Are There Part-Time Coding Bootcamps Available in Austin?

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

A view of Austin with coding symbols overlaying, representing Austin's coding bootcamp industry.

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Part-time coding bootcamps in Austin offer flexible evening and weekend sessions for busy individuals wanting to deepen their coding skills. These programs cover languages like HTML, CSS, JS, and frameworks like React to match the local tech job market's demands. Graduates often secure jobs with an average of $71,000 annual salary.

Austin is the place to be if you wanna get your code on without quitting your day job. The tech scene here is lit, and there are tons of part-time bootcamp options for you to level up your skills.

These programs are perfect for busy peeps like us, with classes happening in the evenings and on weekends.

They'll teach you the essentials like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, but they'll also hook you up with the latest frameworks like React.

Companies here are always on the lookout for folks with the kind of skills you'll learn at these bootcamps.

Most of these programs require around 10-20 hours of your time each week, so you can still juggle your other commitments.

Check out UT Austin's Coding Boot Camp - they'll teach you the theory and help you build a portfolio to show off your mad skills.

Nucamp Coding Bootcamp is another solid option that won't break the bank.

If you're looking to level up your tech game while still living your life, Austin's part-time coding bootcamps are the way to go.

You'll learn the skills you need to land a job in this thriving tech hub. Time to start coding!

Table of Contents

  • Benefits and Challenges of Part-Time Coding Bootcamps in Austin
  • Top Part-Time Coding Bootcamps in Austin
  • Job Opportunities after Bootcamp in Austin
  • Conclusion on Part-Time Coding Bootcamps in Austin
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Benefits and Challenges of Part-Time Coding Bootcamps in Austin


Let me break it down for you about these part-time coding bootcamps in Austin. It's a sweet deal, but it ain't all rainbows and unicorns, you feel me?

First off, the perks are insane.

Like, 67% of the people can keep their day jobs while they're learning to code. That's a solid way to maintain that work-life balance, right? And after they're done, they see an 85% boost in their coding skills and 48% level-up in teamwork.

One ex-student even said it let them upskill without ditching their job or neglecting their family.

But hold up. There are some downsides too.

These part-time programs usually take 34 weeks to complete, compared to just 17 for the full-time grind. That's almost twice as long, which could slow down your career moves, you dig? Plus, 45% of the part-timers feel crazy stressed juggling everything.

It's no walk in the park, that's for sure.

Even with the challenges, these bootcamps like UT Austin's Coding Boot Camp are legit.

They hook you up with industry-relevant skills and support, so you're not just flailing around. And in this booming Austin tech scene, with job growth expected to be 27% by 2023, having that part-time bootcamp hustle could make you stand out to employers, you feel me?

So, yeah, it's a mixed bag, but if you can handle the grind, a part-time coding bootcamp in Austin might just be the move to level up your career game.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Top Part-Time Coding Bootcamps in Austin


Austin's the place to be for all you tech geeks and wannabe coders! The city's part-time coding bootcamps have been blowing up, with a 20% spike in the past year.

The Nucamp Coding Bootcamp is where it's at for weekend coding sessions tailored to the industry's needs.

They've got courses on everything from front-end web dev to full-stack and mobile app development.

But they're not the only game in town. Austin Coding Academy offers evening classes, so you can switch up your career without ditching your day job.

And if you're into UX design, data science, or Python, General Assembly's got your back with their part-time offerings. For those serious about software engineering, Hack Reactor's 36-week part-time program is the way to go – it's like a crash course in skills that'll make you a hot commodity in Austin's startup scene.

The Austin Chamber of Commerce backs this up, with a 14% employment growth in tech.

Course Report's ratings don't lie either – part-time coding bootcamps in Austin are rocking an average of 4.7 out of 5 stars.

Flexibility is the name of the game:

  • Nucamp: Weekend sessions make it easy and accessible for everyone.
  • Austin Coding Academy: Evening classes let you balance work and learning.
  • General Assembly: Weeknight and weekend schedules fit any lifestyle.
  • Hack Reactor: Part-time (36 weeks) program gives you legit software engineering skills.

As tech analyst Patricia Wilson put it,

"Part-time coding bootcamps in Austin are crucial for creating a skilled workforce that can keep up with the fast-paced tech industry."

If you're looking to level up your tech career in Austin, these part-time bootcamps are the way to go.

Job Opportunities after Bootcamp in Austin


Austin's tech scene is poppin' right now, and if you've been grinding at those part-time coding bootcamps, you're in for a treat. Places like Coding Boot Camp at UT Austin and Hack Reactor Bootcamps have been hooking up their grads with mad jobs.

We're talking over 80% of 'em landing gigs within six months after finishing up. With 17 coding bootcamps in Austin alone, the demand for devs is off the charts, and tech job postings have been climbing by nearly 15% in the past year.

One industry insider put it like this: "Austin's vibrant tech ecosystem is increasingly inclusive of diverse educational backgrounds, making it an ideal city for bootcamp grads to launch their careers."

The jobs waiting for you are all over the place, with entry-level programming positions offering a solid starting salary of $71,000 annually on average.

Companies like Austin Community College are helping to fill the talent gap, showing just how high the demand is.

Big tech companies in Austin know that bootcamp grads bring fresh perspectives and practical skills to the table when it comes to software development.

If you're making a career switch to tech, Austin's part-time bootcamps have got your back.

They offer flexibility, intense training, and a network of professional connections to help you make that transition. Data from the Austin Chamber of Commerce shows just how much the tech industry is booming, with 33,350 tech job postings in 2022 alone, marking a 15% increase from the previous year.

These numbers prove that Austin is a prime spot for coding bootcamp grads to kick off their careers and cash in on the lucrative job market.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

Conclusion on Part-Time Coding Bootcamps in Austin


It's time to talk about the awesome part-time coding bootcamps in Austin. These programs are a game-changer for anyone looking to level up their skills and break into the booming tech scene.

Austin's tech industry has been on a serious growth spurt, with job opportunities increasing by a whopping 39% in the last decade. And you know what's helping to fuel that growth? Coding bootcamps, baby!

These part-time programs are perfect for working pros who want to gain some serious coding knowledge without putting their lives on hold.

You'll get:

  • A comprehensive coding education in a short amount of time
  • Chances to connect with local tech companies and experts
  • Hands-on projects that'll build you an impressive portfolio

A recent study showed that 70% of bootcamp grads successfully transitioned into tech roles after graduating.

That's a pretty sweet deal if you ask me.

Austin is definitely embracing this part-time tech education trend, with bootcamp enrollment increasing by 24% each year.

It's like everyone's realizing that updating their skills is the key to staying ahead in our digital world. One Nucamp alum summed it up perfectly:

"The part-time bootcamp was a game-changer; it allowed me to transition to a software developer role without putting their life on hold."

So, let's break it down: Austin's part-time coding bootcamps aren't just alternative education options – they're straight-up career game-changers.

They fast-track your professional growth, help you build invaluable connections, and contribute to Austin's tech boom. And the best part? The median salary for tech roles after a bootcamp is around $71,000 – a massive upgrade from pre-bootcamp earnings.

These part-time coding bootcamps in Austin are the perfect blend of accessibility, flexibility, and career prep for the future. They're setting the standard for technical education, and you don't want to miss out.

Frequently Asked Questions


What do part-time coding bootcamps in Austin offer?

Part-time coding bootcamps in Austin offer flexible evening and weekend sessions for busy individuals wanting to deepen their coding skills. These programs cover languages like HTML, CSS, JS, and frameworks like React to match the local tech job market's demands.

What are the average job opportunities after completing a part-time coding bootcamp in Austin?

Graduates of part-time coding bootcamps in Austin often secure jobs with an average annual salary of $71,000. The Austin tech job market values the skillset acquired through these programs.

What are the benefits and challenges of attending a part-time coding bootcamp in Austin?

Benefits include a greater work-life balance, improved technical skills, and potential job opportunities. Challenges may include longer program durations and increased stress due to balancing other responsibilities.

Which are some of the top part-time coding bootcamps in Austin?

Top part-time coding bootcamps in Austin include Nucamp, Austin Coding Academy, General Assembly, and Hack Reactor. These bootcamps offer flexible schedules and in-demand skills for tech career advancement.

What percentage of part-time coding bootcamp graduates secure job positions in Austin?

Over 80% of part-time coding bootcamp graduates secure job positions within six months post-completion in Austin. The tech industry in Austin is growing, leading to high demand for tech talent.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.