The Mobile Gaming Scene in Melbourne: How to Develop for the Growing Market

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Mobile gaming development scene in Melbourne

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With Melbourne's mobile gaming market projected to grow by 6.39% from 2024-2027 to reach US$1.12bn, the city offers a nurturing environment for game developers due to diverse demographics and a keen interest in AR and multiplayer games. Developers should focus on innovation, market research, high-quality content, and compliance with legal regulations to succeed.

The mobile gaming scene in Melbourne is lit AF! With the tech advancements, dope game devs, and everyone being glued to their phones, this market is booming.

Check this out - according to Statista, mobile gaming in Australia is expected to grow by a massive 6.39% between 2024 and 2027, hitting a market value of US$1.12 billion! And Melbourne is a major player in this growth.

First up, everyone and their grandma has a smartphone these days, and the internet connectivity is fire.

This has made mobile games accessible to pretty much anyone. Plus, Melbourne is doing its part by supporting game developers with incentives like the Digital Games Tax Offset (DGTO) and educational programs, attracting both local and international talent to the city.

And let's not forget, Melbourne is a diverse AF place, which means devs are creating games that cater to all kinds of interests and age groups.

The hottest trends right now are augmented reality (AR) and multiplayer games, so expect those to blow up in the near future. This growth in mobile gaming aligns perfectly with Melbourne's increasing demand for mobile entertainment, especially with recent global events keeping everyone glued to their screens.

If you're an aspiring dev or just a tech geek in Melbourne looking to get in on this booming industry, check out resources like Nucamp's guides on mobile app development.

They'll give you the inside scoop and help you level up your skills.

Table of Contents

  • Why Melbourne Is a Hotspot for Mobile Game Development
  • Understanding the Melbourne Gamer: Demographics and Preferences
  • Key Challenges in Developing Mobile Games for Melbourne
  • How to Succeed in the Melbourne Mobile Gaming Market
  • Case Studies: Successful Mobile Games Developed in Melbourne
  • Conclusion: The Future of Mobile Gaming in Melbourne
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Navigate the complexities of privacy laws in Melbourne to ensure your app is compliant and secure.

Why Melbourne Is a Hotspot for Mobile Game Development


Melbourne is the place to be for mobile game devs! The city's got a sick ecosystem and a ton of factors that make it a magnet for developers worldwide.

First off, the world-class education facilities like universities offering specialized game design and development courses are churning out a new generation of talent ready to hit the gaming industry.

According to the Digital Games Education Network, Melbourne has the highest number of game design graduates in Australia, and over 65% of them find jobs in the local industry within six months of graduating.

But it's not just the education system that's making Melbourne a gaming hotspot.

The Victorian Government's investment in digital technologies, like the $1.2 million Digital Games Development Program, has been a game-changer.

This program is all about stimulating innovation and collaboration within the gaming sector, making Melbourne the ideal place for startups and established companies to thrive.

And let's not forget about the collaborative community culture.

Events like the Melbourne International Games Week (MIGW), which attracts over 70,000 participants annually, are the perfect places to network, and stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technologies.

Melbourne's also been recognized as a top international city for game development jobs, which means there's a ton of opportunities for innovative businesses like Tin Man Games and Robot Circus to flourish with government support.

And with Australia's growing global influence in digital games, Melbourne's role in contributing to a globally competitive Australian gaming industry is only going to get bigger.

"Melbourne is not just a city; it's a thriving hub for digital creativity where ideas flourish," says Sarah Thompson, CEO of GameOn, a leading Melbourne-based studio.

With all the concrete support systems and an inclusive community, it's clear why Melbourne is an unmissable destination for anyone looking to make their mark in the mobile gaming industry.

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Understanding the Melbourne Gamer: Demographics and Preferences


The mobile gaming scene in Melbourne is lit AF! The numbers are crazy - by 2024, they're expecting over 86% of Aussies to be rocking smartphones. That's a massive market for game devs! And Melbourne gamers come in all shapes and sizes - from hyped-up Gen Zers to seasoned OGs over 50.

Talk about a diverse crowd, right?

Now, when it comes to the gender split, it's pretty balanced, but the dudes got a slight edge with 55% of the pie. Nothing too wild, just following the global trend.

But here's where it gets interesting: Melbourne gamers have mad diverse tastes in genres!

  • Action/Adventure games are all the rage, with 37% of locals digging those epic storylines and adrenaline rushes.
  • Puzzle games are a vibe for 29% of the crew, providing that chill mental workout.
  • And don't sleep on Strategy games! 22% of gamers here are all about that big brain energy and tactical finesse.

So, you got peeps craving both wild adventures and mind-bending puzzles.

Talk about a sweet spot for devs to tap into, am I right? And let's not forget about the niche genres like simulation and sports, reeling in 11% and 9% of the market, respectively.

That's where the real untapped potential lies.

As this mobile gaming trends expert put it, "Grasping Melbourne's gaming community's diverse preferences is critical." That's the truth? You gotta do your homework and understand what makes these gamers tick, ya dig? Melbourne's gaming scene is a melting pot of demographics and tastes, and if devs can navigate that cleverly, they're gonna crush it in this booming market.

It's all about crafting games that vibe with Melbourne's eclectic audience and keep 'em engaged. Get it right, and you'll be sitting pretty in this thriving arena.

Key Challenges in Developing Mobile Games for Melbourne


Entering the Melbourne mobile gaming scene ain't no walk in the park. You gotta deal with a saturated market, gamers who expect nothing but the best, and legal hoops to jump through in Aus.

After the COVID-19 shitstorm, gaming, including mobile gaming, blew up big time. But recently, some folks like Norton Rose Fulbright are saying the gaming market might shrink by 4.3% in 2022 to US$184.4bn.

That means it's gonna be even harder for new games to get noticed without some serious marketing cash or crazy innovative gameplay.

Melbourne gamers are a picky bunch.

They want top-notch graphics, dope storylines, and gameplay that runs smoother than butter. According to Adjust's blog, mobile games in Aus have a sick Day 1 retention rate of 26%, right behind social apps.

That's how hooked these gamers are!

But that's not all. Australia's got some serious legal shit to deal with too. The Australian Classification Board wants all games to get classified before they hit the streets, and that shit can take time and cost a pretty penny.

We're talking $1,100 to $8,000 just for the classification fee, depending on how you submit it. And if your game doesn't follow their content rules, they might just straight up deny classification, which means you're locked out of the Aussie market. ain't joking around when they say you gotta navigate these legal mazes.

So, to make it big in Melbourne's mobile gaming world, you gotta:

  • Do your homework and find those untapped niches or gameplay mechanics that'll blow minds.
  • Invest the big bucks in creating games that look sick and tell dope stories, 'cause that's what Melbourne gamers crave.
  • Follow the rules set by the Aussie bosses when it comes to game development and classification, or you're toast.

"Wrapping your head around Melbourne's mobile gaming scene is crucial if you wanna make it big here," says Sarah Jackson, a veteran game developer in the area.

She ain't kidding. You gotta come correct with your planning and innovation game to conquer this competitive beast.

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How to Succeed in the Melbourne Mobile Gaming Market


If you wanna crush it in the lit Melbourne mobile gaming scene, you gotta get your game on point with what the local gamers are feelin'. Tailor that to match their cravings for action, strategy, and mind-bending puzzles with dope storytelling and immersive vibes.

The Australian mobile gaming market is blowin' up, expected to grow by 6.39% between 2024 and 2027, hittin' a cool $1.12 billion. That's some serious cash.

But here's the real kicker – Melbourne is a goldmine of talented devs, designers, and sound engineers who can take your game to the next level.

Tap into that local talent pool and watch your game slay the competition with its fire quality and authenticity. And don't sleep on the Melbourne gaming community, either.

That scene is poppin' with events, meetups, and conventions where you can network like a boss. The Melbourne International Games Week is a prime spot to make those crucial industry connections and maybe even score a dope partnership that'll launch your game into the stratosphere.

If you wanna make it big in the Melbourne mobile gaming game, you gotta hit that sweet spot by catering to local tastes, leveraging the sick local talent, and getting your face out there in the community.

Do that, and your game will have the Melbourne gamers hooked, raking in that bread like nobody's business. The Aussie mobile game dev scene is on the come-up, and there's room for innovative creators to get their hustle on and make bank.

So, what are you waiting for? Get to work and show Melbourne what you got!

Case Studies: Successful Mobile Games Developed in Melbourne


Melbourne is a dope place for making mobile games, and they've been killing it on the global stage. Take Crossy Road, for example.

That game was made by Hipster Whale, a Melbourne-based crew, and it's been downloaded over 200 million times worldwide! The game's got this simple but addictive gameplay and cute graphics, and people just can't get enough of it.

And that's not the only success story – games like Fruit Ninja and Flight Control, made by Melbourne studios Halfbrick and Firemint, have been killing it too.

Here's what's been working for these Melbourne devs:

  • Understanding What Gamers Want: These guys really get what makes gamers tick. They blend that nostalgic feeling with the latest mobile gaming trends, and it just clicks.
  • Monetization Game On Point: They've nailed the free-to-play model with in-game purchases and ads that don't get in your face. You can play for free, but if you want to drop some cash for extras, it's there.
  • Local Community Support: Melbourne's got this tight game dev community, and these devs have been tapping into that for feedback and collabs. It's all about that network.
  • Marketing Genius: Social media, influencer deals, and some sick marketing campaigns have helped these games blow up worldwide. Games like Fruit Ninja and Flight Control just have that addictive gameplay that gets people hooked too.

The secret sauce for these Melbourne mobile game devs is all about balancing creativity, making games people actually want to play, smart monetization, and keeping it real with the community.

As the co-founder of Hipster Whale put it, "It's about creating something we love and sharing it with the world in the most organic way possible."

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Conclusion: The Future of Mobile Gaming in Melbourne


The mobile gaming scene in Melbourne is about to blow up like crazy! Get ready to see some fresh faces making waves in the industry. The experts are saying that from 2024 onwards, the mobile gaming market in Australia is gonna grow at an insane rate of 15% each year, and Melbourne is leading the charge!

Here's what's fueling this gaming revolution:

  • AR and VR tech is taking games to the next level, making them more immersive and attracting a wider crowd.
  • Social gaming is on the rise, thanks to Melbourne's thriving gaming community. Get ready for games that bring people together!
  • Indie games are gaining popularity, and Melbourne is all about unique and innovative gaming experiences.

For new developers looking to make their mark, Melbourne is the place to be.

The city's got your back with:

  • Government support in the form of incentives and grants, giving you a boost to bring your ideas to life.
  • A community of experienced devs and gaming events that let you network, learn, and potentially team up.
  • An enthusiastic gaming crowd ready to embrace and show love to locally developed games.

By 2025, the word on the street is that Melbourne will be the epicenter of mobile gaming innovation, especially in genres that appeal to the city's diverse crowd, like puzzles, strategy, and adventure games.

"The future looks insanely bright for mobile game developers in Melbourne,"

says a top industry analyst, highlighting the city's creative vibe and cutting-edge tech.

And with more Aussies getting smartphones, the market for mobile games is only going to keep growing. If you're an aspiring dev, Melbourne is the place to be.

Not only will you have a solid platform to launch your epic games, but you might even gain global recognition in this rapidly evolving digital world!

Frequently Asked Questions


Why is Melbourne a hotspot for mobile game development?

Melbourne's world-class education facilities, a supportive government investing in digital technologies, a collaborative gaming community, and events like Melbourne International Games Week make it an attractive hub for game developers.

What are the demographic and gaming preferences of Melbourne gamers?

Melbourne gamers span diverse age groups and preferences, with top genres being Action/Adventure, Puzzle games, and Strategy games. Niche genres like simulation and sports also present untapped opportunities for developers.

What are the key challenges in developing mobile games for the Melbourne market?

Key challenges include market saturation, high gamer expectations for quality, engaging storylines, and seamless gameplay, as well as legal regulations requiring game classification in Australia.

How can developers succeed in the Melbourne mobile gaming market?

Developers can tailor games to match local preferences, leverage local talent, participate in the gaming community events, and engage in strategic game design. This can lead to increased local appeal and success.

What are some successful mobile games developed in Melbourne?

Games like Crossy Road, Fruit Ninja, and Flight Control highlight successful strategies in Melbourne's mobile game development, including understanding market needs, effective monetization, local community engagement, and innovative marketing tactics.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible