Is It Easy to Switch to a Tech Career in Atlanta Without a Computer Science Degree?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

Atlanta's skyline representing its rapidly growing tech scene

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Switching to a tech career in Atlanta without a CS degree is viable due to the city's 8.3% tech job market growth and various alternative education options like coding bootcamps. Skills and experience are crucial, highlighted by a 25% surge in tech job postings. Atlanta offers a promising tech landscape.

Getting a tech job in Atlanta ain't about having that fancy computer science degree anymore. The city's tech scene is blowing up, with an 8.3% increase in tech jobs from 2017 to 2018, making it one of the top ten places to be for techies.

Real talk, Reddit peeps are out here killing it in tech careers without even having a degree. Nucamp Coding Bootcamp is leading the charge in Atlanta, offering dope bootcamps like Full Stack Web + Mobile Development and Cybersecurity Fundamentals.

They've got scholarships from Google Cloud for Women in Tech, so you can learn that tech game without breaking the bank. Atlanta Technical College is also on that grind, making sure you get those skills to make it in the tech world.

With tech job postings up by 25% between 2019 and 2020, it's clear that Atlanta is all about hiring people with the right skills, not just those fancy degrees.

So if you're looking to break into tech, Atlanta's got your back with all the resources, schools, and companies ready to give you a shot. The future is bright!

Table of Contents

  • Atlanta's Tech Scene
  • Why a Degree May Not Be Necessary
  • Skills Needed for a Tech Career in Atlanta
  • Success Stories
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Navigate the job market in Atlanta with confidence by understanding what top tech employers are looking for.

Atlanta's Tech Scene


The tech scene in Atlanta is straight-up fire! The numbers don't lie - we're talking a 15% spike in tech jobs over the past five years.

Atlanta is quickly becoming the new Silicon Valley of the Southeast, giving places like San Francisco and Austin a run for their money. With at least 20 major tech companies setting up shop, the opportunities are endless, from coding to cybersecurity.

  • Job Market Growth: Between January 2021 and June 2022, Atlanta had 12,050 tech job postings, putting it at number three in the nation, trailing only NYC and Chicago.
  • Startup Dynamism: The city is home to over 13,000 tech companies, including more than a dozen unicorns valued at over $1 billion, thanks to places like Atlanta Tech Village that nurture innovation and job creation.

The best part? You don't even need a fancy computer science degree to land a sick tech gig in Atlanta.

Thanks to accelerators like Atlanta Tech Park and coding bootcamps galore, you can level up your skills and break into the industry without breaking the bank.

A Tech Talent report straight-up said, "There's a robust appetite for skilled tech individuals, and we see a significant number of them flourishing without a formal degree." Atlanta is all about making tech careers accessible to everyone, regardless of your background.

In short, Atlanta is the place to be for tech innovation and career opportunities.

It's not just about traditional economic growth - it's about paving the way for the future of work.

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Why a Degree May Not Be Necessary


You might think you need that fancy computer science degree to score a dope tech job in ATL, but the stats say otherwise. Check it out: over a quarter of tech peeps nationwide don't even have that degree.

Nah, there are other ways to make it happen, especially in a place like Atlanta where you got schools like Georgia Tech and Atlanta Technical College offering all kinds of programs from computer info to media and entertainment, keeping it real with what the industry needs.

  • Coding bootcamps are a thing now, giving you that intensive, job-focused training. Like, Nucamp Coding Bootcamp's curriculum is all about getting you skilled up fast in web dev, cybersecurity, and other hot areas.
  • Real-world experience and projects can sometimes mean more than just having that degree, especially in ATL's booming tech scene where they're open to diverse talent.
  • Apprenticeships and internships let you learn on the job, and they can lead to full-time gigs. Just look at Georgia Tech's co-op programs that connect education with the workplace.

Bootcamps are killing it too – Course Report's 2022 research shows around 80% of bootcamp grads land tech jobs.

And the big dogs like Google are investing in local talent with programs like Grow with Google, offering scholarships and working with local organizations to help aspiring tech pros level up.

It's no wonder Atlanta's tech scene is all about opening doors for people, no matter how you get that knowledge. So while that computer science degree can be a plus, there are plenty of ways to break into ATL's booming tech industry if you're driven and ready to put in the work.

Skills Needed for a Tech Career in Atlanta


Atlanta's tech scene is killin' it! The city's becoming a legit hub for all things innovative, and that means more dope job opportunities for folks looking to make it in tech.

In 2023, the skills that are hot right now reflect what employers are really looking for. According to Motion's 2024 Atlanta Tech Salary Guide, the top skills range from cloud computing and cybersecurity to coding, which aligns perfectly with the alternative education routes that many career-changers are taking.

These skills are crucial for the in-demand roles that local industries are hiring for, as seen on WorkSource Atlanta's list of high-demand occupations.

  • Coding Bootcamps: Programs like the Nucamp Coding Bootcamp offer intense, comprehensive training in web dev, cybersecurity, and more, setting grads up for success in the job market.
  • Pro Training: Collabs like the one between Sam's Club and TechBridge, Inc. show that the community is invested in developing tech talent through free training programs.
  • Certification Programs: Apart from traditional certs, options like those offered by TCSG with free tuition provide the practical knowledge needed to break into the tech workforce.

The diverse educational paths in Atlanta are crucial for closing the tech skills gap.

Local data shows a notable trend: 57% of tech job postings are now focused on skills and experience over degrees. Plus, communities are fostering growth through meetups and hackathons, giving people the chance to learn hands-on and network.

Elizabeth Perez, a former salesperson who transitioned into tech after earning a network security cert, is a prime example of this skill-oriented approach. She landed a gig at a major Atlanta fintech firm by showcasing her newfound skills, proving that "it's the ability to solve problems and adapt." Her journey represents the pathway to accessing Atlanta's booming tech sector, where practical expertise and adaptability are celebrated.

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Success Stories


The Atlanta tech scene has become a hotspot for people who switched careers and made it big in the tech world without a traditional computer science degree. Check out these inspiring stories from the FreeCodeCamp subreddit and insights shared on Medium.

It's not just possible but pretty common nowadays to break into tech through bootcamps and self-learning. The Atlanta Tech Village says around 30% of tech employees in the area transitioned from non-tech backgrounds without a CS degree.

This former school teacher attended a 14-week coding bootcamp at Nucamp and landed a junior developer job in no time. It's a prime example of how you can switch careers within months, thanks to initiatives like the HOPE Career Grant that make tech education more accessible in Atlanta without the burden of massive student loans.

  • Transition Success: A 48% increase in tech job placements for bootcamp grads in the last year.
  • Financial Uplift: Among those who transitioned, a 60% salary boost compared to their previous non-tech jobs.

Atlanta is like a breeding ground for success stories and career shifts in tech.

Atlanta Technical College is offering tuition-free programs like cybersecurity, making it easier for non-CS degree holders to get into the game. Code Career Academy reports that over 70% of their grads without prior college degrees secured tech jobs within six months.

This former musician taught themselves and networked like crazy in Tech Square, and boom, they're now a sought-after UX designer. "Atlanta's tech community is incredibly welcoming.

There's a significant culture of mentorship here," says Nancy Smith, the UX designer. In Atlanta, it's becoming clear that passion and continuous learning are just as crucial as academic degrees.


"Through hands-on experience and the vibrant support systems in Atlanta's tech ecosystem, individuals are rewriting their professional stories, proving that aptitude, not only academia, is essential for a fulfilling tech career."

Atlanta's commitment to fostering tech talent isn't just reflected in these success stories but also in its supportive infrastructure, like the countless Meetup groups and tech events offering endless learning opportunities.



Atlanta's tech scene is lit, and you don't even need a fancy degree to get in on the action. Companies here are all about skills-based hiring, so your skills and experience matter more than a piece of paper.

The hiring managers are looking for people who can hit the ground running and bring real value to the table.

That's where bootcamps and online courses come in clutch.

These alternative learning paths are helping people pivot into tech roles like Web Developers, Digital Marketers, and Data Analysts. The tech job market outlook in Atlanta for non-degree holders is fire, with tons of success stories proving that you can make it without a traditional education.

Even big dogs like Google, Apple, and IBM don't require a college degree anymore.

They're all about those adept candidates who can bring the heat. Plus, the annual growth rate of tech jobs in Atlanta is a whopping 8%, and many of those gigs are open to non-degreed applicants.

Some folks on Reddit have shared their success stories, proving that dedication, continuous learning, and a dope portfolio can get you hired in tech without a degree.

It's all about your hustle and your ability to learn and adapt.

The Atlanta Technical College is a prime example of how you can snag a tech career without a high school diploma or college degree.

And let's not forget Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps, which are making tech education accessible to everyone.

At the end of the day, in Atlanta's tech scene, what matters most is your problem-solving skills and how you can contribute to the team.

If you're willing to put in the work and keep learning, you can absolutely thrive in this field – degree or no degree.

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Frequently Asked Questions


Is it viable to switch to a tech career in Atlanta without a computer science degree?

Yes, it is viable to switch to a tech career in Atlanta without a computer science degree. The city has seen an 8.3% increase in tech employment and offers alternative education options like coding bootcamps.

What skills are crucial for a tech career in Atlanta?

Skills such as web development, cybersecurity, cloud computing, and software development are crucial for a tech career in Atlanta. Practical experience and portfolio building also hold significant value.

What are examples of alternative education paths for tech careers in Atlanta?

Alternative education paths for tech careers in Atlanta include coding bootcamps like Nucamp Coding Bootcamp, professional training programs, certification programs, apprenticeships, and internships.

What is the job market outlook for non-degree holders in Atlanta's tech industry?

The job market outlook for non-degree holders in Atlanta's tech industry is positive, with a growing trend towards skills-based hiring. Success stories indicate that skills and experience are often prioritized over traditional educational credentials.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible