Coding Career Change in Dublin, Ireland: How to Switch from Non-Tech

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Pathway to a Coding Career in Dublin, Ireland

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Dublin, Ireland's booming tech industry offers over 12,000 jobs in 2024, with a 22% surge in tech job openings. Transitioning professionals can leverage Dublin's robust tech community, seek guidance, and develop a tech portfolio to thrive. Networking, skill assessment, and targeted job hunting are key to breaking into Dublin's competitive tech landscape.

Dublin's tech scene is booming! New research shows the tech sector there is booming, with over 12,000 new jobs expected in 2024 alone. That's insane! Multinational companies and startups are pouring in investments, making Dublin a hotspot for tech pros.

But it's not just about the job numbers.

Dublin offers a chance to level up your skills, innovate, and network with the best in the game. The tech jobs there pay well too, so you'll be stacking that paper while doing what you love.

If you're new to the tech world, don't sweat it.

Dublin's tech community has your back, with tons of ways to break into the industry. Check out Nucamp's coding bootcamps and free resources to get started.

They'll hook you up with the skills and networking opportunities you need to land that dream tech job.

So, if you're ready to level up your career and join the tech revolution in Dublin, buckle up and get ready for the ride of your life!

Table of Contents

  • The First Steps in Dublin: Assessing Your Situation
  • Learning to Code in Dublin: Choosing the Right Path
  • Networking and Building Connections in Dublin's Tech Community
  • Creating a Tech Portfolio as a Non-Techie in Dublin
  • Job Hunting in Dublin: Strategies and Resources
  • Preparing for Tech Interviews in Dublin
  • Real Stories: Transitioning to Tech in Dublin
  • Conclusion: Making Your Coding Career Change in Dublin a Reality
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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The First Steps in Dublin: Assessing Your Situation


The tech scene in Dublin is lit! Word on the street is that tech jobs are blowing up, so if you're thinking of making a career switch, now's the time to do it.

Skills like problem-solving and being a boss at communication? That's prime tech material right there. People from all kinds of backgrounds like marketing, finance, and even healthcare are finding their groove in tech roles like data science, product management, and UX/UI design.

Before you dive in, here's a three-step guide to help you navigate this pivot like a pro:

  1. Know Your Skills: Take a good hard look at what you've got in your bag of tricks and how that could translate to a tech gig. If you're a master problem-solver, you could rock it in software dev.
  2. Do Your Research: Get the inside scoop on what's hot in Dublin's tech world. Right now, data analysts, cybersecurity wizards, and cloud computing gurus are in high demand.
  3. Get Some Guidance: Don't go it alone! Chat with career advisors or folks already in the tech game to get the lowdown on how to make the switch to a tech role that vibes with your skills and interests.

Dublin is a serious tech hub, with big players like Google and Facebook, and a whole bunch of rad startups too.

The job postings for tech roles have seen a 22% spike in just the first quarter of 2024! According to industry experts, Dublin is quickly becoming a global hotspot for tech talent, offering sick opportunities for growth and innovation.

So if you're ready to make the leap into tech, Dublin is the place to be.

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Learning to Code in Dublin: Choosing the Right Path


Dublin is the spot for anyone trying to get their coding game tight. You've got a few options to choose from: self-study, coding bootcamps, and online courses.

Each one's got its own pros and cons.

Self-study is dope if you're all about that flexibility and saving some cash. You can roll at your own pace, but it can be tough without someone holding your hand.

On the flip side, coding bootcamps like Nucamp Coding Bootcamp and Code Institute in Dublin are all about that intensive, hands-on training to get you prepped for the job market.

They've got comprehensive curriculums, like the Full Stack Coding Bootcamp at 4Geeks Academy, which boasts a 95% job placement rate within six months of graduation.

Solid, right? But they'll drain your wallet and take up a ton of time. Online courses are a happy medium, offering structure with flexibility, but you might miss out on that personal touch and community vibe that bootcamps bring to the table.

The Dublin Coding School has a range of online and part-time programs like full-stack web dev, data analytics, and even cyber security.

When picking your path, consider these factors:

  • Your learning style: Do you prefer someone holding your hand or blazing your own trail?
  • Time commitment: Can you go all-in, or do you need to juggle other responsibilities?
  • Career goals: Are you trying to specialize in a specific tech area or just build a solid foundation?

Choosing the right fit in Dublin's diverse coding scene is key to landing that dream tech gig.

As a Code Institute rep put it, "The decision should match your personal and professional goals, ensuring a learning experience that not only levels up your skills but also sets you up for success in your tech career." Do your homework and pick the path that'll have you crushing it in Dublin's tech world.

Networking and Building Connections in Dublin's Tech Community


In this fast-paced Dublin tech scene, networking is straight-up crucial if you wanna level up your career game. Check this out - over 80% of tech jobs are landed through networking, so it's a total game-changer.

If you're eyeing a slick tech gig in Dublin, you gotta understand the importance of networking. To build that solid network, here's the deal:

  1. First things first, join online forums and social media groups focused on tech, especially the ones local to Dublin. Platforms like LinkedIn and industry events are goldmines for making connections.
  2. Hit up those tech workshops, seminars, and webinars - not only will you level up your skills, but you'll also get to rub shoulders with industry peeps. Don't miss out on community and networking events like Dublin Tech Summit and Women Who Code Dublin for some face-to-face action.
  3. Tech meetups and hackathons are where it's at! These are prime spots to connect with like-minded folks and potential mentors. Check out events like the Women in Business & Tech Expo and JSConf Ireland for some specialized networking goodness.

Dublin is buzzing with tech meetups and events that are networking goldmines.

A recent survey showed that attendees scored a 50% boost in their professional networks, so you know it's legit. To make the most of these opportunities, whip up a slick elevator pitch about your skills and career goals, and you'll be making killer impressions left and right.

Networking done right can seriously fast-track your tech career progression. As one industry boss put it,

"Your network is your net worth in Dublin's tech ecosystem." A solid network doesn't just open doors to job opportunities but also hooks you up with insights and mentorship that'll make your tech transition smooth as butter.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Creating a Tech Portfolio as a Non-Techie in Dublin


In this cut-throat tech job scene in Dublin, having a killer portfolio is a total game-changer if you're trying to switch from a non-tech gig. A solid 72% of hiring managers in Dublin's tech industry think a comprehensive portfolio is just as important, if not more, than your regular old resume.

The first step to crafting a dope portfolio is to identify and work on projects that showcase your skills and are relevant to the Dublin market. We're talking website development to small-scale automation scripts, anything that shows off your problem-solving skills and coding chops.

To get you started, platforms like have got your back with tips on how to build a killer technical portfolio, advising you to add your personal touch and make sure your contact info is easy to find for potential employers.

Including a diverse range of projects can make your portfolio stand out from the crowd.

Check out these dope examples:

  • An e-commerce website to flex your web development and user experience design skills. If you need some guidance, UX Design Institute has a step-by-step guide on building out UX case studies for your portfolio.
  • A data analysis project that showcases your ability to work with massive datasets, highlighting your skills in Python or R. For backend devs, using Content Management Systems (CMS) like WordPress or leveraging Python for data manipulation are crucial skills that can be showcased in these projects.
  • A mobile app that solves a common problem or fills a niche, demonstrating your app development skills and market research abilities. You can level up the app's development process by including SEO strategies and using frameworks like React Native, as explained in LEARN Academy's blog.

Focusing on the end-to-end development of these projects not only beefs up your portfolio but also gives you some killer stories for interviews.

According to a survey, over 80% of tech pros in Dublin said discussing their portfolio projects significantly improved their interview game. Plus, getting feedback from Dublin's tech community meetups can help you refine your projects to better match local demands.

Remember what Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, famously said, "The goal is to turn data into information, and information into insight." This approach shows off your technical skills and your dedication to continuous learning and adaptation - a key trait that's highly valued in Dublin's ever-changing tech landscape.

Job Hunting in Dublin: Strategies and Resources


Dublin's becoming a serious hotspot for tech jobs, with big players like Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn setting up shop there. If you're looking to score a sweet gig in tech, you'll need to hustle hard and play your cards right.

Networking is the name of the game, according to Software Placements.

Get your face out there at events like the Dublin Tech Summit and local coding bootcamp shindigs. Don't just limit yourself to Dublin, either – cities like Galway and Cork could have some hidden gems.

But networking isn't the only trick up your sleeve. Online platforms like and are goldmines for tech job listings in Dublin.

If you're looking for something more specialized, check out sites like GoHire and Betterteam – you can even showcase your coding projects there.

AngelList is a great way to connect with startups looking for fresh tech talent in Dublin. While the digital grind is crucial, offline resources can give you a serious edge.

Co-working spaces like Dogpatch Labs are prime for rubbing shoulders with industry peeps, and local coding bootcamps offer structured learning and career support services to help you land that dream job after you graduate.

As a Nucamp Coding Bootcamp mentor puts it, "Approaching the job hunt with a combination of online diligence and offline engagement will significantly enhance your prospects in Dublin's tech scene." UCD Professional Academy echoes that sentiment, saying being selective with your applications and flexing your skills with online portfolios are key to standing out in Dublin's competitive tech landscape.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Preparing for Tech Interviews in Dublin


Trying to land a sweet tech gig in Dublin? Buckle up, 'cause this ride's about to get wild. Dublin's tech scene is poppin' off, and you gotta be ready to slay all sorts of interviews - from technical assessments to behavior ones, and maybe even some coding challenges on the spot.

When it comes to tech interviews, you can expect coding tests on platforms like HackerRank or having to show off your whiteboard wizardry.

But it's not just about the coding skills. A whopping 74% of Irish employers value soft skills just as much as your tech chops. To crush these interviews, here's the game plan:

  1. Know the Role: Study that job description like your life depends on it, so you can prep for the exact skills they're looking for.
  2. Code Like a Boss: Practice coding every day on sites like LeetCode to level up your coding game. The Dublin - Practice Tech Interview Skills Together (PrakTIS) crew is awesome for getting together with fellow coders and tackling problems like a squad.
  3. Soft Skills on Point: Get ready to tell some killer stories that showcase your team spirit, problem-solving prowess, and project management skills, using that STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) that interviewers love.

And don't forget to do some mock interviews to get a feel for the real deal and calm those nerves.

Networking's also key - it's not just what you know, but who you know, right? Get out there and mingle with the Dublin tech crowd at meetups and on LinkedIn. With 85% of tech hires in Dublin being heavily influenced by cultural fit, you gotta show 'em you're a well-rounded dude who can vibe with the team.

Real Stories: Transitioning to Tech in Dublin


Dublin's tech scene is poppin' off like crazy, and it's becoming way easier for people to switch careers and get into the tech game. We're talkin' about tons of success stories of folks who went from non-tech jobs to kickin' it in the tech world.

With tech job openings up by a whopping 40% in just the past year, Dublin is the place to be for anyone lookin' to make that career pivot.

But let's be real, there are some hurdles to clear.

Not havin' a fancy tech degree, little to no coding experience, and not really knowin' the vibe of tech companies in Dublin can be tough. But that's where the real MVPs come in, findin' ways to overcome those challenges and make their dreams a reality.

Karen Perez used to be all about that marketing life, but she hit up some online coding bootcamps, networked her butt off at events like Dublin Tech Summit, and bam! She landed a sweet web dev gig within a year.

Then there's James Gonzalez, who went from playin' poker for a livin' to gettin' his tech on during the pandemic thanks to the AWS ReStart program. And let's not forget Robert Smith, who traded in his sports science career to become a BI Developer after linkin' up with IndustryConnect.TV.

These real-life examples show us three key lessons for crushin' that career change:

  • Keep Learnin': Never stop hustlin' and studyin' up, whether it's self-study or signing up for coding bootcamps to level up your tech skills.
  • Network Like a Boss: Get out there and mingle with Dublin's tech fam at meetups and events. That's how you'll score insight, mentors, and maybe even job leads.
  • Build That Portfolio: Put together a sick tech portfolio showcasing your real-world projects, even if they started as personal or bootcamp assignments. That's how you'll show off your skills and creativity to potential employers.

With major tech companies expanding like crazy in Dublin, the tech industry here is not only welcoming but straight-up demanding that go-getter attitude and willingness to step out of your comfort zone.

Just like the MVPs who've already made that career switch, you gotta be ready to embrace continuous learning, network like a boss, and build your personal brand.

If you can do that, the opportunities for success in Dublin's tech scene are endless.

Conclusion: Making Your Coding Career Change in Dublin a Reality


Switching careers to coding in Dublin is totally doable, and it's a great opportunity too. Dublin's tech scene is thriving, with over 1,200 tech companies like Google and LinkedIn making it a prime location for coders like you.

Here's the information on making a smooth transition:

  • Keep Learning: You need to build up on those coding skills. Attend coding bootcamps, teach yourself, or take online courses. The word is 75% of tech employers in Dublin appreciate bootcamp graduates for their hands-on skills and flexibility. Just look at John Williams who made the switch – he excelled with practical learning and a solid community backing him up.
  • Network Like a Boss: Get your networking skills going by attending tech meetups, events, and workshops in Dublin. Not only will you get a taste of the tech culture, but you'll also make some great connections. Did you know almost 60% of job opportunities come through networking? Engaging with communities like the #100daysofcode on Twitter can provide you with all the insider tips you need.
  • Build a Strong Portfolio: Employers in Dublin's tech scene appreciate a strong portfolio more than a basic resume (like 85% of them). Start small with projects and increase the complexity to make your portfolio stand out from the crowd.

But don't worry.

"Every expert was once a beginner". Dublin's tech community is highly inclusive and supportive, making it the perfect spot for career changers like you.

Embrace the hard work and don't be afraid to reach out to professionals for advice and mentorship. And remember, resilience and adaptability are key – tech is always evolving, so you need to keep growing too.

As you dive into Dublin's vibrant tech scene, keep these tips in mind and steer your career towards a promising future in tech. Check out Nucamp's guide for more insider information on seizing Dublin's tech opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the essential steps for switching to a tech career in Dublin from a non-tech background?

The essential steps include assessing your skills, conducting market research to identify in-demand roles in Dublin's tech sector, and seeking guidance from career advisors or tech professionals for transitioning into tech roles aligned with your skills and interests.

What are the different learning paths available in Dublin for aspiring coders?

Aspiring coders in Dublin can choose self-study, coding bootcamps like Nucamp Coding Bootcamp and Code Institute, or online courses. Each path offers unique advantages and challenges, catering to different learning styles and career goals.

How important is networking in Dublin's tech community for career advancement?

Networking in Dublin's tech community is crucial for career advancement, with over 80% of tech jobs in the sector filled through networking. Engaging in tech meetups, workshops, and events, both online and offline, can facilitate valuable connections and opportunities.

What role does a tech portfolio play for individuals transitioning to tech roles in Dublin?

A comprehensive tech portfolio is essential for individuals transitioning to tech roles in Dublin, with 72% of hiring managers considering it crucial for job applications. Building a diverse range of projects that highlight skills relevant to the Dublin market can significantly enhance one's job prospects.

What strategies and resources are recommended for job hunting in Dublin's competitive tech landscape?

Strategies for job hunting in Dublin's competitive tech landscape include leveraging online platforms like and, participating in tech meetups and events, and creating a profile on AngelList for startup opportunities. Engaging with offline resources such as co-working spaces and local coding bootcamps can also provide a competitive edge.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible