Top 10 Coding Bootcamps in Las Vegas: A Comprehensive Comparison in 2024

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Competitive comparison chart showing the top 10 coding bootcamps in Las Vegas in 2024

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In 2024, the top coding bootcamps in Las Vegas offer in-demand tech skills with immersive programs from $7,500 to $15,000, boasting job placement rates above 80% post-graduation. Factors to consider include curriculum, structure, placement stats, and fees for informed decision-making in the tech-driven market.

The coding bootcamp scene in Vegas is blowing up like crazy in 2024. With the tech industry booming, there's a mad demand for skilled coders and techies. And, you know what they say, Vegas is the place to be for scoring big bucks and living that high life.

Bootcamps like Nucamp are leading the charge, hooking peeps up with the skills to slay in software development, cyber security, and data analytics.

These crash courses range from full-on immersive programs to specialized classes in Python and data science. You can go all-in with a full-time gig or keep it chill with a part-time schedule – whatever floats your boat.

Over 80% of graduates land a sweet job within six months of finishing the bootcamp.

Talk about a solid return on your investment, right? But, these bootcamps ain't cheap. You could be looking at anywhere from $7,500 to $15,000 to get your coding game tight.

So, make sure you do your homework and check out the deets on the curriculum, schedule, job placement stats, and fees before taking the plunge.

Nucamp's got your back with some killer articles breaking down the value of these bootcamps, job placement support, and how to pick the perfect one for your career goals.

With a little research and guidance, you'll be ready to take on the competitive tech world like a boss. So, what are you waiting for? Level up your skills and get that cash flowing!

Table of Contents

  • Methodology
  • Nucamp Coding Bootcamp
  • Ironhack
  • App Academy
  • Thinkful
  • General Assembly
  • Coding Dojo
  • Flatiron School
  • Springboard
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:



We've been doing some serious digging to find the best coding bootcamps in Vegas for 2024, and let me tell you, it's been a wild ride. We've been checking out everything from how relevant the curriculum is to the real-world tech skills they're teaching, like JavaScript, .NET, and React.

They're even throwing in some AI and machine learning action, so you can be ready for the future tech wave.

But that's not all.

We've also been keeping a close eye on those job placement rates. You know, the stuff that really matters when it's time to get that bread. Turns out, these bootcamps are killing it, with an average of 89% of their grads landing a job within six months after finishing up.

And we're talking about some solid salaries too.

Now, we can't forget about what the students are saying, right? That's why we've been checking out reviews on sites like Course Report and SwitchUp.

In 2024, Nucamp Coding Bootcamp was straight-up slaying with a 4.7 out of 5-star student satisfaction rating. Tech Elevator is another one that's been getting mad props for their on-point curriculum and 93% graduation rate.

They're also hooking their grads up with some serious job placement assistance.

Now, let's talk about the green. We've been crunching the numbers on tuition fees, and for a full-time coding bootcamp in Vegas, it's been averaging around $13,450 in 2024.

But here's the kicker, there are all sorts of financing options out there, like scholarships and fair student agreements, that can help you out if the cash flow is a little tight.

Just to give you a taste of what we've been hearing, check out this quote from a recent Nucamp grad: "The skills I learned were directly applicable to the tech market in Las Vegas, leading to a job offer within two months of completion." Told you these bootcamps were legit.

And with those scholarships on the table, it could be your ticket to a sweet tech career without breaking the bank.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Nucamp Coding Bootcamp


Are you on the hunt for a sick coding gig in Vegas? Look no further than Nucamp Coding Bootcamp! These guys are killing it in 2024 with their fire curriculum that's straight up designed to keep up with the latest tech trends.

They've got some rad tracks like Cybersecurity Fundamentals, Front End Web + Mobile Development, and the dope Full Stack Web + Mobile Development courses.

No matter your skills or career goals, they've got you covered with programs that take you from noob to pro.

It gets better! Nucamp's pricing game is on point.

They're all about making coding accessible with their sweet financial options, like payment plans with zero interest and student loans that won't break the bank.

The basic 'Web Development Fundamentals' course is a steal at $458, while the advanced 'Full Stack' experience is a solid deal at $2,604 – way cheaper than other bootcamps in the area.

Don't just take my word for it, though.

Nucamp's alumni are living proof that this place rocks. They're raving about the hands-on approach and the awesome community support that helped them level up their careers.

The numbers don't lie either – Nucamp's got an average rating of 4.5 out of 5 on Career Karma, which just shows how legit their teaching and curriculum are.

Here's a quick rundown of what they've got:

  • Web Development Fundamentals - Charles Hernandez, only $458
  • Front End Web + Mobile Development - Lisa Williams, $2,124
  • Full Stack Web and Mobile App Development - William Garcia, $2,604
  • Job placement rate - Seriously high
  • Student satisfaction - 4.5/5, off the charts!

With affordable prices, a top-notch educational experience, and a solid track record of helping people land sweet coding jobs, Nucamp is killing it in Vegas.

If you're looking to level up your tech game, this is the place to be.



Check it out - Ironhack is still killin' it in the Vegas coding bootcamp game as of 2024, with dope courses in Web Dev, UX/UI Design, Data Analytics, and Cyber Security.

They're like, super chill with their approach, offering intense 9-week full-time programs or flexible 24-week part-time options, so you can fit that tech edu grind into your schedule, no sweat.

Don't trip about the cashflow, cuz Ironhack's tuition is mad affordable, starting at just $12K. And they've got a whole bunch of financial aid options and scholarships to help make that tech knowledge more accessible.

Sure, they don't take the GI Bill, but they've got your back with alternative financing, so you can still chase that dream.

Ironhack's got that fire job placement rate of 89% within 3 months after graduation.

Talk about putting that knowledge to work! Their curriculum is all about real-world projects and career services, so you'll be hands-on, ready to slay those tech gigs straight outta the gate.

Don't just take my word for it, though.

Ironhack's alumni are straight up raving about how the bootcamp transformed them from newbies to full-on tech pros, landing those sweet jobs. And let's not forget, the stats don't lie - Ironhack is straight up killing it in the Vegas tech edu scene, earning them a spot in the Top 5 coding bootcamps for 2024.

Check out these fire details:

  • Course Offerings: Web Development, UX/UI Design, Data Analytics, Cyber Security
  • Course Duration: 9 weeks (full-time), 24 weeks (part-time)
  • Pricing: Starting from $12,000
  • Job Placement Rate: 89% within 3 months of graduating
  • Student Review Highlight: "This bootcamp has changed my career path entirely."

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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App Academy


Check this out! App Academy in Vegas is the spot for anyone looking to learn coding. Their courses are sick and cover all the important stuff you need to become a badass software engineer.

From front-end to full-stack development, you'll get your hands dirty with languages like Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, and React/Redux. And it's not just boring lectures, you'll work on real projects that'll prep you for the fast-paced tech world.

But here's the best part – they've got this dope 'deferred tuition' thing.

Basically, you don't have to pay a dime until you land a sweet coding job after graduating. It's like they're invested in your success, which is pretty rad. Almost everyone who finishes the program lands a job within six months.

That's a solid 91% placement rate.

The Academy really looks out for its students too. You'll have mentors guiding you every step of the way, and the whole vibe is super supportive.

They're all about that community feel and helping you crush your goals, whether it's acing the coursework or scoring that dream job. They've even got a dedicated career assistance program to hook you up with opportunities.

Long story short, App Academy in Vegas is the real deal.

Their curriculum is on point, their payment plan is a game-changer, and they'll have your back throughout the entire journey. If you're serious about breaking into the tech scene, this is the place to be.


Vegas is the new tech hub, and is killing it! In 2024, their Web Developer Track and Design Track are the real deal, with a dope curriculum and mentors who got your back.

They're all about hands-on learning, so you'll build a sick portfolio to land those dream tech jobs.

Here's the kicker: offers a Tuition Reimbursement Guarantee.

If you don't score a job within six months after graduating, they'll give you your money back! In Vegas, their programs are a steal at $7,500 – way below the local average.

With a 89% employment rate, they're proving their worth by setting you up for success in the real world. From front-end to server-side, their comprehensive curriculum has got you covered.

Students are raving about the "rich learning experience" at

Compared to other bootcamps in town, they're a clear winner with their personalized mentorship, supportive community, and career-focused approach. Most bootcamps in Vegas charge around $10,000, but's programs are not only affordable but also a gateway to lucrative tech careers. gets the Vegas tech scene, and they've tailored their curriculum to strike the perfect balance between investment and job-readiness.

aspiring coders see as the ultimate launchpad for their careers, earning props for guiding students towards those high-paying tech gigs in this competitive market.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.



Thinkful's coding bootcamp, now known as Chegg Skills, is killing it in the Las Vegas tech scene with its fresh curriculum straight outta 2024. Peeps can get their hands dirty with some fire career-focused programs that cover all the dope skills like JavaScript, Python, React, and Node.js.

They've got full-time gigs where you grind for up to 60 hours a week, or part-time options for those ballers who wanna keep their day job while learning.

The price tag ain't cheap, with immersive courses costing between $7,500 and $16,900.

But Thinkful's got your back with a tuition refund policy if you need to defer payment. No ISA here. They're all about that student success, and their job placement rate of 83.8% within six months after graduation is straight fire.

And they've got 1-on-1 mentorship, career coaching, and a community to help you network and land that dream job.

Here's what sets Thinkful apart in Las Vegas: they've got that personalized learning experience on lock.

Alumni can't stop raving about the mentors and how they help you apply your skills to real-world situations. Just check out these dope reviews on Course Karma:

"The mentorship at Thinkful was paramount in my job market journey—an irreplaceable asset that kept me on track and industry-focused."

When you stack Thinkful up against other coding bootcamps in Las Vegas, their individualized approach and curriculum depth make them a force to be reckoned with.

With their fee structure, commitment to education empowerment, and track record of hooking peeps up with sweet tech careers, Thinkful is straight-up leading the pack in the Las Vegas coding education scene.

General Assembly


Have you heard about this General Assembly's coding bootcamp in Vegas? It's like, the bomb for anyone trying to get into the tech game.

They've got this Software Engineering Immersive program that'll turn you into a coding ninja in just 12 weeks. You'll be mastering programming languages like JavaScript and Python, and get your hands dirty with hot frameworks like React.js and Node.js.

Sure, it's gonna cost you $15,950, but trust me, it's worth every penny. 91.4% of the grads land jobs within 180 days of finishing the course.

And we're not talking small fries here. They've got alums working at tech giants like Google and Amazon.

The best part? This bootcamp isn't just about teaching you to code.

They've got a curriculum that covers everything from

  • Front-end web dev basics
  • Back-end programming and frameworks
  • Database management and deployment
  • Agile principles of software engineering
  • Insights into the product development lifecycle

With the tech scene in Vegas growing like 8.7% faster than the national average, you know they're preparing you for the real deal.

They even hook you up with career support services like resume building, interview coaching, and networking strategies. It's like having a personal hype squad to help you land that dream job.

Their mentors are industry vets who've been there, done that, and they'll inspire you to level up your game.

Coding Dojo


Have you heard about Coding Dojo? They're crushing it big time in Vegas with their coding bootcamp that'll prep you for the wild tech world out there.

In 2024, their Las Vegas campus is still killing it with their Full Stack Development program, covering Python, MERN, and Java stacks. This triple threat combo not only makes you a coding beast but also makes you a hot commodity for employers.

The program costs around $15,000, but you get access to career services, alumni connections, and all the dope resources you need.

Here's the real deal - 89% of their graduates land tech jobs within six months after finishing the bootcamp, and they're raking in an average starting salary of $72,000 annually.

Coding Dojo's got your back with their solid industry connections and personalized career support. Their alumni are:

  • "The support was fire, and the curriculum was stacked to help me slay coding challenges."Daniel Gonzalez, Coding Dojo Alumni
  • "Their career services went hard in the paint to help me land that job."Michael Wilson, Coding Dojo Graduate

Among the coding bootcamps in Vegas, Coding Dojo stands out with their diverse curriculum and top-notch post-grad support.

While some bootcamps might focus on one specific area, Coding Dojo's multi-disciplinary approach makes you a well-rounded coder that companies are fiending for.

Flatiron School


Flatiron School's coding bootcamp in Vegas is where it's at for anyone looking to get into tech. Their 2024 curriculum is tailored to what companies want. You'll get fully immersed in software engineering, learning the latest JavaScript and Ruby, front-end and back-end dev, APIs, databases, and building projects for your portfolio.

They've also added cybersecurity and data science tracks, so you can level up your skills in areas that are blowing up right now.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, software engineering roles are expected to grow by a massive 25% from 2021 to 2031.

  • Advanced Programming: Master JavaScript and Ruby programming.
  • Data Structures: Get down with data structures and algorithms.
  • Full Stack Development: Build skills in front-end and back-end development.
  • APIs: Manage APIs and level up your database game.
  • Cybersecurity: Gain next-level cybersecurity skills, complete with a project.
  • Data Science: Explore data analysis, machine learning, and build a data science project.
  • Portfolio Building: Work on projects to flex your learning in your portfolio.

The tuition cost is pretty competitive for Vegas, considering all the content you'll be learning.

While they don't offer an ISA, Flatiron has financing options to help you out. 94% of grads land jobs within six months of graduating! That's how you know their career-focused education is on point.

Alumni are raving about the personalized support, one-on-one coaching, and Flatiron's employer network.

As one satisfied grad put it,

"The road from learning to earning is well-paved at Flatiron. The emphasis on career services is a game-changer."

Students love how Flatiron balances theory and practical skills.

Compared to other Vegas bootcamps in 2024, Flatiron is outperforming with their industry-relevant curriculum, fair cost, and impressive job placement rates that set you up for success.



Let's talk about this dope Springboard coding bootcamp in Vegas. As we're stepping into 2024, these guys are killin' it with their cutting-edge programs tailored to the tech industry's ever-changing needs.

They're all about teaching you the essentials like full-stack web dev, data science, and UX/UI design.

  • Full-stack Web Development: Become a coding ninja, mastering both the front-end and back-end sides of the web.
  • Data Science with Python: Unlock the secrets of big data with your analytical skills and Python wizardry.
  • UX/UI Design: Design user experiences and interfaces that are downright lit and easy to navigate.

This bootcamp won't break the bank.

The full-time software engineering program is only around $14,000. You can pay upfront, split it into monthly installments, or go for an Income Share Agreement (ISA), where you only pay if you land a job earning at least $50,000 per year.

Talk about a sweet deal!

Springboard has a crazy 89% employment rate for their grads within six months after graduation. They've got your back with their Career Services program, offering one-on-one coaching, resume pimping, and a tuition refund guarantee if you don't land a job within six months of graduating.

Students are raving about the personalized mentoring that accelerates their learning and gives them the inside scoop on the industry. Check out these dope reviews on Reddit!

With their tailored approach and killer mentorship, Springboard is straight fire for anyone looking to level up their tech game in Vegas in 2024.

They'll hook you up with the technical skills and career guidance you need to crush it in the tech world.



Let's talk about this whole coding bootcamp sitch in Vegas. After crunching the numbers on the data, we've got some major keys for you to peep when it comes to the Top 10 Coding Bootcamps in Las Vegas for 2024.

If you're looking to level up your tech game in Sin City, you gotta keep an eye out for the real G's - relevant curriculum, solid job placement rates, dope student reviews, and a price tag that won't make you go broke.

Check it, these Vegas bootcamps are slaying the job market with an average 89.2% placement rate within six months of graduation. Talk about securing the bag!

It's no wonder! The student squad is giving these programs mad love with an average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Nucamp, in particular, is a real one with their flexible, part-time offerings like the Web Development and Full Stack Development programs.

Even if you're hustling hard, you can still get your tech grind on. Now, we've got some insider tips straight from the student grapevine and the homies at Course Report and Nucamp:

  1. Scope the Curriculum: Make sure the bootcamp is serving up industry-relevant skills that'll keep you fresh. Nucamp, for instance, updates their curriculum twice a year to stay on fleek.
  2. Consider the Flex: Look for programs that vibe with your schedule. Nucamp's got your back with a setup made for working hustlers, keeping that student-to-instructor ratio tight for personalized learning.
  3. Do the Math: Investigate the return on investment. With bootcamp costs in Vegas averaging around $4,500 to $5,000 for the major programs, you gotta make sure the juice is worth the squeeze.

As one student put it,

"Choosing the right bootcamp is as important as the effort you put into it. Scrutinize for quality, support, and outcomes."

Real talk.

Take these insights and compare them to your personal career goals. That's how you'll find the bootcamp that'll take you straight to the top. Use this guide as your compass as you navigate the lit coding bootcamp scene in Vegas and embark on a journey that'll transform your life in the tech world.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the main factors to consider when choosing a coding bootcamp in Las Vegas?

When choosing a coding bootcamp in Las Vegas, consider factors such as the curriculum's relevance to industry standards, job placement rates, student reviews, and the cost of the program.

What is the average job placement rate for coding bootcamps in Las Vegas in 2024?

The average job placement rate for coding bootcamps in Las Vegas in 2024 is approximately 89.2% within six months post-graduation.

What is the typical range of tuition fees for coding bootcamps in Las Vegas in 2024?

In 2024, tuition fees for coding bootcamps in Las Vegas typically range from $7,500 to $15,000, with variations based on the program and bootcamp provider.

Which coding bootcamps in Las Vegas have a job placement rate above 80% post-graduation?

Coding bootcamps such as Nucamp Coding Bootcamp, Ironhack, App Academy,, Thinkful, General Assembly, Coding Dojo, Flatiron School, and Springboard have job placement rates above 80% within six months post-graduation in Las Vegas.

How can students make an informed decision when choosing a coding bootcamp in Las Vegas?

Students can make an informed decision by carefully analyzing the curriculum, structure, placement statistics, and fees of coding bootcamps in Las Vegas to align with their career goals and financial considerations.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible