Are There Part-Time Coding Bootcamps Available in Atlanta?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

First day of part-time coding bootcamp in Atlanta

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Part-time coding bootcamps in Atlanta have thrived since the early 2010s, offering flexibility to working professionals. With Atlanta's tech sector growing over 47% since 2010, bootcamps like Nucamp are meeting the national demand for tech education with real-world skills and high job placement rates.

Atlanta's been wildin' with these part-time coding bootcamps, especially since the 2010s. The city's been poppin' off as a major tech hub, and these bootcamps are the perfect fit for working folks who wanna level up their skills without quitting their jobs.

From a small squad to a diverse crew, these bootcamps cover all kinds of specialties to keep up with Atlanta's constantly evolving tech scene. That sector's grown a whopping 47% since 2010, blowin' past the national average.

It's clear that ATL's got a massive demand for tech education.

It's a combo of necessity and accessibility. Tech roles are multiplying faster than qualified candidates, and bootcamps like DigitalCrafts and Nucamp offer practical ways to break into the industry.

Plus, Atlanta's cost of living is 4.7% lower than the national average, making these educational opportunities more affordable. These bootcamps have seen enrollments skyrocket as they meet the city's educational needs and foster a vibrant community for part-time tech learning.

But remember, it's crucial to pick the right coding bootcamp that aligns with your career goals in this booming ecosystem.

Table of Contents

  • Why Choose a Part-Time Coding Bootcamp?
  • Top Part-Time Coding Bootcamps in Atlanta
  • Success Stories from Atlanta Part-Time Bootcamp Graduates
  • How to Choose the Right Coding Bootcamp in Atlanta
  • Conclusion: The Future of Part-Time Coding Bootcamps in Atlanta
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Why Choose a Part-Time Coding Bootcamp?


Signing up for a part-time coding bootcamp in ATL is a total game-changer, especially if you're juggling work, school, and personal stuff. The best part? You get hella flexibility; programs like DigitalCrafts let you learn coding skills without ditching your current job.

Places like Fullstack Academy and others in Atlanta have schedules that help you nail that work-life balance, with over 70% of students managing to keep their full-time gigs.

These part-time bootcamps are a total steal compared to full-time ones, making them super accessible for aspiring techies in the city.

The career advancement opportunities are crazy good. You can apply your new coding skills right away, which often leads to on-the-job growth and even promotions.

Around 60% of Atlanta's part-time bootcamp grads report a salary boost or promotion within six months of finishing the program.

The competitive edge you'll gain is seriously lit.

Students from places like Fullstack Academy rave about how they can instantly apply what they've learned to their careers.

They're talking about managing their workload better and making their team more efficient with new processes. With Atlanta's tech scene blowing up, part-time coding bootcamps aren't just about education – they're a strategic move for your career, letting you stay on top of the ever-changing industry while still living your best balanced life.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Top Part-Time Coding Bootcamps in Atlanta


Atlanta's got a dope lineup of part-time coding bootcamps that'll fit your busy schedule like a glove. Fullstack Academy is slinging some serious skills with their part-time program, hooking you up with the coding tools you need to thrive in the real world.

On the other hand, Nucamp is making waves with its affordable options and a 93% satisfaction rate among students, offering smaller class sizes and a mix of web and mobile dev courses.

Atlanta's coding bootcamp scene is packed with gems like Tech Talent South (TTS), a community-driven spot that's helping grads land tech jobs at an impressive 81% rate.

If you're looking for an intense mobile app dev experience, Big Nerd Ranch is where it's at, with personalized learning that'll take your skills to the next level.

DigitalCrafts is another solid choice, boasting an 89% job placement rate within six months of graduation.

These part-time bootcamps in Atlanta are the real deal.

They've got evening and weekend classes to fit your schedule, and they're always staying ahead of the curve with the latest tech skills in demand. People are buzzing about how these part-time courses are the perfect blend of quality education and manageable commitments, whether you're looking for a career change or just want to level up your skills.

Atlanta is quickly becoming a hotspot for tech talent, and these bootcamps are fueling that fire, setting people up with the skills they need to crush it in the digital world.

Success Stories from Atlanta Part-Time Bootcamp Graduates


Atlanta's tech scene is straight fire! People are pivoting into dope tech careers through part-time coding bootcamps, proving they're legit AF. Nucamp's stats show 75% of their ATL grads landed dev gigs within 6 months of finishing, which is life-changing stuff.

Check out what Elizabeth Martinez, a Nucamp alum, had to say:

"The part-time setup let me level up without quitting my job, and now I'm a full-time software engineer."

With bootcamps like Fullstack Academy getting mad props for their career support, success ain't a fluke but the expectation.

Grads see their salaries boosted by 20% to 40% within just a year of getting hired.

  • Scoring full-stack dev roles is the direct career impact.
  • Moving into project management shows upward mobility.
  • Joining Fortune 500 companies means prestige and recognition.

Plus, real talk from Reddit threads and sites like CareerKarma show 85% of Atlanta's bootcamp grads saying their skills leveled up big time.

These part-time programs fit different schedules, making them accessible without skimping on quality. The stats could be visualized to show key metrics like bootcamp names, job rates, and salary bumps.

Here's how Nucamp stacks up:

Bootcamp Name Employment Rate Salary Increase
Nucamp 75% 20-40%
All this data proves part-time coding bootcamps are straight killin' it in Atlanta's tech scene, one success story at a time.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

How to Choose the Right Coding Bootcamp in Atlanta


Ready to level up your coding game in the ATL? Picking the right part-time coding bootcamp can be a total game-changer for your career. With so many options like Fullstack Academy and Emory Coding Bootcamp, it's easy to get lost in the sauce.

But don't sweat it, we gotchu!

Check the Curriculum: Peep what skills they're teaching and see if it's the real deal. Cybersecurity is poppin' these days, so look out for bootcamps like Fullstack Academy's Cybersecurity Bootcamps that'll have you learning ethical hacking and network defense on lock.

Make sure the curriculum is keeping up with the tech game in Atlanta and what companies like Google, Delta, and The Home Depot are looking for. You want to be ready to slay those job interviews, amirite?

See Where the Grads End Up: Check out the success stories of past bootcamp students.

How many of them landed dope gigs after graduation? Read their testimonials to see if the bootcamp really prepped them for the real world. A solid program should be flexing those employment rates and showing off their alumni wins.

Flexibility Matters: Balancing your life and education can be a struggle, so look for bootcamps that work around your schedule. Evening and weekend classes are clutch if you're already working or got other commitments.

Full-time programs like Emory Coding Bootcamp can fast-track your tech transition, but part-time might be the move if you need that extra flexibility.

Weigh the Cost: Bootcamps ain't cheap, but the potential payoff can be huge.

Do your research and see how the tuition compares to the salary bumps you could get after graduating. It's an investment in your future, so make sure it's worth it.

Support System: Having mentors and career services in your corner is key. Look for bootcamps that'll help you slay your resume, prep for interviews, and connect you with potential employers.

Places like these top providers know the game.

Choosing a part-time coding bootcamp in Atlanta is no joke, but with the right research, you'll be unstoppable.

Keep track of your findings on curriculums, grad outcomes, flexibility, cost, and support services. This is the foundation for your tech career, so make sure it's solid and up-to-date with what the industry is looking for.

Trust the process, and you'll be coding like a boss in no time!

Conclusion: The Future of Part-Time Coding Bootcamps in Atlanta


Atlanta is the place to be if you wanna get into coding. The tech scene here is lit, growing by 29% in the past decade. With so many coding jobs popping up, schools are stepping up their game to teach you the skills you need.

Coding jobs are expected to grow by 25% from 2022 to 2032, way more than most other jobs. Atlanta's tech industry is worth over $144.5 billion per year, so places like Fullstack Academy and Thinkful are here to get you hands-on experience and teach you the latest tech trends.

As the tech sector keeps growing, so do the coding bootcamps.

General Assembly and others are adding AI and machine learning to their curriculums. A recent survey found that 85% of tech leaders in Atlanta think these programs are crucial for closing the skills gap.

If you're already working, bootcamps like Nucamp offer flexible schedules so you can balance your job and education.

  • Bootcamp registrations are expected to grow by 20% year-over-year by 2025, showing how high the demand is.
  • 95% of bootcamp grads land a job within six months after finishing, making it a solid career move.
  • Folks who switch to tech roles after a part-time bootcamp see their salary go up by 34% on average, so it definitely pays off.

These numbers prove how important bootcamps are for the economy.

As Atlanta keeps embracing tech and education, part-time coding bootcamps aren't just filling job openings - they're creating the next generation of innovators.

By staying up-to-date with the latest trends, these programs ensure their grads are ready to tackle whatever challenges the future throws at them and even shape the future of technology itself.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why have part-time coding bootcamps thrived in Atlanta?

Part-time coding bootcamps have thrived in Atlanta due to the increasing demand for tech skills in the city's growing tech sector, where tech roles are multiplying faster than the supply of qualified candidates. Bootcamps like Nucamp provide practical pathways into the tech industry and offer more affordable education opportunities, catering to Atlanta's working professionals.

Why choose a part-time coding bootcamp in Atlanta?

Choosing a part-time coding bootcamp in Atlanta offers benefits such as flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and career advancement opportunities. Programs like Nucamp allow individuals to learn coding skills without leaving their jobs, with over 70% of participants able to continue working full-time while enhancing their skills and advancing their careers.

What are some top part-time coding bootcamps in Atlanta?

Top part-time coding bootcamps in Atlanta include Nucamp, Tech Talent South, Big Nerd Ranch, DigitalCrafts, and Georgia Tech Boot Camps. These bootcamps offer diverse programs, real-world coding tools, high employment rates, and cater to the growing demand for tech skills in Atlanta's tech landscape.

What are some success stories from Atlanta part-time bootcamp graduates?

Success stories from Atlanta part-time bootcamp graduates showcase career transformations, with many landing developer roles, experiencing salary increases or promotions, and excelling in tech career transitions. Graduates from bootcamps like Nucamp report tangible advancements and direct career impact from the skills acquired in the programs.

How can one choose the right coding bootcamp in Atlanta?

Choosing the right part-time coding bootcamp in Atlanta involves considerations such as curriculum coverage, learning outcomes, flexibility of schedules, cost vs. ROI, and support services provided. It's essential to ensure the program aligns with your career goals, provides quality education, and offers the necessary support for your success in the tech industry.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible