Top 5 Top Nairobi, Kenya Tech Companies Hiring Developers Now

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Top 5 Nairobi, Kenya Tech Companies Hiring Developers

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Nairobi's tech scene is booming with 97% of Kenya's startups. The city offers job opportunities in fintech and agtech. Companies like M-KOPA are hiring developers. Nairobi's tech ecosystem is on the rise with a 52% funding increase. Join a coding bootcamp to seize these tech job opportunities.

Nairobi's tech scene is straight fire! Dubbed the "Silicon Savannah," it's quickly becoming the place to be for all things tech and entrepreneurship in Africa.

With 97% of Kenya's tech startups calling Nairobi home, and an ecosystem valued at a whopping $7 billion, it's a goldmine for anyone looking to get into the tech game.

Fintech and agtech are where it's at, with companies like M-KOPA leading the charge. These startups are growing like wildfire, attracting investors left and right.

If you're just starting out in tech, Nairobi has got your back. Initiatives like the Nairobi International Financial Centre and Konza Technopolis are all about fostering innovation and creating dope job opportunities.

The Association of Startup and SME Enablers of Kenya (ASSEK) just launched, showing they're serious about supporting startups. With the ILO highlighting the importance of digital skills for job creation, Nairobi is the place to be if you're skilled in software development, cybersecurity, or data analysis.

The whole country is going digital, with major investments in mobile and digital infrastructure.

This has led to a 52% increase in funding for startups between 2020 and 2021.

If you want to get in on the action, coding bootcamps like Nucamp are the way to go.

They'll hook you up with the skills you need, plus internships and connections within Nairobi's tech community. Nairobi's tech scene is where it's at, and this article is your guide to making it big.

Table of Contents

  • Top 5 Nairobi Tech Companies Overview
  • Company 1: A Leader in Mobile Technology
  • Company 2: Revolutionizing Financial Services in Nairobi
  • Company 3: The Future of Healthcare Tech in Nairobi
  • Company 4: Nairobi's Hub for E-commerce Innovation
  • Company 5: Pioneering EdTech Solutions in Nairobi
  • How to Apply and Succeed in Getting a Tech Job in Nairobi
  • Conclusion: Your Next Steps in Nairobi's Tech Industry
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Top 5 Nairobi Tech Companies Overview


Let me hit you with the real on the tech game in Nairobi. That city is straight up poppin' when it comes to innovation and entrepreneurship in Africa.

In 2024, it's home to some of the most lit and forward-thinking tech companies, making it a prime spot for devs and techies looking to get their grind on.

Among the top Nairobi tech companies that are turning heads globally are Koko Networks, Cellulant, Lori Systems, Twiga Foods, and Andela.

These companies aren't just shaking up their industries, they're also known for their inclusive vibes, fat stacks, and commitment to helping their crew level up, which makes them mad desirable to work for.

Here's why these tech companies are straight fire as employers in Nairobi:

  • Innovation: They're pioneering in sectors like fintech, agritech, and logistics, giving devs the chance to work on some cutting-edge projects.
  • Impact: Their tech is making a real difference for local communities and economies, which is dope for those who want to do some good.
  • Growth Opportunities: With a focus on professional development, these companies offer sick training programs and mentorship.

A survey in 2024 even named these companies as some of the "Best Nairobi Tech Companies to Work For," citing their happy employees, flexible work situations, and solid support systems for the crew.

As one tech boss put it, "Working at one of Nairobi's top tech firms isn't just a job; it's a chance to be at the forefront of tech innovation while making a real impact." This mix of innovation, impact, and employee support makes Nairobi's tech scene not just lit, but deeply fulfilling for those looking to ball out in their tech careers.

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Company 1: A Leader in Mobile Technology


Nairobi, Kenya, is the hotspot for mobile tech innovation in Africa right now. Leading the charge are some companies like 19 top Mobile Technology companies and leading mobile app development companies that are shaking up the digital game.

One company that stands out is Company 1, a real boss in mobile tech. They've made their mark by creating solutions that cater to the local and regional needs.

Whether it's mobile payment systems, app development, or digital communication, Company 1 has become the go-to for tech that's part of our daily lives.

This company isn't just transforming how businesses operate, but also opening up a ton of opportunities for developers. In Nairobi, where tech jobs are booming, Company 1 is at the forefront, offering a range of developer roles, including:

  • App Developers: These folks are all about creating user-friendly mobile apps for Android and iOS, using languages like Java, Swift, and Kotlin.
  • System Engineers: They're the ones keeping the robust infrastructure running, handling cloud computing and backend systems using Python.
  • UI/UX Designers: Making sure the apps aren't just functional but also look and are easy to navigate, following the top mobile app development processes in Nairobi.

If you're an aspiring developer, you have to know the tech that Company 1 is using.

They're all about using cutting-edge stuff to solve complex problems. The CEO of Company 1 said, "Our mission is to leverage mobile technology for transformative solutions," showing how they're dedicated to making a real impact on society through tech.

This mindset not only breeds innovation but also makes Company 1 a sweet employer for developers who want to make their mark in Nairobi's thriving tech scene.

Company 2: Revolutionizing Financial Services in Nairobi


There's some crazy stuff happening in the fintech world of Nairobi, Kenya. This company called MobiFinance (not their real name) is shaking things up, making it easier for people to access financial services through their dope tech.

They've been around since 2024, and ever since, they've been smashing it with their seamless mobile banking, microfinancing, and insurance products for those who haven't had access to these services before.

In just a year of MobiFinance's operation, mobile banking usage in Nairobi went up by a whopping 40%! It's clear that Nairobi is a fintech hotspot, with other big players like M-Pesa and Branch also doing their thing to transform the financial sector.

So, what's the secret to MobiFinance's success? They're killing it with emerging tech and a badass team of developers.

These guys are always on the lookout for fresh talent to join their squad in roles like:

  • Mobile App Developer: Making sure the apps are fire on Android and iOS, giving users a sick experience.
  • Data Analyst: Digging deep into user data to uncover insights and guide the company's moves.
  • Blockchain Developer: Keeping financial transactions secure and transparent with blockchain tech.

They're using cutting-edge tech like Blockchain for secure transactions, Artificial Intelligence (AI) to give personalized financial advice, and Machine Learning (ML) to predict lending risks.

This ensures MobiFinance stays ahead of the competition in the fintech game. As one industry insider put it, "MobiFinance isn't just changing the game; it's creating a whole new playing field for financial inclusion in Nairobi." Working at MobiFinance isn't just a job; it's a chance to be part of a financial revolution, providing solutions that directly impact local and neighboring communities.

With Nairobi's tech scene buzzing with events like the Africa Tech Summit, MobiFinance is the place to be if you want to be at the forefront of some groundbreaking fintech advancements.

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Company 3: The Future of Healthcare Tech in Nairobi


Check this out! There's this sick healthcare tech company in Nairobi that's shaking things up. They're using cutting-edge stuff like AI, machine learning, and big data to make healthcare more accessible and efficient for everyone in Kenya.

It's crazy how they're changing the game when it comes to diagnosing illnesses, prescribing treatments, and managing patient data. Their innovative solutions are improving patient outcomes, streamlining operations for healthcare providers, and slashing the costs of medical care.

It's a total game-changer.

The demand for skilled developers in Nairobi's booming healthcare tech sector is off the charts. If you're a coding wizard in:

  • Python and Java for backend development,
  • React or Angular for frontend apps,
  • SQL for database management,
  • or have skills in cloud services like AWS or Azure,

you're golden! If you're a machine learning maestro who can predict healthcare trends and improve patient care, you're like a unicorn in this field.

The company's CTO summed it up perfectly, "Technology isn't just an enabler, it's a catalyst for revolutionary healthcare solutions." Companies like MyDawa and Ilara Health are part of this wave, aiming to make healthcare more accessible and efficient.

But it's not just about coding skills.

To thrive in this vibrant sector, you need to bring:

  1. Problem-solving skills, crucial for developing innovative healthcare solutions,
  2. Adaptability, to keep up with the rapid pace of technological advancements, and
  3. A solid understanding of healthcare compliance and data security principles.

As Nairobi solidifies its position as a tech hub in Africa, the convergence of tech and healthcare is creating a killer opportunity for developers.

This healthcare tech company isn't just raising the bar for healthcare in Nairobi, but they're also offering developers a chance to be part of a meaningful change that impacts lives.

It's a win-win situation.

Company 4: Nairobi's Hub for E-commerce Innovation


In the heart of Nairobi, Kenya's tech scene, there's this dope company called Jumia Kenya that's shaking up the e-commerce game.

They're leading the way in online shopping and delivery across East Africa, making them the go-to hub for e-commerce innovation in Nairobi. With the city becoming a hotspot for e-commerce startups, Jumia is killing it by offering a massive product range and a slick user experience that's setting the bar for online transactions.

But it's not just about changing how we shop; Jumia is creating mad opportunities for developers looking to get their hands dirty in the fast-paced world of e-commerce tech.

If you're a tech geek itching to join Nairobi's e-commerce scene, Jumia Kenya is hiring for all sorts of cutting-edge tech roles, including:

  • Using Python to build the backbone of Jumia's online platform with badass backend development.
  • Creating slick user interfaces with React on the frontend.
  • Flutter to craft smooth mobile app experiences.
  • And leveraging AWS for scalable cloud services.

These technologies are what make Jumia's online platform so lit, handling millions of transactions like a boss.

But Jumia isn't the only game in town; Nairobi's e-commerce landscape is popping with startups like Kapu and Badili, cementing the city's rep as a breeding ground for e-commerce innovation.

According to a Jumia Kenya spokesperson, "Embracing technology is at the core of our strategy to enhance customer experience and operational efficiency." This mindset isn't just making Jumia a trailblazer in Nairobi's tech scene; it's also showing their commitment to nurturing developer talent in these cutting-edge technologies.

By focusing on these key tech areas, aspiring developers and tech pros have a sick opportunity to align their skills with industry leaders like Jumia Kenya, opening up doors to dope careers in an industry that's leading the digital transformation wave in East Africa.

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Company 5: Pioneering EdTech Solutions in Nairobi


There's this dope EdTech company in the heart of Nairobi that's shaking things up in the education game. These guys are all about using cutting-edge tech to change the way students learn and interact with educational content.

We're talking digital learning platforms, interactive apps, and virtual classrooms that are breaking down geographical barriers, allowing kids in remote areas to access the same knowledge as their city-slicking peers.

By 2023, their platforms are expected to reach over 250,000 learners, making a serious impact on education in Kenya.

But it gets really interesting – these innovators are teaming up with organizations like EdTech Hub and government partners to take their digital solutions to the next level.

They're on a mission to enhance educational outcomes by harnessing the power of technology.

And who's leading the charge? Developers! These coding wizards are the ones creating the groundbreaking educational tools that are making learning not just effective but also straight-up engaging for students of all ages.

Here's the rundown on some of the hottest developer roles:

  • a) Front-end developers are the masterminds behind those slick user interfaces. They're rocking HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, with frameworks like React or Angular being highly sought after.
  • b) Back-end developers are the ones handling the server-side stuff, databases, and application logic. They're usually coding in languages like Python, Ruby, and Node.js.
  • c) Mobile app developers are the ones bringing the magic to your pockets. They're experts in Android (Java/Kotlin) and iOS (Swift/Objective-C) development.
  • d) Data scientists are the ones crunching the numbers and analyzing educational data to optimize learning outcomes. They're proficient in tools like Python's Pandas, R, and SQL.

One of the company's reps said, "Our mission is to democratize education through technology, making it accessible, engaging, and effective for everyone, everywhere." These guys are serious about using tech to level the playing field in education.

And they're always on the hunt for talented individuals who share their vision, have the required technical skills, and are passionate about making a real difference in the education sector.

By teaming up with other innovative players like iHub Kenya and Mastercard Foundation, they're aiming to scale their solutions and shape a brighter, more educated future for us all.

How to Apply and Succeed in Getting a Tech Job in Nairobi


Landing a tech job in Nairobi ain't just about knowing how to apply, it's about killing it through the whole competitive hiring process. A recent study showed Nairobi's tech scene is booming, with a 25% spike in tech job openings over the past year.

To stand out, you gotta be strategic. First up, do your research; know the company's mission, their tech stack, and what's trending in the industry – that'll make you different from the rest.

Next, connections are key; over 60% of tech jobs in Nairobi are filled through referrals and networks, so get out there and network with industry peeps and hit up those tech meetups.

Finally, show off your skills with personal projects or contributions to open-source – that'll seriously boost your application. If you're new to the game and need an edge, try these moves:

  • Customize Your Application: Tailor your resume and cover letter for each job, highlighting relevant experience and skills.
  • Build Your Online Presence: Get a dope LinkedIn profile and a personal portfolio website to showcase your projects and abilities.
  • Acquire In-Demand Skills: Stay up-to-date with the latest tech and programming languages in demand in Nairobi's tech scene.
  • Engage in Continuous Learning: Level up with coding bootcamps and online tutorials to sharpen your technical skills.

The word on the street is that networking and always learning are what separate the successful candidates in Nairobi's booming tech job market.

As one Nairobi tech influencer put it, "The real difference isn't just the skills you have, but how you show employers your hunger to learn and passion for the game." Get that mindset and follow these steps, and you'll seriously up your chances of scoring a tech job in Nairobi.

Conclusion: Your Next Steps in Nairobi's Tech Industry


Nairobi's tech scene is straight fire It's the place to be if you wanna be a coding badass. The city's got mad startups and tech giants like Google and Microsoft setting up shop there.

It's basically Africa's Silicon Valley in the making.

But why should you even care? Here's the deal:

  1. Innovation: These companies are coming up with some sick solutions to real-world problems. They're not just playing around; they're changing the game.
  2. Variety of roles: Whether you're into mobile apps, fintech, healthcare, e-commerce, or edtech, there's something for everyone. You can find your niche and flex those coding muscles.
  3. Community support: The tech in Nairobi is tight. They've got meetups, hackathons, and coding bootcamps like Nucamp to help you level up your skills. It's a supportive crew that'll have your back.

In 2024, they've got some sick events lined up, like Nairobi Tech Week and Start-Up Grind Nairobi, where you can network, get mentored, and show off your mad coding skillz.

The tech leaders ain't lying when they say, "In Nairobi, technology meets creativity, making it an exciting place to start a tech career." It's a dope blend of innovation, opportunity, and a strong community vibe.

So, if you wanna be a part of the next big thing in tech, Nairobi's your spot.

Get in on the action, connect with the right people, and who knows? Your breakthrough moment might just be around the corner. Embrace the vibe and get coding!

Frequently Asked Questions


What are some of the leading tech sectors in Nairobi?

Nairobi is known for leading tech sectors including fintech, with notable startups like M-KOPA, and agtech, showcasing rapid growth and investment opportunities.

Why is Nairobi a promising location for tech professionals?

Nairobi offers a vibrant tech landscape supported by initiatives like the Nairobi International Financial Centre and Konza Technopolis, aimed at catalyzing tech innovation and providing ample employment opportunities.

Which tech companies are considered top employers in Nairobi?

Top tech companies in Nairobi like Company 1, MobiFinance, and others offer inclusive work cultures, competitive salaries, and growth opportunities in sectors like fintech, e-commerce, and healthcare technology.

What skills are in demand for developers in Nairobi's tech sector?

Skills in software development, cybersecurity, data analysis, Python, Java, React, Angular, SQL, AWS, Azure, and machine learning are in high demand for developers in Nairobi's tech sector.

How can candidates increase their chances of securing a tech job in Nairobi?

Candidates can increase their chances by customizing applications, building an online presence, acquiring in-demand skills, engaging in continuous learning, and networking within Nairobi's tech community.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible