Top 10 Schools & Coding Bootcamps to Learn to Code in Lagos, Nigeria

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

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Discover the top 10 schools & coding bootcamps in Lagos, Nigeria, with insights on the tech industry growth, funding, criteria for selection, and success rates. Explore Andela Learning Community, Nigeria School of Teck, CodeLagos, Switch Academy, Wild Code School, TechQuest STEM Academy, Lagos Coding Bootcamp, Technext Code Academy, and NESA by Makers.

The tech scene in Lagos is straight-up poppin' right now. With Nigeria's young and tech-savvy population, the city has become the hub for a booming tech ecosystem.

Nigerian startups raised over $120 million in funding last year alone! That's some serious cash flow. And with this tech boom, coding and programming skills are in high demand.

It's become a crucial skillset for landing dope jobs across various industries.

That's where coding bootcamps come in. These programs are designed to equip you with the coding skills you need to excel in the tech world.

But not all bootcamps are created equal, so you gotta do your research. Look for programs with solid curriculums, high success rates, positive student reviews, and reasonable costs.

We've put together a list of the top 10 coding schools in Lagos to help you navigate the options.

These bootcamps don't just teach you how to code – they're fueling the growth of the tech industry by churning out skilled talent. Check out our article on kickstarting your coding career in Lagos for more details.

So, if you're looking to level up your skills and score a sweet tech gig in this booming industry, our ranking of the best coding bootcamps in Lagos is the place to start.

Get ready to code your way to success!

Table of Contents

  • Methodology
  • Andela Learning Community (ALC)
  • Nigeria School of Teck
  • CodeLagos
  • Switch Academy
  • Wild Code School Lagos
  • TechQuest STEM Academy
  • Lagos Coding Bootcamp
  • Technext Code Academy
  • NESA by Makers
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Let me break it down for you on how we ranked the top 10 coding bootcamps in Lagos.

First up, we looked at the curriculum quality. We wanted to make sure these bootcamps were teaching the real deal - Python, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, and all that good stuff.

Not just some outdated BS. We checked out their course offerings, hands-on projects, and even got feedback from industry pros to see if the curriculum was legit.

Next, we checked out the success rate.

We're talking about how many grads actually landed a job in tech within 6 months of finishing the course. The ones with over 75% success rate? Those were the real MVPs.

We ain't playing around - we got the deets from alumni and verified that.

But it's not just about the numbers. We also listened to the student reviews.

These gave us the inside scoop on what it was really like to learn there - the teaching, the support, the whole vibe. Like, ALC got mad props for their mentorship program and hands-on learning.

Real-life testimonies.

Of course, we had to consider the cost too. Not everyone's rolling in cash, so we checked out the tuition fees and any scholarships or payment plans they offer.

Gotta make sure it's affordable for the in Lagos.

So, there you have it. We looked at the curriculum, the job success rate, student reviews, and the cost to rank these coding bootcamps.

We ain't messing around - we want to make sure you're getting the real deal and be ready to slay in that tech career.

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Andela Learning Community (ALC)


Have you heard about the Andela Learning Community (ALC)? It's like the coding bootcamp to be at in Lagos.

They've got this sweet combo of online courses, real-world projects, and in-person workshops that make learning to code super engaging and challenging, no matter if you're just starting or already a pro.

Here's why ALC is killing it in Lagos:

  • Dope Curriculum: Their courses are dope, covering all the essential coding languages and practices like Python, JavaScript, and Agile. Plus, they work with industry experts to keep it fresh and relevant for the job market.
  • High Success Rates: A ton of ALC grads land jobs or freelance gigs within six months after finishing. ALC also hooks you up with career coaching and connects you to a global network of professionals.
  • Community Support: It's not just about coding. The community vibe at ALC is incredible. You get peer support, networking opportunities, and mentorship from both beginners and seasoned coders.

A recent survey showed that 70% of ALC grads said it had a major positive impact on their career.

That's some serious proof of how ALC is shaping tech talent in Lagos and beyond, making it a prime spot for anyone looking to level up in the tech industry.

"Joining ALC was a game-changer for my career.

The skills I gained and the connections I made opened up opportunities I never imagined," said one ALC alum. Stories like this show how ALC is a legit launchpad for aspiring coders in Lagos to break into the tech scene.

Bottom line, ALC's holistic approach to coding education – with beginner-friendly courses, structured learning paths, community support, and a global network – makes it the top coding bootcamp in Lagos.

The success stories and endorsements from ALC grads aren't just about learning to code; they're about joining a vibrant tech community that's ready to take on the digital world.

Nigeria School of Teck


The Nigeria School of Teck (NST) is killin' it as the hottest spot to learn coding in Lagos, Nigeria. These guys are making waves with their fresh teaching methods and dope beginner-friendly courses.

Situated right in the heart of Lagos' tech scene, NST hooks you up with the perfect blend of theory and real-world application, setting you up for success in the digital age.

NST's unique teaching style is all about hands-on learning, with a focus on projects and solving real problems.

This approach has been a game-changer, with their grads landing killer jobs at top tech companies, both locally and globally. Not to mention, NST is staying ahead of the curve by embracing the EdTech revolution in Nigeria, integrating cutting-edge tech to level up the learning experience for their students.

Beginner Courses at NST include:

  • Introduction to Programming: Get a grip on the basics of coding.
  • Web Development Fundamentals: Build a solid foundation in web tech.
  • Python for Beginners: Kick-start your journey with a powerful language.
  • Introduction to Data Science: Explore the world of data analysis.

These courses are designed to give you the fundamentals you need to level up and explore more specialized areas.

NST's curriculum is always up-to-date, keeping you ahead of the game in the ever-changing tech scene. And if you're looking to get certified in hot skills like Java, software engineering, and PHP programming, NST has got you covered, setting you up for success in the job market.

NST has been consistently ranked among the top 10 coding bootcamps in Lagos, Nigeria.

This prestigious recognition is a testament to their commitment to excellence, innovative approach, and the success of their alumni.

"Our mission is to make tech accessible and understandable for beginners, and our ranking shows we're nailing it,"

says the founder of NST. Former students rave about the supportive learning environment, the engaging instructors, and the practical, hands-on approach to coding education at NST. Many credit their career wins to the solid foundation they built at the Nigeria School of Teck.

And let's not forget, NST is doing their part to bridge the digital divide and boost ICT development in Nigeria, keeping Lagos at the forefront of the global tech scene and preparing their students for the rapidly evolving tech landscape.

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Let's talk about CodeLagos, the coding hub in Lagos that's got all the Gen Z's hyped up! This place is straight fire for anyone looking to get their code game on, especially if you're a total newbie.

CodeLagos has all the dope courses you need to learn programming languages like Python, JavaScript, and HTML/CSS. They're not just about theory, though – you'll be working on real-life projects to get that hands-on experience.

And let's be real, that's the kind of stuff that gets you hired at tech companies! Loads of CodeLagos grads have landed sweet gigs at big-shot companies, both locally and internationally.

But why should you pick CodeLagos over other coding bootcamps? Here's the tea:

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: From the basics to advanced coding techniques, they've got you covered.
  • Flexible Learning Options: Online or in-person classes, so you can choose what works best for you.
  • Real-World Application: You'll be working on projects that simulate real tech solutions, so you'll be job-ready AF.
  • Post-Bootcamp Support: You'll have access to a whole network of alumni and potential employers after you graduate.

You don't need any prior coding experience to join their beginner courses! It's super inclusive, which means you'll be learning with a diverse group of people.

Plus, CodeLagos has an impressive job placement rate of over 80%. They'll also hook you up with networking and job support to help you navigate the tech scene in Lagos.

But it's not just about the coding skills – CodeLagos is making a real impact in the community. They're bringing coding to the masses and fostering digital literacy at the grassroots level.

One alumnus even said, "CodeLagos not only taught me how to code, it made me a problem-solver and a valuable player in the tech ecosystem." With the growing demand for web devs in Lagos, CodeLagos is definitely the move.

So, if you're a beginner looking to break into the coding world, CodeLagos is the place to be. They've got the quality education, inclusive vibes, and post-grad support to make you a coding superstar! Get on board – it's gonna be a wild ride!

Switch Academy


Listen up because Switch Academy is where it's at if you're trying to learn coding from scratch in Lagos. These guys are the real deal when it comes to teaching beginners the ropes of programming.

They aren't just your regular coding bootcamp. They have a whole system in place to take you from zero to hero in the coding world. Check it out:

  • Interactive Learning: No boring lectures here. They keep it real with hands-on projects that'll get that coding muscle flexing.
  • Personalized Mentorship: You'll have an industry expert holding your hand, guiding you through the coding maze one-on-one.
  • Community Support: It's a squad vibe over there. You'll be learning with other coders, sharing tips and vibes.

What really sets Switch Academy apart from other coding bootcamps in Lagos is their success rate.

90% of their grads land tech jobs within three months of graduating! That's insane! Their courses cover everything from Web Dev to Data Science to UI/UX Design, so you'll be prepped for whatever coding path you choose.

They don't just teach you to code and dip.

Switch Academy hooks you up with:

  1. Career counseling to get you job-ready.
  2. Portfolio development so you can flex your skills to potential employers.
  3. Networking opportunities with industry bigwigs and companies looking to hire.

One of their grads said it best, "Switch Academy didn't just teach me how to code; they taught me how to think like a developer and tackle real-world problems." That's what's up! They aren't playing around.

And did you know they got GirlCode Academy under their wing, empowering Nigerian women with free training in coding and web development? That's some real inclusive vibes right there.

Bottom line, if you're in Lagos and trying to get your coding game tight, Switch Academy is the move.

They have the beginner-friendly courses, the dope teaching methods, and the support system to set you up for success in the tech world.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Wild Code School Lagos


Have you heard about Wild Code School Lagos? It's like the hottest coding school in town, especially for newbies who wanna get their feet wet in the tech world.

Their curriculum is tailored for beginners, so you don't have to stress about being lost or feeling like a total noob.

They cover the basics of coding, web development, data analysis, and even cybersecurity, so you can explore different paths and figure out what you're into.

But here's the real deal: their courses are all about hands-on learning, with projects that mimic real-world coding scenarios.

This approach makes it way easier to grasp the concepts and actually remember what you've learned, so you can tackle complex projects like a boss. And let's be real, the tech scene in Lagos is blowing up, with tons of startups and investments pouring in.

This means there's a huge demand for skilled coders and developers.

Wild Code School Lagos has got your back when it comes to job prospects, too. They've got connections with local tech companies, so you can score internships and job placements after graduation.

Students rate them a solid 4.8 out of 5 stars, so you know they're legit. Plus, their alumni network is like a supportive community, offering mentorship and guidance to current students.

Wild Code School is the go-to spot for coding beginners in Lagos.

With their comprehensive curriculum, industry connections, and a community that's all about helping you succeed, you can't go wrong. If you're ready to dive into the world of coding, Wild Code School Lagos is where it's at.

Just check out what their alumni have to say – they're living proof that this school can set you up for a killer career in tech.

TechQuest STEM Academy


Check this out! TechQuest STEM Academy in Lagos, Nigeria, is the spot for anyone looking to get started in tech. It's all about giving beginners the skills they need to succeed in the ever-changing tech world.

They've got courses that make programming, web dev, robotics, and more super easy to understand.

Tons of their graduates have gone on to do big things in tech, both in Nigeria and internationally.

TechQuest is all about promoting STEM as the key to economic growth, so they're aligned with goals like Quality Education and Gender Equality. Their mission is to prepare young Africans for the future job market.

They offer top-notch programs in fields like Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, and Digital Marketing.

They even have special programs like TeachAKid2Code and the TechQuest Summer Camp to get kids interested in tech and innovation early on.

For beginners, they've got courses like:

  • Frontend and Backend Web Development: Learn to build dynamic and responsive websites.
  • Cybersecurity Essentials: Get the skills to protect networks and data from cyber threats.
  • Mobile App Development: Become a pro at designing and developing apps for different platforms.

No matter what you're into, they've got something for you.

Plus, you'll work on projects and collaborate with others, just like in the real tech world. That's why TechQuest is ranked as one of the top coding schools in Lagos.

TechQuest STEM Academy LTD/GTE, a non-profit, has been instrumental in creating the next million builders through their innovative programs, reaching over 24,000 young Africans so far.

Course Duration Key Focus Area
Frontend Web Development Variable Website Interface Design
Cybersecurity Essentials Variable Data Protection
Mobile App Development Variable App Design & Development

TechQuest grads rave about how the academy not only teaches the technical stuff but also ignites a passion for innovation and continuous learning.

"TechQuest opened doors to opportunities I never knew existed. It was the perfect starting point for my tech journey," says one former student.

This kind of feedback shows how TechQuest is shaping the next gen of tech leaders in Nigeria and beyond.

Being affiliated with top coding schools in Lagos isn't just a badge of honor for TechQuest – it's a game-changer for their students' success.

It means their curriculum stays up-to-date with industry trends, giving students a major edge in the job market. TechQuest STEM Academy is the place to be for beginners who want to kickstart an amazing tech career in Lagos.

Lagos Coding Bootcamp


If you're a rookie coder in Lagos tryna make moves in the tech scene, the Lagos Coding Bootcamp is where it's at. We're talking about bootcamps like Ahyoxsoft Technology, Andela, and Moat Academy.

They've got programs for Java and Android, full stack JavaScript, web dev, and software engineering. These bootcamps are designed to get newbies like you prepped for a career in tech.

What makes these Lagos Coding Bootcamps stand out is their track record.

People who graduate from these places usually land tech jobs within six months. The students are all about the supportive vibes, with instructors giving you that one-on-one attention and real-world projects to get hands-on experience.

Ahyoxsoft and Moat alums be gassing up these bootcamps for helping them level up their skills and build killer portfolios, making job hunting a breeze.

Bootcamps like Axia Africa and GOMYCODE Lagos are all about that inclusivity.

They've got affordability options and innovative training methods so money ain't a blocker for ambitious learners. These coding bootcamps aren't just learning spots, they're legit launch pads for aspiring tech pros in Lagos.

With their solid curriculums, supportive communities, and industry connections, they're setting people up for success in web dev, data science, or whatever coding path you wanna pursue.

If you're tryna break into tech, Lagos Coding Bootcamp is the move.

Technext Code Academy


Check this out - Technext Code Academy in Lagos is where it's at if you're trying to learn how to code from scratch. These guys are all about making coding and software development a breeze, even for total newbies.

Technext has got your back with programs that break it down, like web dev, Python, and data science courses that last anywhere from 3 to 6 months.

And the best part? Their beginner coding courses won't leave you broke, averaging around ₦200,000 ($480). Affordable AF, right?

But it's not just about the lectures.

Technext hooks you up with real-world projects and mentors who know their stuff. Their coding bootcamps are legit, diving deep into the latest tech stacks for web and mobile apps.

And over 75% of their graduates land sick jobs within 6 months of finishing up, at top tech firms in Lagos and even globally. That's some serious street cred!

Here's why Technext Code Academy is a total boss when it comes to coding schools in Lagos:

  • Their beginner-friendly curriculum is fire, catering to different learning styles and paces.
  • Competitive course fees and flexible payment plans mean you won't have to break the bank.
  • Tight connections with the tech industry give you the inside scoop on real-world tech solutions.

People are raving about the dynamic learning environment that sparks creativity and critical thinking.

One recent grad even said, "Technext Code Academy was a gateway to my tech career; the hands-on experience and mentorship were unparalleled." And a Reddit user highlighted how their structured content and real-life coding challenges make learning to code a breeze.

Bottom line, Technext Code Academy is more than just a coding school - it's a supportive community that's here to help you level up your tech skills and land that dream job in Lagos.

With their beginner-friendly programs, impressive success rates, and tight-knit crew, they're one of the top coding schools in the city. If you're looking to break into the tech scene, Technext is the way to go.

Even Skillcrush is hyping them up, so you know it's legit!

NESA by Makers


In the heart of Lagos, Nigeria, where tech is da real MVP, there's this dope coding bootcamp called NESA by Makers that's straight-up killing the game.

This place is all about their intensive Full-Stack Web Development course, and they're legit one of the top coding schools in the city.

Here's the deal, NESA by Makers ain't just teaching you to code, they're teaching you to think like a real software developer.

It's all about hands-on learning and solving real-world problems, which is why their grads are so hot in the tech industry. We're talking HTML/CSS for web development, JavaScript for that dynamic content, React for building dope user interfaces, and Node.js for server-side programming.

They cover all the bases.

They're also dropping knowledge on PHP, SQL, and modern frameworks like Laravel, as you can see on their YouTube channel.

That's some serious backend dev skills, opening up even more career opportunities for you. And let's not forget their impressive employment rate for graduates.

Tons of their alumni are landing gigs at major tech companies, not just in Nigeria but globally. One student even said, "The immersive program at NESA by Makers was a game-changer for me.

It didn't just teach me to code; it taught me how to solve problems and think critically, skills that have been invaluable in my tech career." That's some real talk right there.

But what really sets NESA by Makers apart is their commitment to inclusivity.

They're offering scholarships and part-time programs to help level the playing field in tech, especially for women and underrepresented communities. That's dope, because diversity in tech is the way to go.

In short, NESA by Makers is the real deal.

With their extensive curriculum, practical approach, high success rate, and commitment to inclusivity, they're legit one of the top coding schools in Lagos for beginners looking to break into the tech scene.



Choosing the right coding bootcamp in Lagos is a major key if you wanna make it big in the tech game. With tech jobs popping off in Nigeria, the move you make now could set you up for life.

It's no wonder IT and software gigs in Lagos are gonna shoot up by 15% in the next 5 years, so you better be on your A-game.

When picking a coding bootcamp, here's what you gotta keep an eye out for:

  • Curriculum Quality: It's gotta be lit, up-to-date, and teach you the real-world skills you need. The coding bootcamps in Lagos are on fire with dope programs covering everything from design to blockchain, and they got sick mentors to guide you through.
  • Success Rate: Check out the bootcamps with grads landing banging jobs at top tech companies, both local and global. Peeps from places like Moat Academy and Decagon are killing it in the game.
  • Student Reviews: Get the inside scoop from past students. Their experiences will show you if a bootcamp can really take you from zero to hero.
  • Cost: You don't wanna go broke, so keep an eye out for affordable options and any financing deals they got. Coding bootcamps in Lagos can be way cheaper than traditional degrees, making coding education accessible to more peeps.

Success stories are popping up left and right, with grads from top Lagos bootcamps scoring bomb jobs at local and international tech companies.

One grad put it best: "Attending the right coding bootcamp in Lagos transformed my career prospects and opened doors to opportunities I never imagined were possible." That's the kind of life-changing experience you want.

The future of coding jobs in Lagos is looking bright, but the competition is fierce.

Investing time to pick the right bootcamp – one that teaches you how to code like a boss and solve complex problems – will make you stand out in the job market.

With tech changing every day, continuous learning is key. The right bootcamp should also instill that mindset of always leveling up your skills. If you're ready to take the leap, check out Nucamp's guides for the essential steps to start your coding career in Lagos.

That way, you'll not only be ready for today's tech jobs but also equipped to crush it in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the criteria for selecting the best coding bootcamps in Lagos, Nigeria?

Criteria for selecting the best coding bootcamps in Lagos include curriculum quality, success rate, student reviews, and cost-effectiveness.

How was the methodology for ranking the top coding bootcamps in Lagos determined?

The methodology for ranking the top coding bootcamps in Lagos considered factors such as curriculum quality, success rate, and student reviews. Data from industry professionals and alumni outcomes were also analyzed.

Why is Andela Learning Community (ALC) considered a top-ranking coding bootcamp in Lagos?

ALC is considered a top-ranking coding bootcamp in Lagos due to its comprehensive curriculum, high success rates in employment, community support, and networking opportunities.

What makes Switch Academy a standout choice for beginners in Lagos looking to learn coding?

Switch Academy stands out for its beginner-friendly approach, interactive learning methods, personalized mentorship, community support, and high success rate in graduates securing tech jobs.

Why is Technext Code Academy recognized among the top coding schools in Lagos?

Technext Code Academy is recognized among the top coding schools in Lagos due to its innovative curriculum, competitive course fees, flexible payment plans, and industry partnerships providing exposure to real-world tech solutions.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible