Las Vegas Cybersecurity Job Market: Trends and Growth Areas for 2024

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Las Vegas skyline, alluding to the city's cybersecurity job market

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The Las Vegas cybersecurity job market is booming, with job postings up 70% in the past two years. Salaries averaging over $90,000. Key sectors include online gaming, hospitality, and defense, with a projected 20% surge in cybersecurity positions in 2024. Certification in CISSP and CCSP are highly sought after.

Vegas is the place to be if you're into cybersecurity. With all the hotels and casinos out here, there's a massive demand for folks who can keep their networks locked down tight.

And it's not just the hospitality scene – the tech industry in Vegas is lit too.

Only 72% of cybersecurity jobs in the US are being filled right now. That's a crazy shortage! And in Vegas, companies are thirsty for network security specialists, cybersecurity analysts, network security engineers, and info sec managers.

The pay is fat too – most of these jobs are offering over $90K a year.

UNLV is stepping up to the plate by training the next gen of cyber warriors. And if you want to stay on top of the game, you gotta hit up events like Black Hat USA and the Network Security Conferences.

These shindigs are where the real cybersecurity ballers hang out and talk shop.

Vegas is quickly becoming the cyber capital of the world. Whether you're into protecting networks or hacking the planet, this city has got your back.

It's time to level up your cybersecurity game and get in on the action!

Table of Contents

  • The rising demand for cybersecurity in Las Vegas
  • Key trends for cybersecurity jobs in Las Vegas in 2024
  • Essential skills for a cybersecurity professional in Las Vegas
  • Outlook of Las Vegas cybersecurity job market beyond 2024
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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The rising demand for cybersecurity in Las Vegas


The cybersecurity game in Vegas is gaining significant importance! With all these cybersecurity conferences and threats on the rise, individuals are highly focused on securing systems.

A number of these conferences have generated excitement about advancing the field. By 2024, cybersecurity job openings have skyrocketed by a whopping 70% over the past two years, way more than the national average.

Here's what's driving this surge:

  • The entertainment and hospitality industries are going digital, so they need to secure their online assets.
  • There's been a massive 40% increase in tech startups focused on cybersecurity, making Vegas a hot spot for tech innovation.
  • Cybersecurity is contributing a massive $5.5 billion to the local economy, making it a major player in the game.

This growth isn't just a global trend; Vegas itself is investing over $600 million in tech, which means more need for cybersecurity experts to keep things secure.

If you're a cybersecurity pro in Vegas, you can expect your salary to rise by like 10% every year.

The leading figures in the industry, like the ones at the CISO Visions summit, are saying, "The demand for cybersecurity experts in Vegas has never been higher, thanks to all the cutting-edge tech and constantly changing threats." Network security, cyber threat intel, and incident handling are the hot areas right now, so you need to have excellent skills and be able to think on your feet.

Major companies like MGM Resorts have been hit hard by cyberattacks, proving that solid cybersecurity measures are crucial.

All these factors are making Vegas a national hub for cybersecurity expertise, and it's only going to keep growing into 2024 and beyond.

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Key trends for cybersecurity jobs in Las Vegas in 2024


The cybersecurity game in Vegas is about to blow up in 2024. This ain't no joke – with all the tech vibes and cyber threats going around, the demand for skilled cyber ninjas is skyrocketing.

Word on the street from SANS Las Vegas 2024 and CAI's 2024 cybersecurity trends report is that the cyber threats are getting real, and Vegas needs to step up its game.

We're talking about a potential 20% surge in cybersecurity jobs next year, which could even outpace the national average for tech gigs.

But it's not just the usual suspects like online gaming, hospitality, and defense that need cyber protection.

Healthcare with its digital records and telemedicine, finance with its fintech moves, and infrastructure projects involving IoT tech – they're all facing major cyber risks.

The CyberSeek Heat Map shows there's a serious gap between the demand for cybersecurity pros and the supply in the area.

Time to cash in on that opportunity!

But don't forget, you gotta stay sharp with certifications and skills development, especially for roles like cybersecurity analysts and compliance officers.

Vegas is all about public-private partnerships these days, creating dope opportunities to collab and shape the city's economic and tech future. So, get ready to level up and be part of the cybersecurity revolution in Sin City!

Essential skills for a cybersecurity professional in Las Vegas


The cybersecurity game in Vegas is getting real crazy. According to the data, there's a huge demand for cybersecurity pros in this city, and the supply ain't keeping up.

That means if you got the skills, you're gonna be hot property.

So what kind of skills are we talking about? For starters, you gotta be a cloud security expert.

We're talking about being a pro at Cloud Penetration Testing and knowing all about AI-driven security protocols.

That's the kind of cutting-edge stuff that'll make you stand out.

But that's not all. You also need to be a blockchain tech whiz and understand quantum-resistant encryption methods.

That's some seriously advanced stuff, but it's what employers are looking for. They want people who are ready for the future.

Of course, certifications like Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) are still hot commodities.

These show that you're serious about your career and that you meet industry standards.

But it's not just about the technical skills. Employers also want people with strong soft skills.

We're talking about being able to think analytically, communicate effectively, and work well in a team. That's what separates the real pros from the amateurs.

And let's not forget about the FBI. They're looking for people who can pass their comprehensive background checks and explain security concepts in a way that even your grandma can understand.

So there you have it.

If you want to make it big in the cybersecurity scene in Vegas, you gotta have:

  • Cloud Penetration Testing and AI-driven security protocol skills: That's what's gonna make you a true cloud security badass.
  • Blockchain tech and quantum-resistant encryption knowledge: Stay ahead of the game with this futuristic stuff.
  • CISSP and CCSP certifications: Prove you're a pro with these industry-recognized credentials.
  • Regulatory compliance insight: Gotta know the rules to play the game.
  • Analytical thinking, communication, and teamwork skills: Don't just be a tech geek, be a team player too.

Get these skills under your belt, and you'll be ruling the cybersecurity world in Vegas in no time.

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Outlook of Las Vegas cybersecurity job market beyond 2024


What's up? The cybersecurity job scene in Vegas post-2024 is gonna be lit AF! We're not just talking promising, but straight-up booming with opportunities, like a boss.

Expert reports say cybersecurity jobs nationwide are expected to grow by a whopping 33% from 2020 to 2030, outpacing pretty much every other job out there.

That's some next-level growth!

With cutting-edge tech like post-quantum cryptography and AI threat detection on the rise, Vegas is gonna be a hotspot for jobs in areas like cloud security, data privacy, and threat intelligence.

So, if you're into that kinda stuff, you might wanna keep an eye out for gigs like:

  • Cybersecurity Analysts: Protecting company networks and systems, ya know, the digital bouncers.
  • Security Architects: Designing secure network solutions, like the architects of the digital world.
  • Incident Responders: Jumping into action when sh*t hits the fan, like digital firefighters.
  • Compliance Officers: Making sure everything's legit and by the book, the digital hall monitors.

Vegas's tech scene is blowing up thanks to state incentives and corporate investments, which means the cybersecurity job market is gonna be poppin' for the long haul.

Online gaming and hospitality, which are like the bread and butter of Vegas, are in serious need of top-notch cybersecurity, so there's gonna be mad specialized opportunities in those areas.

Reports even show a surge in tech businesses by over 20% since 2019, so you know the demand is real. Even the White House is on board, with plans to fill over 6,000 cyber jobs in Nevada alone.

So, if you're a tech whiz with skills in AI or IoT, you could be at the forefront of the digital security revolution, solving problems like a boss.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the current trend in the Las Vegas cybersecurity job market?

The Las Vegas cybersecurity job market is booming, with job postings up 70% in the past two years, salaries averaging over $90,000, and key sectors including online gaming, hospitality, and defense. There is a projected 20% surge in cybersecurity positions in 2024.

What are the key sectors for cybersecurity jobs in Las Vegas in 2024?

The key sectors for cybersecurity jobs in Las Vegas in 2024 include online gaming, hospitality, and defense. The region expects to see a surge of up to 20% in cybersecurity positions in 2024, potentially outpacing the national average for tech jobs.

What are the essential skills required for a cybersecurity professional in Las Vegas?

Some essential skills required for a cybersecurity professional in Las Vegas include technical proficiencies in cloud security, AI-driven security protocols, blockchain technology, and quantum-resistant encryption. Certifications such as CISSP and CCSP are highly sought after, and soft skills like analytical thinking, effective communication, and teamwork abilities are also crucial.

What is the outlook for the Las Vegas cybersecurity job market beyond 2024?

The outlook for the Las Vegas cybersecurity job market beyond 2024 is promising, with opportunities for growth in roles such as Cybersecurity Analysts, Security Architects, Incident Responders, and Compliance Officers. The field is expected to expand in areas like cloud security, data privacy, and threat intelligence, indicating a sustainable growth trajectory for cybersecurity employment in Las Vegas.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible