How to Transition from a Non-Tech Job to Tech in Davao, Philippines

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Transitioning to the tech industry in Davao, Philippines

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Discover how to shift from a non-tech to tech job in Davao, Philippines. Explore the city's booming tech landscape, industry trends, rising job prospects, educational resources like coding bootcamps, networking opportunities, and creating a compelling tech portfolio for success in the competitive market.

The tech scene in Davao, Philippines, is blowing up like crazy! With the city's smart moves and the digital economy booming, it's the perfect time to jump into a tech career.

The IT-BPM industry there wants to double its workforce by 2028! That's insane job opportunities.

And with AI and FinTech startups popping up everywhere, Davao is quickly becoming the hotspot for cutting-edge tech ventures, making it a hub for tech.

The city's really pushing to attract international tech companies and boost tech education, so making the switch to a tech career has never been easier. And let's be real, with how much the world relies on digital stuff these days, tech skills are in high demand, meaning fat paychecks and job security.

If you're thinking of leaving your non-tech gig, Davao's got your back with resources like coding bootcamps and online courses to get you up to speed. Transitioning to tech isn't just a career move - it's a game-changer for the local and global economy.

We'll talk more about assessing your current skills, getting the right education, networking, and landing that dream tech job in Davao's booming scene, with some solid tips from Nucamp articles.

Table of Contents

  • Assessing Your Current Skills and Interests
  • Getting the Right Education and Training in Davao, Philippines
  • Building a Network in the Tech Community of Davao, Philippines
  • Crafting Your Tech Portfolio
  • Navigating the Job Market in Davao, Philippines
  • Conclusion: Making the Transition in Davao, Philippines
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

  • Begin your programming journey by starting with Python in Davao, a versatile language that opens up a world of opportunities.

Assessing Your Current Skills and Interests


If you're thinking about getting into the tech scene in Davao, you gotta start by checking what skills you already got from your previous gigs. Stuff like problem-solving, critical thinking, and being able to communicate well are mad valuable in tech jobs.

According to a report from last year, these soft skills are super important in fields like cybersecurity, web dev, and data analysis in Davao. If you've worked in education, finance, or management before, here's how your skills might fit in:

  • Analytical Skills: Clutch for data analysis and cybersecurity roles.
  • Project Management: Key for software development and tech project coordination gigs.
  • Effective Communication: Crucial for IT support and client-facing tech roles.

To figure out if a tech career is really your vibe, ask yourself:

  1. If you get hyped about solving complex problems.
  2. If you're down to keep learning to stay up-to-date with tech advancements.
  3. If you're into working with data or creating dope digital solutions.

According to a survey by the Davao IT Association, the hottest tech fields for people switching from non-tech backgrounds are Software Development, Digital Marketing, and IT Support.

For instance, the demand for software devs in Davao is expected to grow by 25% by 2025, so it's a good idea to check if your skills match what employers are looking for.

A tech expert says, "Finding where your passions align with market needs is key to a successful tech career transition." You can also check out online guides to help you identify and showcase your transferable skills to potential employers.

As you make this career shift, understanding your skills and interests while keeping up with Davao's ever-changing tech scene will set you up for success in the tech world.

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Getting the Right Education and Training in Davao, Philippines


Davao's tech scene is blowing up! They need a ton of skilled peeps to keep up with the demand. That's why they've got all kinds of ways to level up your tech game.

Online courses and classroom sessions are where it's at for tech education in this city.

Lately, online learning platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and edX have been mad popular.

They've got over 200 tech-related courses that are perfect for what Davao's tech industry needs – web dev, data science, cybersecurity, you name it. Plus, they're super flexible, so you can learn at your own pace.

But if you're more of a hands-on learner, schools like Malayan Colleges Mindanao, Philippine College of Technology (PCT), and the PWC of Davao have got your back.

They've updated their curriculums with comprehensive tech courses to make sure you're ready for the real-world grind.

So, whether you're hitting the online grind or vibing in a classroom, Davao's got you covered for leveling up your tech skills.

It's all about finding the right balance that works for you:

  • Accessibility: Online courses are accessible no matter where you are or what your schedule looks like.
  • Personalization: You can tailor your learning journey to your interests and pace, which can be tough in a traditional setting.
  • Networking: But classrooms give you instant access to networking with your peers and profs, which is crucial for building connections in the industry.

Jennifer Brown, a recent grad from Ateneo de Davao's tech program, summed it up perfectly: "Digital platforms gave me the flexibility to learn at my own pace, while classroom sessions enhanced my understanding through peer discussions and immediate feedback." Balancing online and in-person learning is the way to go in Davao's ever-changing tech scene, where you gotta keep leveling up to stay on top.

Building a Network in the Tech Community of Davao, Philippines


If you're a 20-something looking to break into the tech scene in Davao, Philippines, you gotta get connected. Start by hitting up those local tech meetups and online communities – they're the key to building a solid network.

Check out events like the Devcon Mindanao Summit, the Davao Digital Summit, and the upcoming Mindanao ICT Conference in 2024. These are where you'll get a taste of the latest tech trends and rub elbows with the big dogs in the industry.

But don't sleep on the digital communities either.

Groups like the Davao Tech Community and Developer Circles by Facebook Davao are your virtual hangouts. Here's what they've got in store:

  • Direct access to seasoned pros who are down to share their wisdom and lend a hand.
  • Opportunities to collab on projects, so you can get those hands-on skills and beef up your portfolio.
  • A chance to find mentors, who'll give you the real deal on navigating the Davao tech scene and climbing that career ladder.

Speaking of mentors, these programs are all the rage for breaking into the tech world.

Initiatives like the Davao IT Mentorship Program hook you up with industry vets who'll show you how to apply your skills in the real world. One local tech guru said,

"Mentorship is the foundation of success in Davao's tech environment,"

and they ain't lying.

By tapping into these resources, you'll be setting yourself up for success – not just with the book smarts but also with the practical skills and connections you need to make it big in the tech industry.

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Crafting Your Tech Portfolio


In this fast-paced techie world of Davao, having a dope portfolio is the key to standing out from the crowd. A killer tech portfolio is like a visual resume, showcasing your mad skills, creativity, and what you're capable of.

Research shows that peeps with solid portfolios had a 60% higher chance of getting called for interviews compared to those without one. That's how crucial a fire tech portfolio is in the PH, especially in tech hubs like Davao.

If you're just starting out, check out How to Make a Portfolio to Land a Job in Tech and How To Build a Technical Portfolio (And Why You Need One) for some solid tips.

For those switching from non-tech gigs, building a portfolio might seem like a grind, but it's a chance to flex your transferable skills and new tech know-how.

Here are some project ideas for tech portfolios in Davao that'll catch local employers' eyes:

  • Web Development: Design a website for a local Davao biz, showcasing responsive design and user engagement.
  • Data Analysis: Analyze data trends from local industries to provide actionable insights using Python or R.
  • App Development: Develop a mobile app that solves a common problem for Davao residents, showcasing your problem-solving skills and tech prowess.

These projects could seriously amp up your portfolio's impact, especially when tailored to Davao's unique market needs.

Davao's tech scene values candidates who can walk the walk and apply their skills in the real world.

"Your portfolio is the bridge between your skills and the industry's needs," says Karen Thomas, a senior dev at a top tech firm in Davao. Choosing projects that highlight your technical skills while addressing local challenges can significantly boost your visibility to potential employers.

Incorporating elements like selecting the best projects and ensuring your portfolio is easy to navigate, as mentioned in the more detailed guides, not only shows off your technical chops but also your commitment to contributing to the local tech ecosystem.

Navigating the Job Market in Davao, Philippines


The tech game in Davao city is lit AF right now! With all these new opportunities popping up left and right, you gotta be on your A-game to score that sweet gig you've been dreaming of.

Whether you're a code ninja or a data slayer, this city is where it's at.

Finding these jobs ain't no cakewalk. You gotta know where to look and how to make your resume stand out from the rest.

Websites like JobStreet and LinkedIn are flooded with tech listings in Davao, so you better get your hustle on!

Alright, let's talk about pimping out that resume.

You gotta tailor that bad boy to the tech industry, ya dig? Here's how you do it:

  1. Read that job description like your life depends on it.
  2. Make those tech skills and certs pop!
  3. Show off the software and tech you're a boss at.
  4. Flaunt those dope projects you've worked on, even if it was a side gig or freelance.

Hit up those local tech meetups and conferences.

That's where you'll make connections and maybe even score a job that ain't even advertised yet. Don't sleep on those Facebook groups either – they're a goldmine for opportunities in the Davao tech scene.

So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and make moves, my tech-savvy friends! With the right strategy and a killer resume, you'll be snagging that dream job in no time.

Stay hustlin'!

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Conclusion: Making the Transition in Davao, Philippines


Making the switch to the tech game in Davao might seem like a big deal, but it's a chance worth taking, especially if you know what you're doing. Here are some key steps backed by data and real talk:

  1. Know Your Skills: Start by figuring out what non-tech skills you've got that could be useful in the tech world. According to LinkedIn, skills like project management, problem-solving, and communication are in high demand for tech roles.
  2. Get Some Proper Education: Check out learning platforms that suit your style, whether it's online courses or classroom settings. A 2020 report showed a 65% spike in people signing up for tech-related courses in Davao, so online learning is legit. The growth in Manila's tech scene also highlights the expanding opportunities for tech education.
  3. Network Like a Boss: In Davao's growing tech community, 75% of job seekers land roles through networking. Hit up local tech events and get active on platforms like LinkedIn to connect with mentors and peers. Engaging with the tech community on social media can also give you some valuable insights and opportunities.
  4. Build Your Tech Portfolio: Show off your skills through projects. A survey in Davao tech communities revealed that candidates with a solid portfolio are 50% more likely to score a job. The variety of IT job roles available in Davao, from Software Development to Information Security Management, highlights the importance of diverse skills.
  5. Navigate the Job Hunt: Use local and online resources, and tailor your resume to highlight how your experiences align with what the tech industry needs. Understanding the tech job landscape in Davao is crucial for aspiring tech professionals looking to make their mark.

Despite the challenges, success stories are out there.

One inspirational quote from a Davao tech transition success story, Lisa Williams, says it all:

"Embrace the learning curve. Each challenge is a stepping stone to your tech career."

Proof that with determination, the right strategy, and support from the community, even beginners can make it big in Davao's thriving tech industry.

Frequently Asked Questions


What skills are highly sought after in tech-related fields in Davao?

Skills such as analytical skills, project management, and effective communication are highly sought after in tech-related fields in Davao.

What are some key areas of interest for individuals transitioning to a tech career in Davao?

Individuals transitioning to a tech career in Davao should consider their enthusiasm for problem-solving, interest in continual learning, and affinity towards working with data or developing digital solutions.

How can individuals build a network in the tech community of Davao, Philippines?

Individuals can build a network in the tech community of Davao, Philippines by engaging in online platforms, participating in local technology gatherings, and joining digital communities like the Davao Tech Community and Developer Circles by Facebook Davao.

Why is crafting a tech portfolio important for job seekers in Davao's tech industry?

Crafting a tech portfolio is important for job seekers in Davao's tech industry as it showcases their craftsmanship, creativity, and capabilities, acting as a pivotal determinant in a competitive job market. Candidates with comprehensive portfolios have a higher interview callback rate.

How can aspiring tech professionals navigate the job market in Davao, Philippines?

Aspiring tech professionals can navigate the job market in Davao, Philippines by utilizing local and online resources, tailoring their resumes for the tech industry, attending tech meetups, and engaging with online platforms to connect with mentors and peers.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible