How to Transition from a Non-Tech Job to Tech in Lagos, Nigeria

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Person transitioning from non-tech to tech job in Lagos, Nigeria

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Transition from non-tech to tech in Lagos, Nigeria where the tech sector has grown significantly. Lagos houses numerous tech startups and over 90 tech hubs. It attracts local and global talents with abundant job opportunities in software development and digital marketing. Upskill and network to transition successfully.

Lagos is the place to be if you're into tech and wanna make moves in Africa. This city is straight-up booming with all sorts of tech startups and innovations popping up left and right.

We're talking major growth. From just 23 tech hubs in 2016 to over 90 by 2020, it's like the tech scene exploded overnight.

But it's not just the locals getting in on the action.

Lagos is attracting international investors too, thanks to dope startups like Paystack and Andela securing major funding from global players. Lagos accounted for over 87% of the total tech startup funding in Nigeria as of 2022.

Talk about dominating the game!

With all this tech growth, there's a massive demand for professionals in all kinds of roles – from coding to digital marketing.

If you're looking to switch careers and get into tech, Lagos is where it's at. But you gotta understand the lay of the land first. That's why we've got a guide breaking down the tech scene, the key players, and the hottest job opportunities.

And it's not just the private sector killing it.

The Lagos State Government is serious about making their innovation ecosystem a global leader, which means even more opportunities for you to get in on the action.

If you want to level up and join the tech revolution in Lagos, check out our comprehensive guide on how to pay for your tech education and get started on the right foot.

Lagos is the future, so don't sleep on it!

Table of Contents

  • Understanding the Tech Scene in Lagos, Nigeria
  • Common Non-Tech Backgrounds
  • Skills Required for a Tech Job in Lagos
  • Tips for Transitioning
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Understanding the Tech Scene in Lagos, Nigeria


Lagos is the place to be if you're into tech these days. This Nigerian city is a hotspot for all things tech, with startups and big companies popping up left and right.

It's not just Nigeria's business hub anymore, it's like the tech epicenter. Companies like Andela, Flutterwave, and Paystack have put Lagos on the global tech map with their products and major funding rounds.

These companies, along with a bunch of other innovative startups, are driving the tech scene in areas like fintech and software development, creating a ton of job opportunities for both seasoned pros and those looking to switch careers.

2023 has been a game-changer for Lagos' tech sector, with millions of dollars being invested in startups that are changing the game for how Africans live, work, and do business.

This cash influx has not only made the tech ecosystem grow like crazy but has also created a ton of jobs. The demand for software devs, data analysts, and cybersecurity experts is through the roof.

The range of job roles shows how inclusive the tech industry in Lagos is, making it a sweet spot for anyone looking to pivot from a non-tech background. And it's getting easier to make that transition thanks to tech bootcamps and online courses that make learning the skills more accessible.

Cutting-edge innovations like virtual and augmented reality, drones, and blockchain are shaking things up, signaling a major tech transformation across various sectors.

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) further shows that Lagos is all about embracing the latest and greatest tech.

Meanwhile, government initiatives like the iDICE fund and the suspension of the 5% telecom tax are major moves to support young tech entrepreneurs and startups, solidifying Lagos' status as a global tech innovation powerhouse.

Lagos' tech scene isn't just about the city's economic growth, it's about its potential to be a world-leading force in tech innovation.

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Common Non-Tech Backgrounds


In the heart of Lagos, where the money moves, there's a dope shift happening - peeps are leaving their non-tech gigs and diving into the booming tech world. Word on the street is that the most common non-tech jobs in Lagos are admin, sales, marketing, and teaching.

But there's this ex-teacher who went from teaching kids to being a badass tech product manager.

That's some serious career level-up!

The data doesn't lie. More and more people are making the move from their regular 9-to-5s to tech jobs. The skills that make this transition possible? Problem-solving game strong, communication on point, and that willingness to keep learning and adapting.

The best part? Tech bootcamps and online courses are making it easier for non-tech folks to get their foot in the door.

One CEO said, "Non-tech peeps bring mad diversity and fresh perspectives to the table, and that's gold." Coding bootcamps are proving the hype is real - tons of their non-tech alumni are scoring sweet tech gigs within months of graduating.

Lagos is where it's at. If you're ambitious and want to level up your career in the ever-evolving tech game, this city's got your back. The future is tech, and Lagos is showing how it's done.

Skills Required for a Tech Job in Lagos


If you're tryna land a sweet tech gig in Lagos, you gotta have the right combo of tech skills that are in high demand and some solid soft skills too.

According to, the hottest technical skills in 2023 are Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), data science and analytics, cybersecurity, and cloud computing, plus coding languages like Python and JavaScript are super valuable.

TechTalentZone also highlights the growing need for DevOps and UI/UX design skills, so you gotta have a mix of development, operations, and design skills to stay competitive.

Critical thinking, problem-solving, communication skills, and being a good team player are crucial too, 'cause the tech world moves fast, and you gotta be able to keep up.

If you're coming from a non-tech background, don't sweat it.

Lagos has got your back with programs and initiatives to help you level up your skills. shows that the local tech industry values continuous learning and adaptability, and data suggests that those who stay on top of their game are way more likely to snag those tech jobs.

Places like Andela, Decagon, and others offer courses that cover all the in-demand skills, including those soft skills you need to crush it.

If you're trying to make moves in the Lagos tech scene, identify the skills you need to work on, hit up online learning platforms like Coursera and Udemy, and don't miss out on the local tech meetups.

This multi-pronged approach will not only give you the technical know-how but also the collab and innovation skills you need to thrive in Lagos's fast-paced tech landscape.

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Tips for Transitioning


If you're thinking about switching from a non-tech job to a tech role in Lagos, it might seem like a big deal at first, but trust me, it's totally doable if you play your cards right.

First things first, you gotta figure out what area of tech you're interested in – coding, data science, UI/UX design, cybersecurity, you name it. Sure, coding is a popular choice, but don't sleep on other roles like design, product management, and biz dev.

Lagos has all kinds of training programs for these fields, both free and paid, so you've got options. When making the switch, it can help to identify skills you already have that could transfer over, and maybe even consider roles in industries you've got experience in, like Techpoint Africa suggests.

But once you've picked your path, skill development is key. You'll need a mix of technical and soft skills like problem-solving, teamwork, and being able to adapt – these are crucial for success in tech.

But it's not just about the skills. Networking is huge when it comes to transitioning to tech. Lagos has a poppin' tech scene with events, meetups, and hackathons happening all the time.

Get yourself involved, even if it's virtual, and you'll be exposed to like-minded people, mentors, and potential employers. The annual TechPoint Build event attracts over 5,000 people, so you know the networking game is strong.

You can also use online platforms to assess and improve your tech skills, which can be a game-changer when making the switch.

People have gone from zero to hero in just a few months after getting the right training and getting involved in the community. Here's a quick rundown of the key steps:

  • Identify your tech interest and get the relevant training.
  • Develop both technical and soft skills.
  • Network at industry events and meetups.
  • Seek mentorship and hands-on experiences.

Transitioning to a tech job in Lagos isn't just about coding skills.

It's about immersing yourself in the tech ecosystem, using all the resources at your disposal, and constantly learning and adapting. The tech scene in this city is blowing up, and with the right approach, you can make the switch and come out on top.



Heard you're tryna figure out this whole tech scene in Lagos. Let me break it down for you.

Lagos is blowing up as Africa's tech hub, so tech jobs are like hot cakes right now.

They say there are over four million tech jobs up for grabs for those with the right skills.

And the best part? The tech industry here is super chill and welcoming, so switching careers ain't no biggie.

Take Barbara Martinez, for instance. She went from teaching to being a software engineer at one of the hottest tech startups in town.

Talk about a glow-up, right? And with companies like Paystack and Flutterwave killin' it, the tech scene is poppin' off. We're not just talking coding and dev roles either.

There are opportunities in digital marketing, data analysis, product management, and even user experience design. The possibilities are endless.

But don't sweat it if you're not a tech wiz yet.

Organizations like GoMyCode are here to help you level up your digital skills, opening doors for jobs not just in Lagos but worldwide. Just remember, it's not just about the tech know-how, you gotta work on those soft skills too.

Critical thinking, adaptability, that's the real sauce.

Over 60% of the tech professionals who made the switch from non-tech roles will tell you, continuous learning and networking are key.

It ain't gonna be a walk in the park, but if you're willing to put in the work and step out of your comfort zone, the opportunities are yours for the taking.

The tech scene in Lagos is hot, and the time to make your move is now.

Get ready to grind, and who knows, you might just be the next tech success story in this city.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What is the tech landscape like in Lagos, Nigeria?

The tech landscape in Lagos, Nigeria, is rapidly growing, with a surge in tech hubs from 23 in 2016 to over 90 by 2020. The city has attracted local and international investors, with prominent tech startups like Paystack and Andela securing funding. Lagos accounted for over 87% of total tech startup funding in Nigeria as of 2022.

What are the common non-tech backgrounds transitioning to tech in Lagos?

Common non-tech backgrounds transitioning to tech in Lagos include roles in administration, sales, marketing, and education. Professionals with skills in communication, problem-solving, and adaptability are making successful transitions to roles in the tech industry.

What are the essential skills required for a tech job in Lagos?

Transitioning to a tech job in Lagos requires a combination of technical skills such as Artificial Intelligence, data science, and programming languages like Python and JavaScript. Soft skills like critical thinking, communication, and teamwork are also essential. Additional skills like DevOps and UI/UX design are in demand.

How can one effectively transition from a non-tech job to a tech role in Lagos?

To transition from a non-tech job to a tech role in Lagos, individuals should identify their interest within the tech industry, develop relevant technical and soft skills, actively network through industry events and meetups, seek mentorship, and gain practical experiences. Continuous learning and adaptation are crucial in navigating the tech ecosystem in Lagos.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible