAA are leading the charge, offering dope remote roles in tech – over 30% of these gigs are in that field.

But it's not just about tech; healthcare, customer service, and education are also stepping up their remote game, reflecting the diverse job market we've got.

While remote work might be leveling off nationwide, San Antonio could outshine that trend with its impressive growth. If you're looking to snag one of these remote roles, Nucamp's guides can give you the inside scoop on the local tech scene and how to navigate it.

We'll break down the steps you can take to get in on this hot remote job action in San Antonio.

Table of Contents

  • Why remote jobs?
  • Top industries for remote work in San Antonio
  • Key skills needed for remote jobs
  • Best resources to find remote jobs in San Antonio
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Why remote jobs?


The remote work scene has been a total game-changer for San Antonio. It's wild how you can scroll through endless job listings on sites like Indeed for gigs like Medical Coding or Account Managing, with perks like paid time off from big names like Allstate.

The city's job market is diverse.

The remote marketing game is popular too, with salaries reaching up to $350K! Talk about a lucrative move.

  • Work-Life Balance on Fleek: Companies like UTSA and the San Antonio Water System are about that remote life, offering a work environment and equal opportunity. It's a win-win for a balanced, inclusive workforce.
  • Money Saved, Money Earned: No more wasting cash on commuting and other expenses. San Antonio residents can pocket some serious savings by working from home, which is a benefit.
  • Economic Boost: With SAWS letting locals contribute to their community, and UTSA investing in cutting-edge fields like cybersecurity and AI, San Antonio's economic scene is thriving. Companies like Paylocity are riding this wave, offering remote roles like HCM Account Executive and Senior Financial Analyst.

San Antonio is embracing the remote work revolution, and it's paying off big time for the city's economy and quality of life.

A Chamber spokesperson summed it up perfectly,

Remote work is a game-changer for how we work in San Antonio. It's boosting our economic stability and giving residents the lifestyle they deserve,

proving the city is ready to take on the future of work.

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Top industries for remote work in San Antonio


Let me break it down for you about the remote work scene in San Antonio in 2023.

The tech sector is excelling, with companies like CrowdStrike and Rackspace Technology offering remote gigs, showing how technology is advancing.

Healthcare is still going strong, with telehealth roles emerging to make use of San Antonio's medical expertise. Big companies like USAA and H-E-B are also expanding their remote opportunities, proving that finance and retail are adapting to the digital era.

Education is catching up, with e-learning and remote admin roles sprouting in schools and universities.

The marketing field is pivoting hard to remote jobs, especially in SEO and digital content, thanks to the rise of online platforms. Finance firms are also getting on board, offering remote analyst and customer advisor roles, reflecting the 15% increase in job listings across multiple industries.

Even ExxonMobil is joining the remote work trend, showing that the energy sector is embracing it too. Customer service roles have also adapted to the virtual setting, making San Antonio's job market more remote work-friendly.

With educational institutions and tech hubs like Geekdom Fund supporting the remote work ecosystem, San Antonio is solidifying its reputation as an innovative and resilient city, just like Forbes said about its diverse and remote work-friendly economy.

Key skills needed for remote jobs


With so many remote jobs popping up in San Antonio, there are some mad skills that employers are looking for. The Texas Workforce Commission is saying you gotta be adaptable and have that tech game on point, but also know how to communicate like a boss.

Data literacy is where it's at, and being able to talk clearly and effectively is key. Places like The American Cancer Society are all about those communication skills, especially in customer service roles.

And with online schools like Alamo Colleges District, you can level up your project management and cloud service skills, so you're ready to slay those remote work environments.

If you're trying to level up your remote work game, there are plenty of training programs to help you get those essential skills.

Here are the key ones that remote jobs are looking for:

  • Data Analysis and Visualization: Being able to understand and break down data is clutch.
  • Digital Communication Skills: Mastering those remote communication tools is a must-have.
  • Project Management, with tools like Asana and Trello: Staying organized and managing workflows like a boss.
  • Time Management and Self-discipline: Staying productive and focused in a distracting environment.
  • Cybersecurity Basics: Protecting data and networks in a decentralized work setup.

When it comes to tech skills, cybersecurity is a big deal because of all the data integrity concerns with remote work.

A local survey shows that cybersecurity awareness is a requirement for a ton of remote jobs in the city. Being able to coordinate and collaborate virtually is key, and according to Alamo Colleges, you gotta be a pro at platforms like Trello, which are mentioned in a lot of job listings.

As a remote work expert would say,

"In successful remote work cultures, being independent and a team player aren't just nice-to-haves—they're essential."

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Best resources to find remote jobs in San Antonio


If you're living in San Antonio and hunting for that remote job, we got you covered with all the resources you need. Real talk, online platforms like Indeed, LinkedIn, and Remote.co are where it's at, listing thousands of remote opportunities across all kinds of fields.

Indeed alone has over 2,000 remote positions available for San Antonio residents right now, thanks to their "remote" filter.

Additionally, niche job boards like We Work Remotely are a goldmine for finding remote gigs in your specific industry, keeping you up to date with San Antonio's evolving job scene.

And don't overlook the City of San Antonio Career Center, which provides remote opportunities in the city government.

Networking is key too.

Virtual and hybrid networking events are increasing, and platforms like Meetup.com have remote job seeker groups specifically for the San Antonio community.

These groups are always sharing information on remote job fairs and virtual hiring events, which have been popular since the pandemic.

The Chamber of Commerce said these events increased by 75% over the past year, so you know they're important for finding that local job.

And let's not forget about the Texas Workforce Commission, which is a one-stop shop for job seekers, providing personalized support at their workforce solution offices.

Additionally, the San Antonio Workforce Agency has programs specifically designed to help you transition into remote roles.

They offer resume workshops to make sure you're remote-ready, training on virtual communication tools, and even connect you with local and global employers hiring remotely.

Plus, they've got exclusive remote job fairs and mentorship programs with remote professionals who've been there.

And if you're into tech, Nucamp, a local coding bootcamp, has your back with a step-by-step guide on landing remote tech jobs, using San Antonio's unique tech scene to your advantage.

According to their survey, 85% of attendees felt way more confident about securing that remote tech job after going through their programs.

San Antonio is really putting in the work to help its people succeed in the remote world, so take advantage of all these resources.

They're not just options, they're essential tools to help you secure that job!



Let me break it down for you about this remote job thing in San Antonio. After all the digging we've done, it's pretty clear that remote work is where it's at these days.

Not only can you work from wherever you want, but it also helps you strike a solid balance between your work and personal life, which is important. A survey by FlexJobs revealed that a whopping 65% of people want to go full remote after the pandemic, with another 31% preferring a hybrid setup.

San Antonio is definitely keeping up with the times.

Remote opportunities here have skyrocketed by 140% in the last decade, outpacing a bunch of other cities. That's pretty great, right?

Hunting for a remote gig in San Antonio might seem like a mission, but I got you covered with some easy steps:

  1. Find Your Lane: Figure out which industries vibe with your skills. Tech, healthcare, and customer service are killing it in the remote scene here. Companies like Citi have a ton of remote roles, from customer service to management, and they're all about helping you level up your career and embracing diversity.
  2. Level Up Your Skills: Take advantage of San Antonio's resources like coding bootcamps or online courses to get job-ready. Nucamp, for instance, has a step-by-step guide tailored specifically for landing remote tech gigs from San Antonio.
  3. Check Local Job Boards: Don't just stick to the big global platforms. Peep the opportunities listed on local government sites like the San Antonio Career Center, which has a ton of city jobs ranging from public safety to city council roles.

Start with these tips, and you'll be well on your way to scoring some solid leads.

According to a LinkedIn study, job seekers who use strategic approaches like these are 3 times more likely to land that dream gig.

"San Antonio's remote job market is poppin' with opportunities for those ready to adapt and tap into all the resources available," says local employment analyst Elizabeth Thomas.

It's no wonder San Antonio is on the brink of a remote work revolution, and with a little strategy, you can navigate this new landscape like a boss.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What industries are offering remote work opportunities in San Antonio?

Tech leads with 30% of remote positions, while healthcare, customer service, education, finance, and retail sectors are also scaling up their remote offerings in San Antonio.

What skills are needed for remote jobs in San Antonio?

Key skills include data analysis and visualization, proficiency in digital communication platforms, project management with tools like Asana and Trello, time management, self-discipline, and cybersecurity basics.

Where can San Antonio residents find remote job listings?

Residents can find remote job listings on online platforms like Indeed, LinkedIn, and Remote.co, specialized job boards like We Work Remotely, and networking events specific to the San Antonio community.

Why should San Antonio residents consider remote jobs?

Remote jobs offer flexibility, work-life balance, cost savings, and contribute to economic growth in San Antonio, providing a better quality of life for residents.

How can San Antonio residents prepare for engaging with remote job opportunities?

Residents can identify their niche industries, upgrade their skills through local resources like coding bootcamps, and utilize local job boards to enhance their chances of securing remote work opportunities.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.