Front-End vs. Back-End Development: Salary Differences in Brisbane

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Graph comparing front-end and back-end developer salaries in Brisbane

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Front-end and back-end developers in Brisbane demand competitive salaries, with front-end developers averaging AU$114,264 annually, and back-end developers around AUD $120,911. Experience, specialized skills, and demand influence salaries. Trends suggest a positive trajectory with tech growth and demand. Future outlook predicts salary surges by 2024.

Front-end and back-end developers are like the dynamic duo of website building, but they play different roles. Front-end devs are the wizards who make websites look dope and interactive, using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a smooth user experience.

Meanwhile, back-end devs are the behind-the-scenes heroes, building the server-side architecture that processes user requests with languages like Python, Ruby, and PHP. It's like having a team of designers and architects working together to create something epic.

Brisbane's tech scene is on fire! With startups popping up left and right, there's a high demand for skilled developers who can bring their A-game.

According to the latest stats, the tech industry here isn't just growing, but it's also diversifying, opening up a world of opportunities for devs like you.

For front-end specialists, the salary range is pretty dope, reflecting how crucial their role is in making websites look and function like a dream.

But it's not just about the money. Understanding the differences between front-end and back-end development is key to navigating the tech world and staying ahead of the game.

So, whether you're a front-end wizard or a back-end ninja, Brisbane's tech scene has got your back.

Just keep sharpening your skills, and you'll be part of the crew shaping the future of the internet.

Table of Contents

  • Basic Salary Overview in Brisbane
  • Front-End Development Salaries in Brisbane
  • Back-End Development Salaries in Brisbane
  • Comparing Front-End and Back-End Salaries in Brisbane
  • Impact of Experience on Salaries in Brisbane
  • Conclusion and Future Outlook in Brisbane
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

  • Learn the importance of choosing the right path: Front-End, Back-End, or Full-Stack, in your web development career.

Basic Salary Overview in Brisbane


The tech scene in Brissy has been on fire lately! Tons of opportunities for those in the game. And the best part? They're paying great cash to get the hottest talents on board.

Check this out – the average tech salary in Brisbane is around 85k a year, but software engineers could be raking in anywhere from 60k to 120k, plus bonuses and profit-sharing.

But the money you get depends on a bunch of factors, like:

  • Your skills: Certain tech niches like cybersecurity and data science are where the real cash is at, 'cause they're highly specialized and critical for businesses. Software engineering is also a hot commodity, with the market expected to hit over $6 billion by 2024 in Aus!
  • Experience: The more years you've got under your belt, the fatter your paycheck. Entry-level gigs start around 50k, but if you're a seasoned veteran, you could be looking at over 130k, especially in booming industries.
  • Company size: Big companies or those with deep pockets tend to offer higher salaries and better benefits to attract top talent. For instance, software engineers at giants like Amazon and Squiz in Brissy can rake in over 120k a year.

Overall, the salary game in Brisbane's tech scene is only getting stronger, thanks to the increasing demand for tech professionals across various sectors.

As one industry report put it, "The demand for tech pros in Brisbane is presenting an upward trend, elevating salary standards across the board." With Brisbane's push to become a tech hub, the salary landscape is set to stay competitive, offering great opportunities for current and future tech pros alike.

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Front-End Development Salaries in Brisbane


Check it out! Brisbane is like a tech hotspot, and if you're a front-end dev, you can rake in some serious cash. The numbers show that the average salary is around AU$114,264 per year, but it can vary depending on your experience, skills, and the company you work for.

For instance, Glassdoor says you could be looking at anywhere from A$70,000 to A$101,000 as a base pay, which ain't too shabby.

  • Experience Level: If you're just starting out, you'll be on the lower end, but you've got room to grow. Mid to senior-level devs can command higher salaries, 'cause experience is king according to Indeed.
  • Portfolio Quality: Got a killer portfolio with a bunch of dope projects? That can seriously boost your negotiating power when it comes to salary.
  • Specialized Skills: If you're a pro at the latest techs like React, Angular, or Vue.js, you're highly sought after. Companies love devs who can create sick interfaces that keep up with the times.
  • Company Type and Size: Startups might offer lower base pay but with equity options, while bigger corporations or specialized tech firms often shell out higher salaries and sweet benefits packages, 'cause they know how valuable skilled devs are.

But here's the kicker – front-end dev salaries in Brisbane have been on a steady rise in recent years, which means the demand for devs who can create slick user interfaces is only gonna keep growing.

As one industry analyst put it, "As technology evolves, the value placed on skilled front-end developers exponentially increases," so you're looking at a lucrative and promising future in this field.

Back-End Development Salaries in Brisbane


If you're a back-end dev in Brisbane's tech scene, you're sitting on a gold mine. The average salary for your role is around $120,911 per year, according to Indeed.

But that's just the average – the actual range can go from $120,000 to $140,000, based on a Jora report.

Here's the deal:

  • Experience Matters: The more you've been around the block, the fatter your paycheck. Entry-level devs can expect around $122,500, while mid-level and senior devs can rake in $138,750 and up to $155,000, respectively, according to Clicks IT Recruitment. Stick with it, and the money will keep rolling in.
  • Skills Pay the Bills: If you know your stuff like Node.js, Python, and Ruby, you're in high demand, and companies will pay top dollar for your skills. Keep learning, and keep earning.
  • Supply and Demand: Brisbane's tech scene is hungry for back-end devs like you, so you've got the upper hand when it comes to negotiating your salary.

As businesses keep transforming digitally, the need for back-end devs like you is only gonna skyrocket.

Industry experts say your career's financial future is bright AF. So, keep honing your skills, gain experience, and watch the cash pile up. Brisbane's tech scene is your oyster, and the pearl is a fat salary.

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Comparing Front-End and Back-End Salaries in Brisbane


If you're looking to get into the tech game in Brissy, you gotta know the deal between front-end and back-end devs. Let me break it down for you:

According to the stats for 2024, front-end developers in Brisbane are raking in an average of around $84,500 per year, which is a solid bump from previous years.

But the real money's with the back-end crew, who are scoring an average of $137,500 annually.

That's a pretty hefty gap, and here's why:

  • Supply and Demand: The tech scene in Brissy is booming, and there's a higher demand for back-end devs who handle the nitty-gritty behind the scenes. That means bigger bucks for them.
  • Skill Level: Back-end development often requires mad skills in a bunch of programming languages and database management, so they get paid more for that expertise.
  • Experience Matters: The more experience you've got, the more you'll earn. Senior back-end devs in Brisbane could be making a killing compared to their front-end counterparts, simply because their expertise is valued higher.

But here's the kicker - there's a growing trend towards full-stack development, which means being a boss at both front-end and back-end skills.

Employers are digging devs who can handle it all, client-side and server-side. According to industry reports, "As digital transformations keep shaking things up in Brisbane, full-stack proficiency is becoming not just a bonus, but a must-have to score the biggest salaries." So if you want to stay ahead of the game and rake in the big bucks, start leveling up your skills on both sides of the fence.

Impact of Experience on Salaries in Brisbane


Let me break it down for you about the dough situation for developers in Brisvegas. When you're just starting out as a front-end dev, you can expect to rake in around $58K per year.

Not too shabby for a newbie, right? But if you stick with it and level up your skills, you could be making up to $110K as a senior front-end dev. That's some serious cash!

It's a similar story for the back-end crew.

Rookie devs in that field are looking at around $60K to start with, but if you put in the work and become a seasoned vet, you could be raking in $115K annually.

Crazy, right?

According to the data, the average software engineer in Brissy is earning $142,304 as a base salary.

But the real ballers, the senior software engineers, can make up to $177,051 per year. That's some serious cheddar!

The moral of the story? Experience is king in the Brissy tech scene. The more you level up, the more you can cash in.

Fresh grads might start at around $94,721, but with some years under their belt, they could be pulling in $150K for experienced roles.

It's all about that grind.

As one tech boss put it, "In our rapidly evolving industry, yesterday's novices are today's experts; the trajectory of one's career is significantly anchored by their appetite for learning and growth." So keep learning, keep growing, and keep raking in that cash!

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Conclusion and Future Outlook in Brisbane


Let's talk about the cash flow sitch for frontend and backend devs in Brissy.

According to the NBridge, while frontend devs are raking in some serious dough, their backend homies are slightly ahead in the pay game.

But let's be real, both roles are flexing some mad skills. Check out more deets on the salary gap in this Nucamp article.

Now, let's talk about 2024.

Brissy's tech scene is about to blow up! Here's what's going down:

  • AI and machine learning are gonna be the next big thing, so backend devs with those skills are gonna be in high demand.
  • Tech startups are popping up left and right, thanks to government incentives. That means better salaries for all devs!
  • Companies are putting a lot of emphasis on digital experiences, so frontend devs who can make some slick user interfaces are gonna be raking in the big bucks.

In other words, the future is bright.

"By 2024, backend devs in Brissy could see their salaries jump up by 10%, while frontend devs might get an 8% boost." That's some serious cash! But it also means you gotta stay on top of your game.

The 2024 Australia Salary Guide says mastering new tech is key. So, keep grinding and stay ahead of the curve! Brissy's tech scene is about to be lit.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the average salary for front-end developers in Brisbane?

The average salary for front-end developers in Brisbane hovers around AU$114,264 annually.

What is the average salary for back-end developers in Brisbane?

The average salary for back-end developers in Brisbane is approximately AUD $120,911 per annum.

What factors influence the salary differences between front-end and back-end developers in Brisbane?

Key factors influencing salary differences between front-end and back-end developers in Brisbane include demand and supply dynamics, technical skill sets, and experience levels.

How does experience level impact developer salaries in Brisbane?

In Brisbane, experience level plays a significant role in developer salaries. Entry-level positions typically start lower, while senior positions command higher earnings.

What is the future outlook for tech salaries in Brisbane?

Looking towards 2024, Brisbane's tech sector is poised for significant salary growth driven by technological advancements, the startup ecosystem, and digital transformation efforts.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible