Get a Job After a Coding Bootcamp. Yes, Companies Hire Bootcamp Grads

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Following completion of a coding bootcamp, what web development jobs can you apply for? Better yet - how do you get started with your job search?


As we’ll explain further below, coding bootcamps offer several courses that prepare you for a variety of tech jobs. Whether you are interested in a beginners web development basics class, or a more advanced full-stack developer course. Not only that, but coding bootcamps such as Nucamp offer networking opportunities, resume writing, and project development that help you build your portfolio to show to potential employers.


Here’s how to get started:


Build Your Portfolio


Your portfolio is how you show, rather than tell, potential employers about your experience. It should not necessarily match your resume verbatim, but rather showcase specific pieces of work that highlight your technical skillset. Typically, this should include:


  • Sections for About, Projects, and Contact

  • A responsive and visually appealing web design and user experience

  • A custom web URL (perhaps your name)

  • Testimonials from clients or recommendations from other professionals


Also try to hone in on what aspects of these projects showcase your software development knowledge in certain areas, such as:


  • What programming languages you are familiar with

  • Your ability to problem-solve and troubleshoot

  • Your ability to concisely communicate your work to other team members


If you’re switching careers or newer to web development after graduating from a coding bootcamp, it’s likely that your portfolio will start out small - and that’s okay. This is even more of a reason to make sure you are presenting your work in a way that shows potential employers your skillset. And once you get that next job, it will be easy to add more portfolio projects since it will be ready to go.


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Networking and Job Outreach


Many coding bootcamps, such as Nucamp, offer bootcamp students networking opportunities throughout their program as well as post-graduation. In fact, Nucamp offers complimentary LinkedIn Premium access to help students jump-start their networking and job search. Nucamp’s online workshops allow students to connect and network with their peers as well as their instructors, many of whom already work as full-time web developers.


In addition to applying for a job posting, consider how networking can help you stand out among the likely large pool of applicants. SwitchUp writes that 80 percent of jobs are secured through referrals. How can you leverage contacts in your current network to find these opportunities to recommend you to a hiring manager? Platforms such as LinkedIn make this easy, as you can search for a company or hiring manager and see if you have any mutual connections.


Jobs to Get After Bootcamp Graduation


Once you’ve completed your portfolio and begin networking, you may be wondering how employers actually think of bootcamp graduates in relation to other applicants with a university degree. In fact, data shows that bootcamp graduates are very competitive in the job market.


Research from Indeed shows that 72 percent of employers think bootcamp graduates are just as prepared and likely to be high performers as candidates with traditional computer science degrees. The same data shows that 12 percent of employers actually think that bootcamp graduates are more prepared and likely to be high performers.


Coding bootcamps offer a variety of courses that set you up for success with obtaining a job post-graduation. Coding bootcamps such as Nucamp have three learning tracks for students:


  1. Web development fundamentals

  2. Front-end web development

  3. Full-stack development


Web development fundamentals: These entry-level bootcamps typically focus on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript basics that can enable you to:

  • Customize off-the-shelf website templates

  • Build email templates

  • Communicate with web developers in jobs such as technical accounts or project management


Front-end web development: These programs are more advanced than the fundamentals programming, teaching you programming languages such as React, Reactive Native, and the ability to edit code libraries. This will enable you to:

  • Build responsive websites and mobile apps

  • Build websites that work across different web browsers


Full-stack development: These programs combine coursework for both front-end and back-end development, including languages like Python, SQL, NodeJS and database frameworks such as MongoDB. This will enable you to:

  • Work with websites and applications that involve authentication, security, and user data processing

  • Conduct Quality Assurance Testing

  • Administer large-scale systems and databases


Data has shown that coding bootcamps have an incredibly high return on investment. Coding bootcamp students are able to find employment quickly after graduation in a fraction of the amount of time - and for less cost - than with a traditional 4-year Computer Science degree.




Come check out the nearest community coding bootcamp in your city or town. Click here to get started.


Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.