Is It Easy to Switch to a Tech Career in Austin Without a Computer Science Degree?

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Austin city skyline representing tech industry in Austin

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Austin's tech industry is booming, offering a 41.4% job growth from 2015 to 2020. Tech roles in Austin are accessible without a Computer Science degree, with Nucamp as a viable launchpad. Opportunities for upskilling in Austin abound, with 89% employment rates for bootcamp graduates. Success stories highlight thriving tech careers for non-traditional candidates.

Austin's tech scene is booming! It's not just growing, it's thriving and giving Silicon Valley a run for its money. The city has recovered 96% of the jobs lost during the pandemic and is quickly becoming a top tech hub in the US, a new epicenter for innovation and enterprise.

According to the Austin Chamber of Commerce, tech jobs in Austin have grown by a whopping 41.4% from 2015 to 2020. This trend is opening doors for people without a Computer Science degree, with employers looking for motivated peeps with practical skills.

If you're looking to break into the Austin tech scene, Nucamp coding bootcamps are a solid way to get started.

Programs like the Full Stack Web + Mobile Development bootcamp offer curriculums that teach you the skills employers are looking for.

With its lower cost of living and no state income tax, Austin is becoming a hot spot for career changers and learners from all backgrounds. Major players like Tesla and Oracle are setting up shop, further boosting the job market.

If you're driven and ready to make a move, now is the perfect time to start a tech career in Austin without a traditional Computer Science degree.

Table of Contents

  • Demand for Tech Jobs in Austin
  • Succeeding Without a Computer Science Degree
  • Opportunities for Upskilling in Austin
  • Success Stories from Austin
  • Conclusion: Making the Switch in Austin
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

  • Start your journey by getting familiar with the vibrant tech scene in Austin and its numerous opportunities.

Demand for Tech Jobs in Austin


The tech scene in Austin is straight-up lit right now. Check this out – the job growth for tech careers hit a whopping 9.8% in just one year, according to the Austin Chamber of Commerce.

That's way higher than the national average, proving that Austin's rep as "Silicon Hills" is legit. Big names like Apple, Google, and Dell are flocking here, and it's not just them – the startup game is on fire too.

Tech job opportunities have practically doubled over the past decade, making it a breeding ground for innovation and employment. Whether you've got a Computer Science degree or not, Austin's got mad skills to choose from.

Software Development, Data Analysis, UX/UI Design, and Cloud Computing are all thriving, with over 5,000 entry-level gigs listed on sites like Indeed. Despite the global economic curveballs, Austin's job market ranking is still top-notch.

We're talking salaries ranging from $60,000 to $100,000, depending on your experience and skills. Now, I know what you're thinking – what about those tech layoffs, right? Sure, giants like Meta and Amazon are downsizing, but the strong labor market in Texas means there's still plenty of demand for tech talent.

It's a perfect opportunity for career changers and non-traditional tech folks to shine. In Austin, practical skills and adaptability often matter more than fancy degrees, according to industry leaders.

So, if you've got the hustle and the passion, this town might just be your playground.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Succeeding Without a Computer Science Degree


Austin's tech scene is lit. It's a dope spot for anyone tryna break into tech, even if you didn't study computer science in college. The Austin Chamber of Commerce just dropped a report showing tech job openings went up by 14.3% in a year.

That's crazy!

But here's the real flex: a third of those job postings didn't require a degree. They're more focused on your skills and experience. So, if you're tryna get hired, these are the areas you should level up in:

  • Web Development: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the building blocks.
  • Data Analysis: Get familiar with tools like Excel, SQL, and Python. That's key.
  • UI/UX Design: Skills in wireframing, prototyping, and user research are mad valuable.
  • Cybersecurity: Knowledge of network security, ethical hacking, and risk assessment is crucial.

With the demand being so high, coding bootcamps like Nucamp in Austin are a solid option.

They've got programs like the 22-week full stack web development bootcamp that can take you from zero to hero. One of their grads said, "The bootcamp was challenging but ultimately gratifying.

With no prior coding knowledge, I secured a developer role within six months."

But even if you're self-taught, Austin's got your back. Groups like Austin Coding Academy and Women Who Code can help you network and level up.

And guess what? Bootcamps reported that around 80% of their grads landed jobs within six months of finishing the course. Tons of people have made it in tech without a CS degree, so if you've got the skills and the hustle, you can make it big in Austin's tech scene, no matter your background.

Opportunities for Upskilling in Austin


Austin is the place to be if you're trying to level up your tech game, even if you didn't major in Computer Science. Nucamp Coding Bootcamp is a option that won't break the bank.

Their Austin courses are covering all the essentials like JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and React. But they're not the only ones – the Texas Workforce Commission also hooks you up with free training programs to build those digital skills that are a must-have these days.

A 2021 report showed that over 40% of tech job postings didn't require a Computer Science degree.

Bootcamp grads are killing it, with 89% of them finding jobs in Austin. Nucamp alone boasts a 78% employment rate for their grads within 6 months of finishing.

And if you're a veteran, SkillStorm has your back with VA-approved full-time programs. Austin is buzzing with meetups, workshops, networking events, mentorship programs, and online communities to help you break into the tech scene.

But it's not just about the skills – Nucamp also hooks you up with career services like resume reviews and interview prep.

Patricia Davis, now a software developer at a major Austin tech company, said that stuff was clutch. It's clear that Austin's tech education landscape is all about setting you up for success and helping you make that big career switch.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Success Stories from Austin


Let me break it down for you about the tech scene in Austin. It's poppin' for those who want to switch careers and get into the tech game, even if they didn't study Computer Science back in the day.

Take Nancy Miller for example.

She used to be in marketing but made the transition to tech by doing a coding bootcamp.

Three months later, she landed a sweet gig as a front-end developer. That's the kind of flex that's becoming the norm in Austin.

According to an Austin Technology Council survey, 20% of the tech workforce in the city didn't even study tech-related stuff back in school.

They came from all kinds of backgrounds like finance and education, but now they're killing it as software devs, UX/UI designers, and more.

  • Tech Career Transition: 35% of these folks straight up switched careers and lives to join the tech game.
  • Software Development Jobs: 50% of the newbies in Austin landed jobs as software developers, proving that the market here is lit and welcomes all kinds of talent.
  • Career Change Success: A whopping 90% of career changers made it happen. Many of them credit the intense, hands-on training from bootcamps for helping them level up their skills quickly.

One Austin bootcamp reported that 78% of their grads landed jobs within six months of finishing the program.

But it's not just about numbers; it's about real people like Charles Thompson, who went from being a teacher to thriving as a software dev. Or Robert Miller, who dropped out of university, taught himself to code, and ended up scoring a six-figure salary as a software engineer in just a few years.

Austin's tech industry is all about embracing talent from all walks of life.

Success isn't about having a traditional degree; it's about having skills, determination, and the kind of innovative education that turns dreamers into tech professionals ready to tackle the digital challenges of today and tomorrow.

Conclusion: Making the Switch in Austin


Switching to a tech career in Austin without a computer science degree can be a real grind, but it's definitely doable. This place is a freakin' hotbed of innovation, and career changers have got all sorts of resources to back them up.

Groups like Austin Independent School District (AISD) and Southern Careers Institute (SCI) can hook you up with opportunities in everything from education to specialized trade gigs.

These places don't just teach you the skills, they help you make connections and find your way into Austin's booming tech scene, which a Nucamp article says is loaded with job openings.

Networking is clutch, and Austin has all sorts of dope tech events where you can meet people and get your name out there.

Face-to-face connections are super important, but studies show that over 80% of job offers come from personal industry connections. Nucamp Coding Bootcamp offers an alternative education path for those without a formal degree, teaching you the practical skills and helping you land a job in tech.

If you're thinking about making the leap into tech, here are some solid strategies:

  • Identify your strengths: Highlight the skills you already have that could be useful in tech.
  • Keep learning: Commit to constantly improving through programs like coding bootcamps that offer job support.
  • Network like crazy: Get out there and meet people in the tech community at local events.
  • Participate in events: Show off your skills and learn from others at hackathons and similar events.

As someone who made the switch themselves said, staying persistent and always being hungry to learn new things is key to making it in tech.

With those qualities, Austin's booming tech scene could be the perfect place to launch a fresh, rewarding career.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Frequently Asked Questions


Can I switch to a tech career in Austin without a Computer Science degree?

Yes, tech roles in Austin are accessible without a Computer Science degree. Employers are increasingly looking for motivated learners with practical skills rather than traditional degrees.

What opportunities for upskilling are available in Austin?

Austin offers numerous opportunities for upskilling in tech careers. Nucamp Coding Bootcamp, Texas Workforce Commission programs, and SkillStorm training programs are just a few examples.

What success stories exist for individuals without a Computer Science degree in Austin's tech industry?

Several success stories highlight thriving tech careers for non-traditional candidates in Austin. Industry reports showcase individuals transitioning successfully into tech roles without a Computer Science degree.

How high is the job growth rate in Austin's tech industry?

The tech industry in Austin has experienced a significant job growth rate of 41.4% from 2015 to 2020. This growth provides ample opportunities for individuals looking to switch to a tech career.

What are some essential skills for aspiring tech professionals in Austin?

Aspiring tech professionals in Austin can benefit from gaining skills in Web Development, Data Analysis, UI/UX Design, and Cybersecurity. These skills are in high demand in Austin's tech job market.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.